• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 2,753 Views, 85 Comments

The Element of Chaos - steel soul

On the final assault on the villainous Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik a miscalculation causes a rift throwing the Hero's of the Sky into another world.

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Final Assault!

Element of Chaos

Location: Land of the Sky-Upper Atmosphere

Explosions roared in the sky as G.U.N’s Blue Angels dodged the rain of gunfire headed their way. Swooping in, the jets riddled the flying warship they were charged with attacking with their rockets, destroying the anti-air turrets. Going for another pass, one of the jets got as close as it could to the battle ship. As it did so two figures could be seen hopping from its wings. One, a red furred figure with dreadlock like spines and wearing a brown vest and Stetson , and the other, a black and red figure dressed in a dingy brown cape, free fell their way to the front of the deck.

As they fell the black and red one blinked out of existence, leaving the red one alone as robots started to gather toward the spot he was about to land on. Raising a spiny glove into the air he slammed it down, creating a shock wave that sent many of the robots that were unlucky enough to be in his vicinity into the air. At the peak of the robots impromptu flight, the black and red one blinked in and out of existence, smashing each and every last one of the robots with a series of kicks and punches. When all the robots in the air were completely demolished the red one stood up slamming his fists together, a pile of debris falling like rain around him.

“Heh! That’s what you get for messing with this echidna!” He cheered in a gruff voice.

The black and red one appeared beside him and scoffed. “No time for playing around…There’s still more where they came from.” He motioned toward a crowd of robots making their way toward the two, all brandishing some sort of weapon, be it melee or projectile.

The echidna scoffed right back as he cracked his fists and stood in a fighting position. “As if they could take someone like me down, Shadow! I bet I could take down this whole flying trashcan down myself!”

Shadow faced the oncoming group of robots heading their way with a raised palm, an ball of energy beginning to appear in it. “Well as much as I would like to agree with you, we’re the distraction remember…If we are to take Eggman down once and for all, he needs to think that we are the ones who are going to do it.”

“Yeah, yeah, and that’s when the hero swoops in for the final blow.” Knuckles smirked. “Heh…Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun while we’re doing it, hedgehog. I mean, he seems to be enjoying what he has to do, why not us?”

The hedgehog smirked as well. “I suppose...” He looked back toward Knuckles. “Just don’t get in my way when I use my full power, echidna. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself in the crossfire…”

“Funny.” Knuckles returned the smirk in full force. “I was about to say the same thing to you, pal.” Both hedgehog and echidna charged into the fray, smiles playing upon their faces as they did so.

Location: Egg Fortress
Time: 5:23 p.m.


A metal grating landed harshly on the ground below it, followed by an orange and white fox with twin tails. The scuffed red and white shoes, and white gloves it wore were the only articles of clothing he had on besides the goggles on its head, and green book bag he had strapped to his back. A gold ring could be seen attached to the bag, releasing a faint glow and providing a little light for the creature in the pitch black room.

“That was easy…” he remarked in a causal tone.

A small purple and white creature, no bigger than the fox's head, came fluttering down after him. It's big white puffy tail wagging slightly behind it as it hovered with small wings behind the fox. “You call that easy? My head is still spinning from all those tunnels. Did I ever tell ya I hate small spaces? Cause I hate small spaces."

Coming up to full height the fox folded his arms around his chest and glared into the dark. One of his twin tails flicked in slight irritation at the dark room in front of them. “Numerous times Chip…” Reaching into this bag, the teenage fox pulled out a portable device that looked like a walky-talky. Switching it one he pushed a little blue button that was on the side of it and began to talk. “Nicole? Sally? Do you read me?”

There was silence for a moment before a voice spoke up, this one being female. “Nicole here. Sally is busy at the moment. What’s your position Miles?”

“Chip and I made it to the control room with little problems...” He looked around the dark room. “And that in itself worries me.” He sighed. “Are you and team four in position?”

“Affirmative Miles. Silver and Blaze are causing quite the ruckus near us and Sally and I are well protected by them both.”

The fox nodded. “Right. Then me and Chip will hack into the system and take this bird down, just like we planned.”

Nicole spoke up again. “Then be careful, get in and get out. Once we take down this ship, all that will be left is Eggman.”

Chip gave a thumb’s up. ”Yeah! We’ll take that creep down no problem!”“You boys just be careful up there.” Nicole said with a hint of concern. “Good luck you two.”

“Yeah…You too Nicole. Miles over and out.” Miles released the button and replaced it back inside the bag. No sooner than he did, the fox’s ears perked as laughter behind him began to pierce the dark air. Sighing to himself, he closed his eyes and began to tap his foot upon the ground out loud. Chip, on the other hand, wrapped himself around Miles’s arm as he visibly began to shake like a leaf.

When the laugh died down Miles began to speak. “And just what’s so funny…?” He opened his blue eyes. “That is if you don’t mind sharing with the rest of the class, Robotnik.”

The two could the warmth of a bright light behind them, scorching their fur just as it turned on, and while Miles made little indication that he would turn to face it, Chip flew in front of the fox for protection.

He felt the voice penetrate his eardrums once again as Robotnik answered his question, the tone being that of a high and mighty attitude.

“You know, I thought for sure that once I got rid of the meddlesome hedgehog, taking over this world would be a breeze. Let’s face it, you and the others were all dead weight anyway.”

The fox turned his head to look over his shoulder, shooting a glare toward the one that was speaking to him. A tall man with a belly that looked to be just as round as an egg stood on a raised platform. He wore a red jacket and black pants that seemed to just fit him. Upon his nose sat a pair of shades that shined in the light from above. He twirled his oversized mustache with one hand as he smiled smugly.

The fox returned the smile, but the feeling gesture did not reflect in his eyes as he stared long and hard at the human. “Yeah well looks like we proved you more than wrong. Doesn’t life just suck?”

The man scoffed as he folded his arms about his chest. “To think, little Tails, sidekick of late Sonic the Hedgehog, became an even bigger thorn in my side then the hedgehog ever could.” He put on a mock fringe of sympathy. “God rest his soul.”

Miles held up two fingers as anger flashed in his eyes. “Ok, two things you big, fat bastard. One: don’t you ever call me Tails. You haven’t got the right. And two: after what you have done, Eggman, how dare you say that, mock or not.”

The man crackled madly. “My, my, quite the mouth on you, little fox. Been hanging around Shadow have we?” He chuckled. “Heheh…Little Miles Prower, Hero of the Land in the Sky.” Eggman smiled. “You know, now that I think about it, you should be thinking me. It was I, after all, which made room for you to become what you are.”

Miles’s gritted his teeth as he reached behind himself and pulled out a small metal pole. With a click of a button the pole extended to double its size. He twisted it in front of him for a second before standing in a defensive position. “I also gained impatience from dealing with you as well, lard butt. Now, how about we skip the pleasantries and move to the part where I kick your fat can all over the place and take you down... HARD!

Chip, seeing this, began to fly off into the sky to leave the fox to his work. “You go get 'em, big guy! Kick his big, round butt!”

Eggman scoffed. “So much like Sonic.” The man wiggled a finger at the fox. “I must simply tell you about my plan, I assure you, it’s rather…genius if I do say so myself.” Before the fox could even move the doctor snapped his fingers and the lights brightened behind him. Turning, the fox eyes widened by degrees as he stared at what was in front of him.

A pillar that held six Chaos Emeralds rose from the ground though an opening on in the floor. Miles turned to face Eggman and glared at him. “How the heck did you get those!? Sonic sent them to Special Zone Dimension before you could get your grubby paws on them! They shouldn’t even be here now!”

Eggman smirked. “I have my ways, fox. Though Sonic did make good on his promise for me to never find all seven again.”

Miles growled. “Then what’s your game, Robotnik? Why show me these?”

“Old habits die hard, you see.” He said flatly. “What fun is there in winning when I can’t let you agonize in defeat?”

The fox rolled his eyes. “Well aren’t you a gentlemen. So…spill.”

Robotnik adjusted his glasses. “I'm sure your well aware of the possibility of time and space travel, my dear fox.”

“Yeah.” Miles answered. “Silver is proof of that. What? You’re gonna go back in time again and try to win. You’ll just end up losing like last time.”

Eggman shuddered. “That was a fluke and you know it, fox!” He cleared his throat as he righted himself. “As I was saying. You know about our world, the Land of the Sky, where you and your annoying little friends resided, and the Land of Darkness, where I rule over all.”

“You mean where you used to rule. We took that place out and freed everyone before you could even say Mobius.”

He glared at Miles. “Yes… you did and I commend you on that. Now I am only left with this air ship, and even now, you and your friends are giving it a pounding. But that’s all about to change little hero.”

“How so?”

“I found, in my endless research, a world, very much different then our own, releasing an energy that I believed could even rival that of the Chaos Emeralds.” He chuckled. “Being one to never let such great power go to waste, I built my Dimension Transporter to travel with the Chaos Emeralds to that very world. With my power I will not only claim that energy as my own, but also the world’s inhabitants too, turning them into my robotic slaves. Using that power I will rage war on not only your world, but all worlds within time and space. I will rule the universe with an iron fist! And Eggman Land will finally be realized!!”

“You mean you’re going dimension hopping just to gain more power?” The fox shook his head. “Not very original but still pretty dangerous. Thanks for the heads up though. I’ll make sure to add delusions of grandeur on your list of faults when I get back home.” He brandished his weapon. “So... shall we begin this dance?”

Eggman chuckled. “Of course… I have the perfect partner for you.” Eggman snapped his fingers.

“Tails! Look out!”

Miles didn’t know if it was just Chip's warning, pure instinct, dumb luck, or some combination of all three that saved him that day, but, whatever it was, he had decided to jump at the last second. Either way was fine for him, as long as he didn’t feel the pain of being rammed by the blue blur that passed under him. When he returned back to the ground he found himself staring face to face with a robotic hedgehog. It red eyes gleamed brightly as it stared at the fox with the intent to kill.

“Heh…Been forever since I’ve seen Metal Sonic.” Miles mused. “Thought you decommissioned him a long time ago due to his…well…Sonic like nature to rebel against you."

Eggman chuckled. “Well…I re-commissioned him just for this occasion my dear little fox. A fitting end; killed by the copy of your dear, departed friend.” He snapped his fingers. “Metal…if you would be so kind...?"

Miles stood in a defensive position as the robot geared up to attack him. Now, Miles was fast, he had to be to keep up with his best friend's speed, but he was nowhere near braking the sound barrier. Though, due to him doing his best to keep up with his blue brother, the fox was able to react to oncoming situations faster than he could think. Couple that with Shadow’s relentless teachings in fighting and Knuckles' monstrous strength, Miles knew how deal with super powerful beings, even if he was at a disadvantage.

As the robot closed in, Miles twisted his body to the side, using the momentum of the g-force that the robot produced to narrowly dodge the oncoming attack. When he was fully behind it, the fox dashed forward with his weapon, aiming to slam down upon the it. At the last second however Metal blipped out of existence, causing the fox to hit nothing but air.

“What the?!” Miles gripped his staff tight. “T-That was Chaos Control!!”He felt something kick him in his back, sending him careening hard into a nearby wall. He slammed hard against it before falling to the floor. He lay motionless for a while before a groan escaped his lips. He slowly got to his feet and placed a hand on his head.

“Ok…was not expecting that…”

“Right you are, my little meddlesome fox. Metel is able to siphon off the natural chaos energy in the air, just like Shadow.” Eggman said with a bright smile. “And that’s not all! Oh, Metal? Would you be a dear and finish him off?”

The robotic hedgehog began to spin in place, revving up speed. As it did, it began to glow with a bright blue light. After a second or two it released the spin, shooting a wave of energy toward the unsuspecting fox all the while shouting, “SONICWIND!”

A blast of pressured was sent toward the fox, threating to end him once and for all. Miles, seeing this, reached into his bag behind him and pulled out a bright gleaming red gem. It shined with an unearthly light as he held it out in front of him. “Chaos Control!!”

To Robotnik’s disbelief, the fox disappeared before his eyes reappearing behind the robotic hedgehog. Miles delivered a swift kick to the back of its head, before sprinting after it using his own natural speed he gained from running alongside his brother. He caught up with little difficulty and, after grabbing it by its arm, began to spin in place. Letting go of Metal, the robotic hedgehog hit the wall hard just as Miles had done, and laid on the ground, just as Miles had done. The only thing it didn’t do was get back.

“What!?” Eggman said in disbelief. “Where did you-!?”

“Find this? I think a better questions is how did I learn to use Chaos Control.” He smiled as he tossed the gem up and down a few times. “Once again, thats for me to know and for you to find out. Now then…” He turned to jump towards Robotnik. “I’m about to take you down!

Eggman’s face contorted in shock as he watched his nemesis hurtle towards him, only to turn into a smirk when ran face first into a glass plating. “Oh my. Are you sure you’re not a bird, little fox. That was pretty stupid of you to think that I didn’t have a backup plan.”

The foxed rubbed his nose as he sat up. “yeah…stupid…” His eyes went wide as he looked towards Robotnik.


Noticing this, Robotnik smiled devilishly as he flipped a few switches, activating the machine. “MAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Looks like it’s over Fox! But oh how you played the game well! ”

Wait. Was he looking towards Robotnik?


“I must admit that you gave me a run for my money, but you and all your little friends will die on this ship when I transport.”

He definitely was looking past Robotnik.

*CLANK* *VEEEESSSSTTTT*“You see I set a wave to weed out little interfering mammals, much like yourself. As soon as we begin your body and everyone else's will-“

Miles groaned.


“Ok! What the devil is that?!” He turned to find little Chip wielding an ax that seemed to be too big for his body. He was busily banging one of the consoles as best he could. ”Y-You fool! What are you doing?!”

“I’m saving my!” *CLANK* “My best!” *CLANK* “Friend!”

The little fairy was smacked away as Robotnik looked at the destroyed consoles in disbelief. “No…nononoNONONONONO! That idiot destroyed the Rectify Systems!” He began to panic. “It has no way of telling me about from the rest of you cretins!”

Chip rubbed his head. “What the what-what what?”

“The system that seperates one species from another…” Miles stood up as he wiped blood from his lips. “Well…that’s not good at all is it?” He pulled out his walkly-talkly. “Sally! Come in! Over! You and the others get away from the ship.”

“Miles!” A different voice, this one having more of an older ring to it than the last, came over the speaker. “Tails! Where are you?! Why haven’t you set the charges up?! I’ve been trying to get into contact with you for some time.”

“No time Sally! You need to get away no-!” He was cut off as the Chaos emeralds began to shine brightly behind him. “No…Sally you have to run!!” he looked up as the time distortion causing it to buckle in on itself. He, Eggman, and Chip all watched in horrified fascination as a sudden wave of light began to quickly envelop the room.
Before it hit Miles, the fox sighed heavily. “Well…Damn it…”

Location: ???????

The fox didn’t know how long he was out for but Miles was sure that the massive headache he awoke to was more of a concern for him than anything else. The fox groaned as he began to lift himself up only to feel restraint upon his being. Wool covers draped over him as he slept on a small bed in a room he did not recognize. Looking around, he found that various gourds and masks were hung off the walls, each one looking creepier then the last in his opinion. Many shelves with various sizes of bottles could be seen all round the room. In the middle of the floor sat an enormous pot of some sort, with a lovely smell coming from it. It was the only good thing about waking up in a room like this one.

“Ah, strange creature that came crashing into the Everfree, seeing you awake is good for me.”

The fox turned to find a strange creature, the likes he had never seen before. It looked equine in nature, and by the look of its structure he had to guess it was a female…well that and the voice in which it spoke. White with dark gray stripes adored both her body and muzzle. She also seemed to have hoops around her neck and on her legs. Large hoop earrings of the same color adorned both ears as well.

Miles looked at her with curious eyes and tried to get up but felt pain stop him from doing so. “Owowowowow…Ow…why does everything hurt?”

The mare seemed to smile as he talked. “So you speak equish too. How much easier it will be to talk to you.” She pointed a hoof at his bandage covered head. “Please don’t make any sudden movements dear, many injuries you’ve sustained, I fear. You have been out for the past two days. You have to rest, to clear your mind of haze.”

Miles looked over his body, finding a good percentage of his body covered in white bandages. “Two days, huh?” His eyes widened when what she said occurred to him. He tilted his head as he looked at her. Equish? He was speaking Mobien though…right? “R…If you don’t mind me asking, where am I and who are you?”

“Why you are in my hut in the Everfree, and as to your second question, Zacora is what they call me.” She held out a hoof to him with a bright smile upon her face.

Miles looked down once before gripping the hoof with his own hand, shaking it slowly. “I’m Miles Prower. It’s nice to meet you.” He looked away from her toward the window leading outside. “You say I came flying from the sky into the Everfree? What is the Everfree?”

“A forest if you will, very close to Ponyville.” She went into one of her drawers and pulled out a dusty map. Laying it beside him, she unrolled it and pointed to a large forest type area. “The Everfree spreads through Equestria far and wide. A place where many dangerous creatures like to hide.”

Ponyville? That’s an odd name for a town. “Wait…” He looked at her with a raised eyebrow as something she had said caught his attention. “You say it’s dangerous but…you live here?”

“Do not be wary my child, I am far from being vile. I make it my home for my own reasons, be it food, shelter or just for seasons.” Zacora smiled as she rolled the map back up. “Now as for you, I have a question or two.” Miles motioned for her to proceed. “There were lights in the sky, each one circular like a ball, I was not able to see where they all would fall. Would you be so kind to please tell me, where you come, that answer is key.”

“I…” He looked down and gripped the sheets. “It won’t be easy to fully explain. You might think I’m crazy..."

The zebra mare gripped his cheeks and lined his eyes up with her own. “Feel free to try, I’ll see if what you say is truth or lie.”