• Member Since 1st Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st

Nobody Special

Owner of a very nice sandwich.


Six month after Twilight's adventure through the mirror world, she and her friends celebrates her birthday. When suddenly a creature from 1000 years ago comes back after Celestia banished it into space. To get revenge at Celestia and the mane six, it does the most horrific thing. It steals Twilight's wings and turns her back to a unicorn. Will the mane six be able to stop it or is it more than meets the eye?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 30 )

Need to slow it down a little, go into description of his actions. But anyway good fanfic!

3493222 In the next chapter it will be explained why he took her wings.

“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”

Why are the ponies such assholes in this one.

“Oooh I’m so mad I could just kick him.” Fluttershy said.


He hasn't done anything, heck, they're the one that attacked him

so 1000 years alone with only magic goals and mental focus, thoughts and plan's for company how mentally stable is he really? not surprise he sound so emotionless as a character so far space is boring and cold with not much to do bet inside his little prison comet it was constantly was speeding never really stopping you can't see the stars or enjoy anything site's just blurs and streak of lights with lots of isolation poor guy got a 1000 year of practice to have a really good poker face to really hide how he feels or he just emotionally dead inside to the point he numb with a really guarded heart to the whole world after so long then meet the princess and interacts with sentient after so long and being hunted about and beat up by rainbow dash and almost killed by a monster force to use self defense with out having a mental break down yet? geesh got to feel sorry for him all for the successes of his mission to accomplish after all that happen to him.

boy it sure would leave me with a dark, cold, lonely and traumatic detach kind of feeling can't blame the guy for not forgiving the princess she doesn't get how bad it really was force him to be trap in a semi smallish claustrophobic inducing comet with no one to talk to or have any hope of really being free to only dream and remember good things what really can semi irk him is how unfair and stupid it really was but im sure he got over it after the first few months of lonely cold space to reflect least luna nightmare moon had the moon to roam and discord was remembered.

Comment posted by Nobody Special deleted Nov 17th, 2013

Lyra ruined her own life. He did nothing apart from showing himself.
Silly ponies.

are these things the one who trying to kill him now the one who invaded wage war and destroyed his species and taken control/destroyed his home world and he there now on equastria now to stop them some how and save there world from the same fate? cause that would make sense really...

sorry not really his fault lyra kind of mess up her own life with her own actions if she spoke with shooting star in her dreams or learn from him it was of her own free will and im sure he told her who he was and I bet she ask him to teach her it a secret between friends he was not trying to hurt her side he could wipe the knowledge if he notice it hurt her cause he knows everyone and there feeling's cause of there dreams and it sad and a little unfair to him he was just doing what he though was a nice deed to fill her innocent curiosity of alien culture to be nice and he get to teach about his world and his life like they were friend not his fault she took the information wrong she could of handle it better harsh but true in a way...

“Please call me...Shooting Star.”
“So you want to change your name into Shooting Star?”



“Sometimes. Its hard to not miss them. My dad was the fucking president of America.”

Oh my god, how perfect can this guy get?

3493241 Sounds like he hates Twilicorn as much as I do.

He dose what we think, it;s too perfect :pinkiehappy:


Yayayaya need more. Also glass has 2 s not 1. And you should put this through microsoft word b4 you publish it. For speellllliiinggs


Cool, for a filler chapter

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