• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 600 Views, 107 Comments

Mr. and Ms. Apple - Whiskey Drops

Well, its good to be back in his own time and now he has fillies to care for but something is a bit different in his life this time.

  • ...

Its A Beautiful Night

~~~~~Its A Beautiful Night~~~~~

~~~~~ Near half a month later a few days before the wedding~~~~~

“My life isn't a normal one...but...crap.... I gotta finish my vows before I buck up the wedding royally...” Lowell muttered to himself as he was looking in a mirror trying out his wedding tux which seem pretty normal besides where a white shirt would be it was white ruffles.

Lowell stood in front of a mirror with his mane slicked back and a sunflower was tucked behind his ear,

“Savvy....” Lowell said as he picked up a glass of apple juice and took a sip from the straw.

“Yea, so much better here than from my world that's for sure.” Lowell said as there was a knock on the door before his fillies cantered in.

“Daddy you look like a noble pony!” Golden said with a smile as Lowell scoffed.

“I prefer the term savvy.” Lowell said with a grin as the fillies just giggled at their father.

“ Did you two want something or just popping up on me?” Lowell asked as he was sipping the apple juice.

“Lighting said that we were going to get another brother or sister what did she mean?” Paint asked as she tilted her head as Lowell only spits some of the apple juice out coughing several times.

“I uh....s-she..um...d-don't you two w-worry about that now go play!” Lowell as he shooed the fillies out with a fake smile.

I gotta have a talk with that mare......randomness aside back to me thinking on vows. Lowell thought as he looked to the mirror and sighed.

“Darn these vows.....I'll get 'em down! Lowell said as he closed his eye.

Lowell groan as he hung his head as his ears flattened against his head, Applejack soon walked in and looked at Lowell who was just placing his stetson back on.

“Thats a good look fer ya sugercube.” Applejack said with a smile as Lowell turned and looked at her with a slight blush.

“Heh....hey Jackie.”Lowell said as he smiled at the mare.

:What ya doin all dressed up the wedding isn't today..” Applejack said as she smirked at Lowell.

“I..I was trying to get my vows down...” Lowell said as he rubbed his foreleg some.

“Aw, ah'm sure ya will get it sugercube....yer a smart pegasi.” Applejack said as she cantered over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thanks Jackie.” Lowell said as he rubbed noses with the mare and grinned.

“I love you Jackie..” Lowell said as he closed his eye.

“Ah love ya too sugercube.”Applejack said as she chuckled softly and smiled at him.

Lowell wrapped his forelegs around the mare hugging her

“I'm a lucky pegasi.” Lowell said as he grinned at Applejack who only smirked.

“No yer a strange pegasi and ah love ya fer it.” Applejack said as she chuckled as Lowell puffed his cheeks then stuck his tongue out earning a chuckle from the mare before she pulled his stetson over his face.

Lowell lifted his stetson some and smiled.

“Peek a boo I see a pretty mare.” Lowell said as Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Alright, ya had yer fun, sugercube now come down stairs and eat.” Applejack said as she kissed his cheek and cantered out of the room.

“I'm a lucky pegasi.....” Lowell grinned to himself before he slowly took the tux off and ruffled his mane up returning it to its normal look.

Lowell joined his family downstairs as they started to talk and eat their dinner.

“Jackie...um...do you have your vows planned out?” Lowell asked as the tapped his hooves together.

“Ah sure as sugar do!” Applejack said as Lowell hung his head a bit.

“I still got a couple a days to get mine...” Lowell said as sipped the tea from his cup

Applejack just smiled at him as he smiled back, All it takes is some thought...and a smile of a country mare to get me in the positive...I can do this! Heck I defied logic when I stabbed my Xbox with a knife just for it to work from its red ring of death! Lowell thought as he chuckled to himself.

“Whats funny sugarcube?” Applejack asked keeping her smile.

“Oh, nothing just a bit of a incident back in my own world....defied some logic....heh.” Lowell said as he grinned as Applejack tilted her head but just shrugged it off.

The family finished their dinner as Lowell got all three fillies tucked away for the night. He then cantered outside and sat on the ground and looked up to the night sky, Applejack soon joined him and leaned against him as he looked to her.

“Just a couple more days Jackie..till we are happily married.” Lowell said as he wrapped his foreleg around the mare.

“And another chapter into our lives fer better or worse, sugarcube.” Applejack said as she looked to Lowell who was grinning.

“Too right Jackie, as an agent...or a family pony though thick and thin my sweet apple mare.” Lowell said as he grinned before he gently nibbled on the mare's ear as she gasped.

Lowell earned a quick bap to the nose as he rubbed his nose while the embarrassed mare glared at him with a blush as he chuckled.

~~~~~~~The day of the wedding~~~~~~~~

Lowell was pacing around in the room as he waited muttering his vows, all dressed up and savvy scared out of his mind. He faced spiders, diamond dogs, even enemies of the ESPS.

“Okay, my life hasn't been a normal one..but--”Lowell was stopped as there was a knock at the door.

“Lowell?...They are ready...you better come out soon.” Lighting said as he heard her retreating.

“Buck....okay..I've got this!....The I do, cake....fun I can do this!”Lowell said as he slowly cantered out of the room.

Lowell stood up at the alter doing his best by repeating his vows in his head, Lighting was his best mare while Rainbow Dash was Applejack's, he only took a deep breath as the music started. Lowell's vows just went out the window as he just stared in awe as Applejack was walking down the aisle, her wedding dress was a simple one but her stetson was a white one with a veil to go with it.

…..Wha........pretty pony.... Lowell thought to himself as he was blushing a bit standing at the alter with Applejack who was blushing under her veil.

There stood a unicorn Lowell didn't know but apparently the one to wed the two, they both looked to the mare as she started the normal sayings for the wedding. Lowell on the other hoof seemed to block out a lot of it as he just stared at Applejack till the part of saying their vows.

“The couple have written their own vows.” The unicorn motion towards at Lowell as he looked around a bit before clearing his throat.

“Jackie....I had mine some what memorized....sorry on that......Jackie my life isn't a normal one...and I don't think it ever will be...I want to share my crazy life with you..my sweet apple mare.....this day......well shows that me, you and the fillies can all share this life.....be it on duties.....or just as a family....I'm there for you...the Apple Family....our fillies.....I love you Jackie as much as a silly pegasi can.” Lowell finished his vow as he sniffled a bit with a smile, the unicorn motion to Applejack.

“Lowell...all the time we been together many question on how long it would take till ah bucked ya, we are quite different but ah loved ya fer yerself. And its up to me to keep an eye on ya sugarcube, ah intend on doing that as ah now share my life with ya. In duties or as a family ah'm there fer ya and the fillies, ah love ya Lowell.”Applejack said as her blush grew along side with Lowell's.

“Before you continue....I do...no need to tell me the rest...”Lowell said as he smiled while he slipped the necklace around Applejack's neck.

“Ah do as well ya strange pegasi.”Applejack as she did so with the necklace around Lowell's neck.

“I now pronounce this happy couple husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride.” The unicorn said as Lowell slowly lifted the veil and kissed Applejack softly on the lips.

The dining part of the wedding had some chatter along with some laughter, Lowell and Applejack were smiling at each other as Lowell got some cake on Applejack's nose. Lighting only stood up at the tables while every pony was eating and talking, she tapped a spoon against her glass drawing the attention of the room.

“Good, I have your attention. Now, as we all know, we're gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Lowell and Applejack. I just want to thank you all personally for attending this wedding because it means the world to my best pony buddy Lowell. As for you Low, I just wanna say I'm so proud of you for marrying this amazing, honest, beautiful mare. It's obvious you both mean the world to each other, so for that, I'm proud--” Lighting paused for a moment to wipe a couple of tears away before continuing.

“I also wanna thank you man. Without you, I don't think I would've ever met Rainbow Dash, so I wanna thank you for helping me find the light of my life. Ugh, can some pony hand me a tissue? I'm going to start crying in a couple of seconds.” Lighting chuckled as the room some what laughed and sniffled, there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. Soon Lighting was given a tissue and she dried her eyes and carried on.

Lowell on the other hoof just only had tears streaming down his cheek as he sniffled, kind words always get to him be for him or to another he was a sap for this kind of thing.

“Low, I remember when you first introuduced me to AJ. At first, I thought well.. They aren't going to last another week and then you went off and decided to prove me wrong and now here we are today. I just can't believe that you got some pony as awesome as AJ to marry you... Now, I have some advice for ya. Rule one, The mare is always right. I have no idea how anything goes in your house, but no matter what, AJ is always right. Number two, happy wife happy life!” Lighting said as Lowell perked up some then looked to Applejack who only chuckled as the room joined in on a small laugh.

“Well,, LS that should be no probs.....makin other's happy is what I do..” Lowell said as he lightly bumped noses with Applejack as there was a scattered aww's in the crowd.

“Well, just so you know Low if you ever need a place to stay if AJ is mad with you my door is unlocked for you to come in and stay till she cools down. As for you AJ, Lowell's going to make a ton of mistakes, just remember no matter how much you wanna buck his face in sometimes, that he'll always love you no matter what. So stay strong you to.” Lighting finished as she wiped a tear away and sat back down beside Lowell.

The wedding festive continued Applejack was off to the side as she left the building as Lowell followed her out, he sat down beside the mare as she smiled to him.

“Seems that this wedding went along with no problems sugarcube. “Applejack said as Lowell scoffed and held his nose high with a grin.

“Like I would want to buck up our special day Jackie.” Lowell said as he looked to the mare.

“Every day with ya is a special day.” Applejack leaned in and kissed his cheek as he blushed a bit.

“W-wow...top nicest thing any pony ever said too me.” Lowell said as he blushed a bit as he tilted his stetson.

“A nice night fer a wedding....” Applejack said as she closed her eyes as she leaned against Lowell as he wrapped his fore leg around Applejack.

“Yea, its a beautiful night Jackie...” Lowell said as he chuckled to himself.

The story is far from over but this is the chapter of of certain peace, the Apples settling in and with a foal on the way. This isn't the end just well a closing of this book to start anew for more wacky adventures.

Author's Note:

DA WEDDING well me and Lighting crack a few lil jokes as I was typing this out..........scarey...that one time a month fer mares....Celestia help me.

Any who this be the end for MAMA ( Mr. And Ms. Apple )

Look fer the newer one coming soon of after events of the start!
Oh, please like it would end still gotta get that Iron Hoof, and be on the look out for Lighting side of the stories! O: Her and her Dashie Washie! now she gonna kill meh for saying that :3 I have no regrets!

Comments ( 29 )

-Slaps him upside the head-

I told you to quit it with that bucking pet name already! :flutterrage:

Good story... All's well that ends well.. This has given me ideas for thy future!

Prepare to get bucked with a triple post Val!

3686058 @-@



3686186 Ya done damaged mah husband...:ajsleepy:....Wanna go do something Lighting :applejackunsure:


Is world domination with pinkamena count as something? :pinkiecrazy:

3686368 Ah....dont think...so:applejackconfused:

3686388 BEWARE evil...doers for The Winged avenger is here!

:ajbemused: : Only mah stallion.

3686405 ... Beware evil doers...


:rainbowlaugh: ... Oh goddess

3686430 Mister door is evil?????


:ajsmug:"Ah'm the best at eatin'... Apples... Especially the ripe and juicy ones... "


3686545 .////////. lets not speak of this in public, Jackie.:rainbowderp:

3687277 .///////.

Im sorry for ear nibblin in public Jackie






Well.. After all of our conversations.. I won't be able to look at a red apple the same ever again...

3746254 Did ya read WATD Week at The Docters before this story....and I read just a tad more :rainbowkiss: just been plotting diobotilly with LS

3904851 because I edited the thing and I knew what would happen next... Owo

3906275 ... Yeah the only thing I got out of that was Slender

3999073 It goes A pony named Lowell..then Week at the Docters....strange pegasus with an applemare is something inbetween those

“Well,, LS that should be no probs.....makin other's happy is what I do..” Lowell said as he lightly bumped noses with Applejack as there was a scattered aww's in the crowd.

Absolutly love this part it's so cute!!!

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