• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 59,791 Views, 4,392 Comments

I'll Always be Here for You - The Abyss

After Rainbow finds Scootaloo trudging beneath her house in a vicious snowstorm, she takes her in, only to discover something shocking.

  • ...

The Little Things in Life

“No, stay away from me!” Scootaloo yelled as she scampered up the stairs in her house as fast as her hooves could carry her. As she reached the landing, the sounds of her parents’ heavy hooves hitting the wooden steps so close behind her tempted her to glance back over her shoulder, something she regretted instantly. Before she could even look back around to see where she was going, her father had lunged forward, biting down on her tail.

With an evil grin, Brick Lump yanked on it, making her lose her balance and fall onto her side. Just as she was about to slip back down the stairs into his waiting grasp, she kicked out as hard as she could and connected with her father’s chin, forcing him to let go of her tail. Her breath growing short and ragged, Scootaloo rolled back over onto her hooves and scrambled the few remaining steps into her room, and as she tried to slam the door shut behind her, somepony’s hoof forced its way between it and the doorframe.

“Go away!” Scootaloo screamed, throwing her body against the door in an attempt to close it, but it was all for naught. Her father shoved his muzzle through the small space and started to slowly force the door open again. Due to her small size, Scootaloo was unable to push her father back, and a few desperate moments later, her strength finally failed her and the door was thrown open, tossing her to the floor. She tried to stand back up to make a run for it, but her father walked up to her and shoved her back down. His wife stalked in behind him silently, her expression cold.

“Mom, please! Don’t do this!” Scootaloo cried out as her mother stomped on her tail, keeping her pinned in place. She struggled to tear herself away, but the pain emanating from the base of her tail was too great. Her heart racing a mile a minute, Scootaloo watched fearfully as her father stalked around his wife with a cruel smile, his gaze, full of malice, never leaving her.

Now standing over her, he showed no mercy as he grabbed her left wing with a hoof, yanking hard and stretching it out to its full length painfully. He pinned Scootaloo’s leading feather to the ground with his left hoof and raised his other hoof, aiming at the general area just after the base of her wing. The feeling of his hoof against her wing made Scootaloo buck wildly, briefly freeing her tail from underneath her mother’s hoof.

Hoping against hope, Scootaloo thought for a split-second that she might actually have a chance to get away. She tried to pull her wing out from under her father’s hoof, but before she could do so she felt her mother place her hooves against her flank, keeping her pinned painfully to the floor and stopping her from kicking in the process.

“You think you can get rid of us so easily, you little piece of flightless trash?” Brick Lump asked, his hot breath making Scootaloo gag as he applied more pressure to her wing with his right hoof, threatening to snap the delicate bones. As Scootaloo’s whimpers filled the room, he drawled, “You’ve got another thing coming if you think you’re ever gonna be safe, because trust me…” He trailed off menacingly as he raised his hoof to strike. As it reached its peak, he said, “You never will be!”

And with that, his hoof fell. To Scootaloo, it seemed like everything was going in slow motion. She had given up trying to escape, knowing she had no chance at doing so. She couldn’t throw her mother off of her; her weight was too great, and even if she could have, her father’s left hoof had her wing pinned. As much as she wanted to escape, she couldn’t risk ruining an entire wing to do so; she still wanted to ask Rainbow Dash for flying lessons. As his hoof was just about to strike her wing, it suddenly stopped, grazing against its leading edge painfully.

“Oh, haha! You thought I was going to get it over with, didja now?” Brick Lump asked with a growl as Scootaloo looked up at him in confusion, grinding his left hoof into her wing.

“Just stop, please! I promise I’ll be a good filly!” Scootaloo whimpered as she tried once more to squirm away.

“Oh, fat chance of that!” Brick Lump chuckled to himself before turning to his wife. “Say, dear, shall we have some fun with this pathetic little… thing that others consider our daughter?”

“I–I am your daughter!” Scootaloo choked out, her throat dry from yelling.

“Hmm… I think we should, honey…” Tranquil Breeze replied, her voice filled with hate as she ignored Scootaloo. “I think it’s high time that we get rid of her stupid, useless wings.” Looking down at her trembling daughter, she continued. “Besides, you’re not really a pegasus if you can’t fly!”

“That’s right!” Brick Lump said as he raised his hoof again to strike. Just like before, he didn’t aim for the bone, wanting to prolong Scootaloo’s suffering. “I’m gonna take my time with this all… night… long…”

“No, stop! Get off of me!” Scootaloo yelled, clenching her eyes shut. She couldn’t bear to look anymore, and as she whimpered, she heard the wind from her father’s falling hoof, this time grazing against her foreleg. “Sto–hop!” she sobbed.

Twilight woke up with a start, wondering what had woken her. Letting out a soft yawn, she tried to roll over, but she quickly discovered that she was firmly nestled within Rainbow’s warm embrace. Much like they had slept together back at the hospital, and since she had chosen to be the little spoon that night, her own head was nestled into Rainbow’s neck, her friend’s head falling just short of her horn. As she tried to gently slide out of bed, Rainbow mumbled something inaudible in her sleep and pulled her closer, now wrapping a hind leg over her flank before settling around her lower barrel. Rainbow’s wing was firmly wrapped just under her curled up fore legs, its warmth and softness providing her with a sense of safety that she’d never experienced before this whole fiasco.

Twilight chuckled softly at her current situation. Heh, this pegasus sure loves to snuggle, doesn’t she? I could really get used to this… she thought before hearing Scootaloo groan from across the room. Even though she didn’t want to leave the comfort of her bed, her concern for Scootaloo took precedence. Feeling her sleepiness start to fade away, she peeled Rainbow’s hooves and wing off of her and slipped out of bed, a shiver running down her spine as the cold temperature of the room quickly sapped her body’s heat. Wondering what time it was, she looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it was quite early, just after five o’clock. In the letter that she’d received from Princess Celestia yesterday, she had read that a chariot would pick them up and bring them to Canterlot right before the sunset, but that was still at least a good twelve hours away.

Hearing a soft whimper come from Scootaloo’s bed, Twilight’s head whipped around, struggling to see through the dark room. Twilight lit her horn for just a few brief moments. As her pale purple light filled the room, she was finally able to see Scootaloo. The filly was tossing and turning around on the bed, her sheets wrapped around her and binding her. She was dangerously close to the edge of the bed and her pillow was nowhere to be seen. Hearing a groan come from Rainbow, Twilight’s head snapped back around to face her.

“Huh? Wuzgoinon?” Rainbow slurred as she shook her head, feeling around for Twilight with a hoof. She missed the warmth and softness that she provided her, and her chest felt cold. She cracked an eye open, her gaze falling upon Twilight, who was now staring over at Scootaloo’s bed. “Everything alright, Twi?” she mumbled as she feebly reached out for her, hoping that she’d come back and snuggle with her some more.

“I… I think Scootaloo might be having another nightmare!” Twilight whispered urgently as she used a wing to shake Rainbow. “Come on, get up!” Without waiting for her to do so, Twilight trotted over to Scootaloo’s bed and hopped up on it, gently pulling the filly back towards the center of the bed with a spell. She laid a hoof over her and pulled Scootaloo up against her, ensuring that she wouldn’t fall off the bed and hurt herself.

It took a few moments for Twilight’s words to sink in, but when they did, Rainbow sat up in a flash, her head whipping around to find Scootaloo in the darkness. Upon hearing a few whimpers, she threw the covers off of her, flapped her wings a few times, and landed right beside the bed. “Scootaloo, wake up!” she said urgently, propping her front half up on the bed. She poked Scootaloo’s flank with a hoof a few times, hoping she’d snap out of it.

Scootaloo’s eyes shot open. Unable to see anything in the darkness, all she felt was somepony holding her down, just like in her dream. “Agh! Get away from me!” she cried out, kicking out with as much force as she could. Thankfully, both of her hind legs hit her captor, making them yelp and release her. As the pressure around her midsection disappeared, Scootaloo scrambled to her hooves, her head whipping around as she looked for avenues of escape. Movement from her right suddenly caught her attention, and as terror started to sap her strength, she silently watched the dark figure hop onto the bed, stalking towards her. She looked back behind her and saw the other pony stand up, their wings spread wide open.

Scootaloo knew this was it. There was no way out, the two figures had made sure of that. “Just leave me alone, pleaaase!” Scootaloo begged as sobs wracked her little body. Her tears making small trails down her muzzle, she collapsed and curled up into a ball, covering her head with her hooves.

“Hey, Scootaloo, calm down, it’s just us!” Rainbow said as she settled down on the bed, her weight almost making Scootaloo slide towards her. She reached out with a hoof, and as soon as it touched the filly’s back, Scootaloo suddenly whimpered and pulled away from her. Her eyes going wide, Rainbow looked at Twilight, shaking her head in confusion as she watched her friend settle down across from her, keeping Scootaloo between them. “What do we do?”

Twilight lit her horn, flooding the room with a bright white light. After a couple moments, a small sphere of light formed at the tip of her horn and then floated up, taking up a position just below the ceiling. “Scootaloo… dear… you’re safe…” Twilight said softly, lowering her head until it was almost touching the crumpled up sheets. As the filly’s sobs continued to fill the room, Twilight slid a little closer to the distraught filly, her muzzle only a few inches away from Scootaloo’s. Smiling gently, Twilight softly said, “Just open your eyes and you’ll see that everything is okay...”

Her sobs growing a little weaker, Scootaloo sniffled and cracked an eye open, her gaze falling upon Twilight’s comforting smile. She let her hooves fall from her head as she opened her other eye, lifting her head a little. “Tw–Twilight?” Tears still rolling down her face, she crawled the remaining few inches and snuggled up against her side, pressing her muzzle into her shoulder as sobs wracked her body once more.

“Yes, Scootaloo, I’m here…” Twilight said softly as she wrapped a wing around Scootaloo, pulling her against her side tightly. Rubbing her smarting chin, she asked, “We both are… Isn’t that right, Rainbow?”

“Yeah, that’s right…” Rainbow said as she slid up against the wing that held Scootaloo. Lowering her head, she nuzzled Scootaloo’s cheek reassuringly, whispering, “And we’re not going anywhere.”

The two of them remained silent for a couple of minutes as they let Scootaloo regain her composure. As the filly’s sobs started to quiet down, Twilight cleared her throat. “So, Scootaloo…” she said as she opened her other wing. Extending a single feather, she wiped the tears out of the filly’s eyes as carefully as she could, then folded her wing back against her side. “If you want to talk about it, um… what was the nightmare about this time?”

Sniffling, Scootaloo said, “My… parents chased me into my old bedroom, and they… they…” She closed her eyes as the nightmare played itself over and over in her head. Before Twilight or Rainbow could do or say anything, Scootaloo continued, her voice becoming more and more shaky as she spoke. “My mom held me down while my dad stretched my left wing out. He was going to break it. But every time he hit me, he’d miss on purpose and hit me here instead…” She paused as she held out her wing, nodding towards the lower part near the base. “They were gonna rip my wings off, and… and… they said that I wasn’t really a pegasus if I couldn’t fl–flyy…”

Scootaloo took a shaky breath as her tears once again started to flow freely down her muzzle. “So when I woke up, I thought you were one of my parents holding me down, so I did whatever I could t–to escape.” Scootaloo paused as she looked up at Twilight, who was massaging her sore jaw. “I’m really sorry that I kicked you; I really mean it, honest!” She felt horrible for hurting someone who only wanted to help her, and she felt tears well up in her eyes once more.

“It’s alright, Scootaloo. I understand completely, and don’t worry, everything’s okay now…” Twilight said, rubbing the filly’s back with a hoof as Scootaloo once again buried her muzzle into her side. “This is more serious than I thought it would be, Rainbow,” Twilight whispered as Scootaloo cried her heart out, her tone thick with worry. “If these nightmares don’t stop soon, we might have to talk to Princess Luna.”

“I know, Twi, I know…” Rainbow said as she slid even closer to the two, each of Scootaloo’s cries and whimpers making her heart ache. She couldn’t stand to see the little filly in such a state, and not knowing what else to do, she laid a small, gentle kiss on the back of Scootaloo’s head. She felt her cheeks warm up a bit as she pulled back, a little embarrassed at showing her more sensitive side. Glancing up at Twilight, she felt her stomach stir ever-so-slightly as their eyes met, as if a couple of butterflies were flitting about inside of her. A warm feeling filled her when Twilight smiled down at her, and as she started smiling back, Scootaloo’s sobs quieted down again.

Her tears still flowing down her face, Scootaloo wiped at her eyes and nuzzled Twilight’s side. She tried to calm her shaky breaths, but her trembling body failed to do so. “I’m so sorry…” she choked out, too ashamed to look up at either of the two ponies around her.

“What for, Scoots?” Rainbow asked, flicking her tail so that it landed around Twilight’s flank. Feeling Twilight do the same to her, she gave her friend a gentle squeeze before saying, “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“Yes I do!” Scootaloo exclaimed, making both Twilight and Rainbow jump a little from the sudden outburst. “Who wants to live with a stupid filly who keeps waking you up in the middle of the night? Maybe my parents were right; I’m never going to be able to fly, and–”

“Hey, enough of that!” Rainbow said forcefully. As both Scootaloo and Twilight looked at her in shock, she looked Scootaloo dead in the eye. “I never want to hear you say those things ever again, got it?” she growled, slamming her hoof on the bed. “You’re an awesome pony with so many special talents, and you, um…” Twilight caught her eye, making her trail off when she saw her stern expression. Softening her tone a little bit, Rainbow continued, saying, “Listen, Scootaloo, we love you for who you are, alright? You will be able to fly; I’ll make sure of that! Don’t let anypony tell you otherwise, okay?”

“But I can’t stay in the air for more than a few seconds!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Why do I have wings if I can’t fly? Even Twilight’s better at it than I am, and she’s only had her wings for a few months!”

Twilight blinked, feeling a little indignant. She shot a glare at Rainbow Dash when she snickered slightly at Scootaloo’s unintentional insult. However, she knew that Scootaloo wasn’t trying to offend her, so she just let it slide.

Rainbow gave a soft chuckle before replying. “Scootaloo… just because you can’t fly now doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to.” Scootaloo looked to the side as she continued. “Hey, you want to know why I’m right? You remember how you use your wings to go really fast on your scooter?”

“Y… yeah?” Scootaloo replied, her tone sounding just a little bit more hopeful.

“Think about it! That shows that your wings have got a lot of power behind ‘em. Sure, maybe you can’t get off the ground for more than a few seconds, but I know that with a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to keep up with me in no time!” She slapped the bed with a hoof for emphasis as she smiled down at Scootaloo.

“Really?” Scootaloo asked as she started to perk up a little. Her ears flicking forward, she sat up, letting Twilight’s wing slip from her back. “You… you promise?” she asked with a small sniffle, wiping her muzzle with a hoof.

“Yeah, Scootaloo, I promis–oomph!” Before she could finish talking, Scootaloo suddenly tackled her, wrapping her forelegs around her neck as she buried her muzzle in her chest.

“Oh, thank you thank you thank you!” Scootaloo said in a rush, her wings buzzing with excitement.

“Heh, no problem, squirt…” Rainbow said as she wrapped a hoof around Scootaloo’s back, nuzzling her neck affectionately. When she felt Scootaloo’s grip loosen around her neck a few moments later, Rainbow let the filly go, smiling as she sat back. Letting loose a rather large yawn, she asked, “So, since it’s still kinda early, you feel like getting a few extra hours of sleep tonight?”

“W–what? No!” Scootaloo blurted.

When Rainbow cocked her head to the side in confusion, Twilight decided to speak up. “Is it… is it because you’re afraid that you might have another nightmare?” Twilight asked softly, giving a small smile when Scootaloo nodded vehemently. “Thought so... You know, when I was a filly and had nightmares, I used to go into my big brother’s room and sleep in his bed with him. He’d always stay up with me, no matter how late it was, just to make sure I would be okay.” Twilight blushed slightly, and she cast her gaze to the side. “So… yeah, if you don’t want to go back to sleep, then we’ll stay up with you.”

“Th… thanks, guys… That means a lot,” Scootaloo said, letting her shoulders slump in relief. As she started shivering from the cold, she looked up at Rainbow with a hopeful smile. “Is it… is it okay if I cuddle with you, Rainbow?”

“Heh, you don’t even need to ask, squirt! C’mere!” Rainbow said with a giggle, pulling Scootaloo up against her breast. She let her curl up against her, and she couldn’t help but crack a smile when the filly laid her head on one of her outstretched forelegs.

“So, since we’re not going back to sleep, anypony up for some hot chocolate?” Twilight asked as she slid out of bed. As she walked towards her bedroom door, she lit her horn and grabbed the blankets from her bed. Without a moment’s hesitation, she piled them on top of Rainbow, smiling as she watched her tuck them in all around them. “Hey, make sure there’s room for me! I’ll be back in a few minutes!”

It hadn’t taken Twilight long to make them all some hot chocolate. After making the delicious brew, she had brought several books about Equestrian law and court procedures back up with her to study before the trial. After making sure both Rainbow and Scootaloo were all snug and cozy on the bed, Twilight trotted over to her desk across the room and laid out all of the books in front of her.

While Rainbow and Scootaloo made small talk, mostly about flying, Twilight had remained silent as she read as much she possibly could. She knew that she couldn’t read every book from cover to cover; that would take days, even for her. As the night slowly turned to day, Twilight maintained her position at her desk, only moving to get a snack and to check up on everyone every couple of hours.

As the day slowly but surely waned on, while everyone played outside in the snow, Twilight had chosen to stay inside the entire time, not because she didn’t want to play with everyone, but because she thought that studying up on what they might encounter at the trial might give them an edge. She loved having everything planned out down to the exact minute, and not knowing whether they were going to leave in a half an hour or five minutes was driving her nuts. Because of that, she’d been in a frenzied state for the past hour.

As the sun dipped lower towards the horizon, Twilight kept going back and forth between frantically reading the books sprawled all across her desk and packing her saddlebag for everyone. Even though they were only staying a couple of nights in Canterlot, she wanted to make sure they were prepared for anything. She’d packed each of them a scarf just in case someone forgot to bring the ones that Rarity had made for them, some snacks, and as many of the books that she’d been reading on her desk as possible.

She lit her horn and placed the bulging saddlebag on her back, testing to see if it was too heavy for her. Thankfully, it wasn’t, and just as she lit her horn to take it off, she heard somepony trot upstairs, the sound of hoofsteps on wood coming closer until Rainbow stuck her head into the bedroom.

“Hey, Twilight, you coming?” Rainbow asked as she stepped the rest of the way into the bedroom. “Our ride is here, it’s been like ten minutes!”

“What?” Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Why didn’t you call me?” she demanded.

“Heh, I did, egghead, like, a lot.” Rainbow snickered. “You must have been really into those law books if you didn’t hear me!”

“Yeah, maybe just a little…” Twilight said mindlessly as she tightened the strap around her midsection, running through a checklist in her mind to make sure she didn’t forget everything. After looking at the desk for anything else she might need, she nodded towards the door, the two of them making their way down the stairs side by side. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, she spotted Spike and Scootaloo standing by the front door, wide smiles on their faces. “Hey, you two, what’s got you so excited?” Twilight asked, smiling as she pulled the scarf she’d gotten from Rarity around her neck.

“We get to fly in a royal chariot!” Scootaloo exclaimed, her wings buzzing in excitement for a couple of moments. “The pegasi outside said that we’re gonna fly really high!”

“Yeah?” Twilight asked as she made sure that the scarves around Scootaloo’s and Spike’s necks were tight enough to not fall off during the flight to Canterlot.

“Yeah! Come on, you slowpokes! Let’s go; the chariot is right around the corner!” Scootaloo exclaimed, dashing out of the front door a moment later. Spike ran outside after her, the two of them playing a small game of tag as they waited for Twilight and Rainbow to join them.

Right before Twilight stepped outside to follow them, Rainbow held her back with a hoof. She leaned in close to her, and even though the others weren’t near them, Rainbow still lowered her voice all the same. “Hey, Twilight… once we get airborne, I’m gonna show Scootaloo something special, alright?”

“Um, sure? What do you mean?” Twilight asked as she hung her ‘closed’ sign on the front door. The two of them walked outside and Twilight locked the door behind them.

“Heh, we’re just gonna fly for a little bit; nothing special, really,” she said nonchalantly. “Trust me, she’s gonna love it.” Raising her voice a little, she called out to Spike and Scootaloo. “Hey, come on, guys, it’s time to go!” The four of them walked around the corner and found the chariot that Princess Celestia had sent them. Two burly pegasi stood at attention at the front, their wings neatly folded at their sides.

“Good evening, sirs!” Twilight said cheerily as she used a wing to guide Spike and Scootaloo to sit up near the front where they could see over the railing. She sat down on the left side while Rainbow sat down on the right, taking up position right behind Scootaloo. “We’re ready to go!” she said, grabbing onto the railing just in case. After a small nod from the pegasus on the right, they were away. Since the streets were clear, it only took them a couple of blocks before they were able to get airborne. The guards flew at a comfortable speed, making it so that nobody worried about falling off.

They took their time as they flew upwards in wide circles until they leveled off, flying straight for Canterlot. By Twilight’s calculation, they were at least a thousand feet in the air. The sun was just starting to slip down below the horizon and there were only a few clouds lining the sky. As the wind whipped through her mane, Twilight closed her eyes and took a moment to enjoy the sensations. A few moments later, she felt somepony nudge her side, making her open her eyes. Looking over to her right, she saw Rainbow nod once at her, and wondering what she had in mind for Scootaloo, she nodded back.

Rainbow slid up until Scootaloo’s back was pressing up against her forelegs. As the filly looked up at her with a wide smile, she asked, “Hey, Scootaloo, do you trust me?”

“Um, yeah? Why?” Scootaloo asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Good, because you’re gonna love this… Here, hop onto my back, alright? I want to show you something really cool…” She bent down so that Scootaloo could climb up onto her back, her head nearly touching the bottom of the chariot.

“O–Okay!” Scootaloo said as she did so. Seeing the empty air behind them, she gulped nervously as she settled down right between her wings. “Ready!”

And with that, Rainbow opened her wings, the wind instantly plucking her from the chariot. She kept her wings level as she banked to the right, and as she leveled out, she flapped her wings a few times to gain some altitude. They rose another fifty feet above the chariot before leveling out again, staying on the same flight path.

“Hey, Scootaloo…” Rainbow started to say as she lazily glided through the sky. “I want you to open your wings, okay?” She looked back over her shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

“W–what?” Scootaloo asked fearfully. “But I can’t fly! I’ll fall!”

“No, you won’t, squirt!” Rainbow said with a chuckle. “Remember how you said you trust me?”


“Good. So listen; don’t flap at all, okay? I just want you to glide, just like we’re doing right now. There’s nothing to it!”

“You… you sure about this?”

“Definitely! Besides, I’ll be below you the entire time!” Seeing Scootaloo start to shake from her nervousness, Rainbow asked, “Hey, remember how you said your parents always told you that you would never fly?” She paused, waiting silently until Scootaloo nodded back. “Well, this is your chance to prove them wrong! Come on, Scootaloo, I believe in you!”

Hearing those words made Scootaloo’s chest swell up in pride. With a shaky nod, she stood up on unsteady legs and after a confident smile from Rainbow, she gingerly opened her wings and spread them wide. Their slow speed didn’t rip her off of Rainbow’s back like what had happened to them back on the chariot, but it was just enough to make her front hooves start to rise off of Rainbow’s back. Slowly but surely, her smile grew wider and wider as she felt the wind flow through her wings, gently lifting her off of Rainbow’s back, and before she knew it, she was flying.

“Yeah! There you go, Scootaloo! I knew you could do it!” Rainbow cheered, her heart swelling from the sheer joy of seeing Scootaloo so happy. Hearing cheers coming from below, she glanced down, a wide smile forming on her face when she saw both Twilight and Spike watching them. She looked back up just in time to feel Scootaloo land on her back, and she smiled when she felt the exuberant filly latch onto her neck.

Flapping her wings as hard as she dared, she made for the nearest cloud and landed on it, proud that Scootaloo had been able to overcome her fears. Folding her wings, she let Scootaloo slide off of her neck, pulling her into a ferocious hug before all four of her hooves had hit the cloud. “Yeah! I just knew you could do it, Scootaloo!” She rolled over onto her back, holding Scootaloo tight to her chest. Unable to stop smiling, Rainbow held Scootaloo up into the air with her fore legs. “You have no idea how proud of you I am, squirt!” she said happily, lowering her back down to her chest a moment later and pulling her into a fierce hug.

Scootaloo took a couple of moments before responding. She nuzzled Rainbow just under her chin and looked up, a wide smile on her face. “Thanks, Rainbow. You saying that means a lot to me…” she said, wiping a couple small tears of joy out of her eyes. Even though she had glided on her own for only a few seconds, she had still flown, something she thought would never happen.

“Heh, no problem, Scoots,” Rainbow replied as she rubbed her back with a hoof. “Now, come on, let’s go catch up to the others and tell them just how awesome you were, alright?” she asked as she rolled over onto her stomach. Letting Scootaloo climb back up on top to sit at the base of her neck, she took a few moments to admire the setting sun before taking off, flying fast to catch back up with the chariot that was quickly fading away into the distance.