• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 3,380 Views, 88 Comments

Another Displaced Human Dilemma - The Grey Pegasus

So apparently I'm in a self-insert.

  • ...

[17] [S4E15]-Twilight Time

Another Displaced Human Dilemma
By: Probably Inconspicuous Pegasus

< 17 >

Too Much Meta Time

Page flip.

"Hmm... magic weapon of mass destruction control box?..."

I was in the library helping Twilight do some more research on that mysterious hexagonal blue box that she found all the way a few months ago. I was writing down a few notes as I went through some books that may have pointed to possibilities, but right now, there was admittedly a lull in my energy to keep arduously poring through books. So I resorted to letting my mind wander.

"... Nah." I tore the page I'd written out of the notepad. "That'd be too ridiculous. Probably."

I needed a break from focusing on this. What to do... Oh, hey, narration.

<... Yeah. And?>

I don't know why, but it's taken me this long to connect the fact that there's narration to the fact that it mean's I'm in a chapter.

<Okay... I thought we established that since... the first chapter?>

No, no, there's more to it now. Or, I get more about it now.

<That is?...>

It obviously means something's about to happen, because all of this always shows up only when something's about to start happening. Call it a mini-arc in my life. A chapter for you guys can span days or a week in mine.

<Okay, so does this increase your self-awareness in any way or what?>

I don't think it increases my self-awareness, but instead, it actually affects how I view my own world. Preemptive signs of upcoming events. Usually an episode from the show.

<... You know, I'm not sure I like the implication. Remember all the talk about 'naturally occurring'?>

Well it's not my fault that this is how breaking the fourth wall works. If it's such an issue, maybe you should change how my interaction with it works.

<I could just reduce your awareness of the fourth wall, down to just giving you the ability to, but not extrapolate the implications of having it around.>

I think that would be unfortunately boring, however.

You know what though? My head is feeling a bit dizzy from all the book-reading. I'm gonna sleep on it.


I awoke to a commotion outside of the room I'd confined myself in for privacy. Which made me realize—how much time had passed?

No matter. I was curious to see what was going on outside. I think I heard multiple voices, but my senses were still getting back up to full speed.

I opened the door to see the three Cutie Mark Crusaders doing various things. Sweetie Belle was trying to manipulate a broom with her magic, Scootaloo was sitting in front of unicycle parts, and Apple Bloom was surrounded by chemistry implements and a pot of soil. Twilight was going around talking to them.

And oh hey, that's a show cam.

Let's see... show cam, plus a lot of Crusader activity...

Crusader episode, isn't it.

<You bet'cha.>

I rolled my eyes. Boy oh boy, this'll be a ride.

Though, that did put an idea into my head. If, by being able to see the show cameras filming, I could deduce the focus of an episode, that means I could follow the episode around! Because it means some unique things of notes are going to happen. Certainly an interesting thought.

<... You know, that's probably cheating. Instead of letting things happen in a 'naturally occurring' manner, you're using your limited broken-through fourth wall knowledge direct your future actions.>

One could also term it as 'being psychic'.

"Hey Twi, what's he doin' here?" Apple Bloom suddenly asked.

And there it goes. Entered the episode fully.

"Oh, Stardust is helping me with some research," Twilight answered. "Back on topic though, let's try out the formula you made and see what happens."

Apple Bloom let a small droplet of this yellow liquid drip out of the chemistry set onto an apple seedling in her pot of soil.

There was a puff of smoke—which they all coughed from—and for a moment everything seemed okay... until the plant started coughing. And geez, will you ponies practice safe lab procedures and stay clear of fumes?

Everyone giggled at the results, except Apple Bloom, who was fairly unamused.

"Layin' it on a little thick there, aren't we, pal?" she commented at the plant.

<Past the opening sequence now.>

Well why bother telling me? Just to make me realize this is a follow-up scene or something?

I walked over next to Twilight. "So..."

Twilight took the plant in her magic, and in a single spell of some sort, whiffed it out of existence and out of its suffering. I don't know how to feel about that, so I'll just view the existence of a plant that was a little more than alive with the same perspective as I view mosquitos. It's dead now, and that's the end of that.

"Hey," Apple Bloom said, "You're that stallion who didn't have a cutie mark a few months ago."

"But you have one now!" Scootaloo exclaimed, having a view of my flank. She walked around to get an even better view of it. "What does it mean?"

"How'd you get it?" Sweetie Belle added.

"Uh..." I looked at Twilight for help.

Twilight didn't really have that great of an answer either. "We're... still working on that."

"Still workin' on it?" Apple Bloom echoed. "You mean you don't know what it means? But how'd he get it then?"

"Peculiar circumstances that are anything but common or applicable to practically any pony but me," I answered. "Sorry, little fillies, if you were lookin' for help about gettin' your cutie marks from me, I got nothin' I can tell you."

"Aw, drat," Scootaloo said. "... Do you maybe know how to put together a unicycle then?"

I smiled. "I do, but I heard Twilight says you have to figure it out on your own."

"Come on, Twilight," Scootaloo said. "Our time's almost up for today anyways. Can Stardust just show me that he can? I mean, just to prove it?"

Twilight looked at me. "Well, I guess it's better than leaving it in a mess. There's plenty of other things Scootaloo can practice on later, anyways."

"Ha!" Spike suddenly came in from the kitchen. "So it is a mess!"

Everyone just looked at him with a blank expression.

I walked over to the disassembled unicycle, quickly scanning over the various parts. There wasn't much. I started picking up pieces and assembling them together. "I always liked mechanical things... or things that could be built from different parts in general. They're like puzzles. Everything goes together a certain way to make a more interesting whole..."

I fixed the seat to the top and presented an assembled unicycle. "And there. Not much to it."

Scootaloo took it and began riding it. "Wow. I guess you can, Stardust."

"Well, thanks for the time today, Twilight," Sweetie Belle said, heading towards the front door.

"See ya next time," Apple Bloom added in.

"Bye Twilight!" Scootaloo exited out with them, and with that, Twilight and I were standing alone together.

"So you're teaching them how to do things," I said simply.

"Of course," Twilight said. "It's always good to learn new things. Whether it would be something they can use in the future or just learn for the sake of learning. They're still trying to get their cutie marks, you know, and they're very persistent at it. But I hope that they'll see more to learning new things than just a potential cutie mark."

"Mm," I agreed simply.

"You seem to have a very rounded skill set yourself, Stardust," Twilight said, looking at me.

I shrugged. "I like to learn about things, and I'm a quick learner."

Twilight giggled. "I know that you know that we understand each other quite well in that regard."

I grinned. "After all this time, I guess it's pretty clear that we're not so different from each other."

"Right." Twilight changed the subject. "Find anything new on that mysterious blue box?"

I shook my head. "Well, I wrote down a few things, but if you ask me, they're all dead ends..."


You know, I think I'm starting to get a hang of this whole story thing.

<Oh, what now...>

If I know there's an episode active, and I know the characters in focus, but I wouldn't find myself directly involved, I can still watch along by seeing when the show cameras are filming!

<... Really. You're going to resort to stalking around town looking for these intangible cameras representing the show frames, just so you could follow along a story that isn't necessarily related to you?>

Well, just because I'm in Equestria now, doesn't mean I can't continue being a fan of the show, right?

<This is just... weird. Besides, don't you have anything else better to do? These episodes take like, twenty minutes, while, as you said yourself, it can take days on your end.>

Well, you know what? Contrived coincidence go!

<You're not allowed to do that.>

Aha! But by starting off in an ambiguous narration section, I can place myself exactly where I need to be at any point in time!... Pinkie sort of taught me.

<... This is the only time you're getting away with this.>

Bam! I was walking by the schoolyard as the foals were all out and playing.

"Yoo-hoo!" Diamond Tiara called out. "Gather 'round! It's time!"

Once she caught the attention of everyone, she continued.

"As you all know, I had promised to put on an amazing, first-time-ever acrobatic display for you all today!"

Cue cheers. Why they cheer this bitch on, I don't know, but they do.

"I know, it's so exciting. But I'm tired."

Cue sounds of disappointment. She is le tired, oh no.

"But I did not wish to disappoint you all, so I brought my butler Randolph to do them for me."


Well, her butler came in and did some rather impressive acrobatic displays for a pony of his old age, and—

Cue cheers. Well, I guess he deserved it.

"That was amazing, Diamond Tiara," I heard Silver Spoon say.

"I know," Diamond arrogantly smiled. "I don't know how I do it."

What a bi—

"I can't believe she gets so much attention without even really doing anything!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"She's using somepony else to build herself up," Scootaloo said, annoyed, "and without even putting any effort to learn her own skills like we do!"

<You know, I just noticed Diamond Tiara's initials...>

... No. Bad meta.

<You broke a rule, I break a rule.>

... Fine. But that is bad. Meta. Like, worse than just plain meta.

<Then stop breaking rules.>

Oh, hey, Diamond Tiara was talking to Sweetie Belle. Something about Rarity offering to take them to Manehattan, and maybe meeting famous celebrities and stuff. Of course, it was all amounting to just rubbing it in, how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were rich and had connections and stuff.

"Oh, yeah?!" Sweetie Belle countered. "Well, I don't have to go all the way to Manehattan to hang out with the famous and super-cool ponies! Me and my friends hang out with Princess Twilight all the time!"

Diamond's eyes went wide. "D-did you say Princess Twilight?! You hang out with her all the time? For real?"

... Wait, she didn't know? After all this time that Twilight's been in Ponyville? Wow.

"More like just once a week," Apple Bloom clarified.

"You must bring me along next time you go!" Diamond said.

"Bring us along!" Silver Spoon corrected. Ah yes, the doormat drag-along friend.

"I mean, we used to see her around town all the time, and I thought, 'whatever'..."

PFFFT. Okay, I guess not.

"Me too," Silver Spoon agreed. "I thought that."

Oh, she's also a yes-man.

<Surrounding one's self with yes-men must be a DT thing.>


"But now she's a princess, which makes her totally awesome!" Diamond exclaimed.

See, there's a problem here, and it involves status and fame. Anyways, there was one more instance of Diamond acting like a narcissist and not really caring about her other companion having the chance to meet a famous figure.

<Ah, yes, poor SS not being invited along to go see a figure looked up to by many.>

PFFFT. Okay, stop, that's making it even worse. That's... that's...

<This episode came out, like, three years ago.>

This much bad meta is too entertaining.

<I should stop.>

Yes, you should.

"And she's an alicorn," Diamond Tiara said, continuing her plea. "So can I—"

"We!" Silver Spoon added. Geez, don't make it so easy to meta...


Apple Bloom started to reply. "I don't think we should—"

She was interrupted by her other two friends pulling her away to talk amongst themselves. What are they up to?

<Oh, the Crusaders felt the need to one-up the rich bitches, now that they finally have leverage. They're bringing them along to meet Twilight, so they can get the spotlight for once. Or so they think.>

... Oh, this isn't going to end well, is it. Time to go. Should try to prepare.

<... Where? How?>

Next section, in a moment. Well, a moment for you.


Sections denote scene changes, right? Well, here I am, at Twilight's place, one week later after the opening scene. After all, Apple Bloom did mention that they only meet once a week.

I'm now strategically walking to Twilight's tree, just ahead of the Crusaders and the troublemakers.

<I think the second label is inclusive enough.>

The Crusaders can get annoying, sure, but the other two are a special kind of evil. They get the separate label.

<So... if you're trying to, I assume, help out Twilight here, shouldn't you have gone and told her so she could prepare?>

No, because that would raise questions of how I knew this was going to happen. This way keeps things in a seemingly natural progression.

<It's not optimal.>

Optimal has creates too many problems directed at me. This, though sub-optimal, does not create those problems. I can only buffer the effect initially, but through my presence at the library, I can probably help Twilight out a little more. Here I go.

And... into view... now! I closed in on the door to the library. I slowed my pace down just slightly, then turned around once I felt that the fillies had neared close enough.

"Oh, hey there fillies," I greeted them. "What are you up to today?"

"Oh, uh, hey Stardust," Scootaloo greeted.

"We're, uh, here for Twilight Time," Apple Bloom explained.

I raised a brow and looked at their two tag-alongs. "Hm?"

"They're... our guests," Sweetie Belle explained.

"Uh huh," I said, acting like I didn't really believe them. In truth, I knew the other two really weren't 'guests', and the Crusaders were really just using Twilight as a tool to get attention and status. Kids are impressionable and transparent like that.

Enemies don't suddenly cooperate without hoping to gain something from you.

"Hey, can we just go?" Diamond Tiara whined. "I want to meet Princess Twilight!"

Despite the absurdity of the entire thing, I kept my composure. My reply to that was to stare at the Crusaders. "Does Twilight know you're havin' guests over?"

"She'll be fine with it, we're sure," Scootaloo said.

"Come on, stop holding us up!" Diamond continued. "Who are you to hold us up from meeting the Princess, anyways?


I kept a neutral expression on my face. "I'm an associate of hers. I work with Twilight."

Diamond Tiara just grumbled.

I suppose there was nothing else I could really do productively with these foals, so I turned around and knocked on the door.

Twilight came and answered it shortly afterwards. "Hey there, everypony! Come on—"

Immediately, the two 'guests' bounded ahead to the front to meet Twilight. "Princess Twilight!"

"Oh, it's really her!"

"Oh, my gosh, I don't believe it!"

Twilight was slightly surprised by the sudden rush of the two fillies. "Oh, and, uh, you brought guests. Great!"

"Princess Twilight, it is such a thrill and honor to be here!" Diamond exclaimed. "You have no idea. Oh my gosh, who dyes your tail?"

"I so have to get that done," Silver tacked on.

"Actually, it's not dyed," Twilight rebutted. "I've always—"

Diamond moved past Twilight into the library. "Are those books in there? What a bold design choice!"

Mental facehoof.

"You should so do that, Di!" Silver said.

"I know, right?"

Twilight had a short talk with the Crusaders before letting them in. "Listen, I'm all for helping as many ponies as I can, but maybe we should keep these weekly visits just between us, hm?" With that, she stepped aside and let them in. "Okay, which one of you wants to practice first?"

Sweetie Belle pointed at the two other fillies wandering inside the library. "Shouldn't they go first?"

Twilight just smiled. "No, silly! I set up Twilight Time especially for you." Twilight levitated over a pot of soil. "Apple Bloom, go ahead. Let's see how your plant potions are coming."

I stepped inside last, closing the door behind me.

<Well, what now?>

I'm going into the back room and minding my own business, while keeping a close ear to the wall.

For maybe fifteen minutes, I did just that, with events passing by relatively uneventfully outside. Then the door opened up.

"Anything new, Stardust?" Twilight asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Nothin' yet..." I answered. "If I find anythin' new, I'll be sure to tell you."

"Okay, good to hear."

Before she left, I introduced another topic. "So how goes the little ones out there?"

"Still learning," Twilight answered. "Slow progress today it seems. Maybe those three have something on their mind."

"Might it be the other two that they brought along with them?" I suggested.

"Oh, those two?" Twilight said. "Well, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon haven't really been disruptive. They are asking me a lot of questions though." Her expression turned a little weary. "They're really treating me like a really high-and-mighty princess. But I'm just, you know, not the kind of pony for that kind of attention."

"You're a princess, Twilight," I said, looking up from my work. "Own up to it."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You've mentioned it a number of times before, and I constantly consider it, but I still don't like being on the spot for 'being a princess'. It feels... I don't know, disingenuous?"

I chuckled. "Why? Because you don't really do much in an official capacity?"

Twilight was taken slightly aback. "I—" Then she sighed. "... I guess so. I've done a few important things here and there, but otherwise, I pretty much just feel the same as I've always felt. Except with a title tacked onto my name."

"But with not much actual experience fittin' to back up that title?"

Twilight sat down next to me and sighed again. "Maybe. I know Celestia and Luna consider me to be a very important pony concerning the magical foundation of Equestria, and concerning interpersonal relations, but I otherwise don't act much in the way that I feel a princess should."

I patted her on the back. "I'm sure it'll all fall into place eventually. Heck, you might even find yourself wishing for these simpler times in the future."

Twilight smiled. "Maybe. I should get back to the others. It's their time, after all."

"Of course," I nodded. "I do want to say one thing though."

Twilight looked back at me with a raised brow. "Hm?"

"They're just foals, Twilight. I doubt their decision of bringin' along 'guests' to their special time has a simple benign reasonin' behind it."

Twilight didn't look like she knew what to make of that. "I'll... uh, keep it in mind, Stardust."

"Just helpin' you keep your head straight should anythin' go crazy..."

With that, Twilight left the room and shut the door, leaving me alone once again.


"Hiya Stardust!"

Pinkie bounced over next to me while I was walking around town. It hadn't been a week yet since the last part.

"Hey Pinkie," I greeted back. "What's goin' on?"

"Let's go to the Hay Burger!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Well..." I considered the offer, also considering my mission. "I do like fast food, and I guess I could take some time out of my schedule."

"Nonsense, silly!" Pinkie said. "It's exactly where you'll need to be!"

I raised a brow. "Eh?"

"Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom are going to invite Twilight over to eat at the Hay Burger today," Pinkie said. "They're doing it to 'thank' Twilight, and it's actually a somewhat important scene, so I'll give you the excuse you need to be there!"

I doubled down on my confusion. "Eh?!"

Pinkie grabbed me by the hoof and started heading towards the restaurant. "I'm you're ticket in, because I'm supposed to be there anyways! Because!"

<... Pinkie, that's cheating.>

"So?" Pinkie said. "It wouldn't be if I didn't tell you why and just invited Stardust over to get a bite to eat."

<But... you know what, fine. That probably makes sense. But Stardust isn't allowed to use your 'contrived coincidence' technique anymore.>

"Aw, buzzkill!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I know," I said. "I'm no fun, aren't I."

"Well, I dunno," Pinkie said. "We can't be omnipresent all the time. That's just no good. Besides, Dusty, you're supposed to be more grounded in reality than I am!"

I rolled my eyes. "I find that a little hard to believe sometimes..."

<Don't worry, I'm still trying to make sense of it myself, and I'm not sure it gets any easier until much later on.>

"... Wait, why later on?"

"We're here!" Pinkie said. She opened the glass doors leading inside the establishment. "Let's get some burgers!"

"Hay instead of beef..." I mumbled. "Pinkie, this is why I don't go to the Hay Burger often. It puts me into a mild depression."

She just slapped me on the back happily. "Come on, Dusty, it's not that bad. It's fast food, it's universally—or multiversally—great!"

I looked around and took in the feeling. Well, maybe I should just stop resisting and enjoy it. I ordered up a two-burger meal, with a drink, and—THANK GOD—onion rings.

Pinkie and I took our seats with our food.

"So?" Pinkie asked.

"You know," I started answering, while stuffing my face with onion rings, "they always complain about lack of bacon, or meat, or whatever, but Equestria's redeemed more than enough because they still have breaded onion rings."

"See?" Pinkie said. "I told you, it'll be great!"

"I know!" I agreed. "At least there's other food here that's carried over. So I lose out on beef and stuff, not all is lost!"

"Ooh, and also like I said, there's Twilight now!"

I momentarily paused from enjoying a fast food meal to see Twilight enter the restaurant with the three Crusaders. "I guess we could join her once they get settled down."

"That's exactly how it's supposed to go!"


Pinkie didn't reply any further. So we kept eating a bit until Twilight and the Crusaders sat down and began eating their food.

And wow, Twilight was scarfing down her food. I think she had, like, four burgers to herself, plus fries and a drink. And these ain't White Castle sliders, these are regular sized burgers. Hay burgers instead of beef, sure, but they were still burger-sized sandwiches overall.

... I wonder if the hay is deep fat fried...

"Now we can go over like we just noticed her!" Pinkie pulled me along before I could form a response.

"Twilight!" Pinkie greeted once we got up to their table. "Haven't seen you here in, like, forever and a half!"

"I know," Twilight replied. "I've been so busy I forgot how delicious everything is here!"

I was about to say something, except I got distracted by a wall of foals peeking through the window, watching Twilight.

"Totally!" Pinkie said.

"Hi Stardust, how's it going today?" Twilight greeted me.

""Hey, what's going on out there?" Pinkie said, also seeing the schoolfoals outside, behind Twilight.

"Uh..." I just kept silent about it. I glanced at the Crusaders.

"Oh, never mind, they're gone," Pinkie said, just as Twilight turned around.

Twilight turned back forward.

"They're back!"

I saw the Crusaders look uncomfortable.

"Never mind, they're gone," Pinkie said again. She left the table at that. "La la-la la-la..."

The foals poked back up, but this time with cameras. Scootaloo was posing around and wasn't being very discreet about the attention they were receiving.

Apple Bloom poked her friend in the side. "Knock it off..."

Twilight closed her eyes, seemingly wondering what she was going to do next. "... Stardust? What was Pinkie seeing?"

I searched for the best way to put it. "Yeah... Twilight, remember what I said last week... about benign reasons?..."

Twilight took a deep breath in and turned around. She stared for a moment, then stood up to leave out the door.

I stayed behind with the Crusaders.

Apple Bloom was pretty annoyed at Scootaloo. "What was all this?" she asked, mimicking Scootaloo's posing. "And this?"

"I couldn't help it!" Scootaloo answered. "When I don't smile in a picture, I look sad."

Sweetie Belle put her head to the table. "Oh, we're gonna look sad all right..."

I followed the Crusaders to spectate through the window. Outside, Twilight was getting swamped by eager foals. I looked at the three Crusaders. "Just sayin', you three better think deeply before diggin' yourself into deeper holes..."

"You... you know?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Gee, I wonder why suddenly you're able to drag along your sworn enemies to Twilight's place," I said, rolling my eyes. "Clearly they just suddenly wanted to be friends with you for no reason at all. Then all of your classmates just show up when you invite Twilight out."

"We'll... fix this," Apple Bloom said. They stood up to leave out the door and meet the others.

I went back and decided to finish my meal, which had been sitting there for the past three minutes unfortunately being unattended to. I think I had some onion rings left.

<You know, I know it worked the first time, but you didn't really quite address the issue this time. They're going to dig themselves into a deeper hole.>

I looked outside where the Crusaders were being excitedly flocked to by their classmates. Twilight had flown away, but didn't seem to be troubled about what just happened.

You... might be right there. Alright, guess it'll take one more go at it.

<What exactly do you plan on accomplishing?>

Dampening the negative outcome that's inevitably at the end of a Crusader episode. Sure, the outcome will be forgiven, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hit hard first.


I stood outside of Twilight's tree wondering if what the right approach was. After a few moments, I decided that I'd been standing outside long enough and should knock, then see where the conversation takes me.

I knocked, and the door opened shortly afterwards. It was Spike.

"Hey Stardust," Spike greeted. "Twilight's inside, just got back from eating out."

"Oh, yeah, I know," I said. "I happened to meet her there... coincidentally."


"She... has a big appetite," I commented.

Spike laughed. "Yeah, she sure does. That pony..."

Twilight came up from her basement. "Stardust! Nice to see you again." She chuckled.

I decided to approach the issue somewhat directly. "So... what was that outside of the Hay Burger?"

"Oh, just a bunch of excited foals from the school, apparently," Twilight said.

"... Uh huh," I said, knowing full well the reasons behind the congregation.

Twilight looked at me inquisitively. "Anything wrong with it, Stardust?"

"Twilight, I don't know if you've noticed, but... those three fillies have been... a little strange with their time with you recently."

"... And what else do you know?" Twilight asked, seemingly unimpressed.

"I'm just sayin'... I think somethin's gotten into their heads."

"... Are you spying on them?!" Twilight exclaimed, suspicious.

"No!" Then I thought about it and what it was looking like. "Well... maybe, I guess, by the definition of the word... Look, you've been an alicorn for a few months or so and then, just now, suddenly all those foals wanted your autographs and stuff?"

Twilight continued looking at me with her brows furrowed. "I mean, I've been living pretty low-key all this time... Look, what's your point here, Stardust?"

"First, they drag along their sworn enemies here during the time you gave them," I explained. "Next, they're suddenly followed by a crowd of eager ponies."

Twilight calmed her expression into a thoughtful one. "Okay..." Then changed to a confused one. "Why are you telling me all this?"

I released a breath of exhaustion. "Because I think your life needs more sanity in it... Also, the Crusaders are young and impressionable. I think they're just diggin' themselves into a hole here."

"Hm." Twilight seemed like she finally caught up with my thinking. "What do you think they're caught up in?"

I shrugged. "I can't be sure. Probably being the center of attention?"

Twilight took it in, then sighed. "Stardust... I'd like to thank you for telling me all of this, but it just makes me a bit uncomfortable."

I shrugged again. "Sorry, Twilight. I'm just bringin' up things I happen to notice while around, and thought you should know. Besides, they're a nice bunch. I'd hate to see them make some mistakes that don't have to happen."

Twilight took it all in. "Well, I'll talk to them about it next time, then." She changed the subject. "We have a bit of work to do today, don't we?"

"Yeah, let's get to it."


It was the day of the next weekly Twilight Time. I was up above Ponyville, intending to fly over to Twilight's place, but also look out for the Crusaders. Just in case.

"Oh... they look like they finally had it explode in their face." I saw the Crusaders running through town, headed for Twilight's place. Oh, and a little ways back, a crowd of classmates running after them.

I headed down on an intercept course, landing in front of them before Twilight's treehouse was even in sight. "Hey you three, you seem to be in a hurry today."

They just ran past me. "No time! Gotta get to Twilight's first! Problems!"

I flew past them and put myself firmly in their path. I got straight to the point. "So how deep of a hole did you three dig yourselves into?"

The fillies looked behind themselves worriedly, then ducked into an alley. I followed them in.

"So..." Sweetie Belle started, "we might've let it all go to our heads."

"I just wanna say it was their ideas first," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey, you agreed to it!" Scootaloo countered.

I silently waited for them to continue.

"Diamond Tiara is usin' our classmates against us now 'cause they all wanna meet Twilight," Apple Bloom said. "But we couldn't invite them to Twilight Time, 'cause, y'know, we're not supposed to."

I looked out the alley, thinking about what they were running from. "... How'd Diamond Tiara get your classmates against you exactly?"

"Well, uh..." Sweetie Belle thought over her words. "She kinda told everypony about Twilight Time in the first place..."

"Then everypony started doing us favors," Scootaloo continued.

"And now everypony expects us to let them meet Twilight in return," Apple Bloom finished. "Aw, geez, we're gonna be in so much trouble."

I observed them quietly. "Alright, let's get out of this alley. Don't go to Twilight's today."

The three of them looked up at me. "Huh?"

"If you run into the others, tell them Twilight is busy today and had to cancel. I'll go over and explain to Twilight what held you three up."

Their faces brightened. "Really?"

"Thanks, Stardust!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You're a lifesaver!"

We stepped out of the alley. Almost on cue, the crowd of schoolfoals had caught up.

"Twilight Time! Twilight Time!" they chanted.

"So, blank flanks," Diamond Tiara started, "what'll it be?"

The three Crusaders backed up, into me.

Apple Bloom glanced back and remembered. "Oh... yeah, uh, Stardust here just saw us on the way and told us Twilight was too busy today and had to cancel Twilight Time."

Cue confused crowd noises.

Diamond Tiara looked like she was fuming up. "And who are you to speak for the Princess, huh?!"

I walked up to her sternly. "You'd best watch your mouth, little filly."

I raised a hoof somewhat menacingly.

She inched back.

Then I tapped her on the tip of her muzzle. "Good filly."

She continued incessant grumbling.

I felt like piling on more, so leaned in to whisper to her. "Besides, you didn't know they were friends with Twilight? After, like two or three years of Twilight bein' in Ponyville? You're terrible at being a bully to them! Wow..."

Diamond Tiara looked like she was about to explode. Tee hee.

Sweetie Belle spoke up as the Crusaders moved to leave. "Yeah, uh, we'll catch everypony later."

There was some further threatening and angry noises from Diamond Tiara and the crowd, but I already took off before being able to pay much attention to it.


I landed on Twilight's balcony and tapped on the glass door.

Spike answered again. "Uh, hey, Stardust. Usually only Rainbow uses the balcony as an entrance," he chuckled.

I chuckled back as I stepped inside. "I guess Rainbow really is rubbin' off on me. But no, I needed to be... a little more discreet today."

"Huh?" Spike asked.

"Stardust!" Twilight greeted from the top of the stairs to her loft. "What's going on? Nothing too long, I hope—Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle are coming over today."

I scratched my head. "Right, about that... they... sort of got caught up in somethin' and can't make it today."

"Huh? What happened?"

I'd already prepared the explanation on the flight over. "Well, you remember what I was sayin' last week about them diggin' themselves into a hole?"

Twilight squinted. "Yes..."

"Well, today, I happened to come across them runnin' away from a mini angry mob of their classmates."

"Oh." Twilight perked up. "Then what?"

"They needed an out," I said. "So I gave them one. They didn't want to bother you with so many visitors and to ruin their time with you. So I told them not to come here today, and I'll get over here and explain for them."

"Oh, more visitors wouldn't have been a problem," Twilight said, waving it off.

"I would've had to make more nachos though," Spike said. "But now that they're not coming... I guess we'll just have 'em to ourselves?"

"I suppose so, Spike," Twilight said.

"You got it!" Spike smiled as he went down the stairs to go get them.

"Like I was saying," Twilight said, "I would've been fine with the Crusaders bringing over more ponies. If everyone wanted to learn something, I would've been glad to help."

I turned my eyes away. "Yeah, I don't think that was the case though..." I waved it off. "They'll probably talk to you about it later. I was just helpin' them along today."

"Mm. Didn't want them to make any big mistake they might've regretted?"

"Well now, I'm sure it would've been one heck of a lesson for them to learn, but everyone could use less stress in their lives."

Spike came back up with the nachos he made. "Well, guess we get to enjoy these ourselves! They're great nachos, Stardust, guaranteed!"


It was the week after, and it was also after the Crusaders had finished their Twilight Time session. The show cameras were filming again, and this time, the Crusaders' stories were ones of success. They were getting better at the things Twilight was teaching them.

The three were getting ready to leave. Apple Bloom came up to me. "Hey Stardust, we were wonderin' if you had some time to go out and have a bite to eat."

"On us," Sweetie Belle added.

"Hm?" I answered. "Oh, sure. I'm not doin' much today."

"Awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Everyone waved their goodbyes to Twilight, then we were off to the Hay Burger, apparently.

<No disguises? Crusaders, I mean.>

Disguises? No, they're not wearing anything. Not sure why they would be.



I was working my way through some onion rings when they spoke up.

"We just wanted to thank you for getting us out of that situation last week," Sweetie Belle said.

"Mm," I mumbled in affirmation. I swallowed down what I was chewing. "So... what'd you learn?"

"We talked to Twilight about it," Apple Bloom said. "She was a little disappointed in us, but she understood. Thanks to you bailin' us out, it didn't get any worse."

Scootaloo added in. "I mean, could you imagine what would've happened if we had to drag everypony to Twilight's that day? It would've been so hard to explain on the spot!"

"Twilight let us do a diary entry like our sisters do," Sweetie Belle said. "I said that we got our priorities mixed up, and that we kind of started using Twilight being special to be special ourselves. Twilight's really good at this friendship thing. It would be amazing if we could be as good as her at it."

"Ah, you learn it over time," I said. "Comes with age." I changed the subject. "And what about the others? Can't imagine they just let you off the hook for not lettin' them come with you to Twilight Time."

"We're dealin' with it," Apple Bloom said. "Everypony ain't happy about it."

"We're back to being noponies again," Scootaloo added.

"It was our mess that we made," Sweetie Belle finished. "There were going to be consequences no matter what. But at least Twilight didn't get too mad at us."

<Hm, different from the original outcome. Instead of getting slammed with so much trouble at Twilight's place that day, they're learning to defuse a situation. So... you certainly softened the blow, but now the Crusaders are dealing with the fallout of their actions over an extended period of time.>

Ah, it'll be over soon. They're just kids. It'll all blow over in a few weeks.

Author's Note:

Huh. That was interesting.

<Yeah, it took a while to write this one out. It was a weird one.>

The funny meta didn't help.

<It didn't, no, but it was hilarious.>

And this chapter was long. Didn't feel like it though, I think...

<It ended up being one of the longer chapters but not feeling like it because there was a lot of integration with the actual events.>

Huh, I guess so. So, different interactions with the Crusaders. That was interesting.

<You know what appears to be oddly missing from their lives up to this point shown to us in the show? A father figure.>

... Well...

<Hey, managed to step in for this one.>

It was still a weird one. But also interesting. Twilight though?

<Will be addressed.>

Cool. I'm gonna go back to enjoying onion rings and fast food now.

Comments ( 6 )

This was a great chapter, I really like it and I liked that stardust actually change the out come that doesn't have anything to do with killing AJ thought the head. I also think your writing is starting to really improve with these last few chapters. Keep it up.

No. Bad meta.

I talked cordially to a local TV producer today. He says the phrase "fake news" has been a great office running joke.

To be superseded by 'covfefe' perhaps.

gave up on it?

What happened to this story?

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