• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 1,478 Views, 7 Comments

Strip Club DJ Scratch - Donraj

An out of bits and out of work Trixie finds herself taking on work she would have considered beneath herself under any other circumstances. Hilarity ensues.

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Chapter 2

Trixie rushed back to the performers area behind the stage, smoke trailing behind her. She telekinetically placed the coins on the table, eager to start counting them out. Twenty, thirty, forty…yes, she had easily made back twice her fee for the day. She clapped her hooves gleefully, then gave a quick look around to make sure nopony had noticed her lapse. She straightened her face.

“Well, it is good to see that the patrons here have at least some taste and that Trixie has not been wasting her time,” she said with a sniff. One of the nearby performers, a red and yellow pegasus mare with the lithe body of an practiced dancer, gave her a sour look.”

“Don’t let it go to your head,” she said, rolling her eyes as she brushed past Trixie on her way to the stage.

“Oh please,” Trixie said archly. “Do you really think you can do better than Trixie?”

The pegasus turned to give Trixie what was pretty much the textbook definition of the term “evil eye.” “Lady,” she said, “don’t push it. I know you think you’re hot stuff what with this being your first time and all, but I’ve been doing this for two years. You got lucky Scratch gave you a helping hoof.”

“As if there was ever any doubt Trixie would prevail,” Trixie said, wagging her eyebrows mockingly.

The pegasus started to say something hot and unpleasant, but the DJ’s amplified voice cut over the din of the bar outside. “Fire Flank, come on out! I need your love to keep away the cold!” Fire Flank gave Trixie one last hateful look, then turned and headed out on stage.

Trixie sniffed and levitated her purse out. She was about to start filling it with the bits from the stage when she heard somepony clearing their throat from across the room. She looked up. It was Pimp Slap.

“Forgetting something?”

Trixie sighed. “Very well.”

Trixie levitated a number of bits over to the manager, who counted them out with practiced ease. He looked back at her. “And the house’s cut of the tips.”

Trixie sighed again and tossed more coins his way. Pimp Slap counted them and tapped his hoof impatiently.

“That’s twenty percent of the gross. I did you a favor letting you dance on credit. Hand over the rest.”

“Of all the nerve,” Trixie groused as she reluctantly turned over the last few bits. “You should be grateful to have a stage mare of Trixie’s caliber working for you!”

“Lady,” the grey unicorn said impatiently, “Can the attitude. I got plenty of girls working her who can do everything you just did and better, and without the mouthing off and the fireworks.”

Trixie harrumphed and raised her nose haughtily but said nothing further. Pimp Slap sighed.

“Your next dance is in thirty minutes. Feel free to powder your nose.” With that, he turned and left.


“You did good up there.”

It was evening and the place was packed. Trixie had made her way to the bar to get some refreshments and once again found herself next to the annoying white unicorn with the shades. She sniffed.

“Was there ever any doubt?”

The unicorn laughed and knocked her drink back. “Damn you’ve got a mouth on you,” she said. “I like you. Name’s Vinyl Scratch. I’m the DJ around here.” She held out a hoof. Trixie stared at it disdainfully.

“Trixie does not expect to be here very long.”

The other unicorn laughed again. “Then we’d better get to know each other now. Bartender, two more drinks, one for Miss Great and Powerful here.”

The pony behind the bar complied. Two shot glasses full of amber liquid slid down the bar a minute later. Both unicorns caught theirs neatly, Trixie with her magic, Vinyl with her hoof. Trixie sipped her drink. Vinyl did the same, watching her wordlessly from behind her shaded glasses. Finally Trixie spoke.

“So you’re a DJ. I suppose Trixie should thank you for your timely ballad earlier.”

The white unicorn grinned approvingly. “See, I knew you could do it! You’re welcome, Miss Great and Powerful.”

Trixie made a face but didn’t reply. Her eyes drifted across the bar to one of the stages. The pegasus from the dressing room was there, doing very lewd things with a pole that stretched from the stage to the ceiling. Vinyl followed her gaze.

“Be careful around her,” Vinyl said in a suddenly serious tone of voice. “She thinks she’s a princess because she rakes in more money than the next three dancers combined, and hooboy can she hold a grudge.”

Trixie sniffed. “The feelings of the local queen bee are not Trixie’s concern. Trixie will work here long enough to replenish her finances and then she will be on her way.”

Vinyl sniggered. “If I had a bit for every time I’ve heard that.”

“Trixie is not your typical mare,” Trixie said arrogantly, eyeing Fire Flank’s performance appreciatively. “Trixie was made for stardom, and it is only a temporary reversal of fortune that has brought her to this establishment.”

Vinyl raised her shades to give Trixie an amused gimlet look with her red eyes. “Oh yeah, haven’t heard that one before.”

Trixie returned the albino’s look haughtily. “And how, pray tell, did you end up working here? Didn’t you have bigger plans?”

Vinyl lowered her shades and leaned back. “Welll I don’t tell my parents where exactly I’m working, but a club’s a club, you know? It’s a good paycheck, and the tips are good.”

Trixie looked startled. “You dance too?”

Vinyl shook her head. “Practice is to tip the DJ.” He gave her another look. Trixie sighed and levitated out two bits. She hesitated, then produced a third.

“Trixie will pay for the drinks and consider it settled.”

Vinyl clanged her shot glass against Trixie’s. “Bottoms up!”

Trixie continued to watch the stage. Fire Flank’s performance seemed to be reaching a finale. “Shouldn’t you be going to announce the next girl?”

“Aw crap,” Vinyl said. “Gotta go bye!”

Trixie took another sip from her drink. She was smiling despite herself. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.