• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 7,617 Views, 84 Comments

A Big Brother - xd77

A whole year has gone by since Nathan was adopted by Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, now before too long he is going to be a big brother.

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Chapter 5: Runaway Texan

Nathan was now a big brother, but it was not turning out as he thought it would be, he couldn't go into what once was just his room, because he was now sharing it with Skyla. Anyway, he couldn't go in there to play because Skyla would always be taking her nap in there, he couldn't hang out with his friends that much anymore, because he would always have to watch her, nopony would pay attention to him anymore, and he couldn't make any noise or he would wake her up.

But for this day it would prove to be the final straw for Nathan as he saw Shining Armor giving Skyla his teddy bear, he was now jealous of Skyla, in the past two weeks, she had taken everything away from him. Nathan trudged into the bedroom, flapped his wings, and jumped onto the crib, successfully snatching 'Eddie' from Skyla, but instead he only made her cry, and then Nathan looked up to see Shining Armor outraged.

"Nathan, what..are..you..doing?!" Shining Armor asked through clenched teeth.

"Dad, Eddie is mine!" Nathan said clenching the bear in a greedy gesture.

"Nathan, give me that bear, you're too big for Eddie, it's about time we gave it to someone who needs it more." Cadance said entering the room with a fresh diaper to change Skyla with.

"But mommy......." Nathan whined.

"Nathan Elisha Cadenza, give me the bear, or you're going for a hoofbacking!" Shining Armor said, raising his forehoof.

"No!" Nathan said attempting to flee with 'Eddie', only to be stopped and levitated by Shining Armor, he forcefully dragged him back and popped him on his butt, causing Nathan to go into tears.

"Nathan, we are busy right now, so please leave before we lose our temper." Cadance said, showing bloodshot eyes.


"NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they screamed with the most powerful raise of voice ever, this frightened him so much that he left the room and went to another bedroom, where some of his clothes were folded and ready to use, he ran to a chair in the corner of the room and bursted into tears, then anger and hatred started building in him, it suddenly came to false conclusions that everything was about Skyla now, so for Nathan, if it was Skyla only, then Skyla only it was gonna be!

He checked role outside the room and saw Cadance and Shining Armor leave the room with Skyla feeding from a bottle that Cadance was using, and they walked downstairs to the balcony to show The Crystal Empire their future ruler, when they weren't looking, Nathan stepped into the room and wrote a quick letter that read.......

"Dear Mommy and Daddy"

"I have been very greatful for you, but if all you care about is Skyla, then Skyla only you will get, I will not be replaced and become an outcast, over a newer, cuter, pinker model, so don't come looking for me, cause you don't love me anymore, I've ran away!"



He folded the letter and put it on a pillow, then started packing some clothes, his DS, guitar, and some small snacks that he hid in the room, plus some money for a train ticket, he walked out of the room and downstairs, but not before looking out to the balcony where his parents were holding Skyla up for the crystal ponies to view at, he stared at them with tears going down his eyes, then headed towards the door.

Once he was far away from the Crystal Palace, he looked back one last time still with tears going down his face, but then started running towards the train station holding on to his stuff as hard as he could, finally he made it to the station, bought his ticket, and exited the ticket booth, just in time to see the train. He quickly boarded it and sat down in the second car close to the locomotive that was pulling it, he placed his bag and guitar on the side window and lied down, trying to hide his tears from everypony else that was on board.

"Goodbye, mom and dad, ah' hope you enjoy havin' one kid." he whispered looking at the far window that had the view of the Crystal Empire and the Palace, suddenly the train doors closed, the train's whistle blew, and the train left the station.


Back at the Palace, Cadance and Shining Armor, had just finished up their viewing of Skyla for the crystal ponies and started back inside, as Cadance handed (or hoofed) a now sleeping Skyla to Shining Armor, a feeling came over her, she got down on her back legs, and clutched her head with her forehooves.

"Cadance, what's wrong sweetie?" Shining Armor asked

"Honey I sense Nathan has.................."

"Has what?"

Instead of answering him, Cadance ran upstairs in terror, with Shining pursuing her, they ran into the bedroom, where Nathan's bed lied empty, no Nathan, but instead a folded letter, Cadance quickly unfolded it and read it, but when she put it down...........

"Shining, he ran way from home!" Cadance said starting to cry.

"WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, luckily he didn't wake Skyla up.


Author's Note:

Will Cadance and Shining Armor have any luck, will they find Nathan, and will he be safe, find out in the upcoming chapter!