• Published 9th Mar 2012
  • 6,459 Views, 113 Comments

Seeing Rainbows - Android

Blindness was never something you let get to you. Seeing was overrated anyway. Only thanks to her, you're 'seeing' straight for the first time in years.

  • ...

Chapter 8. Before you can finish

This Chapter will be told through a third person POV for certain areas


What do you say? Why does she want to dance with you? You’re just an average Pegasus and she’s Rainbow Dash. She probably has a coltfriend already. How do you say no? What do you say in a-

“Well don’t just stand there, hotshot,” Rainbow grabs your hoof, “Come on.”

You’re flung into a mesh of people. Rainbow dances to the beat of the music. The crowd’s movements flow with the beat. You feel the music just as well as you hear it. The beats flood over you. The music runs through your system. You feel the urge to dance along. You ‘look’ over at Rainbow. She’s having the time of her life. Your inhibitions disappear and you let the music take over.

“Ha ha. Now you got it, rook,” Rainbow laughs. She grabs your hooves and you begin to dance the night away. The feeling of elation returns to you for the first time in years. You hadn’t felt this way since you realized you were not completely blind. But this feeling, this is better. The butterflies are still there but you don’t care; you’re happier than ever.

You both dance for you don’t know how long. Soon the music begins to lull. Vinyl calls intermission.

“Hey,” you say to Dash wiping sweat from your forehead, “I’m gonna go get us some drinks.”

“Cool,” She says collapsing on a nearby park bench.

“Hey,” Twilight says, “So… how’d it go?”

“How’d what go?”

“You know, with Rainbow. I saw you dancing with her; you looked like you were having fun with her.”

You blush, “You saw that huh? Yeah I did.”

“So you do like her!”

“You can stop reading me like a book. Yes I do. But I don’t know what to say to her. How do I act? What does she like to do? How do i-”

“Sshhh,” Twilight shoves her hoof over your mouth, “Just be you; she seems to like you that way anyway.”

“Uh, Ok.”

“Here,” She shoves two drinks in your hoof, “Now go, here,” she shoves you over to the bench where Rainbow lies.

You head towards her, “Hey,” You slosh the liquid around.

“Thanks rook,” she quickly downs the beverage. With that all the exhaustion disappears from her body as she jumps into the air, “Come on, rook. One more time.”

With that she grabs you and runs back onto the dance floor.


BEEP BEEP BEEP. The familiar sound of your alarm clock rouses you from your slumber. You reach out and mash the button on the top or your clock. Pulling your new goggles on you head downstairs.

After breakfast you head outside. What happened last night? Oh now you remember. You danced with Rainbow and then… what happened after that? You… you… got some cider and…blank. What happened? How did you even get home? You decide to head over to Twilight’s place.

You open the door. There are five ponies in a chaotic frenzy. Twilight is frantically looking through event calendars, catalogs, maps, artifact books, everything she can get her hooves on. Rarity and Fluttershy struggle to comfort Pinkie who’s crying frantically. Applejack is walking in a circle with her hat in her mouth muttering to herself.

“Uh, I guess I came here at a bad time?” you ask nervously.

All eyes shift on you. Everything has stopped.

“Storm!” Twilight yells, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Um what’s going on?”

“Rainbow’s (sniff) birthday is in two weeks, and everything we wanted to do for a party hasn’t been working out,” Pinkie sighed.

“Yeah, normally we’d’ve come up with somethin by now,” Applejack said.

“Really? What’s been goin wrong?” you ask.

“We’ll none of the entertainers are available for another month, the party supply store had a shipment error and everything is out of stock, we can’t even get DJ Pon-3 to come since she’s on tour for two months!” Pinkie said.

“Well maybe I can help; my parents can probably pull some strings. Can someone take a letter for me?”


Rainbow Dash was confused. Where was Solarstorm? She was hoping to be able to race him again today. She had flown to his cloud house but nopony was home. She decided to go to Pinkie’s house.

She walked by Twilight’s. Hmm, all the shades were down. She headed to Pinkie’s.

“Hey Pinkie!” she said as she knocked on the door, “You up for anything today?”

No answer.

Hmm. Strange; eh, she probably went to get more party supplies. That pony can’t go a few days without throwing a party. With that Rainbow decided to take a nap.


“Can we at least throw a minor ‘thank you’ party for Storm?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m sorry darling but you can’t. Do it for Rainbow,” Rarity said.

“I still can’t believe your dad is the famous Solar Pulse. That’s sooo amazing!” Twilight practically screamed.

“I don’t really like to talk about my family too much,” You say, “I always get peppered with questions, asked for autographs, etc.”

“I’d heard of you before. Well mentioned by your dad at that Night tournament last year, but I had no idea you were The Solarstorm. What’s it like to race at night li-”

“Now Twi, stop pesterin him. He already had to give up his identity to call in that favor from his father, he don’t need to be interrogated like that,” Applejack said.

“Um, shouldn’t we be going now?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh horseapples,” you say, “the train leaves in twenty minutes. Let’s go.”

You all head out of the library.

“Hang on,” Twilight says, plastering a note to the door, “Alright, now let’s go.”


Rainbow awoke. She looked up. The sun was high so it was nearly lunch time. Maybe Twilight will want to do something for lunch.

She headed to the library. There was a note on the door.

To all library patrons,

The library will be closed for the following week due to an emergency. Please return all books in the drop off area like normal. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Twilight Sparkle.

Hmm. Strange again. Eh whatever. Lunch time.