• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 563 Views, 8 Comments

The Darkness that Consumes - GrouchoMarxDisciple

I'm scared, diary. I'm scared of what he has become. Who he is now. The Umbra I once knew is dead and gone, and only he remains.

  • ...

Recovered on the Floor of the Crystal Empire Royal Library, 1003 A.L. Part I

My dreams were never normal. Most ponies have either nightmares or pleasantly odd visions of sugar-plums dancing in their heads. They have dreams repeating things that happened to them, of hopes and aspirations of the future. I hear most dreams are beautiful. Of course, I've never had a dream like that. Not me. I have "special" dreams. Rare dreams. My dreams are powerful, so they tell me, and if read correctly, they can tell things the world has yet to see. It's an odd gift, especially for a crystal pony like me. We aren't exactly known for our magic prowess, at least, not without the Crystal Heart.

I suppose if it wasn't for my gift, I would have never met him.

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Radiant Flare. I am a Crystal Pony. I served as chief advisor to His Majesty King Umbra, and I was Princess Celestia's "personal friend". Before I tell you about Umbra, allow me to mention that I first met the Princess when she was visiting the Crystal Empire. I still remember the day I was singled out, by the Princess herself, as a very special pony.

She was walking through the town square, as all the crystal ponies bowed down to her. I had snuck away from my chores so I could sneak a peek, too. Because I was so small, I crept right into one of the best seats in the house, that being right behind where the Crystal Heart is.

The procession halted right before the Crystal Heart. It was gorgeous. So many strong, handsome stallions in their dapper white armor, and all of them marching in perfect unison. I was young, it made my heart flutter a bit. I still smile at the memory. Many southerners think our kind to be exotic, but I say they are the odd ones. To me, it might as well have been a procession of extraterrestrials.

I'll be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed.

But all the grandeur, the exotic studs, the trumpets and flugel-horns, all of it was tuned out when the Princess showed up. She walked with the regal pride we would expect from someone in her stature, but she had a kind, almost playful smile on her face. She seemed to look everypony she passed in the eye, somehow, making each individual feel like she had met them individually. It was a well-practiced routine that I'm sure she had done a million times, but to us it seemed genuine and very personal. We felt like we had some kind of unspoken connection to the Royal Sister, some unspoken love.

It wasn't until a long time later I realized how easy it is to manipulate a populace to those exact same feelings. When I was in the hight of my power the mere sight of me in the common square was enough to turn heads and create a respectful, almost reverent silence. The commonpony doesn't realize how metered the powerful's movements are, how practiced our smiles and graces are. We spend a lot of time working on them.

But I didn't know that, not yet. I was naive and young. I was caught up in the splendor of it all, in the mystique and pomp. I still remember when the Princess passed by me, looked me in the eyes, and exuded an almost motherly aura round about. The flood of emotion I felt at that moment, the peace, the joy...

I bought into the lie. But so did everypony else.

The Princess began talking, in a classical Princess style. She peppered her speech with warm praises of the King, and how the Empire and Equestria had traditionally been very strong allies, and discussing the need for military intervention after the war.

Oh, did I not mention that?

It's ancient history now, almost as ancient as me, but the Empire had just been rocked by a civil war. The Capitol had lost touch with the outlying provinces (who never really liked being part of the Empire in the first place), and had placed... impossible burdens on them. Many of the more rural citizens attempted to forcibly leave the Empire, but the Emperor (His Royal Majesty King Lumen) understood that, if cities such as Stalliongrad left the Empire, they would be easy targets for such hungry and expanding principalities as the Griffin Domain.

Negotiations broke down, there was misinformation on both sides, and war erupted. I was very, very young at the time. The Crystal City was a very safe place to live at the time, but that didn't spare me the horrors of war. I lost my father to the rebels, and my mother joined him soon after. I was left alone, and with all the Capital's money going to the war effort, I was left in an under-funded and over-populated orphanage. They tried their best, but there were simply not enough resources.

I went days at a time without food, as did the matrons. We begged, we went from door to door, we petitioned the King, but to no avail. Everypony had other things on their minds. Things like war, and rationing, and family safety.

Equestria was a bit busy with her own problems. There were claims of racism in Canterlot, and Princess Luna was acting strange, or at least that's what they tell me. Also, there was a certain creature called... "Chaos", I believe? He was so powerful, the Princesses had to work together to fight him. We all read the story.

I have learned never to trust what a ruler tells you. Truth is nothing more than a formality in monarchies.

It wasn't until Griffins began appearing in the rebel ranks that Celestia decided to act. I suspect she was fearing for her own "little ponies", as a Griffin province so close to Equestria would have been tenuous at best. She sent full squadrons to the Empire's commander, but insisted they take orders from only her. We were so strapped for troops we accepted.

In hindsight, that was a horrible idea. My friend, do you know why Stalliongrad is a part of Equestria now? It's because when Celestia moves her armies in, she never moves out.

All of this was right over my head, all the political machinations didn't exist in the fantasy I had crafted. All I saw was the facade, I never questioned or even imagined there was anything behind it.

The Princess was speaking. "...and it is Our wish that the Crystal Empire makes a speedy recovery from these tumultuous times. We wish nothing but peace and prosperity for all ponykind, be they Crystal, Earth, Pegasus, or Unicorn. It is with the greatest pleasure that We announce Our resolution to aid in the recovery of the Empire, as well as make constant visits to ensure that there are no diplomatic failures, and promote Harmony and friendship."

I cheered then. If I was there now, knowing what I know, I would have hung my head for woe.

"My Little Ponies, the worst is behind us." the Princess finished triumphantly. There was a flourish, and the horns sounded. It was like a cloud had been lifted, and there would finally be peace again.

What happened next is what made Celestia take personal note. Her next words reminded me of something, something I had not thought much of.

"And with that, We find it wise to retire to Our chambers. We bid thee all goodnight."

My heart skipped a beat. That was exactly how a dream of mine had started, a few weeks before. I had dreamt that a white figure had spoken those exact words, but just then was replaced by a black figure carrying the King away. I was still young enough that dreams frightened me, and I began crying.

I don't know why the Princess noticed me, or what made her ask, but she looked behind her to see a 6-year old foal sobbing in the front of the group. Slowly, she approached me, and she placed a hoof on my shoulder. I met her gaze, stifling a tear. In a motherly tone, she asked "Whatever is the matter, my dear?"

I was a blubbering mess. I simply responded "He's gone, he's gone, he's gone". Over and over I repeated the phrase, until she lifted my chin up and looked me in the eyes. I swear, the compassion coming from them was almost tangible.

"Whoever do you mean, child?" She said in a warm, flowing voice.

I sniffed a few times, and answered "The Emperor. He's gone, the Reaper took him."

"King Lumen?" she responded. I think she was taken aback. "I haven't heard anything about him, not as of late. I certainly didn't hear anything about-"

But before she could finish her speech, she was cut off by a Crystal Guard, who burst from the castle doors. "Princess! Urgent news."

She looked at me, looked at the ponies, and simply walked inside. The next day, we heard that the King had died. Two weeks later, I was asked by Celestia to accompany her to Canterlot, that they may study my abilities. I spent a lot of time at Canterlot University, where they ran tests on the extent of my dreams.

They taught me valuable lessons there too. They taught me to control my powers, they taught me to dream while awake. I could see fragments of the future, but never the whole piece. I learned to dream on command, though the effectiveness varied. I was no longer a dreamer.

I was a seer.

Which is quite ironic, because my time spent in Canterlot meant I didn't see the next strife that would overtake the Empire. King Lumen's son, Prince Luminescence, was to ascend, when his time came. But the King never told anypony he had another son.

A hungry son.

His name was Umbra, and he wanted the throne.

Author's Note:

This has been in the works for months now.

Hope it was worth it.