• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 9,093 Views, 327 Comments

The Dark Ones - Snake Staff

Traveling to a dead xenos system, an Imperial Interrogator discovers a survivor with a story to tell.

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Epilogue: War

++Departmento Munitorum Report 717-4591-62b-385++
++Kar Duniash, Ultima Segmentum++
++Status of Sub-Sector Pathoris++

++Vital Statistics++

Name: Sub-Sector Pathoris
Sector: Kalan
Segmentum: Ultima
Number of Recognized Worlds: 24
Estimated Population: ~200 billion
World Classifications: Hive (3), Civilized (8), Agri (6), Frontier (4), Feudal (1), Feral (2)

++Imperial Forces++

Planetary Defense Force: ~2 billion
System Defense Force: 2 Sword-class Frigates, 8 Defense Monitors
Imperial Guard: ~35 million
Imperial Navy: 2 Retribution-class Battleships, 6 Lunar-class Cruisers, 4 Dictator-class Cruisers, 8 Cobra-class Destroyers, 8 Sword-class Frigates, 6 Firestorm-class Frigates
Adeptus Astartes: Thunder Serpents (5 Companies, 1 Battle Barge, 3 Strike Cruisers), Deathwatch ([Sealed by order of the Holy Inquisition])
Commanders: Lord Admiral Aies Hassari, Lord General Yevira Callien (deceased), Lord Inquisitor Tas Rovini, Chapter Master Essei Tagaran.

++Imperial Losses++

Planetary Defense Force: ~100 million
System Defense Force: 3 Defense Monitors
Imperial Guard: ~2 million
Imperial Navy: 2 Lunar-class Cruisers, 3 Sword-class Frigates
Adeptus Astartes: Thunder Serpents (~55 Astartes, 1 Strike Cruiser), Deathwatch ([Sealed by order of the Holy Inquisition])
Planets: 2 Agri-worlds
Civilians: ~15 billion
Level of Losses: Acceptable

++Xenos Forces++

Species: [Sealed by order of the Holy Inquisition]
Ground Forces (Estimate): > 25 million
Naval Forces (Minimum): 3 Battleship analogues, 12 Cruiser analogues, 15 Frigate analogues
Commanders: Unknown.

++Xenos Losses++

Ground Forces (Estimate): ~7 million
Naval Forces: 1 Cruiser analogue, 1 Frigate analogue


Sub-Sector Pathoris, located on the spinward fringe of Kalan Sector, itself near the spinward border of Ultima Segmentum, has fallen under heavy xenos attack. Once a comparatively rich and influential sub-sector across the region, the two dozen worlds of Sub-Sector Pathoris, the worlds of this sector now find themselves menaced by an unknown xenos species. Reports are sketchy, in part due to distance and war affecting sub-sector Departmento branches, in part due to the ongoing interference and censorship of outgoing materials by Ordo Xenos of the Holy Inquisition.

The xenos forces are, from intermittent reports received from Departmento Munitorum agents in the area, very powerful. They began their offensive into Imperial space with a two-pronged naval attack, scouring the agri-worlds Prosperity and Agathara of life from orbit in the early stages of the conflict before Imperial forces were able to respond. Three months in, they penetrated the Imperial blockade around the hive world Denton III to land considerable ground forces, which have dug in and engaged elements of the PDF, Imperial Guard, and Astartes. Despite a year and a half of sustained combat against numerically superior forces, the xenos have yet to be evicted, though they are no longer advancing to any significant degree. Lord General Callien, who attempted to personally command the battle, was instead assassinated by apparent xenos sniper attack. Lesser Imperial ground forces have similarly engaged smaller numbers of xenos attackers on the feral world Getheris IV and the agri world Emperor’s Bounty. In both cases the xenos are considerably outnumbered, but appear to be making slow headway. The reasons for these choices in worlds to attack rather than raze from orbit are unknown at the present.

In space, the Imperial Navy and SDF are similarly in stalemate with the enemy fleet. The xenos ships seem to be both faster and more powerful than their Imperial equivalents, but they are being used far more sparingly. As of yet, there has only been one prolonged naval engagement, resulting in the destruction of 2 Lunar-class Cruisers and 1 xenos Cruiser analogue. Though the forces of the God Emperor seem to have gotten the worst of this in terms of numbers, the enemy commander seems to be under the impression that it has far fewer ships in reserve than the Imperium, and has yet to commit to another such engagement. Instead, all naval battles since have been hit-and-run affairs against isolated planets or ships. However, the Exterminatus-scale bombardments seen in the initial invasion have not yet seen a repeated performance, presumably because the xenos wish to conquer rather than destroy the sub-sector outright.

We know that some within the Inquisition anticipated, or at the very least suspected, this attack. Over the five years prior to the initial engagements, Inquisitor, later and presently Lord Inquisitor, Tas Rovini and affiliated members and factions of Ordo Xenos had been making a concerted effort to draw military resources to the Kalan Sector. Their greatest success in this effort was a pledge to defend the sector by the Thunder Serpents Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. The precise origin of their foresight is unclear, though disturbing rumors have trickled back of the use of Sanctioned Xenos, a Radical measure that many would believe highly inappropriate to the relatively low-level warfare thus far seen, and possibly even heretical were it to be proven. Some among our Departmento feel that it may be proper to forward such evidence to the Kalan Inquisitorial Conclave for it to handle.


Kalan Sector: 5% increase in Imperial Tithe for the Imperial Guard, 10% increase in Imperial Tithe for the Imperial Navy. Let the Kalan Sector pay for its protection.
Sub-Sector Pathoris: Additional elements of the Sector Fleet should be dispatched to even the naval odds and force the xenos to battle. Replace the late Lord General.
Denton III: 15% increase in Imperial Guard reinforcements.
Emperor’s Bounty: 25% increase in Imperial Guard reinforcements.
Getheris IV: Exterminatus. This world produces nothing of value to the Imperium.


++Personal Log, Sergeant Samuel Adoner++

The preachers were right after all. There is a hell, and I’m in it. Lost five of the lads yesterday to those things. Bloody command won’t even tell us what they are, and they expect us to purge a hive of them! Ha! Ha bloody ha. One second we’re patrolling “secure” territory, the next there’s a swarm of those infernal metal bugs coming out the ceiling. Julius was first. Two of them right in the eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever heard so much screaming. Ralthorne, then Yenir get crunched while we try and make a run for it. Malthus and Jacobson aren’t fast enough. So I toss every bloody frag grenade on my belt at the swarm, and that finally fugging does it, even if it doesn’t leave much left of the lads for them to identify.

And now I’m being investigated by some pompous, head up his arse Munitorum git for “misuse of the Emperor’s Holy Ordinance”. I tell you, the Emperor has a cruel sense of humor sometimes.


++Personal Log, Sanctioned Xenos Twilight Sparkle++

I have work to do.

Author's Note:

Ok, so I finished the epilogue a bit early. Have at it.