• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 277 Views, 1 Comments

The One Thing I Can't Change - ThecynicalGingerpony

Everything had to have a start. Where did Celestia and Luna come from? What about their powers? Everything had to come from somewhere. So many things that can be answered by one Queen, if only she could remember

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The One Thing I Can't Change

Queen Kailani looked up at her beautiful sky. It was dark from the night time. Truly, the sky was one of her most beloved artifacts of the world. And it was something she controlled. Earth pony, unicorn, and pegasi alike could see the work she did.

The shining stars reflected in her emerald green eyes. She did her best not to shiver as a wind picked up and tickled her light grey coat. Her long and straight mane that was as blue as the sea laid back in place when the wind stopped, leaving one strand out of place like always. On her flank was a circle made of the sun and a crescent moon

The alicorn took a deep breath as her horn started to light up with jade-colored light. Slowly at first, the dark sky turned azure from the rising of the sun.

I must be getting old. It is starting to take a lot out of me to do this.

She didn't care what it did to her though. It made everyone happy. She couldn't let them down. There was way too much at stake. Including the ponies she cared for the most.

"I know you are there, Tia." The alicorn turned to look at her beautiful daughter. The little filly was bright white on her coat with a mane of a pink like the inside of a strawberry. Her wide eyes looked up at her mother as she ran to her. "Care to tell me why you are up so early?"

"I wanted to watch you raise the sun, Mama. I love watching it." Kailani couldn't help but smile at the goofy smile she received from the younger alicorn. She levitated Celestia and landed her on her back so she could carry her.

"Wanted to watch me? You watch me raise the moon almost everyday. Why the sun?"

"I don't know. I like the sun. It always makes me feel warm inside. Do you think I can raise it someday?" Celestia nuzzled her mother's mane. It always had a hint of lavender. The smell made the young one feel safe.

A sweet laugh came for the elder's muzzle. "Someday. But you still have a lot to learn. Do you remember when you tried to levitate a glass?" She turned her head slightly to look at her,but not too much so to not disturb the resting filly.

The snow-colored filly groaned "Don't remind me...Maybe I'll never be ready for it. Maybe I'm not meant to move the sun." She was really bad about doubting herself

"Maybe so. But just maybe, it might be your special talent. Never doubt yourself, my little one. Only you can hold yourself back." She didn't think it was getting through to her. "Look at the sky, Tia. Did you ever think I thought as a filly that I could handle all of this? Not once. The sky is vast and you can't control it. All you can do is lead it a bit then let it take you. Only then will you find your place. My place turned out to be a part of the sky. Your aunt just happened to be a part of the Earth. You can go anywhere. The power is yours to take you." She blinked slowly before smiling at the young one.

She noticed some tears around Celestia's eyes. "I'll do my best, Mama."

Kailani wiped away her precious girl's tears. "Now, let's go wake up Luna. I'm sure she would love to see her big sister when she wakes up." She saw her brighten up at the mention of her sister. Celestia really loved her sister, Luna. And the Queen loved them with all of her being. Never has her heart been happier before her girls came. Except maybe her wedding day.

She walked down to the nursery where her other child stayed, being too young to enjoy most of the castle. The nursery was painted to look like a meadow with a night sky on the ceiling. In the crib, was a blue baby filly who was up on her hind hooves, looking at her mom.

"Look who else is up." Kailani giggled as she took her eldest off her back and got the other out of the crib. Celestia watched as her mother tended to her.

"Mama, when if Luna going to be old enough to play outside with me and Amy?" Celestia would love for her sister to play with her and her cousin.

"Soon enough, dear." She placed Luna on her riding basket and turned to leave. "And speaking of Amy, you can play with her after breakfast."


Breakfast with by like a blink with the excited white alicorn and all her questions. Luna giggled as if Tia's hyperness was contagious. It was a very normal morning for the trio. Breakfast was always just the three of them.

Kailani looked next to her where there was an empty spot. It was the spot that belonged to her husband. He was one of the Seasonal Lords, in fact he was in control of winter. The lords were always busy, giving the different climates of Equestria. Her husband, Winter Frost, kept the snow going in the mountains. It was rare to see him, his brothers, or his sister.

It left the girls missing their father, but they have grown up knowing the royal duties. She didn't really want them growing up feeling like they have to shut others out. Kailani wanted then to shine and to be respected by their subjects. Her eyes went to the smiling Tia that was making faces at Luna to her to laugh.

They are gonna do just fine, I know it.

The Queen took a deep sigh before wiping food off Tia's mouth with a napkin. Little Celestia noticed the sigh. "Mama, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, dear. Just thinking about what all I needed to get done today. I'm gonna be quite busy. I don't think I'll have the chance to play much." The grey alicorn stood up before helping her daughters.

"I understand, Mama. It is how it is." Tia shrugged as she jumped down from her booster by herself, even though she knew her mother didn't like her doing that. She noticed the puzzled look on the Queen's face. "I'm gonna lead Equestria someday too, remember? This is just how this have to be as a ruler."

As she walked her down to the playroom, she thought about what Tia said. Was she leaving this kind of impression on her girls? She was always busy with trying to keep the different ponies together. There was a fine line between the three groups and she was doing what she can with her sister to make sure the line wasn't crossed. Was all of this keeping her so busy that she never noticed the important change right next to her?

"Amy!" Kailani was brought out of her thoughts with Celestia yelling from seeing her cousin. They were in a garden that was on the way to the playroom. She laid a hood on the white filly's shoulder to calm her as the other filly concentrated.

Across the way was two more alicorns, a mother and a daughter. The filly had a pale pink coat and her mane was a mix of pale green, pale yellow,and blue. The mane was tied back into a pair of pigtails. Her yellow eyes were closed as her horn lit up a hot pink, so did a small spot on the ground. From the ground, grew a small red flower. But for Princess Amity, it was a big accomplishment. "Mom! I did it! I made one grow!"

The filly smiled up at her pale green mother. The other Queen's mane was curly with browns and pink streaks and had flowers woven through them. Where Kailani's accessories were silver with sapphires, Gaia's were bronze with amber stones. "See, I told you that you could do it. It just took some practice. Now, why don't you do play?"

Amity was confused at first, till she noticed her cousin watching her. "Tia! Did you see!? My magic is getting stronger!" She had been practicing with all her might.

Celestia tried to hide the fact that she was jealous. She was a year older than Amity, but she was already able to do that!? So not fair. "I saw! That was so cool! Wait!"

She quickly looked at Amy's flank. "Oh man, nothing."

Amy giggled. It was light and fluttery. The sweet alicorn was very mature for her age. And like her mother, she smelled like flowers. "I wasn't going to get my cutiemark for just one flower. I don't really think flowers are my talent."

The two talked back and forth as Queen Gaia walked up to her sister. Just like Kailani controled the sky, Gaia controled the Earth. She kept it beautiful, full of life, and made the ground usable for everypony. It took both of them to keep Equestria stable. Life for the royal family was wonderful. They wouldn't trade it for anything. It was perfect.

Author's Note:

This is a story that I've been kinda working on for a while. Please enjoy

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