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the whole story

A Flim-Flam Misunderstanding.

By, Storiesatrandom


It was a serene, beautiful day in Ponyville. The birds were singing, the crickets chirping, frogs croaking, and the ponies leading peaceful, calm lives. Twilight was in her library doing something typical of eggheads like her, studying. It was all she did other than hang out with friends and experiment. It was going to be a quiet and uneventful time for her.

Rainbow Dash was chosen to tour with the Wonderbolts for a few weeks, Fluttershy was visiting Relatives, Pinkie Pie left for her biannual world tour party (may Celestia have pity on all the countries), the only ones still around were Applejack and Rarity, but Celestia forbid they’d ever be free. Who’s to say Twilight wasn’t any different? Her studies looked as if she’d be kept on a pretty tight schedule. Suddenly, Twilight heard what sounded like an angry mob just a few miles away. Oh no, it wasn’t a riot, was it? Twilight couldn’t help but worry, isn’t Ponyville a happy, peaceful town? Yes, there’s a disaster every now and again, but it’s a relatively laid back city.

The suspense killing Twilight, she decided to investigate. Before she could reach the door, Spike intervened, “Twilight! You’re not going believe this, it’s the Flim-Flam brothers! They’re back!”

Twilight grew angry when she remembered how they tried to run the apple family out of business. They would’ve succeeded if it wasn’t for their overconfidence. Twilight thought she was done with them, but they came back nevertheless. “I don’t know what Flim and Flam are up to, but they won’t be able to try anything funny without backlash.”

Spike hesitantly scuffled his feet and did not dash away with Twilight. “Hey, umm… Twilight… I think that, being a baby dragon that… I should stay behind… angry mob and what not… But, i will contribute by contacting the Princesses and Writing Glory.”

Twilight nodded, and trotted away alone. She was racing towards the shores of the mob, where there used to be an old barbershop. It wasn’t your traditional mob wielding pitchforks and torches, but everypony was plenty angry. Twilight passed through a good number of ponies before reaching Rarity and Applejack. “Hey, Spike said the Film-Flam brothers came back. Is it true?”

“Now that’s the one thing I plum wish it was a little white lie.” Applejack glanced at the barber’s shop, “those troublesome brothers came in the other night and somehow got the deed to the Ol’ the barber’s shop. I don’t know what they want with it, or what became of Ol’ Double F, but it ain’t good.”

Rarity said, becoming curious, “actually, now that I think about it, I have not seen Double F for some time. I saw him briefly with a well-dressed mare some time ago, he was giving sweetie Belle a mane cut.”

“What did the two F’s stand for,” Twilight said, getting off track.

“He never done say. All everypony in Ponyville knew him as a talented Barber that’s been in Ponyville fer quite some time. There’s a rumor he’s older then Granny Smith.”

Twilight started to put two and two together. Double F, Flim and Flam have two F’s. A well-dressed mare, who could this be? Older then Granny Smith… okay, so this must have just been a rumor like Applejack said.

Twilight gasped when she realized it, but before she could say anything, somepony shouted, “There they are!” followed by an ocean of boos and hisses. Flim and Flam didn’t care anymore, they appeared to be saddened by something.

A well-dressed mare followed them. Rarity saw the mare, “That’s the mare that was with Double F!”

The well-dressed Mare stood before the audience and raised her wings. The ponies stopped hissing and booing. A pony shouted out, “Hey, it’s Mare Law, the mare attorney of law!”

Mare Law, the well-dressed mare, had a blue pelt and wore a grey suit. She had a suitcase cutie-mark and a green mane and tail that looked very professional, she rose slightly above the stand, looked onward towards the crowd before her, and spoke, “Dear citizens of Ponyville, I, Mare Law, am the lawyer of the one called, “Ol’ Pony Double F”, as he is often called.” The ponies murmured at the mare before them. “Well, I bare unpleasant news about him. Now, he was an old stallion who was born a very long time ago, and from a very simple time. I understood he was a dear value to the community.” Everypony was confused by Mare Law’s statement, many concerned.

“But, it is with a heavy heart that I state that the Double F you know… has passed away from natural causes.” The crowd’s members whispered amongst themselves. A few ponies, including Rarity and Applejack, were crying. Even Twilight, with little information, was discomforted by the speech. “You all bare broken hearts of a community that lost a dear member to a cruel twist of fate. Double F will be missed. But, while he was alive, he contacted me to give out his last will and testament.”

Mare Law pulled out a piece of paper which paper suddenly glowed green to the surprised of everyone but Mare Law. It formed a head of an aged stallion with an A La Souvarov, a type facial hair style where the sideburns and the moustache connect the hair from ear to ear. It appeared to be Double F. Flim and Flam were shedding manly tears in sight of the head, like he was a valued loved one.

The floating head before began to speak, this speech would be his will. “Hello Ponyville. It’s Ol’ Pony Double F, local Ponyville Barber extraordinaire, your local all-around loved stallion. Well, as my lawyer may have stated, I kicked the bucket, bought the farm, pushed the daisies, had a visit from the Glum Reaper, received invitation to join the great beyond, life gave me it’s greatest lemons. I just want to point out that I casted a spell on this paper enabling me to record what I have to say. Basically, I am not a ghost.

“Anyway, as my last will and testament I will grant my possessions in due of my unavoidable departure. I mean, what good is it to me, not like I can use scissors or other miscellaneous articles. But that’s beside the point.

“To Miss Rarity, one my most recurring customers, lovely fashionista, and a classic example of Compulsive Cleanliness Disorder, I leave you with my beloved family heirloom scissors. They’re a bit rusty, so it ain’t gonna be very good for use, but I ask you to keep them with you anyway, as a reminder of the old pony who gave very affordable mane-cuts to dear Sweetie Belle.

“To the apple family, I give my due thanks for a memorable life, and my glass apple collection. If Granny Smith isn’t here, Applejack, tell her I still love her, forever and always, she was the one mare who was more of a sister to me than my own family. One quick thing to the rest of you all, don’t hate Miss Smith for being a no-show, I’m positive when she hears this, it’s going to break her heart.

“And now, for my dearest customer, who supposedly is currently the Mayor of Ponyville, I leave you with this building and its contents as a historic landmark. This ol’ gal been through a lot. That is all I give to my dear friends in Ponyville…Correction- I leave Ponyville one more thing. You see, my birth name is Flimflam Songcut.”

Twilight thought to herself, “I should have known… I knew it, if I was truthful with myself It’d have seen it.”

Flimflam Songcut continued his monologue, “And I grant the deed to my barbershop to my dear, dear, nephews; Flim and Flam.” The ponies listening were silently awed, how did nopony see it before, it seemed so obvious now. “Now, I am aware these boys made a little trouble during that cider fiasco a while back, but I am sure once they hear I’ve said my final goodbye they will return to the real family business: being a singing barber. Oh, and I donate all my savings to the Mayer to fix that blasted roof. My nephews can start from scratch. Just because I’m leaving them the family store doesn’t mean I’m leaving my money to them. I even want them to learn their lesson for trying to kick Smith out of her home. I’m certainly not soft on them. Since this’ll be the last you'll heard of me, all I have to say is this: You’ve been wonderful friends, all of you in Ponyville. I’m sure my nephews will take right up on mane-cutting, it won’t be that bad. Fare well.”

The magic head vanished into paper again and the paper magically disappeared. Mare Law stood speechless, then snapped back to reality and spoke, “well, do you ponies still want to run them out of town, disrespecting the will of a lost member of our society?” Everypony looked on with dismay. It’s clear nopony would drive them out now, especially now with what they had left in Ponyville. Mare Law said, “That’s what I thought. Mr. Flim, Mr. Flam?” Flim and Flam looked at the lawyer.

“Your uncle has invited you two, as well as the entire town, to attend his funeral the following weekend. The repair crew will come the week after that.” Mare law pulled out a document, “This building was condemned from your uncle, after he wasn't able to afford repairs. Because he spent money on preserving and maintaining it, he felt it was his duty. Nevertheless it grew extremely dangerous. It is not our duty to provide you with housing, and during the cider incident a verbal contract dictated you leave Ponyville. On account of your uncle’s death you may stay, however you have nothing to gain.” Mare Law flew off after saying her peace.

Various murmurs drowned out the shallowly breathing Flim-Flam brothers. Comments such as “well, I suppose they can stay,” and “I feel sorry for your loss,” wisped indistinguishably, yet the look in their eyes showed they were accepting of Flim and Flam staying if they wished.

Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack were some of the few that stayed. Flim and Flam started to head towards their Super Cider Squeeze-y 3000… with the cider making device detached it was essentially a car. The three mares sped towards Flim and Flam. Twilight sighed, not making eye contact, “We’re sorry about your loss.”

Flim and Flam frowned angrily. “Oh, if it isn’t one of the Apple family and two of her friends.”

“Look, I get y’all are a bit mad at us, and ah don’t blame y’all.”

“Do you three have any idea how far downhill our reputation went since the cider incident?”

“Indeed Flam is right, nopony wanted to buy Cider from us anymore, we were booed out of many cities before we even had a chance.”

“Hey,” interjected applejack, “Look, I didn’t mean for y’all to go out of business. You two threatened to take over sweet apple acres. You tried to put us out of business, now karma has shown you what would have happened to us.”

“She has a good point, Brother. We acted like charlatans,” said Flim.

“Yeah, how could we forget our manners like that? Flim, I guess sometimes when ponies like us get power, we forget our manners.”

“Sorry for everything, Miss Apple,” Flam said. “One question though, what became of your other friends?”

Rarity thought for a moment, then choreographically tipped her up hat before she spoke. “Rainbow Dash won a contest to spend some time with the Wonderbolts as an entourage, Fluttershy’s visiting family, and Pinkie is hosting her biannual party.”

“So, it’s just you ladies?” Flim asked.

“…well,” Twilight thought carefully, trying not to offend anypony, “…that is, out of us that helped Applejack with the cider contest, yes.”

“Well, if you ladies don’t still hate us, could you give Flim and I a tour of this town?”

Twilight smiled, “I would be delighted.”

Rarity wanted to show them her shop, “ME TOO!”

“I’d love to, fellers, really I feel terribly bad about Ol’ Flimflam, but I have to return to the farm to do chores. I’ll be sure mah family gets the news what happened. Though, ah kinda doubt Granny will take the news of Double F’s departure well.” Applejack walked off sadly.

Rarity glanced around, seeing everyone sad, “It’s indeed a rather tough time for everypony here…”

Twilight broke the silence, “You two are going to love Ponyville, despite previous your misadventure it’s a pretty friendly town.”

Meanwhile, at Twilight’s library…

Spike paced around the library, “I sent that letter to the princess an hour ago! She should’ve replied…” suddenly, Spike burped up a letter and looked at it.

Dear Spike.

Princess Celestia, Luna, and Writing Glory went on a royal meeting with the Minotaurs today, and as such, are unable to provide service. However, I may provide assistance for the issue at hand.

Signed, the Grand Visor Trixie.

Spike said confused, “How did Trixie get the-” a huge flash appeared behind Spike. Spike jumped and quickly went under the table.


Trixie opened her eyes and noticed that Spike was under the table. “Uh, Spike was it? It’s just me. Trixie.”

Spike came out seeming annoyed. “I knew that. So, since Celestia, Luna, or Glory can’t help, I'm stuck with you? No offence, I’m sure you have more say and power than most ponies, but I just thought Celestia or Luna would do the job better with an angry mob.”

“Something makes me curious, what angry mob?”


“Well, if there is one, it’s a rather silent one, right Spike?”

Spike ran off towards the window, he no longer heard the mob. “Gee, something must have happened. Everypony’s calmed down.”

“Perhaps, worthy of an investigation?” Trixie asked, confused.

“Yeah, we better check this out, mobs don’t come and go like that so quickly, something must have happened.”

Later at the barbershop

“Here we are at the Barbershop, but Trixie, the mob’s gone.”

Trixie mumbled to herself, “I wonder why the mob dispersed?”

“Well, I think that since Flim and Flam are unicorns,
clearly they cast a memory erasing spell to make Ponyville forget the cider fiasco.”

Trixie felt spike was guessing too much, “how about asking somepony to confirm it?”

“That won’t do any good, remember, memory erase spell, they might have no idea what you’re talking about, heck, they may have even forgotten they forgave you Trixie! Then what?”

“Well, I’ll have to take your word for it… at least until we find evidence.”

“Ok, come on, I’m sure Twilight’s here somewhere, if anypony could help us, it’s her.”

Somewhere in the park

Trixie lethargically yawned, “We searched high and low, every nook and cranny, for Twilight Sparkle. I fail to believe she’ll be at the park.”

Spike yawned after Trixie, “Yeah, tell me about it, but i’m sure Twilight’s fine. She might have already returned to the library.” The sound of laughter is spread. “WAIT! I think I heard somepony laughing!”

Trixie shrugged, “Maybe it’s just a dating couple.”

“You’re right, come on…” Spike decided to investigate nonetheless.

Trixie and Spike peered over a bush, they were shocked. It was Twilight and Rarity with Flim and Flam.

“Is this what I think it is? They… They have to be brainwashed,” whispered spike to Trixie who was too shocked to even respond.

Flim seemed to be concluding a story, “My ladies, t'was the finest tour me and my brother ever been on.”

“Yes indeed” Flam proudly declared.

Rarity bowed theatrically, a sarcastic action if you will, though as she spoke, one like Spike, who wasn't at the statement revel of the magic will, thought the bow was serious. “We were very happy to accommodate Flim and Flam.”

Twilight agreed, “It’s the least we could do.”

“You know, ladies… Flam and I,” Flim and Flam lean towards Twilight and Rarity with their hats off. Twilight and Rarity blushed. In the bush, Trixie and Spike scowled at all four of them.

Flam looked back up with a smile and put his hat back on. “Don’t suppose you ladies are interested for having something to eat?”

Wittily, Flim added on to Flam’s statement, “That is, if you’re not watching your lady-like figures?”

“Well,” Twilight giggled, “how about Tony the Pony’s Hay Pizza?”

“Why, it isn’t anything fancy, but that Tony makes surprisingly divine hay pizza,” Rarity’s voice had a massive melodramatic inflection, however she genuinely loved their pizza.

Flim and Flam said in unison, “We would be delighted ladies.”

As the four ponies left Trixie and Spike felt betrayed and angered. Trixie began to belive they were brain-washed. “How can Twilight do this to the princess? I thought she loved her with all her black little heart?!”

Spike declared in agreement, “And those, jerks! Taking Rarity away like that! Just wait till the princesses and Glory come back, they’ll-”

“Wait, what if Celestia takes this the wrong way? I don’t think this is a matter she should get involved in.”

Spike contemplated and placed his finger on his mouth, pondered a bit more, then had a realization. “Gee, you’re right, but we can’t let Flim and Flam trick everypony again.”

“Indeed young dragon.”

“I have a name you know, it’s Spike.”

Trixie broke eye contact, “oh, my apologies, drag- Spike.”

“Quick, to Tony the Pony’s, I have an idea!”

At Tony the Pony’s Hay Pizza…

Twilight, Rarity, and the Flim-Flam Brothers were having a good time.

“I have to hand it to you ladies, this is the tastiest hay pizza Tony has ever made.” Flam laughed and took another bite of his pizza.

Twilight shook her head, “this isn’t even his Pizza King supreme. you know he’s a genius, if even his low end pies are so hoof licking good!”

Flam said, hoof in his mouth, “Mo midding”

“Uh, Flam darling, care to remove your hoof from your mouth? I know this is divine Ponytalian food, but no reason to degrade yourself.” Rarity suppressed a laugh as a bit of food fell from Flam’s hoof.

Flam blushed, and took his hoof out of his mouth. “Uh, sorry about that.” He sheepishly laughed and glanced to see if anypony else was watching him.

Twilight remembered the incident at the barbers shop. “Anyway, it must have been hard for you guys of what became of your uncle.”

“Oh yes,” Flim looked as if a tear was trying to escape, though it did not. “We know little of him, he left the family before we were even born. We only know about him from a couple old Ponyville newspapers and the event of his death.”

Flam seemed to be in another place now, in a world of dreams. “Which is half the reason we came to Ponyville. That, and seeking forgiveness.”

“I understand, you wanted to see your uncle, but you were probably lured in by the need to get a job.”

“Yes, bad habit really.” Flim looked at his jacket, remembering how close he literally came to selling it, “it’s a miracle we still have the shirts on our backs.”

Flam laughed softly and said, “And I still have my mustache.”

Flim frowned, “Who would buy a moustache?”

Flam made an embarrassed smile, “oh yeah, silly me.”

Flim stood up, “and that, dear ladies, is why I’m the genius in this outfit.”

Flam yelled in frustration, “You?! The genius? Hey, we may both be good looking, but if one of is lucky to just be a charmer, is you, good sir!”

Flim’s eyebrows lowered into an angry face as he stood up as well. “Is that a challenge?”

“I’m not calling you for dinner!”

Flam grabbed a fork, “En garde!”

“What a cliché, Flam!” Flim grabbed a fork, they began to fence with forks. High pitched clings rung as well as proud “Ha-ha’s” and “Ho-ho’s.”

Twilight shouted holding the two apart, “Hey, hey, hey! Easy you guys! Ponies are trying to eat.”

Flim and Flam ceased their quarreling. They surveyed the restaurant for annoyed, confused, or concerned customers. Flim and Flam nervously made eye contact with each other. “Sorry folks. Don’t mind what you just saw. Enjoy your hay pizza. Flam and I were… Practicing our sword play. Yeah, let’s go with that.”

The customers did just that, ignore them. Flim and Flam sat back down, blushing.

Rarity was wearing a flashy outfit when she ironically declared “well, I must admit you two certainly know how to bring attention to yourselves.”

“This was unintended, however.”

Flam agreed, “Yep. We try to stay clear of making foals of ourselves.”

“It’s ok, siblings naturally get in an disagreement every now and again.” Twilight was thinking to herself they fought less than most siblings, though kept quiet.

At the window, Spike and Trixie were watching by the gazing inwards. “How are we supposed to go in there without being recognized by Twilight and Miss Rarity? Spike, I hope you have a plan.”

“We just wait until they both need to use the bathroom. Trust me, there’s a price for large sodas, and it isn’t just $5.99.”

In the pizza shop…

Twilight and Rarity felt an urge. Nature’s calling, in layman’s terms.

Twilight was doing the ‘potty dance,’ “Would you guys excuse us, I think our gallbladders are getting even!”

Twilight ran off, Rarity followed, “WAIT FOR ME!”

At the window…

Spike and Trixie saw the two ponies running to the bathroom, “Trixie, now’s our chance.”

Trixie and Spike entered the restaurant. They walked towards the Flim-Flam brothers and stood by their sides.

Flim looked at them, “May we help you two?”

Spike placed his hands together, and stretched them
out, cracking his knuckles

“Flim, cracking hands, never a good sign.” A drop of sweat ran down Flam’s head.

“Hello, gentle colts. Do you know who I am?”

Flam took the safe route and pointed out the obvious, “Umm, a blue mare in a very nice looking cape and hat with a baby dragon?”

Pinkie suddenly appeared with drums and a cymbal and played a rim shot.

Spike looked at the sudden cameo oddly, then looked away and shook his head. “I’m going to pretend that didn’t happen.”

Flam tilted his head, “What happened?”

Spike shouted, “Don’t try anything funny, we know you brainwashed Ponyville!”

Flim gulped, “You don’t understand, it wasn’t what you think it was-”

Trixie interrupted carelessly, “As I was saying, I am Grand Visor Trixie, trusted visor of the Princesses of Equestia.”

Flam’s eyes grew a bit wider, “Wow, nice profession.”

“Complement aside, we know what you two seek! To steal Twilight away from Celestia…”

“And Rarity from me, I mean, everyone!”

“And we suspect you two have something to do with Double F’s disappearances, you casted a powerful spell to make everypony forget you two came here! Spike and I are onto you!”

“Miss, you making a HUGE misunderstanding!” Flim began backing away.

“Oh, think you’re in hot water? How about some hot SAUCE!” Spike grabbed some hot sauce and splashed it in Flim’s face.

Trixie pulled out a razor, Flam screamed in a high frequency, “Not the moustache!” Flam made a run for it with Trixie after him. Flim covered his eyes in pain.

“Oh, want something to, “Cool” you off?” Spike was holding a cup of soda, Flim was panicking and tearing. Spike forced away Flim’s fore hooves and poured the soda in Films eyes.

Flim screamed again, Flam was still running from Trixie screaming, “Please, think about what you are doing!”

Spike grabbed some French fries, took two pieces and stuck them in Flim’s nose. Trixie finally pounced on Flam. Trixie tried to shave of the moustache, but Flam held a strong defense. Spike started to force feed pizza in Flim’s mouth, trying to cause Flim to choke. Flam looked at his brother suffering. Trixie started to shave Flam’s fur off. The customers were awed, they didn’t know what to do. Not even the employees or Tony the Pony himself knew what to do.

Suddenly, Twilight and Rarity opened the bathroom door, their mouths dropped when confronted with chaos.

“WHA-HA-HA! This is the worst. Possible. Thing!” Rarity proclaimed, unsure if she was serious or not.

Twilight was getting furious, she jumped into the air, and her mane and tail caught on fire. This grabbed the attention of everyone. The sprinklers eliminated the fiery mane and tail, but not Twilight’s rage. “Trixie, Spike! What the buck is going on?!”

Trixie was terrified, and got off the part-shaved Flam. Spike stepped away from a choking Flim. Rarity rushed to Flim’s aid and helped him spit out the food, took the French fries out of his nose, and helped him up. Rarity then went towards a half-traumatized Flam.

“Flam, darling, are you ok?”

Rarity pat flam on the shoulder to comport him. “Ra-ra-ra-ra-Razer,” flam said, half traumatized.

Rarity helped the spooked colt up. Trixie and Spike
were insanely nervous. “Twilight, listen we, we, we think Flim and Flam had something to do with Double F’s disappearance.” Spike was begging for mercy in his own way.

Twilight calmed down a little, but still furious, Twilight growled, “Look, you two obviously didn’t hear the news.”

Spike and Trixie said is unison, “News?”

One explanation later…

Spike and Trixie were speechless. Rarity said finalized her speech. “So, just a recap, Flim and Flam came her to redeem themselves after what became of their deceased uncle, called upon by their lawyer Mare Law, who I add is not, I repeat, not an assassin as you thought mentioned a little earlier.”

“And we felt bad for their loss, they lost an uncle they barely even known other from a news article about Ol’ Pony Flimflam. We gave them a tour, and bonded with them…” Twilight was still glancing angrily at Spike and Trixie.

Rarity and Twilight shouted, “As Friends! And we went to Tony the Pony’s hay pizza… AS FRIENDS!”

“In fact, just to ensure they wouldn’t get the wrong idea about us, I told them about my relationship with Celestia.” Twilight facehoofed as the look in Spike and Trixie’s faces implied “Oh, I get it now.” Twilight continues, “and they accepted we just wanted be friends with them.”

Trixie and Spike felt like real jerks. “My most humble apologies, Flim and Flam.”

Spike nodded, “Yeah, our bad.”

“Now, Miss Sparkle, you won’t tell the Princess on me, will you?”

Grimacing Twilight hoped Trixie would know the answer already, pray to Celestia she was joking. “Trixie, you know I can’t keep a secret from the princess. If you are her most trusted visor, you’ll face the punishment for your actions.” Trixie only nodded, understanding well what Twilight said. “And Spike, we’ll talk about this later, young dragon.”

A few weeks later in Canterlot Castle…

Spike was mopping the royal castle floors, with Trixie scrubbing them. “Finally, the four weeks of labor is almost up.”

Spike snorted in relief, “Yeah. A shame we missed the funeral for Ol’ Pony Flimflam though.”

“Twilight said she’ll send us videos of the funeral as soon as our punishment’s done by next week.”

“You know, Trix, I feel really bad messing up Flim and Flam like we did.”

“And for what, because you got jealous and I didn’t wanted Sparkle to betray the princess?”

A mysterious voice spoke, “You two had slightly justified reasons.”

Trixie’s eyes flew wide open, “oh, your highness.” Trixie bowed hastily, however spike stayed looking on his knees.

It was Celestia before them. “I understand your intentions, Flim and Flam were involved in the cider incident with the apple family, and you worried they were up in another scam, and you intended to care for Twilight and Rarity’s well-being, but how you two approached the situation was inappropriate, let alone childish.”

Trixie crawled towards Celestia's leg and hugged it in fear and shame. Trixie started to tear up, “Please forgive me your grace, I just wanted to keep Twilight from betraying your relationship with her.”

Celestia gave an understanding and forgiving smile. Trixie let go, realizing Celestia had no hard feelings. “There there, dear Trixie. You and Spike sought good intentions. You only executed it wrong, and did it without proper evidence.”

“Your grace, you think Twilight would ever forgive me?”

“That is up to her, Trixie, you must ask her yourself. But knowing her personally, she will have the heart to let go. Now, before i let you resume your work, i only have this to say. ”

Trixie and Spike, confused, “Yes?”

Celestia said, slyly, “You missed a spot.”


Celestia pointed to a black ink dot on the floor under Trixie. It came from Writing Glory.

“Sorry, I got a tad clumsy with the ink.” Spike and Trixie sighed in slight annoyance.

the end.

Comments ( 7 )

310442 so, what do you think of it so far? that is, if your still reading. if so, sorry to disterb.

My father just got off the computer, so im going to
Play Team fortress while i still can before reading.

I be rockin' the Heavy and with my buddy who along side me as well. is an EXCELLENT medic, i destroy everything.

Numbers under ten should always be spelled out.

310610 sorry, bad hapit of taking the shorter way out most of the time.


311086 hey, they're not as bad as they used to be, at least they started to shorten down alittle.

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