• Member Since 28th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Narlepoax III


Comments ( 20 )

First.........to read this.

Let the blood pour.

I think when Twi Finds the Whole Village Slaughtered she will be all :pinkiesick::pinkiesick::pinkiesick:

Something like that. c:<

3581073 I can't wait for the Next chapter though

Murder? I love murder... I could call myself the Mistress of Murder... *Evil laughter*

Welcome, fair Mistress.

seems interesting also what the fuck was with mayor mare?! she really doesn tlike stallions or what?

also can you give me the short story of who jin e is and what the show he is from about?

No, the Sun party doesn't want stallions to have first class citizenship status.

3581120 what the fuck is wrong with them then? because that seems pretty messed up

Same thing that's wrong with the real world parties that don't want women to be first class citizens.

Rurouni Kenshin is about samurais...
Yeah, that's it.

Jin-E is a psychopathic samurai who feels an incredible rush at the sight and scent of blood.

See the links at the top of the chapter? Click them. Watch the videos.

That should explain everything that leads up to the story.

EDIT: Very interesting, indeed. Particularly because I'm a big fan of 'villain slaughters the entire village he arrives at/in' stories.

By the way, if you include that (unintentionally) hilarious boat incident I will love you.

God, that part was awesome. But it's already happened by this point.

I don't know how I would include it, without making this story a parody.

3584541 Hm. Pity.

It would just serve as comedic effect, yeah. But not a huge loss.

:moustache:she's going to shit herself when she see's what happened.

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