• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 3,814 Views, 73 Comments

Chaos and Anarchy - -Mazer

When Celestia vanishes, Luna and Twilight Sparkle must seek advice from an old enemy to find her.

  • ...

Fall of the Cuties

“We oversaw the chaos of the world.”

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity called out. “Be a lamb and fetch me the bag lying atop my dresser; the velvet one with the gold lining.”

“Sure thing Rarity!” Sweetie Belle replied. She bolted up the stairs as fast as her little hooves could carry her. This was a big day, a very big day indeed for today was the day that Rarity had finally asked Sweetie Belle to help out in the shop. While Rarity made it very clear that Sweetie Belle would not be assisting in the actual sewing, she promised that Sweetie Belle would still be an essential part in today’s activities. So far that meant fetching whatever items Rarity needed but Sweetie Belle didn’t care. As long as she was contributing to the project, she was happy.

“Let’s see, let’s see,” She mumbled to herself. “Did Rarity say the gold bag with the violet lining or the velvet bag with the gold lining?” Sweetie Belle sat her rump down in front of Rarity’s dresser. Her sister sure didn’t make things easy on her for Rarity had over ten different satchels stacked up neatly on top of one another. “Well shoot,” Sweetie Belle pouted. “Which one do I choose?” She was able to pick out three bags that looked similar to each other. Now, she knew that if she brought Rarity the wrong bag, that Rarity would get irritated. If Sweetie Belle grabbed too many bags, Rarity would complain that she had taken too long. She began to bite her lower lip in thought. Then, as if plucked from the very sky itself, an idea popped into her head. “Rarity? What’s in the bag anyways?”

“Blue Gemstones,” She called out.

Sweetie Belle grinned. “Easy as pie!” She pushed a chair on over to the dresser and climbed on top of it. She found the three bags that matched Rarity’s description – that is to say, the description Sweetie Belle thought Rarity had given – and opened them up one by one. The first bag contained diamonds, the second gold flakes, and the third blue gemstones! She had found them! She made sure to close the first two satchels before fetching the third off the dresser. She walked back downstairs (fearing that if she ran, she’d fall and lose the gemstones). “Here you go!” She mumbled.

Rarity peaked over her glasses. “Very good dear. Now put them over by my mannequin and I’ll get to them when I need them.” She turned her attention back to her work; a beautiful red and white dress with silver lining with a diamond crest on the breast. “Who is the dress for?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Bon-Bon,” Rarity said while double-checking the measurements. She used her magic to float a bolt of cloth over to her cutting board. A pair of scissors rose from the ground and began to cut along the path Rarity had already marked. “She has a social event scheduled sometime soon and wishes to look her best.” She cleared her throat and whispered, “Not that she ever could with that mane of hers. I swear, if she would just let me fix it she would look absolutely divine.”

“Bon-Bon?” Sweetie Belle blinked. “Bon-Bon.” She frowned while tapping her left hoof against her jaw. “Which one is she again?”

“Lyra’s friend,” Rarity commented in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle nodded. “Of course!” She still couldn’t picture Bon-Bon but decided to drop the subject. She knew it wasn’t the best of times to disturb her sister while she was cutting fabric. She sat down on the other side of the room, doing her best to stay out of the way and out of trouble. She really hoped that if she proved herself once and for all, Rarity would take time out of her busy schedule to teach Sweetie Belle how to sew.

It wasn’t easy for the young filly to behave. On several occasions she saw a fly buzzing around the room and it was awfully tempting to hunt it down. She didn’t. She just kept quiet and behaved like a good little sister should.

“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity said.

“Yes?” Sweetie Belle perked up.

“I need you to get me two glasses of warm water. Not hot. Warm. Just above room temperature.”

“What for?” She asked.

Rarity sighed, muttered something under her breath, muttered something else, and then took a slow, deep breath. “I need to put the water into my iron in order to steam out some wrinkles.”

“Ah, that makes sense!” Sweetie Belle chirped. She bounded out of the room to the kitchen. She pushed a step stool over to the cabinets. “Two glasses. Two glasses, easy peasy!” She hummed. She grabbed the glasses out of the cabinet. Closing the door, she spied two bright purple eyes staring at her from the other side of the kitchen window. “Ah!” She hollered, almost falling off the stool. “Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “What are you doing out there?”

“I found her!” Scootaloo cried out. “Over here Apple Bloom, she’s in the kitchen!” Apple Bloom popped into view her red mane full of twigs and leaves. “There you are!” Apple Bloom said while smiling. “When you were late to the meeting, we thought something done happened to you!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed. “What have you been doing?”

Sweetie Belle looked down the hallway then ran over to the kitchen door. “Quick both of you get in here before Rarity notices.” She let her friends into the house. “What’s going on?”

“I told you she plum forgot.” Apple Bloom said while rolling her eyes.

“We had a meeting today!” Scootaloo grumbled. “You know, to find our Cutie Marks?”

“Oh yeah!” Sweetie Belle winced. “I’m sorry! Rarity asked me for some help and, well, you know…”

“You wanted to help her,” the two fillies said in unison. “We get it.”

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called out from her workshop. “Where is that water?”

“Coming!” Sweetie Belle shouted back. “I’m sorry but I really need to help Rarity with her project.” She filled the glasses with water. “Hold on real quick!” She dashed into the workshop. “Here’s your water!”

“Thank you dear,” Rarity used her magic to bring the glasses over to her table. “Who were you talking too?” She asked. Rarity narrowed her eyes in concentration as she moved her sewing needle through two folds of cloth.

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle frowned. “Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are here.”

“Ah. Wonderful. Now you three can go upstairs and play.” She waved her hoof over her shoulder.

“But Rarity,” Sweetie Belle whimpered. “You said I could spend the day with you.”

“No-no-no-no-no,” Rarity replied, not bothering to look up from her work. “You have guests and it is rude not to attend to them. Now go on. Off with you. Shoo.”

Sweetie Belle shoulders fell. “Okay,” She poked her head back into the kitchen. “C’mon guys. Let’s go upstairs.”

“Wait,” Apple Bloom said. “We need to wait for Scootaloo.”

“Where did she go?”

“She went back outside. Said she heard somepony calling her…” she stopped midsentence. “Oh, there she is.”

Scootaloo stepped back into the kitchen. She had an odd expression on her face as if she was confused about something.

“Who was it?”

“I don’t know,” Scootaloo frowned. “I could have sworn somepony was out there but when I looked, no pony was there.” She crinkled her nose. “How weird.” She bounced up and down. “So what are we going to do? Should we go back to the headquarters and plan our newest cutie-mark mission?”

“I guess,” Sweetie Belle sighed.

“Cutie-Mark Crusaders,” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom screeched. “YAY!” Apple Bloom frowned. “Sweetie Belle, you didn’t join in the cheer.”

“Sorry. I just don’t feel like cheering.” She kicked her hoof against the floor.

“She’ll get over it,” Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom. “C’mon, let’s get back to headquarters and get to work!”

Together the trio of fillies left Rarity’s shop to head on over to Apple Tree Acres. “I was thinking we could try something exciting,” Scootaloo said. “Like rock climbing, or sky diving…”

“Sky diving?” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “How do you reckon we do that?”

“Easy! We just get Rainbow Dash to take us as high as possible then we just jump off her back.”

“What would that cutie-mark look like?” Apple Bloom asked. “A big splat mark on the ground?” She giggled. “That’s gross!”

“Well you are not supposed to hit the ground!” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “You are supposed to use a blanket to slow your fall. Like a pair-of-shoes.”

“That’s parachute,” Sweetie Belle grumbled.

“Whatever.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. They arrived at the tree house. “Last one upstairs is a rotten egg!” Scootaloo cheered while bolting up the ramp. Apple Bloom shook her head. “Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?” she asked once Scootaloo was out of earshot.

“Yeah,” She sighed. “I was just really looking forward to spending time with Rarity. That’s all.”

“I understand.” She followed Sweetie Belle up to the tree house. “I’m the same way with Big Macintosh.”

“Not Apple Jack?”

“We hang out all the time. Big Macintosh thinks I’m just a little filly and won’t let me help him with the big pony chores.” She stomped her hoof. “It took me a whole year to convince Apple Jack that I’m a too a big pony and now Big Macintosh doesn’t believe me?” She huffed. “I will prove myself to him. Jus’ you wait!”

“I don’t think it’s the same thing with my sister. She just sees me as a pest.” They stepped into their headquarters. Scootaloo was already lying upon the floor with a crayon in her mouth. She was drawing what looked to be a very crude sketch of Rainbow Dash. “What are you two fillies complaining about now?” she grumbled from around her crayon.

“We ain’t complaining,” Apple Bloom objected.

“Sure you are.” She drew a table next to Rainbow Dash and began coloring it in. “I could hear you all the way up here.” She glanced up from her drawing. “What’s the matter? Sisters ignoring you guys again?”

“Only Rarity,” Sweetie Belle clarified. “Big Macintosh is the one giving Apple Bloom a hard time.”

“I don’t see why you two care so much.” Scootaloo muttered. She spat out her crayon and picked up a purple one. She began to color in a small purple vial that she sketched on Rainbow Dash’s table. “It’s not like they care about you two.”

“That ain’t true!” Apple Bloom gasped. “Why would you say such a thing?”

“It’s obvious,” She spat the crayon out of her mouth. “If they cared then they’d work harder to spend time with you two.”

“They are just busy, that’s all.” Sweetie Belle objected. “Rarity and I hang out all the time.”

“Stop lying.” Scootaloo said. “We all know that she’d rather lock you in a closet then hang out with you.” She shook her head. “And Big Macintosh acts as if you don’t even exist. All he cares about is Apple Jack.”

“Why would you say such a thing?” Apple Bloom gasped. “Why are you being so mean?”

“Because I am tired of hearing you two complain all the time.” She rolled onto her back while resting her arm over her eyes. “Oh, woah is me! Rarity keeps ignoring me! How can I keep on living when my stuck-up sister doesn’t want me around?”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes narrowed. “Take that back!”

“No.” She rolled back onto her stomach. “It’s the truth.” She pushed her hoof through the crayon pile. “The sooner you two accept that, the sooner we can get back to work discovering our cutie-marks.”

“You know what I think your problem is?” Apple Bloom growled. “I think you’re just angry that we’ve got kin and you dun!”

Scootaloo grew very still.

“That’s it, ain’t it?” Apple Bloom took a step towards Scootaloo. “You’re jealous, ain’t you?”

“No.” Scootaloo found her black crayon and began to draw on her picture. “Why should I be? I got Rainbow Dash as my big sister.”

“She ain’t your sister!” Apple Bloom snapped. “And she’ll never be.” She sneered viciously. “Why would she want a sister who can’t even fly?”

Scootaloo dropped her crayon. Sweetie Belle took a step backwards, slapping both her front hooves over her mouth. She couldn’t believe what just came out of Apple Bloom’s mouth. “Take that back,” Scootaloo’s voice was trembling.

“Only if you take it back ‘bout what you said ‘bout my brother!”

“Well it’s true!” Scootaloo snapped. “At least Rainbow Dash wants to hang out with me! Not like your family.”

“At least we have a family!” Apple Bloom roared.

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle shrieked.

“What did you say?” Scootaloo whispered, her mane covering her eyes.

“You heard…” she was cut off as Scootaloo tackled her to the ground. She began to pummel her hooves into Apple Bloom’s face. “I hate you!” Scootaloo howled. “I hate you! I hate you!”

“Get off meh!” Apple Bloom bucked her hips bouncing Scootaloo off her chest. She tackled Scootaloo from behind, gripping her by the mane to smash her face into the floor.

“Guys! Guys!” Sweetie Belle bit her teeth down upon Apple Bloom’s tail and struggled to pull her off. Apple Bloom kicked her back hoof straight into Sweetie Belle’s jaw, knocking her backwards. She slipped on Scootaloo’s drawing, smashing her head against the corner of their work table. Stars exploded in her vision as she collapsed, boneless, to the floor.

“Guys,” she whimpered, trying to focus her vision. Something warm and wet dripped down the side of her face. “Guys…” she tried again. Her vision began to blur as tears welled up in her eyes. She could no longer make out which filly was who. She heard their muffled shouts then there was the sound of glass breaking.

“Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo screamed. “Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle saw an orange blur run up to her. “Oh my Celestia,” Scootaloo gasped. “Oh no, oh no…” Sweetie Belle blinked some of her tears away. Scootaloo’s face came into focus. Sweetie Belle stared into Scootaloo’s glowing black eyes. “Scoot…?” She whimpered.

“Oh no,” Scootaloo gasped. “I didn’t expect this. Two for the price of one?” she grinned.

“Scoot…” Sweetie Belle raised her hoof towards her friend. Her vision was beginning to darken. Scootaloo sat down in front of Sweetie Belle. “Why…?” Sweetie Belle cried.

“Shhh,” Scootaloo whispered. “Don’t ruin the experience…”

Sweetie Belle cried. Why wasn’t Scootaloo helping? Why was she just sitting there, smiling? Her vision blurred, darkened, and then went out altogether.

“Sco…” she whispered as the darkness took over.