• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
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Talon and Thorn


Fluttershy, being the element of Generosity, is known around Ponyville and beyond for her charitable work but she's not the only one, Rarity is also known to collect for an orphanage. When a charity ball is held near the town tensions run high as they both attempt to score a donation from visiting dignitary Prince Blueblood of Monacolt.

Will either of them be successful or will both return home in shame?

Takes place in the Cadenceverse about a month after The Music of Ponyville.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 50 )

Fluttershy reminds me about my mother making herself sick taking care of my sick grandmother:

My mother is retired. When my grandmother got sick, my mother went to help grandmother 20 hours daily 7 days a week. I told mother that she will not help grandmother if she makes herself sick. She should limit herself to half a day daily and 5 days a week and let the nurse provided by medicare take over the rest of the time. My mother did not listen. My mom burned herself out and got sick for a week, which was did grandmother no good at all.

Fluttershy should not feel bad about half a day indulging herself. If she would not take off that half-day, she would make herself sick. With her sick, she could neither take care of her animals, nor help charities. Looking at the big picture, her taking half a day weekly at the spa allows her to help more animals and give more to charity in the long run because, otherwise she would incapacitate herself with illness from stress and fatigue.

This story reminds me about S01E20 “Green Isn’t Your Color”, except that Fluttershy is the jealous 1.

This chapter reminds me about S01E26 “The Best Night Ever”.

The WeatherFactoryOwner probably will not gives tours of the RainBowFactory

Pâté is an animal-product.


This is supposed to be a vegetarian version made mostly out of mushroom.

However, depending on exact social mores in Equestria I would not be surprised if Bluenote had tried meat at some point even if most ponies don't eat it.

There are few animals that are entirely incapable of eating meat even if not specially adapted for it (no reason to let all that protein some other animal carelessly left lying about go to waste).

The stampede seems familiar.


Hooray for the first story making the Cadanceverse a shared setting! I knew it'd happen soon.

You've captured Fluttershy's character very well, and I feel so bad for her. She needs to stop having such high standards for herself. Actually, she should talk to Octavia about that - that's a problem they share.

I like the idea of Prince Blueblood actually ruling his own independent principality (lol, Monacolt). It fits with the sort of government we've had described in the Cadanceverse. Does Monacolt get a lot of income from casinos, too?

Incidentally, my research suggests that as the daughter of a Duke, Octavia is entitled to be addressed as "Lady Octavia", but not "Lady Philharmonica".

Yep, I've drawn quite a bit of inspiration from previous stories when making this. It's my standard position for both fan fiction and GMing, I'm not good at creating stuff from whole cloth but I'm fair at taking things from other places and stiching them together.


The Cadenceverse has been shared for quite a while, this is my second story in it and Planatarian has written some as well (although he seems to have dropped out of existence).

Hopefully GrassandClouds2 will get around to writing his story about Fluttershy's father visiting soon so we can get a bit more background on her. I'm sure Octy can empathise a bit although Fluttershy seems to be a bit more, I want to be just like Dad rather than wanting to be the best (although to her the differentiation is very small).

Interesting about the title, does it matter that's she's not the presumptive heir? She is the third child, from what I'd seen only her older sister would automatically be 'Lady' Melody?
On a similar note Fluttershy's dads title suggests he's a member of the C-verse equivalent of the Privy council. Which suggests Cadence uses a Privy, they make their golems really life like don't they :pinkiehappy:

Ah, now Flutterbitch finally makes an appearance. Briefly. She's going to be kicking herself for months over that, I imagine.

"Hey, Prince Blueblood" was a stroke of genius, I thought! It suits Rarity's big personality to a tee.

Rarity made the dress easy to remove for Prince BlueBlood.

Rarity talking about the orphans truly equinizes her.

Nice bonding between Rarity and Fluttershy.

At some point, somepony should write a story about the history between AngelBunny and FlutterShy. They have a bond forge by something. That story worthy of telling.

BlueBlood does not seem very interested in helping Rarity out of her dress, but maybe Rising Star might.

This story ends well. It even brings up emergency-response versus continual funding. They are both important. Indeed, it makes sense to continually fund a charity which does only disaster-relief because disasters happen continuously. We could also get into overhead and earmarks:

Some donors noticed that charities, unable to get their acts together, spend over half their money on overhead. These donors started funding charities which spend less than 10% on overhead. That is just as bad:

Spending so little on overhead means that accounting breaks down, thus allowing unscrupulous ponies to steal the money. Good charities spend 10% to 20% of their income on overhead.

Earmarking money is a terrible idea because it destroys the flexibility for money to go whither one needs it. It could lead to a situation like thus:

A tsunami leaves millions of ponies homeless. A charity gets millions of bits for shelters. It can only use half of the bits before it repaired or replaced all of the homes. The ponies soon discover that the tsunami damaged the waterworks. An outbreak of dysentery occurs. The charity finds itself with more than enough bits to fix the waterworks, thus saving the lives of thousands of ponies, but cannot do so because these bits are for shelters only. The problem of earmarks connects with the problem of overhead because many donors earmark money to assure that it goes to helping ponies —— ¡not overhead! Earmarking is a terrible idea.

Oh dear. All that careful flirtation and he turns out to be entirely uninterested. Poor Rarity. Still, I like the way that she wasn't portrayed as in any way a bad pony for flirting with him, just a little bit silly.

The bit about Rarity's connection to the orphanage was lovely. I'm glad she's been able to help them out so much!

3569446 You're quite right - I haven't been paying as much attention to published works as I might lately. In any event, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I love your portrayal of Blueblood - he's just as vain as in canon, but he makes fun of himself about it, and is a genuinely decent stallion underneath.

According to Wikipedia, the daughters of a Duke are all entitled to the courtesy title of Lady, followed by their first name. So Octavia can be addressed as Lady Octavia, or Lady Octavia Philharmonica. Melody, the eldest, is also Lady Melody or Lady Melody Philharmonica.

If the Duke or Duchess has another title - for example, if the Duchess also holds the title of Countess of Marebai - then Melody can style herself as Lady Melody Philharmonica, Countess of Marebai (again, as a courtesy). If Melody married and had foals, her eldest child could use some other title derived from the Duke or Duchess, if there are any left. Octavia and Viola don't have that right, though.

I like titles, even if I don't actually know everything I need to know about them. :trixieshiftright:

3570687 Running and funding charities is always complicated, yeah. Overhead is sort of important, but it's far from the most important thing. Really, the only measure that matters is "good accomplished per bit donated". If the way to achieve the most good is to pay a huge salary to a CEO who would otherwise be making his fortune in private business, then you do that. As for earmarking, I've heard stories of earthquake victims being given literal mansions because they couldn't legally spend the money any other way. Either you trust that the charity knows what to do with the money... or you don't give them your money.


> “If the way to achieve the most good is to pay a huge salary to a CEO who would otherwise be making his fortune in private business, then you do that.”

You are right about that:

Bill Gates has more money than he can spend. He started the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He tries to run the charity himself. As far as I can tell, most of the money has been conned away. He should look at the top 1 thousand charities, find the best run 1, and offer the leader a salary of 1 million dollars annually for running the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Carte blanche. Of course, Bill Gates should audit the charity annually for making certain that the new head has not decided to become a billionaire by embezzling, but other than that, stay out of the way of the new CEO.

The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation can go from one of the largest but least effective charities in the world to 1 of the largest and most effective charities in the world.

Good lord, Cadanceverse Flutters is even more adorable than Maneverse Flutters! How is that possible?! :pinkiegasp:

Ah, Angel. Even when nice I wanna smack him. :scootangel: Anyway, Blueblood as Gaston? I can kinda see it.

Ah... I'm really siding with Rarity. Fluttershy pours too little into too much, stretches herself thin and doesn't realize it's not evil to make sure your own needs are taken care of, too.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Okay, I love your Blueblood. That was awesome!

Good ending, here. I like the twist with Octavia's 'master'. Also, glad Bluenote got her food. I hate it when the comedic sociopathy is overplayed.


In an earlier version Rarity was an orphan herself who had been adopted by her 'on screen' parents and Sweetie was her parents biological daughter although Rarity still considered her her true sister.

As for Angel / Fluttershy my original idea was for Angel to be a rescue pet who Fluttershy rescued from a cruel unicorn (one of the few individuals who Fluttershy could truly hate), hence his fear of magic but I toned it down to better fit the setting. I'm keeping the idea of Angel's mother being badly injured and Fluttershy putting her down for a possible future story where one of the foals pets gets ill and has to be euthanized and Fluttershy helping the foal come to terms with this.

Plus I am interested in a Angel / Cat story at some point.

Oh Fluttershy, don't you realize that refusing to be selfish at times is selfish in itself?

And, Carrot's sister is officially named Noi, just for clarity's sake.


I'm glad I'm working in an alternative universe then, I'm really not keen on the name Noi, does it even mean anything?

First draft round Carrot Top was a single mother and it was her son Rarity had scared her about but then I found out about her having a canon sister so I decided to change it to her instead.

My only gripe is Aloe and Lotus. I have a pet peeve when people write them as almost illegible, walking, Germane sterotypes. They live in Ponyville, next to Canterlot for crying out loud. They have normal accent, in line with 98% of Ponyvillians (the 2% being cows and the Apple Family).

But ignoring that personal pet peeve. I like how Cadanceverse has the only Angel bunny that I don't want to instantly throttle into a wood chipper. And I like how you made Prince Blue Blood a good guy / philanthropist. I haven't read the other chapters yet, but if he's anything like FimVerse & L!Verse Fancy Pants then that'll be awesome. So far this is a good story, and I'm looking forward to the other chapters.

You could split up the massive paragraph that is Bluey's dialog. But this was a good chapter. I especially liked seeing Angel lead a rebellion against Cat Scratch. Although I wonder why Angle has a problem with Unicorns.

Well that answers my question about Angel's Magicphobia. And I love your Blue Blood.

All in all this was a good fic. Really cool take on things.


I actually think they put on that accent to seem more 'exotic' to attract more clients, sort of the same way Rarity does.

Fun fact, one of my original idea's back when Rarity was an orphan she had a natural Scottish Accent picked up from somepony who ran the orphanage, she covered it with her afflicted accent but it tended to come out if she was angry or stressed.

I also gave Jack Lumber a non standard accent, he apparently from Somerset or possibly Devon.


My God! It's my dance!

A big animal.

A really big animal.

The everfree forest.

Why am I seeing this as "Grand Galloping Gala version 2.0"? Now with lions, tigers and bears. Oh my.

I didn't egen have to click the link, I knew what Song it was two Lines in. Blueblood as Gaston world so perfectly.

I'm betting whatever unforgivable thing Fluttershy did was in fact quite forgivable. Am I am not just saying that so I can make a TFS joke. *Liarjack face*


Yep, both are nice on the outside, but are jerks on the inside, and merely show offs.

And Rarity, if by intoxicating you mean toxic that that sounds like Blueblood. :rainbowlaugh: Sorry, taing a jab at Blueblood is a hobby of mine.


Blitzwing: Dizzy! Dizzy! Not liing ze dizzy! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

(Couldn't resist)

Anyway, Fools Ignorant Fools was a lovely song! He may be harsh and have high standards that chef, but at least the guys there get to eat well, except for poor Bluenote, this is not turning out how they expected.


Very well played, highly unexpected, for once a story where Blueblood isn't a complete jerkass, then again, perhaps romance helped soften hs heart. One does not simply anger Fluttershy, she may be timid, but she has the heart of a lion.

I'll be honest, I lie your version of Blueblood best, he is very vain and a bit stuck up, but he is reasonably decent underneath. I think that sometimes, yes, it is best to agree to disagree. Let's hope our 2 generous friends can get along well.

Why is it during Rarity's song I was turned on? And why did I just donate some money to a random site?

Anyway, its weird to see Fluttershy acting like she isn't as close to Rarity as she normally is. In a way, its Fluttershy, on the other, its different

I love your take on Bluenote. She's still obviously the Element of Laughter, but she's not the butt monkey like Trixie (Manehattan) and Cheerilee (Lunaverse) have a tendency to be, or even when she is, she dusts herself off and comes out on top... ironic for someone with her lazy streak (or it could just be the way she prioritizes things). She has Pinkie Pie's optimism, but not some of her more annoying quirks.

3830447 Turns out they have an East Asian Mom voice.


True they do. But it's still legible, and understandable.

You get a lot of writers out there though that slaughter any degree of legibility in their accents. When for the most part they are totally understandable with a rather scrumptious accent ^_^.

You know, in AUs like the Lunaverse and the Cadanceverse and other AUs that remove Celestia for 1000 years, Blueblood actually wouldn't exist. Celestia is his biological aunt. Okay, his great great great great great... I don't know how many "greats" there are, but I think it's like 32 or something like that... aunt. I suppose that you could say he does exist, he just wouldn't be a prince... then again, he's not a prince in the Lunaverse either. Prince is just his name.

Also, A Fluttershy-focused story!:yay:

I love the attention to detail from Angel's point of view. I'm also loving this version of Angel, who's a polite rabbit rather than a brat. Perhaps Fluttershy being the Element of Generosity changes things enough so that things are that different. Or perhaps Fluttershy's generous nature just rubbed off on him (and the rest of the animals) in this universe. Either way, I like where this is going.

On that note, that first scene was totally made to intentionally sound inappropriate. There's no question about it. I'll grant that I know it's innocent in nature. But Talon and Thorn knew EXACTLY what they were doing when writing that part.

“If that was Rose. Who am I?” asked Rose with rising panic. “Who am I?!” she cried waving her hooves wildly.

Okay, this exchange was amusing, though a little cringy in my opinion. That conclusion however made it all worth it. The real Rose having an existential crisis about who she is like that was perfect.


You know, in AUs like the Lunaverse and the Cadanceverse and other AUs that remove Celestia for 1000 years, Blueblood actually wouldn't exist. Celestia is his biological aunt. Okay, his great great great great great... I don't know how many "greats" there are, but I think it's like 32 or something like that... aunt.

Well that doesn't actually put Celestia anywhere in his bloodline so he could exist, she's either his aunt by having married the brother (or sister) of one of his ancestors or or is the sister of one of his ancestors (so he could actually be directly related to Luna unless there are some other family we don't know about). Thus is she never exists or follows a very different life Blueblood can still exist.

Fair enough. Though he wouldn't be a prince, since it's his relation to Celestia that's what makes him royalty, even if it's extremely distant. Although seeing as this is an AU, he can be a prince for a completely different reason. In these AUs, it seems like Cadance gets the biggest overhaul though. In the Lunaverse, she's a magical clone of Luna that has been purified (basically, the Lunaverse version of Cadance is basically the Lunaverse version of Past Sins). And the Cadanceverse has her as a golem.


Yep, in this case he's a prince on account of ruling a Principality. A part of Equestria which split off when Luna and Celestia went mad and never rejoined.

This meeting was important so she had to be organised and write a list.

Fluttershy sighed, “Nearly, I’ve made a list of it all dear.” She passed over a list of her interns duties.

I can already see where this will most likely lead to. Fluttershy gave Cat Scratch the list to keep her focused and brought with her the list of instructions, didn't she?

Cat sat down heavily. Fluttershy steadied a nearby vase before it could fall. “I don’t think I’ll have a problem.”

Cat is the accident-prone type, isn't she?

Fluttershy grabbed her bag knocking the scroll off the table.

It's still a common trope. But I still like that there being two lists acted as a red herring. Perhaps that wasn't the intent and it just happened to turn out that way. And perhaps Cat will see that list and think it's the directions she has to follow, so it could still have the same results.

I'm not sure how I feel about Can undoing her limbs. Mainly because I think Fluttershy should just come home to find her hogtied.

Blueblood as Gaston... I suppose they're both self-centered enough. Although I was hoping that he would be portrayed in a better light. Because so far I kinda like this version and don't want to see it get ruined.

I wonder what Angel's issue with magic is. in this universe, is he a rescue from an abusive unicorn owner? Or maybe he's just a rescue from a unicorn foal who unknowingly tortures animals (little children don't know any better. There's a picture of me as a little kid practically strangling a kitten after all).

Ram Sea is obviously a pun on the name Ramsey. And this portrayal of him bothers me because it proves how jaded people's views of people can be thanks to American Reality TV. It can completely corrupt people's opinions of who are actually just nice people. That's right, Chris Ramsey is actually a really nice guy. The problem is American Reality TV. And that's right, I mean American specifically. Because the Americanized version of his show is much different than the British version. The fact is that there's nothing real about American reality TV. And that's not just because people act differently when they know they're on camera. There's someone from Survivor who was made out to be a bad guy. And he's gotten lawsuits and lost for no other reason than the fact that he was the bad guy, despite the fact that it's a lie. American Reality TV can potentially ruin people's lives.

I feel as if that song was a bit over-the-top for Rarity. But technically, even she pointed that out. It just feels too much like a fan's subpar interpretation of her rather than a canon version. Then again, this is a significantly different Blueblood, so I suppose a mildly different Rarity isn't that bad.

On the topic of Blueblood, I like how when there was uncertainty in Rarity's voice, he walked away from her. I like it because it seems to me that because of how many ponies want to get at him, he's learned certain tactics to filter out ponies who are insincere and just want to get near him for their own benefit. I personally don't think Rarity is insincere. But she does come across as such. So when it was clear that she was just complimenting him to get on his good side... I just like that he has a personal defense against Rarity's tactics. I honestly do hope that this Blueblood is a decent character, and I hope it more and more the more I see his personality. After all, Angel is a decent character in this universe.

I also like how Blueblood actually took notice of Fluttershy. This is all the more reason why I want him to be a good guy. I mean, yeah, Fluttershy completely froze up. But still, considering Fluttershy's personality, getting notice says a lot.

Don't be like that, Octy. You're starting to sound like the old you. At least she acknowledges that the music does have a beat to it if nothing else.

Also, is Bluenote ever gonna get her food?

“You might find that my tastes are rather out of your abilities,” noted Blueblood raising an eyebrow.

Blueblood's gay, isn't he? I seriously hope so, because considering how Rarity is behaving, that would easily be a rude awakening for her.

Only months?

I think it's more complicated than that. I'd agree that perhaps Fluttershy should focus on one issue at a time. But her mind won't allow her to stay on just that one for too long. It's in her nature to want to help as many ponies and animals that she can. By focusing only on one, she'd also know that she's taking her focus away from others who also need the help. And Fluttershy also tends to be the panicky type. So if she takes her focus off of one thing, she'd worry that her efforts not going towards that would end up causing its downfall. I agree that that's a mindset she needs to work on. But it also has the potential to be true. So she should set her focus on whatever charity needs the most help. Perhaps even two. And when they get to a point where they're stable, she can move onto the next in need.

As for treating herself, yes, you're right that she needs to understand that indulging in a few things once in a while isn't a bad thing. But what Rarity wants is an ulterior motive. She wants to woo Blueblood. Not only that, but she's obsessive about it. I think she honestly does want to help that orphanage. But that should be her only goal if she wants to be moral about it.

Perhaps the reason it didn't affect me is that I'm lucky enough to be asexual, so stuff like that won't turn me on. So when I donate to something, I'm in my right mind when I do.

As for Fluttershy, being a little different is to be expected. Blueblood on the other hand... this guy just shares the same name. Beyond the name and appearance (that part also being questionable), it's a completely different character. But you can't deny that this version of Bluebood is a likable character though. Basically, take the Lunaverse Blueblood, completely reverse his characterization, and you get the Cadanceverse Blueblood.

A large blue coated muscular pegasus stallion rushed over to the group and kissed Blueblood on the lips, “Bluie,” he cried, “I managed to get away early.”

I totally called it! Better yet, I love how Rarity was actually interested in Rising Star.

And I knew Rarity was honestly about helping that orphanage. I just didn't realize how much.

I suppose I wasn't entirely wrong about Angel's fear of magic.

Also, I'm willing to bet that Octavia's master for a day will actually be a good pony in the end.

Is Buenote's stomach digesting itself yet?

Fun Fact: 50,000 bits would equate to $6,250. Though the bit is no longer used, it was an actual form of currency. A bit was equal to 1/8 of a dollar, or 1/2 if a quarter, or 12.5 cents. The bit existed before the concept of cents did. Back then coinage was used to represent fractions instead of percentages. So when you do the math, 1/8 of 50,000, or 50,000 divided by 8 equals 6,250.

Called it! Octavia actually did have a good day.

She took out a knife and spread a generous amount of the brown substance on a slice of toast.

Bluenote bit into the pâté. “Worth every minute of the wait,” she groaned.

It took a few days, but she finally got to eat!

Well I'm British so it's likely I've had a little more exposure to the British version rather than the American one, although to be honest I've not had much to do with any reality TV. Ram Sea is entirely based on second hand memes as it were so I suppose it could have more to do with the American portrayal.


As for Fluttershy, being a little different is to be expected. Blueblood on the other hand... this guy just shares the same name. Beyond the name and appearance (that part also being questionable), it's a completely different character. But you can't deny that this version of Bluebood is a likable character though. Basically, take the Lunaverse Blueblood, completely reverse his characterization, and you get the Cadanceverse Blueblood.

Its an interesting thing to think about when creating AU's how much can a character be changed from their canon personality before they stop being the same character? If a name and an appearance enough? How much can you change the appearance even?

If your universes version of Twilight is a male griffin with also exactly the same personality is that character more or less the same as canon Twlight than one who looks the same but has no interest in learning?

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