• Published 2nd Dec 2013
  • 5,047 Views, 24 Comments

Amazonian Ponies - Nether

A collection of short stories where the ponies aren't so small.

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“This is your last warning, foul plant! That gold does not belong to you; I will see it returned to its rightful owner!”

“The plant-monster-tentacle thing screeched with displeasure, clutching the hunk of golden treasure even tighter. It takes a defensive stance, ready to defend its bounty.”

“I lunge at thee!” the human paused, lowering his arms to look up to Fluttershy. “Can you roll for me? I don’t wanna knock the die off the table again.” The yellow pony nodded, casually tossing the twenty-sided die just in front of her rulebook. “Seriously? A natural one?” the human groaned, letting his plastic sword hit the table.

“I’m afraid so, Anonymous. The monster takes your sword, tossing it to the side. It rushes to attack!” Fluttershy rolled the die, watching wearily as it spun on a corner. “Twelve,” the quiet pony mumbled, checking her book. “The plant lunges for you, but hits your shield. The shield is weakened, but intact.”

Fluttershy looked to Angel, currently wearing armor fashioned of leaves and twigs. He jumped towards the human, attack carrot raised like a spear. The human prepared himself, holding his bottlecap-shield as the bunny charged. The carrot impacted, knocking the human on his rear; but he did not drop his shield.

“Angel! That was a bit rougher than we agreed on,” the Pegasus scolded. “I know you wanted to play the monster, but this is still just a game.” The bunny huffed, walking back to his corner of the make-shift board.

“It’s not a big deal, Fluttershy,” the human said, rising once again. “Besides, while I was on the ground, I attempted to get my sword back!” Fluttershy smiled, clopping her hooves together. Rolling the die again, the human watched as luck finally shifted in his favor.

“A natural twenty!” she squeaked, flipping through the various character sheets. “You get your sword back so fast, you’re able to free the treasure from the monster’s grasp!”

“Booyeah!” Anonymous shouted, picking his sword up. He combat rolled up to Angel, swiping the plastic sword at the bunny’s guarded treasure. With a crack, the twig-cage shattered, freeing the succulent golden marvel. The human made to reach for the prize, but quickly found a carrot pointed at his head.

“The monster stops you from getting the prize just yet,” Fluttershy announced, watching Angel continue character acting. Before she rolled the d20, or even stated what was to happen next, the bunny moved to strike Anonymous.

Thinking quickly, the human raised his bottlecap shield, blocking the initial blow. This one had a bit more force behind it, shaking the tiny human against the table. As Angel reared back for another strike, the human rolled away, sword held close. Standing back up, he glared at the twig-clad bunny.

“Oh, it’s on.” The human struck a defensive pose, sword and shield at the ready. Angel made the mightiest roar he could, charging the human. “You won’t get me with those big, pointy teeth, Caerbannog!” the human shouted, holding fast. He waited for the bunny to get deathly close before twisting to the side, dodging the spear-headed charge.

Angel was not deterred though. While he missed the initial attack, he was quick to slow his charge and brake. Turning around, he prepared another attack, this time bearing his teeth. Anonymous’ reaction was on point again, twisting as the bunny charged past him. This time, he took a swing with his sword, rapping the bunny on his back as he passed.

The bunny was a bit more than upset. Turning around again, he held his attack carrot above his head, squeaking his battle cry. This time, when he rushed the human, he jumped just before the attack. While not very high, it was enough that Angel could turn around in midair, landing a rough blow on the human’s back.

Anonymous fell forward, still processing what had just happened. He’d been outsmarted by a rabbit is what happened! Having his honor in question, he rolled to the side just in time to dodge the follow up attack. Standing up, his plastic sword met Angel’s carrot, locking the two in a battle for more secure footing.

Just as the human’s heart had sped up though, the ground left him. Both he and Angel had been plucked from their battle by Fluttershy, one in each hoof. Sighing in defeat, the human dropped his sword and shield to the table below. Angel was not so quick to give up though, swinging his attack carrot angrily at the dangling human.

“I think that’s enough adventure for one day, don’t you?” she asked, looking from Angel to Anonymous. “Besides, Mr. Mousey was able to get his cheese back,” she continued, looking down to the gaming board. The mouse was already feasting on the chunk of cheese that had served as the treasure, his tiny mandolin already tossed to the side.

“I was winning though!” Anonymous pouted, much to Angel’s annoyance. The rabbit, currently suspended by his ears, folded his arms and began munching on his attack carrot. Looking to Fluttershy, the human folded his arms in defeat. “Fiiiine.”

“I think you both were doing very well,” Fluttershy continued, smiling as she recalled the bunny battle that had just occurred.

“Maybe we should invite another pony or two to our next game night?” the human offered, conjuring up ideas as both he and Angel were set back down on the table. “Your animal friends might be the perfect size for me, but I think even Rainbow Dash might hold off on trampling me with a carrot.”

Angel stuck his tongue out, turning and jumping off the table.

Fluttershy’s cheeks turned an impossible shade of red, followed by her mane shifting to cover more of her face.

“Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed about game night,” the human said, dumbfounded. When the Pegasus said nothing, the human dropped his previously folded arms in disbelief. “But we’ve had so much fun! Besides, you’re not embarrassed playing with me, are you?”

“Oh, no no no! Never!” the docile pony piped up. “You’re different though; you enjoy playing these games. I don’t think anypony else would ever be interested in things like this.”

“Seriously?” Anonymous said, jaw agape. “Twilight, the huge nerd that she is wouldn’t be interested in a game like this? Do you know how many books are involved with this game? Not to mention all the rules and regulations!” the human continued, half-laughing. “She might explode with happiness if you offered to invite her. I’ll bet she’s more into it than you are!”

“W-well, maybe; but what about everypony else? I don’t want anyone to be left out – what would the others think?”

“You don’t know until you ask. I bet you could come up with a game or two that even Rainbow Dash would be interested in playing. Besides, not everyone has to play. Just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean you have to be ashamed of it.”

“Wh-what about my animals then? Who’s going to watch over them?”

“Game night is every Tuesday, Fluttershy. How do your animal friends get along without you here anyway?” the human inquired, shoving that question to the back of his mind for later. “You could even bring some along! I’d be honored to fight alongside the great bard Mousey again!” he said, gesturing to the mouse. The very same mouse that was now experiencing postprandial somnolence. On his back. Come to think of it, he hadn’t done much during that last boss battle…

Fluttershy shifted on her hooves, thinking over what had been said. Ultimately, the decision probably wasn’t going to be made tonight; but at least the seeds had been planted. It was worth a shot, if anything to simply get Fluttershy out and about more.

“Tell you what – sleep on it. We’re in no rush, and we’ve got plenty of time until next game night to figure out what we want to do.”

“Promise you won’t tell anypony else about our game nights before then?”

“Something something, cupcake in my eye?”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said, settling back down on her side of the board.

“Besides, I need to find my holy hand grenade for next time.”

Author's Note:

I don't even know.

Comments ( 8 )

The mouse was already feasting on the chunk of cheese that had served as the treasure, his tiny mandolin already tossed to the side.

Bards, man. Every fucking time.

Nice chapter. Found a minor typo you may want to fix.

Having his honor in question, he rolled to the side just in time to doge the follow up attack.

All of these chapters/stories are my own; thank you!


"There once was a demon named Angel of hate
He hides now, deep in his woods
Along came Anon, changer of fates
Now to do battle for ill-gotten goods!"

I don't know what's worse - the fact that I didn't catch that on the re-read, or the fact that word never considered it a misspelled word...
Either way, fixed now. Thank you!

Ah the holy hand grenade... And the "field manual" that goes along with it!

are you planning on making more of these?

I'm hoping to, yeah - time and motivation are up in the air though.

Do not let perfection be the enemy of done... is our personal interpretation.

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