• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,230 Views, 101 Comments

A Feather Falls In Time - Pen Brush

Finally done with Cloudsdale, Fluttershy decides that the quiet and nature of Ponyville is where she will be happy, however when her pet Angel leads her to an injured stranger, that peace will have to wait.

  • ...

In Discovery...

As night changed to dawn, the sun came up into the sky and shone through the windows into the cottage. The stray rays of sunlight found their way through Fluttershy’s eyelids and awakened her gently. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, unsure why she was sleeping on the floor, before the memories of last night came back to her.

She slowly stood up and looked around, Angel was nowhere to be seen in the room. She frowned a bit worried but thought that he might be in the kitchen as she stood in front of the couch. She looked at the brown stallions bandages, they had a bit of blood on them and the blood had managed to seep through them, but they had otherwise done their job well and kept his blood mostly inside him.

She leaned over and grabbed the bandages on the stallions head with her teeth and pulled them off. She looked at the gash, it had gotten better over the night and looked to have begun to seal itself up over night. The same could go for the bite wounds on his legs, but Fluttershy knew they weren't fully healed and it would take a while before they stopped hurting.

She put fresh bandages on them and left him be to sleep for awhile longer as she went into the other room to feed her animals their food and make a special salad with a cherry on top for Angel.

The stallions eyes squinted open and he watched Fluttershy walk into another room before he sat up and jumped to the floor. The sudden weight put onto his leg made immense pain shoot throughout his body and his legs buckled and forced him to kneel on the floor.

He frowned, his eyes slightly misted over, determined to make an exit. He stood back up, favouring his leg and looked around the room, confused. The sudden pain had clouded his brain making him unsure which door would be the exit, as well as made his vision blurred.

He shook his head to try and, unsuccessfully, clear his vision. He limped to the door closest to him on the left wall and pushed it open with his head.

Fluttershy finished feeding her animals and was making sure that Angel wasn't eating his salad too fast or in danger of choking, when the stallion she had left on the couch walked through the door in a sort of blind daze.

He squinted as he looked around the room, trying to see clearly of what he was seeing. When his vision finally did clear out, Fluttershy was standing in front of him, her face full of concern.

“Are you ok sir?” she asked, worried why he suddenly looked frightened by the sight of her.

The stallion needed quickly and winced from pain as he stopped, “Oh yes my dear, I’m completely fine. I couldn't be better!” he exclaimed in a slight Trottingham accent before he looked around the room a bit paranoid, like everything would fall apart.

Fluttershy smiled sympathetically, “There isnt a need to be afraid of anything here sir, your safe and I was taking care of you while you slept. What were you doing out in the forest at night?” she asked.

The stallion avoided her gaze, “I was looking for something and got a bit lost, not really by choice though, and it found me first.” he said cryptically. Fluttershy wasn't sure if he was lying or not, but she could see that she was managing to calm him down a little bit. She just needed to talk to him some more and she was sure he would relax.

“If I may ask, what’s your name sir?” she asked, slightly disappointed when he went back into his shell and started to shuffle his hooves nervously.

He coughed as he looked everywhere around the room except Fluttershy, “You could call me by many names really. Clockwise Clockwork, Hour Glass, Time Turner, Timer, it doesn't really matter what you call me.” he said.

Fluttershy nodded slowly “Alright...Time Turner, I made you some soup I made by crushing a few fruits and was going to give it to you before you woke up like I had last night so you wouldn't be hungry, but now that you're awake it will be easier and you can drink it yourself.” she said as she pointed to a brown bowl on the table behind her, full to the brim with suspicious green liquid.

Time Turner studied it with distrust, “What's in it?” he asked, not keen on staying around very long.

Fluttershy smiled, “Well, I read somewhere in a book once that pears are very healthy for a pony and can help give nutrients and important elements to somepony hurt...” she said, before she saw turner’s face contort into great disgust.

“You gave me pears?!” he exclaimed indignantly, suddenly able to taste it quite vividly.

Fluttershy hesitated slightly, “Um...yes I gave you pears...is that bad? Are you allergic to them?” she asked worried.

Time Turner frowned, “Yes its bad! Pears are absolute rubbish and probably the worst food in existence! There is nothing good about them!” he yelled as he stomped his injured hoof on the ground and winced as a fresh spasm of pain jumped through his leg and up all through his body as he arched his head forward.

“Oh please calm down, you're going to make it worse. Let me see your hoof and I promise to bring you to the hospital later today and never give you pears.” Fluttershy pleaded as she walked closer to him.

Time Turner backed away as he shook his head, “No, I have interfered too much here at this time already, you haven't even met them yet or realized...this is probably messing with it as we speak...” he muttered as he shook his head again, “I can care for myself well enough, thank you!” he yelled, before he turned tail and ran out the door, ignoring the pain he left as he put pressure on his leg and his head.

Fluttershy blinked, surprised, before she ran after Time Turner. Angel stood on top of the table beside his salad bowl, a cherry hanging out of his mouth as he stood stock still, trying to process what had happened. He put his cherry down and jumped off the table. He bolted after the pony who made him feel safe and who felt like a mother to him.

Fluttershy stood outside her cottage, looking at an odd blue box. She wasn't sure how a full grown pony would be able to fit comfortable inside of a small box, much less an injured one who she knew needed space to heal better.

She was about to pull the door open, before the door swung itself open like it had a mind of its own into a perfectly circular room where she stood at the top of a metal staircase. The rooms floor was made of perfectly clear glass, easily seen wires jumbled underneath. A large green tube above a ring of metal was littered with all sorts of levers and buttons, with letters Fluttershy didn't recognize wherever a lever or button wasn't. Metal staircases went upwards all around the room leading into hallways and the room had intricate holes put in that made the room glow a bright orange color.

Fear washed over her at the sheer size that was held inside of a seemingly small box before her common sense told her that this was probably a unicorns magic that made it possible to be that large. She trotted up the steps, unaware that Angel was following behind her as her hooves made a soft clipping noise on each step. She walked over to the center of the room and looked at the metal ring where she tried to decipher the symbols.

Fluttershy was just tracing her hoof on one of the strange circular symbols when Time Turner walked through a doorway on the opposite side of the glass tube. The bandages were nowhere to be seen and his injuries were clearly visible as he muttered something quietly to himself

He put a hoof against the gash on his head and felt it as he studied the bite marks embedded into his foreleg. “This will be terribly annoying and very problematic for me. Going to have to cheat a little bit just to fix it.” he said as he closed his eyes.

Fluttershy started to walk over to him to scold him for running away in his condition while she was only trying to help him get better and scaring her half to death when a furry paw pushed on her foreleg. She looked down and frowned when she saw that Angel had followed her after Time Turner instead of staying inside of the cottage where it was safer.

He smiled at her and waved happily before he noticed that his normally white fur was reflecting a golden colored shine on it and he looked forward to where the source was coming from, fascinated.

Fluttershy shook her head, “Angel, what...” she began, having made up her mind to tell him off, but the light reflected off his fur and his attention focused elsewhere behind her made her take a look over her shoulder to see what was happening.

Time Turner sat down onto the stainless glass floor as he let a golden light appear around him and surround his head and foreleg. The light moved and swirled around his cutie mark, but he dispelled it away without having it fix a thing, instead he focused on using it on the more painful and important injuries that would slow him down.

The light glowed a bright yellow like a star before it melted into the wounds. The bite marks filled with new flesh and fur, while the gash across the side of his head shrunk and closed up, covered by new fur, completely rebuilding the muscle and tissue structure as it seeped into them before disappearing entirely, leaving the skin to look as if it was never touched at all.

Time Turner lifted his foreleg up to his head, relief washed through his whole body at the shear bliss of having no pain follow the movement anymore and being able to think clearly without getting his vision blurred. He stood up and smiled as he looked around the empty room, “I feel I may just pay for doing that later, but I couldn't very well continue on in that sort of state, now could I?” he asked aloud, before he frowned slightly,

“Probably shouldn't have run off like that though, even if she will be important later on and I was meddling with something I wasn't supposed to. I had done enough damage just by having the bunny find me.” he walked over to the console in the center of the room and tapped his hooves against it, “Where shall we be going now, perhaps Romane?” he wondered happily.

Fluttershy had hid under the metal contraption with Angel to keep from being seen by the magically healing earth pony when he had walked over to the other side of it. She didnt understand what he meant by her being important or how an earth pony could use magic to fix himself, but she didn't like it and wasn't comfortable staying around anymore. She wanted to leave the impossible box as quickly as she could, but the door was too far away to get to without a confrontation with Time Turner.

Angel stared up at Fluttershy, confused why she would make them hide and was looking around like she was a trapped animal before he realized that she was afraid of the magical glowing earth pony.

He frowned angrily and hopped out from under the metal disk, determined to help Fluttershy not be afraid of the weird stallion.

“Angel no!” Fluttershy whispered as she watched him crawl out from under metal disk just as he jumped up in front of Time Turner.

Time Turner stared at Angel in surprise, “How did you get in here? I thought the TARDIS was locked...and that bunnies didn't have the capability to open doors...” he said, rubbing his chin with a hoof in curious thought.

Fluttershy crawled out from under the disk and stood up, “Sorry...” she whispered as she stared down at the floor. Time Turner whipped his head towards her, surprised, “The door opened and he followed me in.” she said apologetically as she took a few steps closer to him.

Turner backed up while Angel hopped onto Fluttershys back, This is very bad, I’m disrupting the history of Equestria further by her being here... he thought, before her words sunk in and registered in his brain, “Wait...did you say that the door opened for you?” he asked incredulously as he stopped in his tracks.

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes it did. It was a bit odd, but I’m starting to question ‘normal’ at this point after everything that has happened today.” she said as she looked around.

Time Turner laughed as he looked up at the roof, “You must think you're very clever don't you TARDIS? Allowing this pony into here. You know very bloody well that history will all unravel if we were to take this pony, this important piece of the future!” he yelled.

Fluttershy stared at him and shook her head, “I’m sorry, but I think you might be mistaking me for somepony else, I’m not really very important.” she said apologetically.

Time Turner looked down at her and smiled warmly, “My dear mare, everypony is important in the world. I have never once met a pony who wasn't important in the world and it seems that the TARDIS has forgotten the fact that you just happen to be a bit more important then most others and letting you into here was a mistake!” he exclaimed as he walked over to the control panel.

Fluttershy watched him, “What do you mean, what's a TARDIS?” she asked.

Time Turner hummed happily, “Nothing that you truly need to know about now, you really must be going.” he said as he began to lead her towards the open door. Just as he had gotten her to the top of the steps, the door slammed itself closed and a loud wheezing noise resounded throughout the room as the blue cylinder in the middle of the control panel moved up and down in its place.

Time Turner frowned and released his hold on Fluttershy and quickly ran back to the center console. He pushed buttons and pulled levers hurriedly as he tried to make everything stop moving, “No no no, I told you already we can’t take any one of them at any time whatsoever! Especially at a time like this before they have even met, not after what happened last time! We must return so that I can fix the damage and bring everything back to normal.” he growled as he stared at the cylinder. nothing responded except for a few violent shakes inside the whole room that forced him to hold onto the console as the blue cylinder continued moving regardless, while Fluttershy sat confused by the door as she held Angel in her hooves.

Author's Note:

Where do you think the TARDIS is taking them? Where would you like to see them be? The past? Future? This is unedited!!

Also, I need a small favour from some of you artistically talented readers, because my drawing skills are in the toilet. I need someone to draw me a picture for a cover art to this story. I cant find any pictures with Fluttershy and the doctor except for where she is with her friends. Also, if interested, I need a picture of a pony in a cage, I will give specifics later.

Comments ( 34 )

I was waiting for somepony to comment on that...

But... But... But...

...He's the Doctor... :fluttershysad:

Not Time Turner.... :fluttercry:

3832064 :facehoof: He must hide identity, grasshopper. Nopony must know. (obviously)

3846503 But he tells everyone.

Especially 10! He always goes, 'Hello, I'm the Doctor!'

3846619 Especially Ten! Although...

As of this moment, I am unsure as to if this is a certain regeneration, or if this is Twelve (If Peter Capaldi didn't happen).

I don't even know right now, but since I know nothing about the new doctor and hate 9 and haven't watched the classic who, I will say 10 or 11

3846657 I would assume it would be 10, since that is who Doctor Whooves is based off of.

3847554 .....You don't like 9? :applecry::fluttercry:

He was mean and bossy and rude, so no, I don't like 9.

I don't like him.

3848402 But just that one time...

Everybody lives... :fluttershyouch:

3847554 That's not what I meant, I meant that before Matt Smith's regeneration, people (like DiscordWhooves) have him getting sucked through to the poniverse, but he has to regenerate to survive, so then the pony Doctor is the Twelfth regeneration.

He doesn't need to regen to survive here, he has always been a pony.

3850847 *le gasp* YOU MEAN HE'S FROM GALLOPFREY!??! :D

"God damn it! Only ponies have those silly horse puns! Time lords are time lords, im not a time pony, my planet isn't called gallopfray, we don't do horse puns in my world!" Doctor~

"Not really, just trying to convey that only ponies do horse puns, time lords do not."

3850993 :twilightangry2:
*le shrug* oh well

"How goes your...discord problem?"

3851041 "I'm sorry, did you say something? I couldn't hear it over your apparent insensitivity. It's blaring out of you like a storm siren, I can practically smell it."

"Sorry, but I have no sympathy for someone who will not try to get help for their problem."

4461913 "Still not seeing any problem here. Always been like this. Never gonna stop. I can't change who I am because someone doesn't appreciate it."

"Your blatant insanity is clouding what you had been before. Being discorded is quite auful...and cold, now that I think about it."
Doctor...aren't we supposed to be going somewhere?
"Yes of course Fluttershy...we need to bring you back home, that's the only place to bring you, after all."

4461938 "Yes, take your reluctant companio- wait. WAIT. WHERE ARE WE." :rainbowderp: wat ;^;
**head shake** "Aaaaaanyway! Goodbye!" ((hopefully unless trapped in TARDIS or somewhere like that.))

4461946 ((Trapped in TARDIS))
Doctor...that isn't what I meant, I don't want to go yet
"I but...you need to go home, I cant bring you anywhere, you haven't even met them yet or...im shutting up, I just have to bring you home, and somehow get this mare back where she belongs, wherever that may be."

4461956 **meanwhile ignoring conversation** "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!! HOW THE HELL DID I EVEN GET IN HERE!?" **flying up to ceiling and back down and all over the place**

She is like a Mexican jumping bean... *Opens TARDIS door* both of you can leave mow.

4461984 **shoots out of doors** "WAITWHATNOWRONGPLACE" **shoots back in** "Wrong universe, you moron."

It is the correct universe for Fluttershy, and as you have shown, you do not wish to stay with me, so you can live there, good bye Fluttershy, it was nice meeting you.

4461999 "Aw, hell no! I have a Doctor of my own, thank you very much! That's the only home I have. It's in one of the wrecked universes, if you don't mind?" ((I love this character. She's such a psychopathic bitch. :scootangel:))

4462009 ((I can tell))
Well, so sorry, but I do take care never to visit those. *sonics her* you will start disappearing in a few hours and it will take a while, maybe a day, before you disappear entirely from this universe into your own.

4462020 "..." **looks over to see wingtip already starting to fade** "... Right. Bye!" **small thanks is heard as door closes**

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