• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 563 Views, 6 Comments

Pinkie Twinkle - Princess Bronicorn

a story about a Pony i made up (i dont know how long its going to be)

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Hello, my name is Pinkie Twinkle I am a pink Pegasus sometimes ponies used to mistake me as pinkie pie quite often. But i can't blame then i mean I'm a pink Pegasus the only difference is that i can fly and she cant. Well lets continue. I'm a very happy pony I have wonderful friends that I consider my new family. But my life hasn't always been like this though. For a long time I had nopony besides me i was all alone. But enough of my intro, I need to start telling you about my life and how i became such a happy pony

Long ago I lived in small town (what it is called i have no idea. I can't remember anything about my family besides what im about to tell you right now.) with my mom, dad and brother. Our family was a very happy family we would spend a lot of time with each other. Not my brother though he had a lot to do. He was a high ranked guard for the town and he had a family of his own. When ever he had the chance though, we would come visit us. One night my mom and dad threw an awesome birthday party it was for my 5th birthday.

"Come on Pinkie Twinkle you gotta blow out your candles" My mom said enthusiastically.

I just stood there smiling, I mean what else could i do i was so excited. I finally blew out the candles on the cake and my brother sliced the cake with his special sword that he uses for ceremony purposes, which i thought was pretty cool.

"How big do you want you cake Twinkle?" My brother asked.

"Ummm i don't know." I said with a smile.

"Would you want it the slice to be this big?" He asked

"NO I want it to be this big !" I said full of excitement.

"Ha ha ha!' My dad chuckled. "I don't think you'll be able to finish it, it's way to big for you."

"If she wants that big of a slice let her have it. It's her birthday after all". Mom said smiling.

My brother came out with a wrapped present it was pretty big too, like maybe the size of someponies torso.

"Here you go open it. I think you will like it" My brother said satisfied.

As I opened it my jaw pretty much dropped.

"NO WAY!" I yelled "A SHIELD!"

"Yup i made it my self took me a while but i manged to finish it in time." He said feeling accomplished.

I tried to pick it up but the weight of the shield was way to heavy for me at the time. I picked it up but as i picked it up i happened to slip on come cake and the weight of the shield made me fall twice as fast which knocked me out cold. I woke up in the hospital the next morning with my family right besides me.

"Hey Twinkle." My brother said with a relieved sigh.

"You've been out for 2 days." The doctor pointed out. "You're going to have to stay in here for a week to insure that you will heal perfectly."

My dad brought me more cake to try and comfort me. That didn't really help. Even though it was only 2 days it felt like a millennium since asleep plus an extra week to heal. Don't know about you but being stuck in a bed for a week doesn't sound like fun.

My family went home that night saying goodbye saying that they will see me tomorrow. I came to a tear afraid to be alone with no one i knew. But eventually I managed to fall asleep.

I woke up the next morning (or at least i thought) and i looked at the calender the day for to go home was today at that point curiosity grew.i knew i fell back into a coma. I waited a good hour or two for the doctor to show up but he never showed up. My I got out of bed myself and when i walked around the hospital for a little while and there was nopony inside. At this point i became scared. I finally went out of the hospital and when i stepped outside and the town looked like a ghost town.

"Hello. Is anypony here?" I stuttered. Nopony answered.

When i looked at the buildings I saw how old they looked. It looked like they were abandoned. I realized that i was in the coma more then a week. By the looks of it i was in the coma for maybe 3 weeks. I searched a little while longer but i couldn't find anypony anywhere. At this point i thought maybe they were going to throw me a party for being out so long. I went back to my house but there was nopony there. i gathered some supplies as I knew that I was going to be on my own for a long time. I realized that everything was set up exactly the way it was before i fell. I grabbed a few bags i packed up any food that wasn't rotten. It was mostly water and snacks. As I was about to leave I saw the Shield that my brother made for me himself. Knowing i wasn't strong enough to carry it i decided to drag it knowing that it may come in handy later on in my travel. As i walked towards the towns border i looked back towards town.

"Goodbye." I cried "I am going to miss this town and everypony that was here.

This is when my life started to change drastically. Everything I knew was now behind me. I realized that nopony will be able to help me if i get hurt. So I have to be really careful and try really hard not to fall or hurt myself in anyway. I've been traveling for about 2 weeks and I started to notice that my food and water supply was running low. At this point i knew that I had to look for some food and water.

"I can really use some food right about now." I said cautiously. "I hope there's some type of berry bush or fruit tree. My food is going to run out in about two days if i don't get anything soon"

I started to walk down a bit and I started to hear this point a river. so i decided to fill up all of my water bottles knowing that i would have to travel away from the river to get some food. I started to walk head towards the trail, but not remembering where the trail was, i got lost. I stood there for a little while and i started to cry as i realized that i'm lost, alone, and defenseless to anything that wants to hurt me. (don't forget that i am still only 5). Now i have to fend for my self knowing that i can't turn back. I have to push forward hopefully i will be able to find somepony that will want to take me in.