• Published 11th Dec 2013
  • 1,279 Views, 19 Comments

His New Story - type13

A tale of a resting Guardian summoned to the world of Equestria not knowing why he was summoned or who summoned him.

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Page 6: Dread

Author's Note:

FINALLY! Sorry for the long Hiatus everyone! I was in a writers rut, sorry

But enough about me! here is the latest Chapter! ENJOY!

Don't worry! I'm out of the rut! i guess? next chapter next week!!

As the graceful breeze of Luna’s night whispered and flowed in the land of Equestria, a lone Guardian dashed a silent march back to Ponyville, carrying in his arms is a stone statue of a pony; a pony that exchanged her own life to save his.

With his silent rage quelled by the death of the creature responsible for this atrocious act, Auron carried Derpy in his arms and multiple thoughts ran through his mind as he wracked his brain for a possible solution to this predicament. ‘This world was inhabited by creatures like these; they must have some sort of cure’ thought Auron to himself. It was at this moment that he wished that he had paid attention to Braska’s effort in teaching both him and Jecht how to cast proper ‘White Magic’.


“Listen you two, I won’t always be there to heal you if things get edgy” spoke a well-mannered man as a soothing green light flowed from his hands towards two battle scarred men.

“Look Braska, Just because I slipped and forgot that there was another one, doesn’t mean I NEED to learn white magic” replied one of the wounded men with rowdy hair, sitting on a huge Bird-like creature 4 times their size.

“Jecht has enough trouble walking as is, what more if he was to learn White Magic, my lord.” added a, what seems to be a younger Auron with a ponytail and a clean kept hair and excluding his huge scar on his right eye Indian sitting just next to Braska.

“Oh shut your trap Auron, You were at much fault as I am” replied Jecht with a glare as he removed his huge unique blade from the skull of the giant bird, he then jumped down from it and looked at the very long dirt road infront of them. “Say Braska, how long till we get to the agency that you spoke of?” he added.

“I believe we’re still far off, and from what I was told by someone in Luca, it seems that Sin just passed by this road a few days ago, thus why the sudden increase of fiends” replied Braska as he finished healing Auron of his wounds and looking at the long road ahead of them. “And that is also the reason why you two should learn a little bit of white magic! I mean what if I get petrified or confused, Atleast learn ‘Esuna’ for goodness sake!” he added with a determined voice.

“No time, it seems we have more company, my lord” replied Auron as he stood from his sitting position and pulled out his huge sword from the ground and ran in to assist Jecht who was already fighting a huge beast with two large horns protruding from its back.

And with a heavy sigh and a shake of the head, Braska pulled out his staff and started to cast protective magic to help his two guardians.


As Auron was already at the half-way point upon reaching Ponyville, he caught a glimpse of a brown coated Earth Pony galloping towards them, and by the looks of it, it was smiling even though it had a peculiar device on its mouth. Thinking that Auron could use some help, he stopped and shouted at the brown horse to get his attention.

“You there! I need help! This mare has been petrified!” shouted Auron, to which the brown Earth Pony acknowledged with a nod. And after a few moments, the brown Earth Pony reached Auron and the petrified Derpy.

Reaching the unusual device with a hoof and magically attaching it to the said hoof, the brown Earth Pony spoke with a strong accent and said “Good thing I made it in time!”

“Will you be able to help her?” asked Auron as he lowered Derpy to the ground so that the brown Earth Pony could get a better look. The brown Earth Pony then proceeded to use the weird device on its hoof and a bright red light erupted from the tip of the device and scanned the light through Derpy’s stone body.

“Hmmm, yes, I believe I can… could you be a chum and head back to Ponyville and retrieve my daughters?” replied the brown Earth Pony as he continued to scan over Derpy’s stone body.

“Your daughters? But I hardly know you, I do not even know your name” retorted Auron with a raised brow.

“No time for that I believe, Here” replied the Earth Pony as he gave Auron a small white piece of paper with numerous things written in it.

“What am I to do wit---”

“Once you reach the entrance of Ponyville, go left then after approximately 4 houses, go north then west after 3 houses and look for a blue mailbox that says ‘Whooves’ on it. OH! There is also a huge blue Box at the front yard, you won’t miss it. Now, Off you go, chop chop!” said the brown Earth Pony as he shooed Auron.


“Exactly! Now fetch Dinky and Sparkler and hand that paper to Sparkler, She’ll take care of the rest”

At the word of hearing the words Dinky and Sparkler, Auron had already completed the puzzle. And with a nod, Auron sprinted to the direction of Ponyville.


Upon reaching the Whooves household, Auron saw that the front door was already open, and without any second thoughts Auron rushed inside and called out to the only filly he knew.

“Dinky!” shouted Auron.

“Wh-what?! Who or what in Equestria are you?!” screamed a light Pink coated Unicorn with a violet mane and tail with a floral lavender streak in shock as she floated a toy with her magic

“Yes?” replied the little filly just beside her with a curious look on her face. And upon seeing who called her, her expression shifted to a gleeful state as she saw Auron.

“Do you know this--- THING, Dinky?” asked the light Pink coated Unicorn beside Dinky with fear emanating from her face.

“Yup! He’s momma’s friend and Guardian!” replied Dinky as she trotted next to Auron. “Where’s momma anyway mister Auron? I thought she was with you?”

“That is why I am here” said Auron, he then shifted his gaze at the light Pink pony and said “You must be Sparkler then. Here, your father gave me this, He said you know what to do” replied Auron as he showed Sparkler the piece of paper that their father gave to him.

Upon receiving the white piece of paper that Auron has given her, Sparkler glazed over the letter with curiosity and after a few moments, her facial expression shifted from curiosity to anger, to which piqued Auron’s interest.

“Is something the matter?” asked Auron

“Is this some kind of weird joke, mister?” growled Sparkler as she glared at Auron after reading the letter that was given to her.

“What do you mean?” replied Auron as he gave her a confused look.

Not replying any further, Sparkler just handed the paper to Auron magically to see for himself. Upon taking the note, Auron tried as he might to read the white piece of paper, but to no avail.

“I’m sorry, but for some odd reason, even though I could understand you perfectly, I cannot read what is written here” said Auron with a sigh as he handed the piece of paper back to Sparkler.

With the anger on Sparkler’s face disappearing and the look of confusion replacing it, Sparkler replied with a confused ‘huh?’ to Auron.

“It’s true, I believe that I cannot read ‘Pony’ writing as it were. What does it say anyway?” said Auron with a stoic look.

Upon seeing Auron’s look, Sparkler scratched the back of her head and said “Well, what says here is that”


After reading the letter out loud, Sparkler looked at Dinky, only to see the little filly welling up in tears. Seeing this and the realization of the matter at hand dawning to her, Sparkler started to tear up also, only to be surprised at the sudden hand of Auron taking the white piece of paper and then heading out.

“Whe-where are you going?” asked Sparkler in between sobs as she held Dinky close to her, trying to comfort the little filly as best as she could.

“It’s my fault, I’ll get them back” replied Auron in a flat tone.

“But it’s clearly a Trap!” said Sparkler as she wiped a tear on her face.

“I know” was all Auron could say as he headed through the door.

“Mister Auron?” called the small filly as she trotted to Auron with tears on her eyes “Please save mommy and the Doctor, bring them back home”

“I will” replied Auron as he stepped out of the house with anger boiling within him. True, he was mad at himself in his inability as a Guardian. But he was madder at the creature that perpetrated this whole thing and even involved an innocent family in their crusade at acquiring him, their so called ‘Champion’.

If they wanted their ‘Champion’ so bad, fine. They’ll be begging him to return to the ‘Farplane’ after he’s done with them. Because, pissing of a Guardian is bad enough, but a Legendary Guardian that helped defeat a creature close enough to a God? Well, I hope they have a pretty good reason to piss off THIS Guardian.

Comments ( 1 )

OHHh shit dont piss of auron :rainbowlaugh: oh man this is getting more interesting.

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