• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 15,301 Views, 506 Comments

From man to mare - The Psychopath

A man who likes to live alone will see things in a different perspective than he ever expected

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Restart button(Rewritten)

Oh boy. The sensation of death creeping on me for the second time. Soooooooo enjoyable. That feeling of my soul leaving my body as a hand on my shoulder pulled me away. Fun. Before I was taken away, the hand decided to slap me hard across the face and fly away laughing! How does a hand laugh?! My eyes shot open to see that a blue dome was blocking the magic of the princesses. The dome jittered like static while the beams of magic from the princesses did their best to pass through. The beams got so big that they looked like they were currents of colorful, toxic waste shot out from gigantic hoses. The magic was 'splashing' everywhere, damaging the stone and burning what resisted the pressure. My terror eventually went away, and I was left sitting and frowning at the scene before me.

"The fuck is this? A deus ex machina? What kind of shitty story-telling is this?" I complained.

Another glow caught my attention, and I looked around until I found the source to be my flanks. The blue petals of the mark were gray again. The dome had expanded slightly more, pushing the princesses back. Looks like I had nothing to worry about if they can't even get through whatever this is. Although...my confidence is starting to wane. I didn't do this myself, and the sparks of their spells pounding against the shield are destroying everything around me and them. Finally, they gave up and stopped their spell. I could see they were breathing heavily, but not yet tired. Were they preparing another spell? A more powerful one?

The dome surrounding me started shrinking, and despite my protests, turned into some amorphous, glowing globe that waited in mid-air. I'm not sure, but I believe it was warning the princesses off, whatever it was. That...thing flew around me then hit me on the butt, making the petals blew again and disappearing in a puff of icy mist.

"What was that?" Celestia blurted.

"I don't know..." I mumbled. I suddenly remembered what had just happened and pointed at the two with a hoof. "You tried to kill me!"

"We had no choice!" Celestia replied. "You're a bundle of dynamite ready to be set off at any moment!"

Luna stepped in. "We tried every possible solution and nothing worked!"

I frowned. "So, instead of trying the solutions on me or trying something else, you would've just killed me?"

Celestia stood straight and glared at me with narrowed eyes. "And you would have let us experiment on you I imagine?" She leaned in closer. "Or you would have let is potentially kill you with them?"

I scoffed. "You're saying that you didn't want to try your solutions on me because I would die, when you just now tried to kill me?" I shook my head. "So the end result would've been the same regardless, then."

Celestia opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly and looked up. "I think we are caught in an impasse," Celestia said after facehoofing.

"It would seem so," Luna croaked.

"So what now? Are you going to try and kill me again?"

The two princesses hummed and cleared their throats while fiddling about in place.

"We are going to let you go and leave you in the care of Twilight Sparkle," the blue one explained.
"But," the white one started. "I will notify her of your chaotic properties. We don't need another god of chaos to deal with."

"God of chaos?" I repeated mockingly. I smirked. "I'm supposed to believe that gods of chaos wander your world?" The two just stared at me seriously, and my smile faded. "Wait what?!"

"On the side, I don't believe our spells managed to reach you." The blue one leaned forwardand rubbed her chin with her wing...somehow. "How did this happen?" she asked me.

"Your silver armored guard tried to kill me. That's how this happened," I explained while gesturing to my whole face with a hoof.

"Cyclon Opal?" Celestia said. She seemed socked.

"I suppose, if that's his name." I snorted inadvertently. "What a stupid name. A precious material. Ha ha! ...Now hold on just a sec there."

"Guards!" Celestia yelled as loudly as possible.

I have no idea how she managed to yell so loudly that the whole room shook. "Why are you calling for them?"

"To have the guard in question explain himself."

I scoffed. "Why is this important to you? You both just tried to kill me!"

"It's a matter of principle," Luna replied. "We can't have a guard beating up an innocent. Those actions can run to us, and the ponies will start thinking that my sister and I are becoming less than ideal as rulers. We server the people. The people do not serve us."

A whole battalion...probably, rushed in, clinking and clanking and shining brightly. Celestia bellowed at them with the same strange voice she called them in with. Even Luna added in her own booming voice. I have no idea why there were so angry, but four guards hurried towards me and carried me to a wagon inside the castle grounds. My little chariot was flown off into the air, pulled by two pegasi. Only the pegasi didn't seem so stressed compared to the others that were being yelled at. I caught sight of some worm-goat statue in the gardens. An ugly thing for sure, but my flanks started stinging me when I noticed it.

The cold wind soothed my aching button, although I think it would be more accurate to say that it was numbing it instead. I saw a large, white building grow bigger on our approach to Ponyville. The airspace around it was becoming more and more occupied, or my sight was just terrible and it was only now that I noticed so many ponies fluttering about like multicolored flies. I was hurried inside on a stretcher and placed into a room with a nurse to watch my every move. She was a jungle-green with a black mane kept in place by a hairband. The white gown she was wearing was red in some places, but most of the nurses had gowns like that, so the reasons for those splotches are numerous and worrisome. Not much happened here aside from the nurses and doctors poking and touching me. They held me down after I slapped the doctor and the nurses about twelve times each. They can hold me down, but they can't hold down my spirit!

The princesses were in the restricted part of the library, hidden away by the darkness and the dust floating through the air. They used tiny balls of light produced at the tip of their horns to create the light they needed for reading and seeing the walls of filth before them. On occasion they would have to swat away cobwebs.

"That even the spiders would leave this place says a lot to the contents within," Luna said after sputtering a web strand from her mouth.

"That may be, but we still need to figure out what is bonded to that mare." Celestia sat next to a table and dropped a plethora of heavy books down, disturbing the gray cloud from its rest and prompting many a coughing fit. "I've never seen anything like it." She looked to her sister. "I think we were wrong in our assessment, sister."

"What do you think it could be?" Luna asked whilst flipping through a book titled 'The Blood Magic's Creatures'. She was visibly displaying her disgust. "I have to share that, during my time as Nightmare Moon, even I have never seen such a creature."

Celestia paused. Silent. Then she sneezed loudly, startling Luna. "I'm not sure, but I think it might be...a being of pure magical energy."

The moon princess stared at Celestia slack-jawed. "Impossible. Such creatures haven't been seen in the world since before even our grandparents were born."

"Possibly because our ancestors destroyed them," Celestia pondered.

"And yet the bits we know of them seem to have portrayed them as having a more..." Luna looked up, trying to find the appropriate term. "negative traits."

Celestia nodded. "I don't understand how one can survive and be here! and linked to that mare." Her anger gave way to concern. "It didn't feel right, though."

Luna nodded. "The shield felt like positive magic, and worse is that it protected her."

"A parasite protecting its host, maybe?" Celestia shrugged.

"There must be more to this Silver than we can see," Luna said. "We should gather as much information as we can on your theory."

I awoke in the hospital, dazed from the sun burning through the blinds. It was so hot it felt like my face was burning off. Grunting, I averted my gaze and looked towards the door. Instead I was met with Twilight's creepy grin and bellowed loud enough that I ruffled her mane.

"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted.

"Sorry!" she blurted. "I was just really worried about you is all!"

I stared at her in disbelief. I couldn't brain correctly. "Why would you worry? All they did was beat e up." I waved a hoof away at the situation. "I've been through worse."

"Ya say that, sugarcube, but ya were more bruised than an apple after a tornadah," Applejack said.

"A country metaphor," I groaned. I leaned to the side to see that the other five had come, too. "What're you all doing here?"

"We figured it would be best to look up on ya," Rainbow chimed in. "Twilight was worried so we followed her."

"I assume the princesses gave them a fine thrashing for their uncouth behavior," Rarity said.

"I think so..." I trailed off. "I still don't know why the rest of you are here. I know Spike and Twilight, to an extent, but not all of you."

The pink one bounced around the room, releasing balloons into the air to hit the ceiling and stay there. I hate balloons.

"Rainbow just told you, silly," she laughed. "A friend of Twilight's is a friend of ours."

"I wouldn't exactly say we're friends," I mumbled under my breath. I stood up straight and looked them all in the eyes. "I need to speak to Twilight alone."

"Why?" Twilight asked.

"Because it's very important."

"Well, I'm sure that we can talk about it together," Fluttershy suggested with a meek smile.

I stared at her eyes and gave in. "Fine! Just shut the door."

Oh, I wasn't about to tell them about my current predicament. No. I still have some trouble walking, not thinking. I can't trust them yet.

"I have no family anymore," I said flatly.

The atmosphere became cold and depressing. A pleasant sensation sometimes, but not here.

"What?" Twilight said. "Are you sure? What about cousins? Aunts? Your parents?"

I shook my head. "All gone." I looked away and sighed. "All I had left was my grandpa. We were very close, but eventually, as I got older, we drifted apart, and he...died. His last letter was filled with so many regrets..."

"Silver...that's..." Twilight couldn't find the words to express her thoughts. Good.

"Well, you can still be part of our family!" Pinkie shouted.

"Pinkie, now ain't the ti--" Applejack started.

"It's always the time for friends and family!" the pink one interjected.

She gave me a hug, amplifying the pain from my bruises. The others followed suite, although they felt a bit awkward while doing so. A nurse eventually came in with sheets of paper in her hoofy grip and stared at it in disbelief. I was free to go. Apparently I had healed all the fractures I possessed, but they didn't know how, and Twilight hadn't done anything herself. Might've been that green mush the guards put on me while we were flying back here. No one even asked why I was arrested by the princesses, but I'd rather that and get out of here quickly than have to deal with those annoying questions.

"Silver, why were you arrested by the princesses?" Fluttershy asked me the second I stepped out of the hospital.