• Published 12th Dec 2013
  • 1,909 Views, 152 Comments

My Little Investigations: The Gemstone Godfather - Metool Bard

Some jerk is trying to shake me down for gems, but he won't tell me who the buck he is. Why me of all ponies? I have no idea.

  • ...

Business of Power

July 12, 10:45 AM
Underground Network
Silvervest Territory

"Alright, Ms. Star. We're here."

After being led around blindly for what felt like an eternity, Fido removed my blindfold. Looking around, I noticed that it was slightly better looking than Rover Redvest's territory, but that's not saying much. Sure, they had mine cart tracks and firefly lanterns instead of torches, but that didn't change the fact that it was still a network of tunnels that went on forever. It did smell a lot nicer, though.

"So, when do I get to meet this Silvervest fellow?" I asked.

"Patience, Ms. Star. Sykes Silvervest is a very busy Diamond Dog," said Rover. "He'll be along soon enough."

"Actually, he got bored of waiting for you and decided to attend to some other matters," said a gruff voice. "You sure took your sweet time getting here, didn't you, Redvest?"

From the shadows emerged two slender Diamond Dogs with black fur and long snouts. One of them wore a red collar; the other wore a blue one. Aside from that, they were impossible to tell apart. Well, except for the fact that the one with the blue collar was looking at me funny.

"Th-there were some complications, Mr. Rosco," said Rover meekly. "You see..."

"Spare me the excuses, Redvest," snarled the dog with the red collar. "The Top Dog doesn't like excuses."

"Right. No excuses. Got it," whimpered Rover.

The blue-collared dog looked me over with a critical eye, and then looked at Derpy.

"You said that there would only be one pony," he hissed, licking his chops. "Did you bring the other to appease us?"

"Forget it, Desoto," said Rosco. "You know the rule: Business before pleasure."

"But I like ponies, Rosco," rasped Desoto, leering at Derpy. "I like to eat 'em."

I snorted. "You so much as lay one paw on my mom, and I'll tear you limb from limb."

Desoto stared at me for a moment, and then burst out laughing. "Oh, that's rich! Did you hear that, Rosco?! The pony is gonna tear me limb from limb! Ooh, she must be so tough!"

"She has to be if she wants to meet the Top Dog," said Rosco, folding his arms. "That or stupid."

"Hey! Don't talk about Ammy that way, you big bullies!" Derpy snapped.

"Oh-ho. They're both feisty. Just the way I like 'em," said Desoto as he started to drool.

"Down, Desoto," said Rosco sternly. "We were given specific instructions not to cause trouble during this arrangement."

"C'mon, Rosco. Can't I at least nip the goofy-looking one?" said Desoto. "She looks extra tasty."

"Don't you dare," I growled, standing my ground.

"N-now now. L-let's all calm down here," said Rover, standing in between me and the thugs. "There's no need for violence."

"Out of the way, Redvest!" Desoto roared. "These ponies are askin' for it!"

"Desoto, heel!"

After Rosco barked the command, Desoto clammed up and snarled.

"Good boy," said Rosco, patting Desoto on the head before turning to me. "Forgive my brother. He can be a bit, feral, at times."

"Is this normal for Diamond Dogs?" I asked.

"No, but he's a part of the Silvervest pack all the same," said Rosco. "So you'll treat him with the proper respect, you hear me?"

"They hear you, they hear you!" yipped Spot.

"Let me speak for myself, please and thank you," I said firmly. "Now then, who exactly are you guys?"

"Rosco and Desoto. We're Sykes Silvervest's personal bodyguards," said Rosco. "The Top Dog told us to meet a pony who wanted to see him."

That would probably make them the most unwelcoming welcome wagon I've ever seen. I cleared my throat.

"Well, I'm that pony," I said. "My name is..."

"Not something I asked for," interrupted Rosco. "All I know is that you've got some business with the Top Dog. That's all I need."

"Right, sure," I said, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, do you know when he'll be here?"

"He'll get here when he gets here, pony. Keep your horseshoes on," said Rosco, narrowing his eyes. "And keep that mouth in check. The Top Dog isn't as forgiving as we are."

At this point, I still wasn't buying all this hype about how tough Sykes Silvervest was. The Redvest pack was clearly afraid of him because they were in debt, and these two bozos were just trying to intimidate me. I shot Rosco a glare of my own.

"I'll decide that for myself when he gets here," I said.

Rosco was about to protest when a click-clack sound was heard from deep within the catacombs. As the sound got louder and louder, I saw a beam of light flashing from one of the tunnels. It belonged to a mine cart traveling along the tracks. There was a loud screech as the breaks were applied, and the cart stopped right in front of me.

Sitting in the mine cart was a large Diamond Dog wearing a silver vest and a pair of reading glasses. His face was covered with scars of all shapes and sizes, and he looked like he could chuck me across the room with no effort at all. If this was Sykes Silvervest (which I'm pretty sure it is), his appearance certainly lived up to the hype. He held out his paw, showing a diamond ring on his finger. Rosco and Desoto both licked it. The Diamond Dogs of the Redvest pack all got on one knee and bowed to him.

"You're late, Redvest," Sykes rasped. "You know how I don't like to be kept waiting."

"S-sorry, Mr. Silvervest. W-we have no excuse," whimpered Rover. "H-here's the pony who wanted to see you."

Sykes leaned out of the mine cart and lowered his spectacles. "I thought you said there was only one pony, Redvest."

"Change of plans, sir," said Rover. "Last minute, sir. Completely out of my paws, sir."

Sykes grunted and looked me in the eye. His face was hard to read, but at the same time, it sent chills up and down my spine. I don't know how to describe it; it's like he had this aura of nastiness. Nevertheless, I stood firm.

"What is your name, pony?" he asked.

"Amethyst Star," I said. "And this is my mom, Derpy Hooves."

Sykes looked at Derpy and raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's understandable, I suppose. Still, she's kinda young to be your mother, isn't she?"

"That's none of your beeswax, buster," I snapped before I could stop myself.

"Hey! I thought I told you to watch your mouth!" Rosco yelled. "This is Sykes Silvervest you're talking to here! You will show him respect or else!"

"Let me handle this, Rosco," growled Sykes. He then turned back to me. "That being said, I'd heed his warning. I happen to be in a good mood right now, but that can quickly change. None of us want that."

"R-right. Sorry," I said, clearing my throat. "That's just, a tricky subject for me."

"Apology accepted," said Sykes, leaning back in his mine cart. "Now then, what business do you have with me?"

"This," I said, taking out the ransom note. Sykes snatched it up and read it over.

"Hmm. Looks like someone's trying to start up their own protection racket," he mused.

"Protection racket?" parroted Derpy. "You mean like in those crime dramas? Because those criminal ponies aren't very nice."

"That's, kinda the point, Mom," I said with a sigh. "Anyway, I think that you're the one who wrote that letter."

Sykes frowned. "What makes you say that?"

"The jewelry store I work in was trashed yesterday, and I found this in the wreckage," I said, showing him the Diamond Dog collar. "I was told that this collar belonged to your pack."

Sykes looked over the collar with a critical eye, and then gave it back to me.

"There's something you should know about my pack, Amethyst Star," he said. "My name may be Silvervest, but my status wasn't given to me on a silver platter. The Silvervest pack earned its reputation through hard work and careful strategy. I pick my allies, my adversaries, and my clientele with the same amount of care. Everything I do has a reason behind it."

"Okay, that's good to know," I said. "Now, is there a reason you're trying to fleece me for gems?"

"Actually, there would be."

I blinked. "Wait, would be?"

"It's just common sense, Amethyst Star," said Sykes. "When starting a protection racket, you need to choose a client who is weak and vulnerable. Someone who won't fight back. Now, for the sake of argument, let's say I did write this note. What exactly were you planning on doing about it?"

Crap. I didn't really think about that part. Well, I kinda did, but it should've been at the forefront of my mind.

"I-I'll have you know that there's a princess where I live," I said. "And she wouldn't hesitate to..."

"Desoto, fetch."

Before I could finish my thought, Desoto bounded up to me and tackled me to the ground. He glared at me with hungry eyes and raised his paw to strike me.

"Get off of her!" Derpy screamed. I couldn't really tell from my position, but I could hear Rover and his pack holding her back. Desoto laughed. I scrunched my eyes shut, hoping that Mare-Do-Well was somewhere nearby.

"Desoto, heel," Sykes ordered.

Desoto complied. I just laid on my back, trying to catch my breath and recover from the attack. Now I see what all the hype was about. Sykes Silvervest does not screw around.

"You see? You are the perfect mark for a protection racket," said Sykes. "Believe me, Amethyst Star. I know these things. I've been alpha of the Silvervest pack for a long time."

"Ammy, are you okay?" asked Derpy, rushing to my side. "Here, let me help you."

Without a word, I let her help me to my feet. Before I could shake myself, she pulled me into a hug. I could feel her tears soaking my coat. Part of me wanted to cry, too. But at the same time, I was furious. After taking a moment to collect myself, I shot Sykes a cold glare.

"Okay. I see your point," I said. "But tell me this. Can protection rackets be conducted anonymously?"

"Certainly not. It defeats the purpose," said Sykes.

"Then, why did you...?"

"Oh, I'm not admitting to anything, Amethyst Star," said Sykes, cutting across me. "In fact, this is the first time I've ever met you."

"Don't give me that," I said. "What about the collar?"

"Well, you're right about one thing. It does belong to the Silvervest pack," said Sykes. "Or at least, it did."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, Amethyst Star, that I might have an alibi," said Sykes. "There are several activities the Silvervest pack engages in. Some of them are, indeed, protection rackets. However, due to recent events, I have been focusing my resources on something more important than protection."

"Like what?"

"Like war."

The way he said that caused my heart to stop for a moment. I swallowed.

"W-war?" I stammered.

"Yes," said Sykes. "A member of my pack has gone rogue. I haven't figured out why, but he has been a thorn in my side for quite some time now. That collar you hold belonged to him."

"And, who is he?"

"His name is Dodger, but he currently goes by the moniker of Dodger Dragonvest," said Sykes. "He's under the delusion that his fictitious savior, Kohryu, will force me to atone for all that I have done."

So, that was the name of that nut who attacked the Redvest pack yesterday. I had to know more.

"So, you're saying that this Dodger Dragonvest is the one who's after me?" I asked.

"Who's to say?" said Sykes with a shrug. "I hardly understand anything that's going through that poor bastard's head. I don't even know why he's trying to take me down to begin with. He just snapped one day and declared war."

"Mr. Silvervest, if I may interrupt," said Rover, clearing his throat. "Dodger Dragonvest has attacked my pack several times, and he claims you're ignoring him."

"Because I am," said Sykes.

"B-but you said you were devoting your resources to war."

Sykes shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk. This is why you haven't been able to rise through the ranks, Redvest. When a child throws a temper tantrum, the last thing you want to do is indulge them. That is, until it gets out of hand. Dodger may be a lunatic, but he's no fool. He's trying to get me riled up because he has a plan to try and take me down. It won't work, of course. Because I'll be ready when he forces me to retaliate."

"B-but what about my pack? We can't pay off our debt like this!" said Rover.

Sykes stroked his chin. "Hmm. That may be a problem," he said. "Tell you what, Redvest. I have a dinner arrangement with the Jadevest pack today. I'll see if I can pull a few strings and have them deal with your little pest problem."

Rover's expression brightened. "Y-you'd really do that?"

"Of course," said Sykes. "I'm invested in your pack, after all. It wouldn't be right of me to ignore that investment."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Silvervest!" said Rover with a bow.

"Don't thank me," said Sykes with a wink. "I'm not the one who will save you."

"Oh, yes. Of course," said Rover with a nervous chuckle.

Sykes then turned back to me. "Is that all you wanted, Amethyst Star?"

"For now," I said. "I might have some more questions later."

Sykes sighed. "You're fighting a losing battle, Amethyst Star. I've already demonstrated that you're in no position to strike back against your oppressor, whoever it may be. Heed my advice: Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. It might get bitten off."

He then snapped his fingers. "Rosco, Desoto. We're leaving."

"Got it, Top Dog," said Rosco.

The two goons then hopped into the mine cart, which then sped away.

"Well, are you happy now, Ms. Star?" asked Rover.

"Not in the slightest," I said. Even though Sykes had an alibi, I still didn't trust him any farther than I could throw him. The problem was that, well, he did have a lot of power. I couldn't fight him on my own.

"I-I was afraid I was gonna lose you, Ammy," said Derpy with a sniffle. "Th-that settles it. I'm not leaving your side while you're investigating."

There was part of me that wanted to groan and tell Derpy that I didn't need a foalsitter. But honestly, I couldn't tell her that. I needed her more than ever.

"Th-thanks, Mom," I said. "C'mon, let's go back to Ponyville. Dinky's probably waiting for us."

Derpy nodded. "Okay."

The Diamond Dogs then reapplied our blindfolds, and we set off for home. Boy, when Mare-Do-Well said this investigation stuff was gonna be dangerous, she wasn't kidding. Not that I thought she was, but y'know. This kinda was my first brush with death here. And I've got a bad feeling in my gut that it's not gonna be my last. Oh Celestia, give me strength...