• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).

Comments ( 17 )

*patiently waiting for the next part*


Discord is refusing to cooperate. He's terrified because he has no reference points from his own species to understand how this works, and he refuses to admit that he's terrified, so he keeps doing things like leaning in to kiss her and then saying "Hey, from here it looks like you have only one eye!" or making other dumb jokes. So it's going slower than you'd think it would. :-)

This is a fairly accurate portrayal of the way which aristocratic mores have generally operated in most societies -- the only difference in most human aristocracies would be that she would be advised not to take the lover until after marriage. Given contraceptive and silence spells, and less of an obsession with virginity than in most human cultures, what her father said makes perfect sense.


Also in most aristocratic societies it wouldn't be her dad advising her to take a lover. :-) And she would still have to be higher-ranking than her husband, which didn't frequently happen here on Earth; queens were executed for adultery on more than one occasion, but presumably a noblewoman who was the direct heir and ruler of a fiefdom, and married someone of a lesser rank, could have done whatever she wanted if she was discreet about it.

As a student of history and anthropology it irritates the hell out of me when people blindly map modern human mores onto an alien culture practiced by an entirely different species. I have a thing in my Star Trek fanfic where I frequently reinforce that, on the whole, the Q do not practice monogamy because they are immortal and their equivalent of sexuality doesn't result in reproduction, and Suzy-Q's jealousy is in part a put-on and in part a personal flaw, the way Q's obsessive need to flout the Continuum's orders is a personal flaw and not a trait most of the Q share. The ponies are a lot more human than the Q are, but they are obviously much more inherently likely to go matriarchal than humans are (judging from the fact that humans never have, and the ponies obviously did), and an intelligent species that has a heat cycle is probably going to come up with contraception long before humans did, just because our biology works against us there.

(I also found it amusing to present democracy as if it was a totally crazy Discord idea on the level of cotton candy clouds, because that is totally how an aristocracy would have perceived it.)

Discord's idea of democracy and Celestia's reaction to it were hilarious! how's the second part going? XD

Actually, there are some societies that have been matriarchal societies (a tribal-level one in Cambodia, I believe, though I can't remember the name), it's just uncommon. Certain Native American cultures were closer to egalitarian than their Western counterparts as well. But you are correct, the society that ponies live in and our society might be similar, but their mating rituals and habits (especially since there are three pony sub-races and multitudes of other intelligent races) would be vastly different.

That was hot, adorable and funny all at the same time! Bravo!!! *applause*

I also love that it was written in a realistic way with regards to first time sex. (Well, about as realistic as it can get when the characters are a unicorn and a chimera.)

He thought that if I experimented on seeds with my power, I might be able to make plants become completely different plants, and then their seeds might actually be the new kind of plant, because that's where new plants come from. Random transformation in their seed. Chaos.

Yay! Nature Discord!

You continue you amaze me, Alara. Great story. :yay:

That was beautiful ... both realistic and sweet, and a bit sad given that we know how very wrong things will go. There were lots of nice little touches -- such as Discord having three nipples and the potential uses of his tail-tufts. You kept them both very much in character. Really, really good.

There is a lot to love here, from the chaos of genetic mutation to triplex nipples to the question of whether a unicorn mare can maintain her focus long enough to bring herself to climax. It has the same depth of thought, detail, and character you always provide, used to great effect, both in the present moment and through dramatic irony, given what's to come. Thank you for this.

Comment posted by Dott deleted Nov 1st, 2019

Aaaaaaw, that ending made my chest hurt :applecry:

But still, this is brilliant. Awkward, clumsy, teenage sex is some of the best to read, except for the boy being scared to death of hurting her and panicking when he does (I can relate to that). And while I thought his multitasking was great, him melting and babbling because of her was the best, and I really felt as though it fit his personality well. Two thumbs way up :pinkiehappy:

And the whole part with the thinking tree was just a joy to read!

That is an interesting take on their backsttory. :pinkiecrazy:

Very lovely, you capture the awkwardness of teenage life perfectly.

I absolutely love Starfire's character! :pinkiehappy:

Knowing how discord's relationship is with Celestia in the future, that promise is absolutely heartbreaking. Good story though, I enjoyed reading it. The pacing was nice and there was almost no dirty slut-talk in the dialogue, just some very accurate and believable explanation of what was going on which is actually really refreshing. Nice story!

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