• Published 16th Dec 2013
  • 3,096 Views, 42 Comments

Could an Apple reach the Stars? - SHL

Sometimes, you have to do painful things for the good of the one you love. And Applejack is going to do that for Twilight.

  • ...

Part 2: Pain, Stubborn Friends and Regret

It was time. In few minutes, surely, the Royal Chariot would come to take Princess Twilight to Canterlot where she had to attend the Hearth’s Warming Eve performance, among other things. To be honest, she didn’t want to go. The only thing the alicorn wanted to do was to stay in bed under the sheets and hug her pillow while she cried. Applejack had left her three days ago and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. She simply couldn’t get it out of her mind. Why? Easy. She still loved the cowpony.

Regardless of her feelings, her responsible nature prevented Twi from ignoring her duties. She couldn’t let anypony down, especially Celestia and Luna, who trusted her to review the last details of the function. So, she had packed her bags the night before, planning to stay in Canterlot two or three days. Maybe it would be good for her to spend some time out of Ponyville. Alone, because, despite all his protests, she told Spike to remain in the library.

“Twilight, I don’t think this is a good idea.” He said for fifteenth time in that morning. The Element of Magic sighed, shaking her head. “I already told you, Spike. I’m not going to change my mind. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna asked me to review the Hearth’s Warming Eve play and I’ll not going to letting their down. I’ll be fine, ok?” She answered, only to face a worried (and a little upset) baby dragon. “Don’t give me that crap, Twi! You’re not fine.”

“Spike!” Twi replied with surprise. “You know I don’t let you talk like that!”

“Then you don’t try to lie to me.” Spike said with a worried tone, lowering his head. “You have been crying and making graphics, schedules and notes to try to figure out what happened for three days, Twilight…”

The alicorn looked at him before dropping her ears and wings. “I’m sorry, Spike. I haven’t been fair with you and it’s not your fault.” She hugged the dragon tightly and he returned the embrace.

“I know, I know. That’s the reason why I don’t want to leave you alone.” He muttered.

“No, Spike. I need to be alone for a while or, at least, I need to keep you away from my problems. Don’t worry, ok? I can always talk to Celestia or Luna if I need to.”

“I guess you’re right.” Spike sighed. “But I still don’t like it.”

“I know.” Twilight kissed the dragon’s forehead softly. “But we need it. Both of us.”

He nodded reluctantly before he released the embrace. Just in time, because the door of Golden Oaks library opened to let in a pink bouncing pony with a scarf and boots, who launched herself against the alicorn, embracing her too tightly, almost leaving her without breath.

“Hi, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, without noticing the depressed mood of the princess.

“H-Hi, Pinkie.” She answered, trying to free herself from the hug before she choked. Fortunately, the earth pony let her go, smiling, while her other friends arrived, except Applejack. She didn’t come and Twi thought that it was for the best. If they met then, who knew what could happen.

“Easy, darling.” Rarity said to Pinkie, levitating her cape to a side and smiling. “Twilight is only visiting Canterlot for two days, there is no need to be so effusive.” The baker sighed.

“I know that, silly filly. But without all my friends in town, it always get bored.”

Fluttershy came in last and Rainbow Dash shut the door behind her before looking at the pink party pony and shook her head. “Seriously, Pinkie. You are so random.”

None of her friends seemed to notice the bags under Twilight’s eyes, or her forced smile. She really hoped that they didn’t, because she wasn’t ready to explain the situation. To achieve that, the princess had to act like everything was right. “Girls, I’m glad that you came to say goodbye, but it really wasn’t necessary.” Twilight grinned with effort. “It’s really cold outside.”

“Oh. It’s not a problem, Twilight.” Fluttershy replied with her characteristic lower tone of voice and Dash supported her. “Exactly! There’s no way that winter stuff could stop us from coming here to see our friends before they go to Canterlot. Besides, you’ll be doing boring princess stuff, so what’s better to cheer you up now?”

Despite her mood, Twilight chuckled a little for Rainbow’s words. “Rainbow Dash, contain your tongue.” The fashionista said to the cyan pegasus, looking to her face. “You can’t call Twilight’s duties as a princess ‘boring’. It is serious, darling. Besides, she will go to ensure that the most important Hearth’s Warming Eve performance of all Equestria. That is a task to be proud of.”

The daredevil rolled her eyes without replying or groaning at Rarity’s words. Curious, but Fluttershy was looking at her alicorn friend and talked to her before somepony could tell anything about it. “Twilight, are you alright? I-It seems like you didn’t sleep well.” Spike, quickly, decided to intercede with an excuse. “She had a bad night with her wings again.”

Number one assistant forever, eh? Sparkle thought. “Yes. I couldn’t find the right position for my sleep.” She confirmed the Spike’s lie. Neither of the two liked to lie their friends, but it was for the best in that moment. “Oh. Sorry about that.” The shy pegasus replied. “Maybe you need to drink some hot milk and cupcakes before go to bed!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Or cocoa. Or chocolate! No! Chocolate with cream! That will help you to sleep well for sure!” All the rest shook their heads, choosing to not say a word. After all, Pinkie Pie was only being Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, Twi.” Rainbow spoke. “You packed a lot of bags for two days, didn’t you? Is the princess business making you act like Rares and take a lot of unnecessary things?“ Rarity stared at Dash, furrowing her brow while the other ignored her and grinned. Pinkie chuckled a little, transmitting it to Twilight. “Anyway, girls.” The still librarian started to talk. “I want to ask you for a favor. To be honest, I will be more than two days in Canterlot. Maybe a week or two. That’s why I have plenty of luggage. So, could you help Spike with the library and keep an eye on him?”

“Uhm. Isn’t Spike going with you?” Fluttershy was confused after hearing that. “No. I don’t want to bother him and I’ll try to relax a little.” The alicorn replied, knowing that maybe her words would surprise her friends. After all, she didn’t relax. Not often, at least. “Well, I’m more busy in winter than it seems. But I can try.” Rainbow Dash explained while she scratched her nape and the others agreed to help too. When Twilight thought that the conversation was over, the pink earth pony spoke again with her inimitable cheerful attitude.

“Where is Applejack? She would want to say goodbye to you, too, and we need to talk with her for the turns in the library.” She grinned from ear to ear. Twilight, in change, froze in her place, swallowing hard, trying to say something, but the words didn’t come out. Her ears and wings dropped down, while the baby dragon stood silent, with a sad expression in his face and avoiding the eyes of the mares, sliding seconds after to the kitchen. Obviously, they noticed that something was wrong. “T-Twilight?” The yellow pegasus was the first to talk. “Is-Is every- everything alright? You seem-Well, you seem sad.” Fluttershy said, looking sideways to the alicorn. She fake smiled, shaking her head. “No, I’m fine, really.” However, her cracked tone betrayed her and everypony looked at her with worried expressions. Even Rainbow Dash landed softly, so Twilight took her eyes away, trying to keep the facade. “What happened, darling?” Rarity asked with delicately, moving closer to her friend. “Is Applejack alright?”

For an instant, Twilight thought to lie to them, for two reasons. The first was that she didn’t feel ready to tell what happened. The other was that she didn’t want the others to be mad at Applejack. Maybe she didn’t understand yet why AJ did what she did, but that didn’t change the fact that, deep inside her, Twi still loved her and she wanted to keep the cowpony away for problems. However, she knew that her friends were worried and a lie wouldn’t stop them.

There was no choice.

“We broke up.” Twilight muttered almost without voice. The general gasp was instantaneous, following with a surprise yell from the rainbow maned pegasus, jumping in the air. “What!!? Why!? You both were happy when the six of us hanged out together! What the heck-?” A white hoof cut off the words of Rainbow by sticking in her mouth. “Dash, stop. You are not helping with that attitude, darling.” Rarity pointed and that was true. Looking to the alicorn was enough to know that she felt really, really bad. She was on the verge of tears, her head, ears and wings dropped down. Pinkie and Fluttershy’s ears flattened and they didn’t waste a second and embraced their friend, trying to cheer her up.

The cyan pegasus groaned but shut her mouth, lowering her head and landing again. Rarity made a point, screaming isn’t going to make things better. After she saw that Dash was quiet, the fashionista moved closer to her sad friend and asked softly. “Would you tell us what happened, my dear? Maybe we could help. All of us,” she looked at her other friends, with a little glare to the daredevil to make sure she stayed calm, “will understand if you don’t, so don’t feel pressured.” Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie nodded, the pink one’s mane less puffy that usual.

“No.” Twilight mumbled, making an effort to not sob.”I hav-I have to tell you sooner or later. But I need all of you to promise me that you won’t be upset. Any of you.” The alicorn looked to her friends in the eye, one for one, with her own wet. “Please.” She pleaded. The four friends looked between them before they nodded and did the Pinkie Promise’s moves. The former Element of Magic sighed and then she started to talk. “We had a date three days ago… but we didn’t go anywhere. A-Applejack simply said that we need to talk. Then, she said-” She swallowed hard. “She said me that we have to break up.” The yellow pegasus had the most sad expression between her friends and it was her who asked with a low and worried tone. “Bu-but why? Did Applejack give you… a reason? I-if you want to-to tell us, of course.”

“That’s the worst part.” The Princess replied, a single tear running down her cheek. “I asked her what was wrong, if I made some mistake, but her only answer was that it wasn’t my fault. I insisted to know what happened, and then she said that she didn’t love me. After our dates and all she didn’t love me.”

“What!?” Rainbow snapped. “What bunch of crap is that?”

Rarity glanced again at the daredevil, but Twilight continued to speak before Rarity could say anything.

“It took me a little while, but in the end I figured out that something was wrong. All of us know how bad Applejack lies and I noticed the typical signals. However, after I pressured her… She looked me in the face a-and told me that we were done.” By the end, Twilight was was crying, her head practically hanging to the ground. “She left me wi-without a real explanation.” Twi added, her voice broken.

“This whole thing doesn’t make any sense!” Again, Dash exclaimed, only because she was the only one that could speak. “Less coming for Applejack! She must be cra-yep!” That time, the fashionista opted to use her magic to grip Rainbow’s tail and bring her down. “Rainbow Dash, please, sit down, be quiet and shut up. You aren’t useful right now.” Rarity’s voice had a cold tone, not letting the cyan pegasus answer. Right after that, Pinkie Pie tried to say something but, for once, she was speechless. The same for Fluttershy, who embraced again strongly her alicorn friend, and Rarity joined them. “Twilight, darling… Do you need anything from us? Do you… I don’t know. Do you want anyone of us to speak with her?” The white unicorn suggested.

“No.” Twilight shook her head slowly. “You don’t d-do nothing. I’ll be fine, ok?” The other girls knew that it was a lie, but they didn’t insist. Besides, they made a group hug around the alicorn, showing their support while waiting the arrival of her carriage.


After said goodbye to Twilight, the four mares were still shocked from the news. The most affected, at least on the outside, was Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie decided to stay at the library to help Spike, before she was to babysit the Cake’s children. The others went to their respective houses… or, at least, in that way it seemed. Rarity soon noticed that Rainbow Dash’s cloud house was in the opposite direction in which the pegasus was going.

“Dashie, where are you going?” The fashionista asked, taking advantage of the fact that they were completely alone. And yes, she called her ‘Dashie’. “Where do you think? To Sweet Apple Acres.” She replied. “And don’t call me that outside.” She added with a groan. “Do you want everypony know about us so soon?”

“You called me Rares before in the library, didn’t you?” Rarity arched an eyebrow. “So you are not the most appropriate pony to talk about it. Besides, that’s not the point. You promised not to do anything impulsive and go to Sweet Apple Acres is, precisely, impulsive.”

“Say what you want. I will go talk to Applejack. And you can’t stop me. End of story.” Rainbow stopped in the air and faced Rarity.

“Rainbow Dash! For once in your life, sit down and think!” Rarity glared at the daredevil, relaxing after a few seconds. “Twilight told us that we shouldn’t intervene.”

“I-I know, ok? But-” The candidate for Wonderbolts replied.

“Then you have to stop and do what our friend asked us to do. Besides, you always say that you’re not sappy and romantic, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah, I say that.” Dash rolled her eyes. “And it’s damn true.” She pointed Rarity with a hoof. “But that doesn’t change that all this thing is crap. Seriously, can you believe what Twi told us about the break-up? It’s doesn’t make any bucking sense!” She threw her hooves to the air. “Applejack could never do something like that! All of us saw the two together, no?” The purple maned unicorn nodded. “Then, tell me, Rares, since you’re the romantic expert, did you see them sad with each other? Or did you see them real happy?”

“Well...” Rarity rubbed her hoof on her chin, thinking about it, to finally answer. “Fine, you have made a point. But Twilight-”

“Forget Twilight! Somepony has to talk with Applejack and kick her flank if it’s necessary.” Rainbow said, thinking a moment, scrubbing her head. “You know what? Maybe I’ll kick her flank anyway.”

Rarity sighed. “No, no, you don’t go. Not alone. I will go with you. ‘Somepony’ has to keep you calm before you do something inappropriate. Or featherbrained.”

“Eh!” Dash exclaimed. “You aren’t the smartest pony either, remember?” The pegasus raised in the air and started to mocking her friend. “Look upon me Equestria! For I am RARITY!”

Rarity blushed. “You have to take out that, don’t you?”

“Yeah. Sometimes it’s funny to see you blush.” Rainbow Dash grinned, lowering and nuzzling Rarity. “And to remember you that day.”

The fashionista looked at her, saying. “Sometimes, Rainbow, you are an idiot.” She smiled. “A lovely idiot.”

“I prefer the term ‘awesome’.” Dash chuckled.

“I know.” Her marefriend replied, kissing the pegasus in the cheek.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Rainbow said before they made their way to the cowpony’s farm.


Definitely, that was the three worst days of her life, Applejack didn’t have a doubt. The last nights she woken up in the middle of the night more than once. In her dreams, she saw time after time Twilight crying for her fault. The only good thing was that it was winter and she didn’t had real work, because if that was the case, she could be a walking disaster. Applejack was trying her best to hide her feelings.

However, her best wasn’t enough.

“Yer not sleeping well, child.” Granny Smith looked to AJ, both of them in the kitchen washing the dishes.

Applejack swallowed hard, avoiding the eyes of the old mare. “No, Ah’m fine, Granny.” She said.

“Don’t ya dare lie to me, Applejack.” The head of the family glared her. “Ya look bad and ya know it. Now, yer’ gonna tell me what the hoof happen by yerself’ or yer’ gonna make me ask?” The orange pony looked worried to her. She knew very, very well that Granny Smith wouldn’t accept an excuse. No, she wouldn’t stop until she obtained a clear answer. After all, Applejack’s stubbornness, surely, ran in the family. So, she didn’t have any real option. “It-It’s co-complicated, Granny.”

“Well, it’s winter, so we have plenty of time.” Her tone was cracked, like always, but also didn’t offer escape. Applejack sighed and she started to talk without looking to Smith. “Ah-Ah’ve only been have a hard time. Ah had to do something for the best of a friend. Something th-that it is painful for the both of us. But it’s the right thing.”

The older mare kept silent for a few minutes, while the two were finishing the wash. When Granny Smith finally spoke, Applejack didn’t expect it, so she gave a little bounce in her place. “Yer’ sure it’s the right thing? Don’t sounds to meh like that it’s painful, child.” The orange cowpony dropped down her ears and lowered her head, muttering. “Yeah. It is, Granny. Ah’m sure.” The old mare didn’t say anything else and AJ, after drying her hooves, said. “Ah’m gonna check the barn.” Granny Smith nodded, thinking that her grandchild was hiding something. However, she was wise and she knew that the better option was to wait until she told her the whole story. Besides, she needed to take a nap.

After she put on her boots and scarf, Applejack left the house in the direction of the barn. It was cold outside but it wasn’t snowing and the ground was barely covered in white, so the way to the barn wasn’t too uncomfortable. The bad thing was that it gave her, again, time to think. The conversation with Granny Smith repeated in her mind over and over. She must have in mind before that her grandmother would notice her sadness. Nevermind, it didn’t matter. She had a job to do in that moment.

“Applejack!” A voice called for her; a voice that came from a mare that she knew very well.

A featherbrain rainbow maned pegasus. Curiously, with her walked a white unicorn designer. AJ felt her stomach shrink, suspecting that it wasn’t a grateful visit. Do they know already? Horseapples, Ah hope not. It’s too soon for me to deal with them, dammit. She thought, looking at her friends. “Heya’, girls. Whatcha doing?” Rarity smiled, getting closer to the earth pony and saying “Hello, Applejack. I am fine, thanks for-”

“No facade, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash interrupted her, getting face to face with Applejack. “Are you gonna tell us what the buck is happening?” The fashionista put a forehoof on her face, shaking her head before the absolute lack of tact by the pegasus. Applejack blinked twice in reaction. “Beg your pardon?”

“You hear me perfectly, so don’t try to run away and spill it out.” The cyan pony insisted.

“Rainbow Dash, Ah don’t have any idea of what ya’ talking about, so, if ya’ excuse me, ah have work to do.” AJ replied, going towards the barn. But the pegasus landed in front of her, with challenging attitude. “Oh, no, you aren’t getting out of this.” The cowpony furrowed her brow and she looked angry to the daredevil. “Dash, step out of my way. This is not the day to push me, ya got me?”

“Enough!” Rarity yelled, before she stepped between the two athletic mares. “Dash, don’t say anything else. To be impulsive and aggressive is not the way to solve this.” Rarity gave to Dash a fierce glaring that made her gulped. “Understood?” Reluctantly, the Wonderbolts’ fan nodded. The white pony looked softly to her farmer friend. “Sorry for that, Applejack. However, we had come here to talk with you privately, as friends. Could we do it in the barn, please? I’m starting to get a chill out here.” Applejack calmed down, not before she looked daggers to Rainbow Dash one more time, and she nodded with a sigh. The pegasus had a point. She couldn’t avoid that much time.

The three mares entered in the barn without saying a word. Once inside, Rarity realised not only that AJ’s ears were dropped down, but also the bags under her eyes. Therefore, after sitting in the ground and checking that Rainbow did the same, she started to talk with her best tone to the orange pony, who had turned her back to theirs.

“I apologise for coming so sudden, darling.” The dress designer explained to her friend. “But you didn’t come to say goodbye to Twilight, so we got worried and-”

“Twilight told you, didn’t ya’?” Applejack muttered suddenly, looking to the floor. Rarity and Rainbow Dash exchanged looks. “Dash wasn’t subtle at all before, like always, so it’s clear that Ah hit the spot.” She added.

“Well, then, we go straight to the point.” Rainbow said, crossing her forelegs, waiting for the explanation. “There’s nothing to tell, Rainbow. Ah suppose that Twi told you the whole story, Ah’m right? Good, ‘cause that’s all.” After the cowpony’s reply, the cyan mare was about to jump again. Fortunately, her marefriend stopped her with a move of a foreleg. “Applejack, my dear. We’ve known you for a long time. I can hardly believe that you were capable of telling Twilight something as rude as ‘We’re done.’ Please, could you tell us what happened?”

Applejack hid her face behind her Stetson. They were persistent, but she couldn’t tell them the truth. It should be her secret forever. “Nothing happened. Ah had a crush on Twi, but it passed away. So, Ah left her for the best of us.” She said, still not looking at her friends. “That’s the biggest load of bullshit I ever heard!” Rainbow claimed to the sky, hitting the ground with a forehoof. “AJ, you lie so bad that Discord will be Captain of the Royal Guard before we’re foolish enough to believe one of your lies.”

“Buck off, Dash. It’s not your damn business.” Applejack groaned, grinding her teeth, her patience running out. “Dash, what have I told you before? Leave this to me, please.” Rarity reminded the rainbow maned mare, who huffed and looked away. Then, the white pony turned her attention back to Applejack. “Darling, you must admit that our impulsive friend made a point. You don’t know how to lie and right now, you are lying. I am pretty sure that you still love Twilight, because I see how happy the two of you are together and something like that doesn’t change from one day to the next. However, I am also sure that you have a powerful reason to do what you did. What we want to know that reason, Applejack, so we can understand it.”

Damn you, Rarity. AJ thought, biting her lower lip. She should keep in mind that the former Element of Generosity was very observant when romance was involved. Consarn it, she was the first in the town to know that Lyra and BonBon were together and neither of them told her. Obviously, she would notice that there was something wrong with Applejack’s actions. “I have nothing to explain, girls. So stop asking.” Applejack answered with a mumble and a weak tone.

The problem was that Twilight didn’t give up. “Please, don’t be stubborn, Applejack. Even Twilight knew that something happened, but nopony knows what. That’s why we are here, against Sparkle desires to not talk to you, because we are worried. For both of you.” She took a breath before she spoke again, with a little change of strategy. “She looked bad, you know?”

With that revelation, Applejack frozen and she felt her mouth dry. Her body shook with an unpleasant feeling, while she closed her eyes with force in an attempt to holding back the tears. It wasn’t the moment to falter. “She will be fine in time. Ah’m sure. She is strong, ya’ know.” AJ tried to sound firm but she failed miserably and the others could see it.

“Ok, we tried your way, Rarity, now it’s my turn.” Dash, with her short patience running out, put herself in front of her farmer friend for a confrontation. “This stops right now, Applejack. What.Is.Happening?”

The orange pony got angry, pushing back the cyan one. “Leave me alone, featherbrain, or Ah’ll buck those rainbow colors out of you! Ah did what Ah did for a good reason, understood? So shut your mouth before Ah do.”

The dress designer, watching that things went in the wrong way, took a step to her friends, ready to stop Rainbow before it got worse. “Darlings, please-”

The pegasus cut her off again, leaving her in shock for a second. “Don’t say anything, Rarity, this stubborn pony was about to tell us everything even if I had to kick her in her fat ass. Good reason, you said? Which reason could be that to hurt a one of your best friends? Most importantly, to hurt the pony you love!”

Applejack grinded her teeth, ready to punch RD in her stupid face. “It’s none of your damn business!”

“You left her without explanation!” Dash yelled. “So, the moment you lied, you made it my business!”

“Rainbow Dash, get out of my barn right now or Ah make you leave without your teeth!”

“Try it!” She was prepared to fight, leaving Rarity very worried. If they started a fight, she wasn’t sure that she could stop them. “But I won’t leave until you spit out the truth!”

“Ah’m not warning you anymore!” AJ’s body was tense, showing that she was about to explode. Rainbow’s too, so it would begin at any moment. At least, that was Rarity thought. But then, Dash did something that nopony expected: She launched herself to the air, passing just above Applejack. For a second, neither Rarity nor Applejack realised, but, when they did, it was like Tartarus unleashed on Equestria. “DAMN YOU, RAINBOW DASH!” Her scream made the whole barn shook. “Yer dead, ya hear me!? Dead! Give me mah hat, now!”

“You want your hat?” Dash grinned, ten feet in the air, playing with the Stetson between her hooves. “OK, I’ll give it back when you tell us the whole story. You have my word.”

“Ah said now!” At that point, the earth pony was enraged, her face red and breathing in rapid gasps, and Rarity was scared, with her ears down, while her marefriend insisted “Then, answer us. Why did you leave Twilight? Remember that I won’t accept anoth-”

“‘Cause she will be unhappy if she stays with me!!!” Applejack finally snapped, her eyes starting to wet. Her friends looked her with surprise. “Yer’ happy now, dumbass? Give me the hat!” Dash landed softly in front of AJ, giving back the Stetson to her with caution. The orange mare took it from her hooves instantly and hide her face behind it, while Rarity asked with disbelief. “But… Applejack, I don’t understand. Why do you think something like that? You’re the last pony that could make anypony unhappy.” Rainbow nodded in agreement. Her friend sighed, shaking her head. “Ya’ two really don’t get it.” She stated, starting to let her tears flew. “Besides that she is a princess and Ah’m a farmer, which neither of us give a crap, she-she is immortal now.”

The daredevil blinked. “That’s it? That’s all? You left her because she is an alicorn? That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard!” Rarity gave a pull on Rainbow’s tail with her magic, looking at her. “Don’t start again, Rainbow Dash.” Then she turned to AJ, putting a hoof in her shoulder, trying to comfort and calm her down. “Darling, please… Can you explain it better?” The cowpony still hid her face behind the hat, but at least she replied. “Ah know that Twilight enjoys each date we have. Ah know she loves me back. That’s the problem. She will be happy, sure. And then, what? What will happen to her when Ah’m gone? Did you think about it?” The other mares looked at each other. “Well, I admit that I didn’t, but...” Dash rubbed her neck.

“So, you left her because you are worried that, when you passed away, she will suffer. Am I right?” Rarity got closer to her friend, looking her sideways. Applejack nodded, now sobbing. Her white friend smiled, hugging her tightly. “Darling, you love her so much that you are willing to sacrifice for her. That’s is so romantic.” Rarity let her go and looked at her. “However, are you really sure?” She put a hoof under AJ’s chin to look her eye to eye. “I mean, she is sad right now and she doesn’t know why you did it. Besides, I know that you have the best of intentions towards her, but, even being the romantic mare that I am, I think that you are supposing a little too much.”

Applejack shook her head, cleaning the tears in her cheeks. “No, Ah don’t think… Well… She will live forever, dammit. Ah know what it means to lose somepony very important to ya and Ah don’t want Twilight to suffer that for eternity.”

“Didn’t you think that she could remember you with a smile on her face?” Rarity suggested. “If you keep your decision, the unhappy one will be you, Applejack. You know it very well, judging your mood.”

“It doesn’t matter, Rarity.” She sentenced, looking to the ground. “Ah will do anything for Twilight, even if it kills me…”

Rainbow groaned. “Aaah, come on Applejack, the drama queen is Rarity, not you.” Rarity looked out of the corner of her eye to her marefriend. “What you have to do is to live your life with Twilight like there’s no tomorrow. Heck, go wild if it’s necessary!”

“I can’t do it, RD.” Applejack replied, with her ears stuck to her skull. “The first time I saw Twilight crying, Ah felt like somepony stabbed me in the chest. The idea of her doing that for my death in the future makes me sick.”

Rarity shook her head, grinning with tenderness. “Applejack, you are supposing again. If the two of you really love each other, then make it a love to remember, as Rainbow said in a… least romantic way.” The pegasus shrugged her shoulders, looking away.

“Rarity, no offense, but this isn’t one of your sappy romance novels.” The blonde maned pony pointed.

However, Rarity had already a reply prepared. “I am very aware of that, darling.” She grinned. “That doesn’t change facts. It is a fact that you love her and you are happy with her. I saw the two of you together, remember? I know that the bonds between you are strong, stronger than anything I ever see. But you won’t change your decision, as stubborn as you are, no offense, with only these words, won’t you?”

“Rarity, please…” Applejack pleaded, but the fashionista kept talking.

“Let me tell you a story. My mother told me when I was a filly, younger than Sweetie Belle. According to the story, long time ago, two ponies, I don’t remember their races, fell in love. However, it was in a darkest time and multiple dangers devastated the land. Regardless of that, they promised to each other that, no matter what would happen, they will love each other forever. A love that bonds not their bodies, but their souls, until the end of time. Therefore, when the two confronted their deaths, they were happy, because they knew that they would meet again when they rebirth. And, eventually, they did it. Over and over again, while the centuries passed away.” Rarity paused. “Mother told me that it was an old legend. Her grandmother told to her when she was a filly, about my age. She said that it was the reason for why she loves romantic novels. I guess that the same happened to me.” Rarity chuckled. Applejack tilted her head, confused, and Rainbow shifted her tail, without understand what was trying to do her marefriend.

“Err… Rarity, exactly, what are you trying to say?” The cowpony wanted to know.

“It’s quite simple, my dear. Real love can last forever. Yes, maybe Twilight will miss you, but, isn’t it worth the effort? You would give her the happiest years of her life and, in the end, that’s what matters, Applejack.” She grinned to her. “Who knows? Perhaps you could reunite with her in another life.”

“You… You can’t seriously think that the story is true, Rarity.” Applejack muttered, looking to her friend in the eye.

She grinned, with another reply already in her mouth. “Need I remind you, darling, that the six of us were destined to be friends before we all met thanks to a lovely, lovely rainbow?” While Rarity spoke, she sneaked a look to the mare responsible of that rainbow, who blushed and looked away. “Not mentioning, of course, the menaces and mysteries we saw in the last years. Is it so strange the legend I told you?”

AJ was lost for words, lowering her head seconds later. “Ah can’t hope that something like that would happen…”

“Indeed. Although there is something that you can do.” Rarity said firmly. “Go after Twilight and enjoy your life together, no matter what, before you fade, crying alone in your farm and regretting your decision.” Applejack swallowed hard, feeling the tears come back to her eyes. “But… I’ll grow older…” The designer shook her head. “I don’t believe that something like that will disturb our librarian. You know I am right.” Dash nodded, putting a hoof in the earth pony’s shoulder. “Come on. We aren’t here to argue with you, but to help two of our best friends.”

“Ah-She maybe is upset with me… Ah really messed up.” Fear tinged Applejack’s voice.

“Don’t worry, AJ, I’m sure that you’ll get back together.” Rainbow cheered her up. Then she rolled her eyes, thinking in something. “You know what? You will go after here right now. We’ll take you to the last train to Canterlot, let’s go.”

The impulsive proposal surprised the two other mares. “W… What?” The cowpony stammered. “Now? But she should be already in Canterlot and… And my family…”

A cyan hoof cut her speech. “No excuses! You will go to the house, grab anything you need, say goodbye to everyone and move, you got me? ‘Cause if you don’t, then I will definitely kick you like nopony before!” The pegasus shouted.

AJ blinked several times before she nodded. “Fi... Fine. On my way. Follow me, you better wait for me inside the house.” Her friends did what she said and, ten minutes later, they cantered towards Ponyville’s Station.


“Girls…” Applejack spoke, rubbing a foreleg with another. She was a little nervous, next to the train. “A-Ah’m sorry if Ah’ was rude with ya’. And… Thank ya’. For making me realise mah mistake.”

The two mares smiled and Rarity said softly. “You’re welcome, darling.” Rainbow Dash’s grin took a mischievous turn. “Now, go after Twi and kiss her until her egghead brain will spin without stop.” That words made AJ blush and Rarity hit the pegasus in the shoulder. The three hugged each other before the orange mare stepped in the train. A little while later, Rarity and her marefriend left the station, with the train going away from Ponyville.

“Rainbow Dash, I’m going to say this only once.” Rarity said suddenly, the two mares walking through the town towards Carousel Boutique, the streets empty at that hour. “Don’t you ever provoke anypony, especially our friends, and almost get into a fight with him or her. Do I make myself clear?”

The daredevil looked to her, arching an eyebrow. “Whoa, you really worry about me, Rares.” She said with a smirk.

“I’m not kidding, Dash.” The white mare replied, clearly irritated. “What you did, pushing AJ in the barn, was dumb and dangerous. If you two started to fight, what did you think that I could do?” She ended her argument with a genuinely worried tone.

At the sight of that, the pegasus felt guilty and reached out a wing to pull Rarity closer to her. “Ok, gotcha’. I won’t do it again. I promise.” Dash told her lover with a sweet tone. Straightaway, she recovered her normal attitude. “But you have to admit that my plan worked perfectly.”

“Excuse me?” Rarity looked to her with incredulity, arching an eyebrow. “Your ‘plan’ was only as impulsive as always and got Applejack so angry that I feared that she would hit you. You can’t call that a ‘plan’.”

The cyan mare grinned. “Well, it worked, no? Then it’s fine!” Rainbow chuckled. “I thought that you liked that side of me, Rares. Thanks to it we’re together, remember?”

Rarity couldn’t prevent the laughter. “Yes, yes, I remember you confessing to me in stutters, blushing like a filly. It took me almost three minutes to understand what you were trying to say.”

The pegasus’ face turned crimson, looking away. “Th-that’s not true!”

Her marefriend grinned mischievously, nibbling her ear next. “You’re adorable when you act like that.” She said to poke her.

“Shut… Shut up.” The other replied, following her way with Rarity smiling to her side.

After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash broke the silence. “Rares, tell me… That story you told before tou AJ… It’s true? I mean… Did your mother really tell you that?”

The designer looked to her. “Yes, she did. Why you ask, Dashie?”

“‘Cause I thought that you made up to convince Applejack.” The pegasus answered.

“Oh… No, I only remembered then and I believed that it was good to tell to her.” Rarity said, before she grinned. “But I must confess that I lied a little.” Rainbow blinked and the white coated mare explained. “I do remember the races of the two lovers. They were a pegasus and…” She looked to her marefriend with shiny eyes. “A unicorn.”

Dash turned red again, dropping her ears. “But it’s only a legend.” She mentioned.

“Said the mare who can perform an old pegasus legend by herself.” Rarity winked like only she knew it.

The pegasus did her best to maintain composure, muttering to Rarity while she looked her at the eye. “Always the sappy one, eh?”

Her marefriend smiled. “And you love it.”

When the two mares were reaching her destination, Rarity suddenly said. “You know? I had been thinking… Maybe we must tell the others. About us, I mean. After all, we were together for five months now. We’ll even get to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve together.”

Dash shook her wings a little nervous. “Yeah… Perhaps you are right. You had been waiting all this time ‘cause I asked you to.” Already at the door of Rarity’s shop, the pegasus looked at her. “How about… when AJ and Twi came back from Canterlot?”

The purple maned pony smiled and while she get inside, she answered. “Wonderful idea, my little Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash grinned and followed her before the door closed behind them.