• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 764 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Ponies - chubbysonicfan

One boy leaves in the middle of night to find very important guests on his lawn.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Julian awoke with a start. Vivid memories of just hours ago raced through his mind. He flew around his bed to check underneath, finding nothing but a few nicks and nacks he'd placed himself. With a sigh, Julian crawled over to the kitchen for a bite to eat.

Aimlessly opening cabinets for food, he found a small cyan pagasus with rainbow colored hair holding a granola bar in it's mouth. He grabbed it and went back to his room.

He slid back and ripped open the cabinet to rediscover the pegasus inside. Its eyes were starring right into Julian's, somewhat begging for the food in his hand. He obliged, and raced back into his room. He investigated under his bed finding the cardboard box was flipped over, of course, and placed the pegasus atop his bed, coaxing it to stay in its place. Once he was sure it'd stay, he rushed for the others.

The more he searched, the more Julian thought about the names of those fillies. The one he just found was named Rainbow Dash, if he wasn't mistaken. He found a purple unicorn-like creature, who's name, he remembered, is Twilight Sparkle, hiding under the dinning table. Julian didn't know why, but something about Twilight seemed all too familiar, almost like he'd seen someone like her in the past.

As the morning dragged on, Julian started to calm down, seeing as his grandparents won't wake up 'till about noon. He found three ponies much younger than the rest inside the guest room, one in another cabinet, and two had returned to the box.

Julian counted his find and noticed there were, at least, three missing, including the one he just met last night. He searched every nook and cranny for them, beginning to fear the worst, when he noticed one of the ponies tugging at his pant leg.

"Hey, you're... Luna, right?" He asked. Luna only pointed towards his worst nightmare: his grandparents' room.

Julian was knew what she was trying to say, and dreaded it. He opened the door as quietly as possible, crawling along the ground for any sign of pony life. As he slipped past a corner, all the color drained from his face as he saw Pinkie Pie just inches away from his grandfather, and the pony he met last night trying to catch her.

With a gasp, Julian tried to catch Pinkie but to no prevail. She somehow slipped behind him at terrifying speeds. He pounced at her again but only caught air. He turned to see Pinkie sitting right in between his grandparents.

Pinkie continued to rub salt on the wound as she climbed atop Julian's grandmother, sticking her tongue out all the while. She was just seconds from being noticed when Julian's legs carried him faster than he ever thought possible, catching Pinkie and the others into his room before his grandmother could open her eyes.

"There," Julian sighed, "Now then-" He wanted to get some rest before worrying about the ponies, but soon there was a loud knocking at the front door.