• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 1,305 Views, 34 Comments

Edited Details - ILurvTrixie

Fluttershy tries to help a mysterious pegasus. But when the pegasus is none other than Daring Do, what can the shyest of pegasi do to help?

  • ...

Chapter 7 - A Day Off

The sunlight was entirely too bright and cheerful. Daring had had decidedly enough of the warm brightness poking indiscriminately against her eyelids. Really, what kind of pony even had a window facing the rising sun in their bedroom?

A quiet squeak answered the question, as Daring slowly opened her eyes, staring into the pink mane of a familiar yellow pegasus, still partially wrapped in Daring's hooves and wings. The impeding sunlight formed a glowing halo as it passed over her mane and fur, giving her an almost angelic appearance. Fluttershy's own wings appeared to have pomfed up in the normal pegasus fight-or-flight response to the unfamiliar, although from the blush on her face... Daring couldn't keep the more crude analysis of wing pomfs out of her mind, resulting in her own blush in return.

"G-good morning."

"Y-yeah." And I'm stuttering shyly. Wing-boners, and now this. Daring narrowly resisted the urge to face-hoof, slowly unwrapping herself from Fluttershy. "Slept well?"

"Much better. Thank you." Fluttershy looked up at her, then away, nervously shuffling her hooves. "I... um... I need to go feed the animals breakfast. If that's alright. I mean... thank you again." Fluttershy blushed again, her eyes downcast as she desperately held onto the Discord plush, as though it would somehow stop her embarrassment at the situation she found herself in.

Daring simply rolled her eyes with a smile. "Would you like a hoof?"

Fluttershy perked up, and smiled sweetly, eyes closed as she nodded. "Mm hmm."

The two pegasi extricated themselves from the warm bed, standing and stretching in the warming sunbeams. If it weren't for the waking up part, this would almost make sunlight worth it. Daring tallied up a mental pro and con list, so far one to one for sunlight in the morning.

They headed downstairs, moving quietly to let the animals that hadn't awakened yet find their own schedules. Fluttershy lead the way gently placing the little Discord plush on the kitchen counter. It hadn't said much in a while. Daring shrugged it off, after all, who claimed Discord made sense? As Fluttershy lead them out to the feed stores, Daring was amazed at how.. calm it was. Animals were moving, birds were greeting the day.

Nothing was trying to kill her.

Creatures moved through the underbrush, a few scattered ponies were visible in town doing one activity or another, the sky was bright and beautiful. No jungle canopy, no feeling of adrenaline surging through her at the panic that a wild bird or a flushed animal would give her away, no worry about who to trust or what was going on, or whether she was reaching the artifact ahead of her enemies. No animals under the control of Ahuizotl.

Nothing was trying to kill her.

Daring broke into startled laughter, getting a confused look from Fluttershy, which she waved off. "S-sorry. Sorry. It's... It's very nice." She smiled at the now completely confused shy pegasus, coughed, then tried to change the subject. "Do you think you can talk about the dreams now?"

Fluttershy looked away, shuffling her hooves as she grabbed a small feed bag, slowly walking towards a nearby hillock. Daring mirrored the action, following the shy pegasus. Fluttershy sat, and Daring took a seat next to her. She opened the bag carefully, and finally took a breath. "I dreamed about those griffons."

Daring raised an eyebrow as she opened her own feedbag. "What about them?"

Fluttershy smiled weakly. "You might be used to this... but I'm not. I'm weak. I make mistakes. My friends always have to give me a hoof. But... I'm good with animals. And I'm ...okay... with people." Her face crinkled into a frown, her eyes showing worry. "But they... they weren't people. Or animals."

Daring wasn't sure what to say, as she contemplated the feed in her bag. She looked up at Fluttershy, looking into the massive eyes appealing to her for understanding. "There wasn't... it's like they were some kind of magical construct. Like some kind of angry golem or ancient spirit or something. They were hollow of every emotion other than that anger at us. At me. Like they weren't really there, or didn't care who they were fighting against. Just that there was a target for their anger." Fluttershy shuddered, closing her eyes. "...It was terrifying."

Daring sighed, wrapping Fluttershy into another hug. Fluttershy leaned against the adventurer, happy for the warmth and feeling of strength. "When I adventure, I'm scared a lot. Adrenaline keeps me alive. I'm a hero, but that's what I am at the end of the day. I'm just another pony the rest of the time." She tilted Fluttershy's head up with a gentle hoof, bumping her forehead against Fluttershy's with a smile. "Any pony can be a hero. It just means fighting against what scares you."

Fluttershy blushed, not just from the contact, but from the reminder of the friendship report so long ago where she'd faced down her fear of dragons. And, well, a dragon. She stared shyly into Daring's eyes, the adventurer simply smiling at her. "Too cheesy?"

Fluttershy tilted her lower head forward, giving Daring a light kiss. "...I think that's the normal reward for a hero saving a damsel in distress, right?" She smiled warmly, blushing. Daring's wings pomfed up with an expression of surprise and her own blush. An inquisitive chirp and chitter sounded from nearby. Fluttershy flushed almost as pink as her mane as she turned to stare at her audience of animal friends. "I.. oh.. umm."

"So! Breakfast!" Daring said in a much too loud voice. She and Fluttershy began hoofing out feed, both blushing intensely.


"What do you mean, delayed?"

The conductor rubbed his forehead with a hoof. He'd been answering this question for hours now, ever since the news came down the line. "Rockfall on the tracks, we're working on clearing it, but even with a full team at work, it's going to be hours. Maybe most of the day. Trains are on hold until we get it handled."

Daring frowned and grumbled. She'd packed up her gear, was wearing her AK Yearling disguise, and had the typewriter in its own, heavy, travel case. And now she was stuck in town. "Isn't there any other option?"

"Well, as a pegasus, you could probably start flying yourself, but with your luggage..." The conductor shook his head. "I do apologize, but we're doing our best to get this cleared up quickly."

Daring sighed, but knew there wasn't anything she could do about it right now. That was the problem living on the outskirts of civilization, when things went wrong, they tended to have greater consequences. She headed for the local bar and inn, leaving the conductor to breath a sigh of relief. Which was promptly turned into a groan as a small family group approached. "Where's the train?"

At least it's not like the typewriter seems to be doing anything dangerous. It has been quiet for a while, though. I wonder what's going on...


"Sweet...sweet Celestia. Unnnngh..." Daring really didn't have the energy for words right now. The next thing from her mouth was a barely coherent moan. Her body felt molten, putty-like. She really couldn't recall the last time she felt this good. "Luna's little stars and planets, don't stop." She convulsed slightly as expert hooves touched her. No, touched her, driving themselves to her core. She almost felt like her brain was going to fall out of her head, her pith helmet and jacket forgotten... somewhere. Heat spread through her extremities and just assisted the feeling of melting away. It was all she could do to keep her eyes from rolling into her head. "Oooohhh."

Aloe and Fern giggled at the adventurer's responses to the deep tissue massage with hot rocks. Rarity and Fluttershy had both sunk into the hot tub with blushes, trying desperately not to think dirty thoughts, which were rather inevitable.

"S-sorry about this, Rarity."

"Nono, it's quite all right dear. I just wish... she was a little less..." Rarity pursed her lips "Vocal."

Both sets of ears flattened against their skulls as Daring let out a moan that could only be described as 'satisfied'. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise. "Umm...Yes."


As the three spa-goers found themselves wrapped into fluffy coats and prepped with facial masks and cucumbers over eyes. Well, Rarity and Daring did, Fluttershy as usual politely declining all but the most basic of treatments. Daring was still blushing. "I am so so sorry."

"We've already forgiven you, what are we up to, four times now?" Rarity gestured grandiosely. "It's not that big a deal, darling. Aloe and Fern did say it's not that uncommon an occurrence."

"I'm pretty sure they just said that to be polite, considering how much they were trying not to giggle when I apologized." Daring grumbled, but... well, if it happened again, she was pretty sure she'd respond the same way. She hadn't even realized how wound up her muscles felt, old wounds and old tensions that had never been released.

"But it does feel better?" Fluttershy smiled slightly.

"It does. It feels.. incredible really. Like I could really put on some more speed, or wrestle a half dozen tigers without much of an issue. Thank you for this." Daring sighed contentedly.

Rarity giggled. "So with Twilight working on that artifact for you, I suppose you don't have too many plans?"

Daring paused, turning her cucumber covered eyes towards Rarity. "Nooo, not especially. Helping Fluttershy for her assistance. Why?"

"Well, after lunch, I could perhaps take a few measurements. Your jacket looks like it could use a bit of tailoring, and some personal touches are always useful." Rarity smiled. "Plus, something a bit more... social might be fitting while you're visiting." She hadn't gotten the 'entire' story out of Daring, but had gotten the gist of it. "What do you say?"

Daring pursed her lips, but couldn't fault the logic. "I wouldn't be able to offer you much for repayment."

"Nonsense darling, a friend of Fluttershy's is a friend of mine."

Daring chewed that thought for a moment, before responding with a smug smile. "Even Discord?"

Rarity paused. "Perhaps there are some exceptions."

Daring chuckled. Fluttershy rolled her eyes behind her cucumber slices with an exasperated smile.


A quick lunch of daisy sandwiches at the cafe rounded off the spa trip. Daring really felt incredible, and was rather shocked at it. She knew medicines she could make out of jungle roots, could splint broken bones, repair mechanisms, could even perform minor surgery if that was the only way to get a toxic dart out of her, but she couldn't recall the last time she felt so energized. She was about ready to just bust into the air and start doing loops. For the moment however, her nervous energy was converting itself into a tense smile as Rarity continued to use her magical grip to levitate the measuring tape up and around the adventurer's body.

Rarity hmm'd, carefully noting down numbers as she stared over the rims of her work glasses. "Daring, why are you so thin? You're almost pure muscle."

Daring shrugged the question off, still sporting her smile. "I live a bit.. rougher than most ponies. That's about it."

Rarity tapped a hoof on her clipboard. "There's rough, and there's dangerous, and I understand you're not 'our' Daring, for whatever that actually means, but this is almost like you just don't take care of yourself." Realizing she was starting to step into a verbal minefield, Daring looked around the room, shifting slightly. Rarity nudged her in the side. "Oh do hold still."

Daring groaned, straightening up. Escape wasn't that easy. "I end up spending a lot of time in the jungle, living off roots, berries, brewing semi-functional potions for nutrients... It's a bit of an extreme diet."

Rarity frowned at that description. "There's extreme, and there's nonsensical. What have you eaten in the past two days?"

Daring blinked. "A... dandelion salad, some hay bacon, and a daisy sandwich?"

"Mm hmm. Fluttershy, how much hay bacon did she eat?"

"Oh. Um." Fluttershy blinked from her quiet seat by the entry of Carousel Boutique, counting it off in her head. "...Two pieces."

"It sounds to me, darling, like you are barely eating, even when confronted with food."

Daring quirked an eyebrow in frustration. "If I don't feel hungry, why should I eat?"

"Because it's not healthy! I'd wager the spa felt so much better for you because it covered up some of the problems you were having from not eating enough!" The measuring tape tightened down, earning a small surprised gasp from Daring. "Fluttershy, you and Daring should really go out and eat something tonight. A full meal, dinner, no arguments."

Fluttershy and Daring both blushed at the idea of going out to dinner together. Rarity simply jotted her final notes and walked away with practiced innocence. "I'll make a reservation at Le Jardin Vert for you two tonight. And I will insist on both of you having a full meal. Appetizer, entree, and dessert." Rarity perhaps didn't want to admit it, but she did ever so enjoy meddling in affairs of the heart. And these two were so unsubtle at the spa it was ridiculous.

Fluttershy and Daring were simply too tongue tied to argue with her, which worked out perfectly. She pushed them out the front door with a firm hoof. "Now I really must get to work if I want this outfit done in time for your dinner-date. Do stop by in a few hours, we want you looking your best for the meal, don't we?" The door slammed behind the two confused pegasi, cutting off any chance of argument.

Fluttershy and Daring stared vacantly, blushing. Daring finally turned to Fluttershy. "What just happened?"

Fluttershy squeaked.