• Published 19th Dec 2013
  • 3,937 Views, 27 Comments

F-22 in Equestria - F-22 Raptor

Forged in air combat, the best of the best, the F-22 Raptor. The best aircraft on the planet, soon to be the best and first aircraft in Equestria. An ace pilot is transported to Equestria, he has to learn to get along with a peaceful race of ponies.

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Chapter 2

Ace knew something was wrong. You weren't supposed to sleep in aircraft, you were supposed to sleep in beds. That's why he was surprised to find that he had slept in his, or rather the USAF's aircraft. Then it all came back. The annoying blue Pegasus. The even more annoying purple unicorn. The fact that he only had FIVE Minutes until he was supposed to show the Princess Celestia what his aircraft could do. He didn't know how the ponies had gotten him to agree with this, but he had a suspicion. It involved a certain purple unicorn as well as something to do with leaving and not bothering him anymore.

Anyway, he still only had five minutes to think about what he was supposed to do in the air show type thing that he was putting on for the Princess. He thought that maybe they would like to see the pugachev's cobra, one of the most interesting and useful maneuvers that the instructors had taught him while he was training to fly the F-22. He also though about maybe going supersonic, surely that would awe the Princess whoever she was. After all, who didn't like a good show once in a while.

Princess Celestia was excited. No, she was more than excited, she was elated, and maybe more than a little frightened. Do you know the feeling when you are playing hide and seek and you find the perfect hiding place, but then you find that someone is already there. Are you worried that they'll give you away, or are you glad you're not alone? It was kind of like this, but on a much larger scale. And except of exposing you, there is the possibility of the people you are hiding with to kill you. Celestia was hoping that the pony she was about to meet would be more like the pony who is glad that you are there hiding with them.

The Princess was ready to see the show that this creature (she didn't know what it was called yet) would be putting on. Then Celestia heard a weird noise. It sounded sort of like a roaring manticore, and it was coming closer, but she was sure it wasn't it was coming towards her and herguards way to fast. Then, like a demon out of hell, a sleek dark grey object came roaring out from the direction of Everfree forest. However, this chunk of metal did not look like a demon. It looked more like a dragon. (That was the only way she could describe it, having never seen it before) however it came in to land, but not like she thought it would. It took far more space to land than any dragon she'd ever seen. It bounced once then rolled to a stop a good ten meters from where she'd been standing.

Ace hoped he'd done the right thing. Scaring a foreign emissary was bad enough, but frightening a ruler..... He hoped that she wouldn't kill him or anything like that just for a little scare. Anyway he thought that he'd hoped enough, so he got out of the fighter and went over to meet the Princess. "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting" asked the Princess. "We'll, I am known by three names, my callsign, firebird, my nickname Ace, and my real name. You can refer to me as Ace.

"Why is your nickname Ace" asked Princess Celestia. "Well" said Ace, "it was right after I earned my fifth kill. We were at war with Russia. And I had just shot down a SU-35 and anyway, after I got back I ran into the barracks and started telling everybody that I was an ace. So anyway one of the guys though it would be funny to mock me so he started waving it in my face. He started calling me Ace and stuff, so I guess it just stuck. I've been called Ace ever since." Ace didn't know why he'd told the princess the story. He just felt comfortable around her, unlike the purple unicorn and the blue Pegasus that talked too much. He just felt like it was one of his friends that he could joke around with.

"Anyway, enough talking, I promised you a show, so I'm going to do that now."said Ace. He got back into his fighter and took off. Alsmost immediately after leaving the ground he did pugachev's cobra. The. Did a few barrel rolls and a few sharp turns to show off the maneuverability of the aircraft. After a few mor maneuvers, he went supersonic once over the Everfree, and came in for a smooth landing.

Princess Celestia was amazed. She had never seen anything like this. The grace with which the aircraft had performed was amazing. She loved the sight of the cone of fog that formed around the aircraft when it went supersonic. It was amazing. She wanted to see more, but unfortunately she was tired, and assumed that Ace would be too..

Author's Note:

Second chapter out. Please tell me what you think. It is ultimately up to you guys to decide wether or not I should continue the story. If you guys like it please leave a like and a favorite so you can know when I update it thanks for the support. Also thank you HumanSVD for helping me with an error in the first chapter. I appreciate it. And also Derge666 who pointed out that I may have rushed the first chapter, which I did. He also gave me a few tips, so thank you Derge, you've been a great help. Also thanks to CallsignEagle for helping me come up with his callsign indirectly

Comments ( 17 )

Please a bit longer and less rushed i will keep an eye on this just in case

Not bad. But could be a little longer, still good tho:twilightsmile:

the stories have to be atleast 1000 words long to give it good stuff.

extend the part when he said he killed 5 people, I'm sure Celestia wouldnt like that as much, but would be confused and/or understanding when explained, but your character would lose some trust points and she might use it against you in the futre

use that as a refrence to Tia if you want to. -meow

love the story and cant wate for more!!!!

3709560 yes it can it has thrust vectoring,which allows it to do it. Look it up if you don't believe me.


Please do more

so far you dun a very good work hear for more then a book and i hope to see more soon.

4278712 Which can all be rendered useless by a strategically place electromagnetic pulse. See, it's things like this that make the US stupid, no strategy or foresight.

The issue with that argument (that the US has no strategy/foresight) is that that is a problem that affects ALL Air Forces and militaries around the world, and yet no one has a way to counter an EMP. There is no way to fight an EMP except to prevent it, and with supersonic bombers, lasers capable of shooting down missiles and drones, and supersonic interceptors, the USAF and US Navy (included b/c they also have planes and such) are the most capable. Not to say that the Russians couldn't prevent an EMP strike with their own missile defenses and interceptors, or the Chinese, any of the three (and more) could. An EMP is only feasible if it is a preemptive strike (when it is used against a military power like one of the five nations that make up the permanent members of the UN Security Council).
Anyway, that's my contribution. The real problem is that any of us think we know what the real capabilities are of various militaries when half of their projects are top secret and most of the info about the already-used equipment isn't even public.

4339312 Give it a few decades, some military is gonna invent plane mounted targeted EMP lasers. Missile defenses ain't got shit on concentrated beams of pure electromagnetism.

okay let say this right now don't make him take orders or comands from ponies as any military personnel would never do that and would be considered treason and do not make him a citizen without his say

You're doing great from my view, just have the second chapter be longer and fix up some spelling, besides that fly on.

Not bad at t‘all.
Keep it up if your still working on this. :pinkiehappy:


I Like this sory a lot I wish there was more chapters in it . Very well written . * Bro or in my case Mare hoof * :yay:

UPDATE!!!!!!! ✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈

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