• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 3,489 Views, 51 Comments

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts - Grey Prophet

A heated confrontation with Celestia over her portrayal as Nightmare Moon and her sister's authoritarianism leads Luna to search for answers

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Part 15

Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts

Part 15*

Galloping up the winding stairways of Everfree Castle, Twilight Sparkle once more found herself struggling to keep up pace with the nimble moon goddess. Maneuvering between the brief spots of moonlight to the utter darkness of Everfree, Luna seemed to flicker like a fleeting shadow on the walls of her domain; elusive, deceptive, and silent. Twilight, stopping and gasping for air herself, heard not even the slightest breath escape Luna as the goddess continued to press further into the castle's interior.

“Luna!” the young unicorn panted, “Hold up, I--.”

Seeing Luna make a turn at the end of the corridor, Twilight sighed and flatly finished her sentence.

“--don't know where we're going.”

Growling, Twilight lit up the hallway with a spark of magic. Alone and without a clear sense of direction, the observant unicorn intently took note of her surroundings as she trotted down the hall. Although nagged by her neurotic sense of urgency, Twilight's could not contain all of her curiosity. Always the student, she had waited for a chance to return to Everfree to study its secrets, but it was a rarity to find a pony willing to traverse the deadly forest to a castle which, according to myth, was cursed and haunted. Even hardened academics were unwilling to risk tooth and limb for what many still considered to be a “lost” or, worse yet, “legendary” ruin.

The lazy eggheads. Would anypony in Canterlot ever take her seriously?

Twilight usually didn't like to resort to Rainbow Dash's choice in words, but in this case she had to agree that they were fitting. Canterlot's universities desperately needed more Daring Dos, and Twilight Sparkle saw it her mission to remedy the deficit. Unlike the fictional heroine, however, Twilight's search would not lead her to gems or relics. No, she would find something of a far greater worth; a forgotten story, one that had been etched deeply into the weathered grey rock of Everfree. Though the ages had treated the castle poorly, its stonework was not merely marred by the withering winds of time. Bearing the tell-tale signs of fire, it was clear that Everfree had been scorched and left to burn like so many other painful chapters of Equestria's history. But, like the walls of Canterlot, it survived as a clean record that spoke volumes more than any confession made by Luna...or Celestia for that matter. But there was something more about the aged structure that intrigued Twilight.

“Amazing...” Twilight thought, “time has eaten away at Everfree for centuries but...but it seems to be trapped in the past. This fire has left its mark on the castle. It’s kinda like...like a faint reminder of forgotten things left unresolved.”

Coming to the end of the hallway, the recovering unicorn was met with a dead end—well, so it seemed. There was a small passage (for servants, Twilight guessed) leading outside to the snow-covered courtyard. From there it was only a brief trot to reach the crumbling citadel.

“Really Philomena, the citadel?” Twilight huffed as she took her only option, “There was a perfectly fine path leading from the foyer! But no, leave it to that bird to drag me around an entire castle first...”

Luckily for Twilight, Luna's hoof prints remained visible in the fresh snow despite the fierce gusts blowing across the landscape. Her uncertainty removed, Twilight rushed across the courtyard to reach the stairs leading to the citadel. Once inside, Twilight recognized the grand staircase from the last time she wandered these ruins.

At that moment, Twilight heard an astonished cry come from one of the larger hallways.


What sounded initially to Twilight like a question resounded in the darkness ahead with undeniable certainty by the castle's cold mimicry.


It was unmistakeably Luna, but Twilight was more excited to hear the name of her teacher than Luna's voice. The unicorn had heard the moon goddess' side of history all day, and though it was plausible, it was far from complete. Had Luna been honest? Yes, probably. But truthful? How could she claim to know Celestia's ambitions or capabilities when she was not even present? Her taste for the dramatic and her somewhat confused ramblings of Equestrian politics leading up to the war also made her only slightly more reliable than Ajax.

No, only with Celestia's account could Twilight finally piece together the puzzle she had for a year dedicated so much of her time towards. Her research may have been flawed, but she had enough evidence to force the truth out of the sun goddess and try to put the past to rest...that is if Luna didn't beat her to it first. She only needed to climb the winding steps before her and everything would be okay; Princess Celestia would fix everything.

Excited to at last end her terrible journey, Twilight rushed up the stairs to the throne room Her eyes closed in intense concentration as she mustered the last of her strength, Twilight blindly, but quickly, rushed down the length of the grand hallway. Cracking her eyes open a bit, Twilight was disoriented by the sudden flood of light. As her vision adjusted, the eager unicorn could make out two shapes, one dark blue, the other snow white.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight cried out, shedding a few tears of joy. Throwing herself at her teacher's hooves, the student nuzzled lovingly against Celestia's legs. But upon embrace, Twilight stopped and stood in shock. Celestia, goddess of the sun and giver of light, was freezing to the touch. Peering at the floor below her, the unicorn saw dozens of molted feathers scattered about the throne. Lying among them was Celestia's golden crown, dented and scratched. Slowly looking up at the princess, Twilight spoke with a worried voice.

“...Princess Celestia?”

“Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student.” Celestia replied, nuzzling Twilight gently on the face, “I-I cannot express how happy I am to see that you two are here, safe and sound.”

Though a brief look of relief passed over Celestia's features, the princess' words were distant and dreary as if only a slight burden, one among millions, had been lifted from her mind. The princess' eyes, always a magnificent violet, were dull, puffy and unfocused as they looked past the physical world and into the abyss of infinite thought.

Twilight could not believe what was clearly before her; she had never seen her teacher look so frail, so distressed...so...so common. Her mane, once a flowing panorama of majestic hues, was a plain pink that differed little in the color or style of those typical to many of her subjects. The goddess' towering and imposing figure, too, was gone. Indeed, save for her alicorn features, Celestia no longer possessed any of the trappings of authority and power that had long been a main-stay of her rule.

As Twilight looked back and forth between the two sisters, she noticed that Celestia's physical appearance was now very similar to Luna's. As the pheonix's light died down, the unicorn backed away from Celestia and looked at the goddesses facing one another. Despite Celestia's change, the two contrasted sharply in poise and countenance. Though standing firmly before Celestia, Luna's face twitched in confusion as the princess choked on the happiness, anger, and sadness she felt. Frustrated, she could only grit her teeth as she struggled to find the right words for her sister. Celestia, on the other hoof, looked calm and collected. However, upon examining her some more, the observant unicorn could detect the cracks in Celestia's blank expression. It was a sight Twilight never thought she'd see in her teacher. Helplessness, resignation, and despair.

Shaking off the shock, Twilight tried her best to ignore her mistress' deficiencies and assure herself that Celestia was perfectly capable with dealing with the horrors unleashed by her absence. But the more she thought about it, the more disturbed she became. Twilight already had a thousand questions biting away at her mind; now she was plagued with a thousand more. Desperately wanting answers to her questions, she could not stop from posing them to her teacher.

“Princess, please, you have to tell me!” Twilight asked, forcing back tears, “Why did you leave us, why didn't you raise the sun!? Was it to hurt Luna? And why did you have such evil things written about her? Was the war really that bad, or did you make it up? Or...or did you orchestrate it? Did you do it for power? Did innocent ponies die just so that you could fashion a lie? Is that why you burned the past? What about Morning Star? Was she a revolutionary or was she really evil? Did you...did you kill her? And Aja--”

“There are many reasons for what I have done, Twilight,” Celestia solemnly interrupted, turning to Luna, “and no one is more deserving than my sister to hear them first. ”

Twilight turned to Luna who was still staring at Celestia intently. Still sorting out through her confusion, Luna stuttered a response.

“Wh-what are you doing here Celestia? An-and looking like that!”

“...I've been waiting for your arrival, Luna.”

“What do you mean by that?” Luna snapped, angered that Celestia would greet her as if it was her fault not to show up in Everfree sooner. “Do you have any idea what you did to me tonight?! Just look at me!”

Already occupied and troubled by the ferocity of Luna's words, Celestia turned her gaze away.

“Look at me!”

An aura of blue magic forced Celestia to face her sister's injuries; the burns, the gashes, and all the bandages that still managed to cling to Luna after the trek through Everfree was a grueling sight that made Celestia recoil.

“Your soldiers have chased me all day because who else would be so cruel as to prevent the sun from rising? Surely not you sister, so benevolent and perfect! It could only be me, Nightmare Moon, the only pony powerful and malicious enough to imprison you. Me! Imprison you! Have you ever heard such a stupid thing? But after seeing what you wrote about me, can you blame the idiots?”

Celestia said nothing but closed her eyes and shudder.

“Oh, does it suddenly pain you to see me, sister?” Luna questioned, “When last has it been since you were savaged by clubs and licked by dragonfire? Tell me, when last were you stabbed in the back, abandoned and left at the mercy of beasts and mortals?!”


“I know you and your manipulative tricks, don't think I've forgotten what form you took to deceive me last time we fought at Everfree!” Luna continued to vent, not bothering to listen to her sister, “Was this nightmare all just a part of your plan? A taste of chaos to teach little Luna a lesson?”

“No, Luna--”

“Well, was it worth it Celestia? To have your subjects scatter aimlessly like roaches and your sister, whom you claim to love, nearly put to the sword twice by over-zealous brutes dispensing “justice” in your name? Do you have any idea of what you did or are you just as heartless as you were one thousand years ago?!”

Her mind swirling in a cocktail of bottled emotion, Luna could barely contain herself. She wanted Celestia to know everything the sun goddess had done wrong and repent for her cruelty.

“Are you finished, Luna, or do you wish only to condemn me?” Celestia asked bitterly, “Forgive me for what I did today, I only sought to follow your example...”

Luna's face grew hot at the insinuation.

“My example?! I have never--”

“Never what, little sister? Never disregarded your duty? Never left me to deal with the aftermath of your carelessness? Never betrayed my trust and confidence to our enemies? Or should I count Morning Star among your friends?”

Luna huffed at Celestia's potent words.

“Twice, Luna. Twice you abandoned me when I needed you the most, and twice you ignored my tears and pleas! All to teach me a lesson, am I wrong?”

Luna responded by averting her eyes and blushing.

“So is that what your plan was tonight?” the moon goddess asked , “More vengeance? Was not the moon enough?”

Celestia shook her head and sighed in exasperation.

“Luna, must you be so self-centered as to think I would risk everything just to punish you? Do you really think so little of me? What I did...or better said what I did not do...was not because I wanted to hurt you. No, I did it for you, for our subjects...and for me as well.”

“What exactly do you mean by that?” Luna asked, toning down her fiery speech, “Are you trying to tell me that you, the princess who banished me to secure her throne and rule unchecked for one thousand years, is just sitting on her rump doing nothing?!”

Celestia's expression turned grave at Luna's inquisition.


The sun goddess turned to look at the swirling snowstorm unfolding outside, like a maiden yearning for the return of her beloved from the raging sea.

“Your words last night were cold and harsh, Luna, but I needed you to say them, I needed that push. I have known my failings for centuries now, but I could not face them alone. My plans, a millennium in the making, could not succeed without you to help me.”

Celestia paused and turned back to Luna.

“But you chose to defer our reconciliation and flee. You rightly saw that I wasn't ready...I was..maybe am...still too tied down by my beliefs.

Celestia paused for a moment and looked briefly out the window to watch the swirling snow outside.

"As I watched you fly away into the storm, I felt that if I was ever going to change I would need to become more like you. I needed the strength to cast off my titles, my responsibilities, and...and my power. All of it.”

Celestia turned and looked at where her crown rested.

“My heart told me to escape and throw all caution to the wind. Being drunk with emotion, I realized that this was my one opportunity to escape the confines of reason and allow myself to be free. So I left Canterlot for Everfree, hoping that I would meet you there. ”

The sun goddess stopped and gave a faint smile.

“But you weren't. Do you realize how hard it is for me to figure you out Luna? I mean, my guess made perfect sense, didn't it? But therein was my failure: it was too perfect. It was something I would do, but you, you would be flying recklessly from place to place with no final destination in mind. But I think like a caged bird....give me freedom and I'll just find another prison.”

Celestia turned back to face her sister with a frown.

“I hate that about myself, Luna. I've always envied that about your spirit...”

Luna was a bit surprised by Celestia's admission...but then again, Luna admired a lot of things about her sister that she didn't really care to see in herself.

“Although I wished you were at my side, I could not delay my trial." Celestia continued, "By the time I reached the castle, I was already trying to convince myself to turn back. I thought of all the dangers and horrors that would arise from my absence and I cursed myself for being so selfish and heartless! But I had to carry on with my plan, I had to test myself. I needed to be banished. So at midnight I shed my powers as a goddess and sealed them in a friend who doesn't much like cages herself...”

“Philomena!?” Twilight interrupted. At the mentioning of her name, the phoenix swooped down, perched on the unicorn's back, and crooned happily.

“Yes, Twilight. The seal I placed on her will expire once the clock strikes twelve. At that hour, my power will return to me.”

“But...but princess.” Twilight responded, “How could you really test yourself if you made yourself powerless?”

“...The temptation to reclaim my power always existed, for there is another way to break the seal. I only had to kill Philomena and it would be mine to use again.”

“But...but you wouldn't ever do that to a living creature!”

“...You're mistaken, Twilight, I would." Celestia said seriously, "Understand that when my mind was clearer, I was ashamed by what I had done. For you see, thousands of years ago when Luna and I sealed the king of demons in stone, I swore never to allow chaos to reign again. No matter the cost, I have always done everything in my power to preserve order and protect my subjects. But today I broke that vow. I thrust my ponies into the cold unknown and left left them there to quarrel, to sin, and t-to die.”

Celestia turned and eyed her sister's injuries once more.

“On top of that, my sister was out roaming Equestria, alone and mortal. I knew she would be used as a scapegoat and that danger would follow her...and that death could take her. Do you know what it's like, Twilight Sparkle, to know you could save everypony you love with the cost of but a single, wicked deed? I have faced this dilemma more times than you can possibly ever know, and it never, never gets easier for me. But as a goddess and princess, I must have the strength to do what others cannot.”

The sun goddess sighed and looked back at Twilight as she continued her tale.

“As I wandered these empty halls wailing like a child, I began to madly crave the power I locked away. It was mine after all, I gave it away and I would take it back whenever I so pleased! All I had to do was stretch out my hoof, crush a little bird and I could stop the madness I had set into motion. I tried to convince myself that it wasn't wrong for me to kill her. She was a phoenix after all. No real harm would be done...she would be reborn...”

“Celestia, you didn't...didn't try to kill her, did you?”

“No...if I had tried, I would have succeeded. But I wanted to. Every time I looked at her I had to fight off the dark urge. Philomena's loyalty did little to help me. She was constantly at my side, dangling my power before me as if this was all just a funny joke to her.”

Celestia glanced at her phoenix, causing the bird to recoil a little bit out of sight.

“I couldn't take it, I was fed up with her mocking presence. I shouted and cursed at her with all the anger and hatred burning my heart and chased her out of the castle...”

“Wait, Celestia.” Luna interrupted, “You, you didn't send Philomena to protect me from your guards?”

The sun goddess shook her head.

“I'm sorry, but the only order I gave to Philomena was to leave my sight....”

“Then I'm a fool for thinking you cared enough to save me.” Luna replied bitterly, “Your stupid bird has more pity than you.”

“Luna, please don't say that! ” Celestia begged, “Can't you see how important you are to me? You are absolutely everything to me!”

“Really, Celly?” Luna quipped, “You have a funny way of showing it!”

“Love is far more than just rainbows and sunshine, sister, you know that! When you left me on the balcony, did you do so out of malice or love?”

Luna paused, knowing full well where her sister was going to carry this.

“...Love. I just wanted to make you reflect on what you've done over the centuries and see that you burden yourself needlessly with duties that our subjects are more than capable of handling on their own. I want to set you free...”

“I know why you did what you did last night. You told me as much the last we stood on this very spot a thousand years ago. Do you remember? You loved me so much that you were willing to put an end to our rule, even at the cost of civil war.”

Twilight was surprised by her teacher's accusation, but it must have hit its mark. Luna's face was burning with shame.

“Is that true Luna?” the unicorn asked curiously, “You never said that in your story.”

“It...it wasn't as bad as Celestia says...” Luna meekly stuttered in response.

“Be honest, sister.” Celestia said sternly, “We have millions of memories that time has taken from us, but I remember that day better than I do the last few minutes. I know you do too.”

The princess of the night closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

“...Yes Twilight. Celestia warned me of the consequences of the coup, but they weren't important to me. She was. I would have done anything to save her from herself, even if that meant risking war.”

“It was not a risk; it was inevitable as soon as Morning Star escaped.” Celestia responded, “If I had followed you, our empire would have fragmented into a hundred squabbling principalities, duchies, and fiefdoms. The bitter racism we worked so hard to contain would reemerge with a vengeance. War would follow war over every last pebble and speck of dust. In the end, there would be nothing left of Equestria. This country, the one I poured all my love into and blessed with wealth and abundance, would become just another Serengeti...”

At the mention of the Serengeti, Luna briefly thought back to Zecora and the tribal wars plaguing her country for centuries. Perhaps Celestia had reason to maintain unity, but at what cost to the ponies? Freedom? Was it really worth it?

“You should have known that I would never let that happen , not as long as I had the strength to save it!” Celestia continued, “That was all I could think of in that dark moment. I had so little time and I was so angry and hurt that my.....my arrogance got the best of me.”

Celestia paused, her violet eyes shimmering with welled tears.

“I dared to think that I could restore harmony alone. So I sealed you away. I had to. I loved you too much to fight you anymore...I still...still can't believe that you struck me...”

“Celestia, you tried to stop me from doing what was right and just. I had no choice; I had to stand for my beliefs! That's something you could never understand! You've always championed morality and justice, but the only thing you really believe in is yourself! You wear a thousand masks at court, but each one of them is geared towards the same goal: your need to survive and control!”

“I am whatever my subjects need me to be, as a good ruler should!” Celestia retorted, “I have seen a hundred nations fall because fools placed the principles of their decisions over their practicality!”

“So what then?” Luna snapped back, “Was I wrong to stop you from strangling your former student, the one you once called Equestria's 'shining light'? How can you lead if you place yourself above the laws you made!?”

Startled by hearing of her mistress' murderous intent, Twilight gave Celestia a frightened look and backed away. Seeing this, a worried Celestia stumbled in addressing the unicorn.

“Twilight, my precious student! You do not, you cannot understand the kind of pain that ripped through my heart! Yes she was a rebellious, defiant, and arrogant mare, but I loved my little Morning Star dearly. She grew up at my side and shared with me not just the wonders and joys of life's journey, but their sorrows and frustrations too.”

Giving a light laugh as a single tear rolled down the side of her face, Celestia lovingly parted Twilight's mane and looked deeply into her eyes.

“You two are alike in many ways, Twilight, and yet still so incredibly different, like dusk and dawn. She was to me like you are now; my daughter, my ambitious, intelligent, beautiful, absolutely perfect, perfect daughter.”

Twilight blushed at Celestia's comment. Although the princess had never been shy in showing her affection in private, she had never called her something that intimate before.

“So just imagine how I felt when I found that the pony pulling at my sister's strings was the one who I showered with all the wisdom and love I had to offer. And then to see her smile like an amused schoolfilly at my pain! To her, we were just playing a game, and she was ahead by five moves. Luna was only the bait in her plan, the spark to ignite her war. I didn't want to take it! No, I had only to make one move and I could have put an end to her plot and spare Equestria from the ravages of her revolution.”

Celestia breathed heavily and continued slowly.

“All I had to do was...was to remove her. Everything she built would have crumbled without her...It was for the greater good.”

“The greater good!” Luna mocked, “You say that a lot, sister. I guess it's pretty easy when it means whatever it is that fits your need! Well, what can you expect from its self-appointed defender? But know this: in the end, all your foresight is fantasy. The only true measure of your morality is how you act with the time given to you. And you know what you did? You broke your own laws and nearly killed somepony out of hate!”

Celestia shook her head in disappointment as a few tears streamed down the sides of her cheek.

“You still don't understand, do you? Luna, power knows no morality! My duty as a ruler is neither truly good, nor is it evil. Millions of lives hinge upon my every breath, and every decision I make brings fortune to some and ruin to others.I have worked so hard to bring out everything good and just in this world, but in spite of all of my victories, the sins of my choices will always weigh heavier on my heart! For what is a ruler but a glorified sinner? But this burden must be mine, I must spare the innocence of my subjects...only then can they be free of the great evils born from power's abuse.”

“Celestia, stop pretending to be the victim!” Luna replied, “Your “burden” is brought on by your own choice. Power, control, dominance, prestige. These are all things you have lusted for over the centuries. Admit it, you love them too much to give them up!”

For a moment, Celestia withheld her tears and responded in a distant voice.

“...You're right, Luna. In a sense. I do love power. I love it because I love our ponies. I love it because power to me is not an end but a means to protect and nurture, to create and improve... ”

As if coming back from a trance, Celestia's voice hardened as she looked Luna straight in the eye once more.

“But you are also wrong. I hate power. It robs me of my identity, crushes my soul, and leaves me in a thousand different pieces. Masks, you called them. Rarely can I show my true feelings or share in intimate relationships. My subjects still look at me in fear and awe...as they must...though there is nothing more I'd love than to be treated like a friend and not a princess...”

Twilight was moved by the princess' words. The young student often thought of her friendship letters to Celestia to be a chore at times and wondered why she wanted to read them. It struck Twilight when she realized that Celestia really didn't have any real, close friends, only a bunch of insipid nobles and politicians. No wonder she needed Twilight to use the Elements for her.

“...But my hate runs deeper still. I have seen power overwhelm and destroy those I love too many times, twisting their hearts and minds so horribly that I could not even recognize them...”

“Morning Star was not corrupt!” Luna retorted, “She was no different from you in at least one way; she wanted what was for the greater good! But not the short-term one you sought, but for a truly revolutionary idea! Don't try to fool Twilight into thinking that we were wicked and power hungry for wanting change, it's not true!”

“Is she right, princess, was Morning Star a democrat, or was she really like you said she was?”

Avoiding Twilight's curious gaze, Celestia did not answer right away.


“...Morning Star was a prodigy born before her time...an idealist with a mind for realpolitik...” Celestia muttered, “She looked enviously on at the small republics dotting the borders of our land, thinking the government of a tiny city-state was fitting for an empire. Despite all the injustices of those, those oligarchies, she found them preferable to me. To her I, as the root of power, was the root of all evil...and so she came to hate me.”

Celestia paused as the memory of her former student ate away at her self-discipline.

“The impatient foal...she wanted what was impossible, and she knew it. Morning Star may have wanted a brighter future, but she didn't have the means to bring it about. All she could do was remove me and hope that mortal rule would bring greater harmony and equality to Equestria someday...but in the mean time she wasn't hesitant to snatch control for herself. After all, she was my student, one of the very best. Morning Star did not come to lead her alliance by the will of any pony save her own. She could talk all she wanted about the virtues of democracy, but in practice she refused to have her genius tied down by the squabbling of nobles and the begging of peasants...”

Trying to bring herself back under control Celestia sighed and continued.

“So no, Twilight, Morning Star was not the witch you read of in those dusty books, but neither was she the saint Luna would like you to think of her as. Simply put, she was my adversary, the greatest I've ever faced. For even when I fought against Discord's madness, I had my sister at my side...”

Celestia turned to face Luna, her expression now grave.

“That's why she took you from me.”

“That's where you're wrong, Celestia.” Luna replied, “It wasn't Morning Star who banished me to the moon. No, you have only to look at yourself to find the culprit! You say that you did it because I abandoned you, and that it was only out of love, but let's face the facts. I was your only equal and the only real threat to your rule. It doesn't take bells and a beard to see that without me, you could do whatever you wanted. So don't blame me if I find your story that-that some mortal had you under her hoof to be nothing more than another of your lies!”

Celestia was dismayed by her sister's cynicism, leaving her as pale as the moonlight touching her brow.

“You find it hard to believe?” she asked, “I thought your trials today would have shown you just how terrifying it was for me during the first years of the war...and how badly it hurt to be without you.”

“What? You can't honestly be saying...”

“Just listen, please.” Celestia begged, desperate to be understood “Banishing you was the most difficult choice I have ever, ever, had to make. But Luna, you have to accept this...I didn't want to fight a war against you, my only sister! I thought that if you were but sealed away for a time, I could spare our relationship from the tragedy of war and give me time to rebui--...”

“I'm glad you found my torment on the moon so much more acceptable,” Luna interrupted, “because it really did wonders for our relationship!”

Luna approached her sister and gazed into her eyes.

“Celestia, it drove me to hatred and insanity.” she said slowly, her words quivering with injury and rage,“I wanted more than revenge, I wanted to kill you.”

Luna paused and leaned in to whisper into Celestia's ear.

“You made me into a monster, just like the one in your books!”

Celestia flinched as if bitten by a viper. She looked weak and a bit pathetic as she tried to recover from the sting of her sister's harsh words.

“That was never my intent,” Celestia responded bitterly, “I just wanted to protect you.”

“Protect me? Really? Then why did you leave me there to rot for a thousand years?!”

“Because I could do nothing.” Celestia said defensively, “I had the audacity to use the Elements of Harmony alone and I paid the price for my foolishness! Do you know what happened to them after I banished you? They fell to my hooves and became dormant rocks...”

Celestia stopped and cast her eyes downwards in shame.

“I realized then that I had destroyed the natural order of the world. I...I shattered harmony, like the tyrant Discord before me. It's fitting and no surprise, then, that I should lose all right to wield such power ever again. But I lost something much more important than the Elements. You.”

Celestia shook her head, as if trying to free herself from the unpleasant memory.

“By banishing you, I threw the heavens into chaos. I couldn't raise the sun and bring in the new day without you to set the moon and peal back the night first...I had never felt so helpless before in my life. That night lasted almost a year.”

“No, no that--that's impossible.” Luna stuttered.

“No, it makes total sense.” Twilight said softly, “If Princess Celestia couldn't raise the sun, it would explain why the famine was so terrible and why so many ponies died...”

Celestia nodded in response to Twilight's observation and turned back to Luna.

“I know what sort of fear and pain you felt today, Luna. I know what it's like to face a mob of angry mortals who blame me for their ills. I know what it's like to face death. I know because I lived this day a thousand times.”

Luna backed away from the throne and tried to sort out everything Celestia was telling her. A part of her just wanted to accept her sister's words, but she could not shake off her mistrust. Celestia was crafty and good at playing off of others' emotions, a fact that made Luna very uneasy.

Seeing that Luna was conflicted, Celestia continued to try convincing her the truth of the past.

“'We were meant to rule together.' I've told you that countless times, and I meant it on every single occasion. Without you, I'm nothing but a fraud. That's why Morning Star had you abdicate; it destroyed almost every shred of legitimacy I had. After I sealed you away, I lost the rest.”

Celestia sighed as a gust of wind blew through the chamber.

“Your banishment was the greatest blessing Morning Star could ever ask for. She used you as a martyr to rally support around your banner...her banner...and blamed me for the disorder in the heavens. Their crops dying and their families going hungry, the common ponies began to flock to her side, and soon angry foreigners joined them. My support was dwindling and I needed to fight back...so I-I...”

“You dreamed up Nightmare Moon.” Luna said coldly, “You reduced me to some sick, evil, twisted caricature just to cling to your throne.”

“I did it to survive, Luna.” Celestia said, fresh tears falling from her face, “Did you do anything differently today?”

Luna looked at Twilight who was shaking her head in the negative. Luna instantly recalled the lie she told to little Applebloom and how she shouted at Twilight, framing herself as the sole victim. Even when she told the “truth” to Twilight and her friends, her bias and ignorance passed as fact.


“You don't need to tell me, I could hear it drip from Twilight's questions. It is the same way you've always seen me, Luna. You think I'm all-powerful and all-knowing and that somehow all my plans and desires come together perfectly. I know you took comfort in the idea as you danced away the night or left off on some adventure to a foreign land while I had to tend to your holdings.”

Sadness and spite were thick on Celestia's tongue as she continued.

“But never you worry little Lulu, Big Sis Celly will take care of everything while you go out and play! She loves being princess more than anything! After all, she's just a cold and heartless tyrant who loves to write nasty lies, plot wars and starve ponies!”

Celestia stopped and tried to collect herself, a look of shock and regret clear upon her face.

“I'm sorry, I didn't want to be so mean...I got carried away...”

Luna was a bit taken aback by Celestia's sarcasm. Not only was she surprised to see Celestia's own bottled-up resentment, but ashamed of how right her sister was. She had neglected her duties as a princess and piled them on Celestia, feeding her power addiction, not freeing her from it. Luna felt guilt, too, for demonizing Celestia by painting her as a perfectly flawless tyrant. Twilight had warned her that she was no better than Celestia, but...

“But what could I have done Celestia?” Luna cried, “Everypony hated me, and the truth...the truth is so buried and lost that I couldn't hope to vindicate myself without...exaggerating or lying a bit.”

“Do you think it was any easier for me?” Celestia replied, “Morning Star used propaganda to turn my subjects against me, so I did the same to win them back. I blamed the everlasting night on you, the moon goddess, and told them that you had been possessed by a demon hungry for war and destruction. I didn't want to blacken your name, Luna, so I named my imaginary foe Nightmare Moon and used her as my scapegoat.”

“But what about the war in the heavens?” Twilight asked, “The histories I read all agree that you openly fought with Nightmare Moon to bring day and night to the world. Was that a lie too?”

“It was based on truth, as most lies are.” Celestia said, doing her best to appear calm, “I was busy trying to restore order in the heavens, or at least the appearance of it. The task of rotating the earth and upholding the laws of the universe was extremely difficult to do alone. It required almost all the time and power I had at my disposal, but even then it still could take me weeks just to complete one cycle.”

“Couldn't you just explain to them what was going on, did you really need to lie?” Twilight replied.

“As you can imagine, the truth wasn't exactly inspiring or easy for ponies at the time to understand. So I simplified it as a struggle between good and evil, a duel between goddesses for the salvation or destruction of the world," Celestia replied distantly, “I couldn't let them see their princess so weak and impotent. For you see, Twilight, my labors sapped my power and left me vulnerable. It was like I had become mortal myself. So understand that If I had shown them my burns and scars, my subjects would have lost all faith in me...”

Twilight was about to ask another question, but it seemed that Celestia wasn't quite done with what she wanted to say..

“Keep in mind that I was doing my best to fight a war on several fronts at the same time. It didn't help that I was...well, paranoid that my generals would betray me. So I commanded my armies personally when I was at Canterlot. To keep my generals in check, I drew up a list of approved tactics, responses, and strategies to be used while I was gone.”

Celestia closed her eyes and let out a disappointed sigh.

“It was a disaster. Although I was able to hold Morning Star and her allies at bay for awhile, she steadily crept deeper and deeper into my empire as the years dragged on. I knew I couldn't trust anypony, so I placed my hope and trust in a young and loyal drake instead...”

Twilight's eyes widened.

“Princess, was his name Ajax?”

Celestia turned to Twilight with a surprised look on her face.

“Yes, but how the heavens did you learn that? There shouldn't be a record left that carries his name.”

“He told me himself a few hours ago just before he attacked and nearly killed Luna.” Twilight replied “We're lucky that my friend Zecora was at her house to help us. It was a really close call.”

Celestia looked at her sister's wounds intently again with a new sense of horror.

“Ajax is awake?”

At that moment, a faint tremor passed through the castle as if to answer Celestia's question.

“Yeah...he said that Rainbow Dash woke him up with a Sonic Rainboom.” Twilight reported, ignoring the disturbance “You have to admit, it's pretty impossible to ignore one of those.”

“Yes...I felt it too...and feared for the worst. But how did you escape Ajax, certainly you did not...”

“Don't worry, Celestia, your dragon is safe.” Luna interrupted, “I put him back to sleep. He shouldn't be pose a threat to anypony for a good decade.”

Celestia sighed in relief.

“Good, that puts me at ease.” the sun goddess said, “I was afraid that...never mind. Everyone is safe now, that's what's important...”

“Princess, what happened to him? He was obsessed with hurting Luna as if that was his only purpose in life. Dragon's might be rude and selfish, but Ajax just sounded, well, crazy!”

“Wars leave many scars, Twilight, and war was all Ajax knew.” Celestia said sadly, “His father, Mikhail, was a noble dragon who bravely chose to stand by me when most of his brethren had flocked to Morning Star. It was a fateful decision. Not a week passed when I heard the news that Mikhail and his mate had been murdered by my enemies. When I arrived at his cave, I found their nest smashed and most of their treasure stolen. But near the lava's edge, I found Mikhail's only surviving egg. Surely, I thought, this was a child of destiny. The prospect of new life gave me hope, so I took the egg back with me to Canterlot and hatched him.”

The sun goddess gave a faint smile as she recalled the few happy memories she had cherished in those unhappiest times.

“My little Ajax was the only joy in my life during the war,” she continued,“He was such a smart and playful little boy...I remember giving him wild rides around the castle when everypony was asleep...raiding the stores for provisioned sweets...playing pranks on those stuffy generals...”

Celestia paused and gave a light chuckle.

“Ha! And there was that time he tried to eat the crown jewels! That caused quite the funny little crisis at court...”

“Celly.” Luna interrupted, “I know you love the dragon, but can you reminisce later? I have the same question as Twilight; what happened to him, or better yet, what did you do to him? He was obviously more than just someone to love you.”

Celestia's warm smile faded as if Luna had thrown a bucket of ice water over her head.

“You're right, I did have plans for my little dragonling. I wanted him to be a leader, someone whose loyalty I could always depend on. I had him trained in the arts of war and disciplined by my best generals. But as he grew older, he became colder and more dedicated to martial arts. I started seeing him less and less as the war and disorder grew worse. When he was fifteen, I learned that he had fought in his first battle. But when I spoke with him, I found that he was much too happy to talk about the bloody, disgusting horrors of war. This worried me and made me reluctant to let him fight, but he was so...this is terrible for me to say...so good at killing and defeating the enemy. As long as he fought and led, my armies seemed to be unstoppable.”

Celestia breathed a heavy, disappointed sigh.

“But he was rarely in control. I was, and so we continued to lose ground.”

Celestia gave a frustrated growl as she proceeded to correct herself.

“Agh, lose ground! We nearly lost the war when Morning Star managed to pierce our defenses and lay siege to Canterlot!”

“The siege of Canterlot!” Twilight exclaimed, happy to make another connection with her research, “It really happened then? Blackteeth—er Ajax, was supposed to have been key to defending the city.”

“Correct,” Celestia replied, “In my absence, Ajax disobeyed my orders and saved Canterlot from certain doom. At that point I realized that I couldn't hold on to power without giving some of it up, so I entrusted Ajax with all my earthly responsibilities. That way I could keep order in the heavens and have a shot at turning the tide of war back.”

Celestia sighed heavily.

“It was then Ajax truly changed. I have watched power consume and destroy many, but never as horribly as it did to him. He became obsessed with the task I gave him and poured all his energy into crushing the rebellion. Slowly, he stopped treating me as a friend and started to idolize me. I became untouchable and sacred in his eyes; nothing I could do was wrong. It only got worse once I gave him my sword, because he came believe that he had become infallible as well.”

Celestia shut her eyes tightly, remembering the terrible fires Ajax spread across Equestria.

“Nothing mattered to him but victory. He was utterly ruthless, burning entire villages, butchering innocent ponies, and sacrificing hundreds of his own soldiers. Not even his own kind were spared from his brutality; never before had a drake killed so many dragons on his own. Ajax scorched the earth as he marched, massacring any army who dare chose to take arms against him and his armies. He collected the weapons and armor of his fallen foes and horded them, feeding his greed and growing him into a massive beast.”

Twilight nodded as her teacher spoke. Celestia's account matched up perfectly with the horrors attributed to Nightmare Moon in the histories she translated.

“I tried to stop him, but he'd always twist my words or ignore them. At times he treated me like a senile old mare who didn't know any better...it was infuriating, but I was too occupied to challenge him.”

“Imagine never being listened to...” Luna muttered.

“Only one good came from Ajax's wicked rampage.” Celestia continued, “His barbarity forced the rebels to come to the table and negotiate a surrender.”

“But what happened to Morning Star?” Twilight asked, perhaps with more concern then she wanted to show.

“You don't make this easy for me, do you Twilight?” Celestia said, masking her despair with a light chuckle, “I'm opening up very, very old wounds...”

“You didn't execute her, did you?” Luna asked, remembering the promise she made Celestia a thousand years ago.

“No. This country would not heal itself with executions, it needed hope...it needed reconciliation. I...I tried to forgive Morning Star. It hurt and I hated what she did to you and me...but I still loved her...in a way.”

Luna found it difficult to accept that Celestia had any love for Morning Star. As such, she did not take sister's words at face value. However, she didn't want to make a fuss about this issue; there were so many more important ones they still needed to discuss anyway. Letting this matter go was fairly easy.

“Morning Star, however, did not share my feelings.” Celestia continued, “She refused to surrender, even when Ajax ambushed the last of her armies in the passes of the Appleachians. I was there that day hoping I could sway her, but she spat on me and cursed my name. Ajax was furious at the slight and wouldn't let it go. So she challenged him to a duel, an offer he accepted instantly.”

Celestia sighed once more.

“Even in defeat, Morning Star found one last way to torment me. All she had to do was take someone I love and have them put to the sword. It didn't matter to her if it was Ajax or herself...”

“But it was Ajax who won, he killed her.” Twilight muttered sadly, wishing that the outcome had turned out differently.

“Yes, but make no mistake. Morning Star was an incredible warrior in her own right. Her mastery of magic made her more deadly than any unicorn who has ever lived, making her more than a worthy opponent for young Ajax. Their duel was long, bloody, and passionate, as if they sought to reenact the entire war with their macabre dance! But by the end, Morning Star was lying in a pool of her own blood, defeated at last. At least, that's what I thought when I stopped Ajax from killing her. I begged my student to surrender, but she only smiled and asked me to give her the ragged blue banner she flew so many times on the battlefield. There was nothing more I could do, so I complied with her dying wish.”

Twilight was enthralled by Celestia's account; there was something about the way the princess spoke that made Twilight feel that it was at least accurate. Every word she delivered seemed to carry with it a piece of her soul, as if there were no longer any reason to hide the past.

“Taking the banner and using it as support, she used the last of her energy to stand up. She was magnificent, Twilight, even in her final moments. Her beautiful fiery mane flowed gently in the midsummer breeze as she stood defiant and proud against me, her goddess. I can still hear her last words to this day...”

The sun goddess proceeded to coldly recite Morning Star's final message.

“My death is not a defeat, Celestia. You may have delayed it, but change will come to Equestria. No power in this world can stop the inevitable path of ponies towards justice and freedom. I am, and always will be, victorious.'”

Celestia paused and lowered her head in grief.

“She died there, standing. Her ashes rest in my garden under the statue 'Victory' so that I may never lose sight of her wisdom.”

A brief silence passed between the three, each reflecting a bit on what was said. Luna, of course, was of identical sentiment, but Twilight was a bit more skeptical. How could history have an inevitable conclusion? Conditions and factors governing progress lent themselves to regression as well. Twilight thought about Celestia's ban on weapons development. Surely, if Celestia allowed the propagation high tech-weaponry, destabilizing horrors would be unleashed on the world, setting the clock back hundreds of years. Heck, a natural disaster could wipe out centuries of progress in an instant. History is constantly in flux; to say that it was allowed a single path was kind of conceited. Anyway, it seemed that Celestia, even if she did still wield complete authority, was able to accommodate to change and worked within the parameters of the democratic governments she established. But Luna and Morning Star were right too, Celestia still had to let go of control in order for the ideal to be realized to its fullest possible extent. Maybe it was just a fancy, but Twilight guessed that Celestia knew this had to be done.

After awhile, Celestia continued her account, as if wanting to leave the previous memory behind in the process.

“After the duel, I started the peace process with all the nations involved in the war. A policy of clemency was in everyone's best interests, as we all suffered greatly. But Ajax refused to go along with my wishes, deciding that he should personally punish one of the smaller republics. So he slaughtered and burned a small griffon village, right after I signed the treaty.”

Celestia's eyes looked dark and angry as she stared at the cold floor of Everfree Castle.

“He nearly destroyed the fragile peace he fought to bring to the world as if it meant nothing to him. But what could I expect from him? He was my angel of death; the only way he knew how to dispense justice was through wickedness. I had made him into a monster that knew only war...I was guilty for his sins, I let him do it. I unleashed the evil within him and benefited from his violent crimes. Now it was my duty to protect the world from his cruelty...my cruelty...but I still could not forget the little dragonling who had been my only friend...my only family during the darkest times. I hoped that the war's end would mean that he would go out and find a mate, collect treasure, and sleep as normal dragons do. But he was beyond lost...so I banished him to the lands surrounding Tartarus...”

“Everfree.” Luna added.

“...with the hope that he would go to sleep. And he did, thankfully.”

Luna was happy to hear Celestia take responsibility for the deaths of the thousands lost in the war. She had half-expected her sister to pin it all on Ajax and Morning Star. But there was still a few problems that Luna had with Celestia's account.

“You told me that you could control both day and night through a spell you learned.” Luna said, “I know for a fact that this is true, but what you're telling me now is that you struggled in the heavens to complete the cycle. Forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you didn't have a grip on things.”

“That's because the technique took me years to master.” Celestia replied, “It was difficult because I had to use...black magic.”

Luna's eyes widened in surprise. The sun goddess had always denounced the use of dark powers ever since they sealed Discord, saying that doing so only tempted the demon's return. Celestia gave a slight growl at Luna's reaction.

“Don't act like that, you know my nights were only cheap mockeries of yours. As I said, I'm a fraud without you and so was the 'harmony' following the war. To maintain the illusion, I learned to channel your power through the use of black magic...”

Celestia's expression softened as she explored yet another dark memory.

“...I was not exactly honest with you, Luna. Not only did it give a me a bit of your power, it created a link between us, one which bounded our dreams together. In my sleep I could feel your agony, if only a fraction of it, but it was more intense than anything I have ever experienced. I can never fully understand how much you suffered, but know that I shared it with you.”

Celestia approached Luna and nuzzled against her side of her face. The moon goddess, unsure of what to think of Celestia's claim, was still happy to see her sister seek her affection and reciprocated the gesture.

“It's like Ajax said,” Twilight thought out loud, “Luna, you really did torment Celestia's dreams.”

“Celly.” Luna asked her face scrunched as if trying to recall something, “When I fell asleep, I would hear the name “Nightmare Moon” over and over. Was that you? I don't remember the voice, just the words.”

“...Yes. As I watched madness and hatred take you, I could no longer recognize my sister. It seemed as though I had created another monster from someone I loved...and so I named you Nightmare Moon because you had become the very demon I invented, as if the fates were punishing me for my lie by making it become true.”

Celestia sighed.

“I knew I had to save you, and the only way I could do that was with the Elements of Harmony. Shortly after the war it was foretold that the magic of the Elements would take on flesh and blood after a millennium. Once they were assembled, true harmony could begin to be restored...meaning that you would be able to escape from your prison.That hope was the only thing sustaining me during my rule, and everything I did was bent towards preparing for your arrival. Did you think I burned those histories because I wanted the world to hate you? I did it to give you a clean slate!”

“Yes, after you blackened the first.” Luna muttered before speaking up, “If you really tried to destroy my memory, why then does your “royal family” know of it?”

“As much as I wanted to do so, forgetting the lessons of the past is dangerous.” Celestia replied gravely, “I regret it now, but it was a useful story to keep members of the nobility in check so to ensure that they would never rise against me. The legend growing around Nightmare Moon, too, was hard to suppress because the ponies tied it to their harvest celebrations. But its origins were eventually forgotten...so I let it go.”

Luna frowned and kicked at the ground.

“You really did a great job, sis.”

“I did the best I could, but I needed some clues to your existence for my student to find.”

“Princess...was all that happened in Ponyville really part of your plan to redeem Luna?” Twilight asked, remembering what Luna had told her about Celestia's craftiness.

“Yes, every bit of it.” Celestia said quietly, “Ponyville was always intended to be the cradle of harmony. When the pioneers first asked for the lands near the border of Everfree, I thought it the ideal place to stage Luna's return. It was a small village halfway between Canterlot and Everfree, perfect for containing the terror she would unleash. As the thousandth year drew closer, I sought out the Elements throughout Equestria. Loyalty, laughter, honesty, generosity and kindness, and through different means I assembled them all in Ponyville. All that was needed was a little spark.”

Celestia warmly smiled at Twilight in an unusual display of happiness.

“My little Twilight Sparkle, the final and most crucial of the Elements.” the sun goddess said tenderly, “The day I saw your power, I knew that you had the potential to wield the Elements. The problem was, dear, that you had too much brain and not enough heart! You need both to bring about harmony but I couldn't just teach you about the joy and power of friendship. It needed to grow on its own...so all I did was give you a little nudge out the door.”

“Princess, you tasked all my friends with putting together the Summer Sun Celebration.” Twilight said flatly, “You basically gave me a check off list.”

“Really Celestia?” Luna grinned, “Your plan doesn't sound exactly subtle. Maybe you are right, maybe I do think too highly of your skills.”

“No, it didn't need to be subtle. It was simple, as the best laid plans are.” Celestia said in a matter-of-factually manner. Deep down, however, she was happy to see the frosty tension between them start to melt. “You can make fun of it all you want, but it worked....unlike the more complicated ones...”

“Like what?” Luna asked, “It seems everything happened according to your plan.”

Celestia frowned, a bit ashamed by her failures.

“That's not exactly true. I wanted...no, I tried to make the world in your image.” Celestia admitted,“I crafted every law, policy, and government with such perfect precision as to guide Equestria to a greater, more just society, the one you had always wanted, but slowly...steadily...manageably.”

“Sister, how can you see it that way?” Luna replied, “You can't create a world for me when the world I want is to be created by the ponies. It's a paradox. All you did was create a puppet parliament with you as its shadow empress. All power and authority still flows from you. It's an illusion no different from your night sky. ”

Luna nuzzled her sister affectionately.

“Celly, the same problem remains. You need to let go of your power and put your faith in your subjects.”

Celestia shook her head furiously.

“I've tried, I have. The centuries have given me hundreds of opportunities, but I squandered them all. Every time I give up control...I'm just tempted into taking it back. When I see my ponies suffering or if I see the signs of power's corruption spread, I want to stop it...so I do. Last night was no different.”

“Celly be honest with yourself...”

“You still don't believe me.” Celestia said, sounding a bit hurt, “But I tried again recently, you know. Didn't you wonder why the north wind blows so strongly and freely? It's because I willed it--I freed the seasons from their shackles.”

Luna stood back in shock. The night before she had mocked and criticized Celestia's lust for power to her sister's face while ignoring the wild wind's bellows behind her. Had she perhaps listened closely to its roaring, she would have heard it attest to Celestia's desire to reform.

“But the frigid winds threatened the harvest.” Celestia continued, “ I couldn't bear the idea of seeing any of my ponies starve because of an early winter. So I was ready to push back against nature...until you stopped me.”

“I'm glad you're taking steps, Celestia.” Luna replied, “But the real challenge for you is not to give up power, but to give it away.”

“But look what it did to Ajax! Look at what he did to you!” Celestia cried “I...I can't let that sort of evil emerge again.”

“Ajax didn't go mad because you gave him power.” Luna said, trying to comfort her conflicted sister, “You gave him absolute power, and you're right. No mortal should have that. What you need to do is not concentrate power, you need to disperse it. That's how you stop the evils you fear.”

“Luna, you're asking me to spread the responsibility and sins of power to all my subjects.” Celestia answered, “You know that their innocence will be forever lost if that were to happen. There would be no chance for your ideal society to thrive.”

“I know this now. It's an ideal after all, but we can at least get closer to it.”

“I think I get it now.” Twilight said, gaining the attention of the two goddesses.

“Yes my faithful student?” Celestia said, “Do you have a report for me?”

“I realize that even though you might think or feel a certain way, almost everypony shares the same concerns and wants what's best for everypony else. But it's those differences we fight about, so much so that we lose sight of what those goals originally were and end up violating what we all wanted to protect. Freedom, security, happiness, it doesn't matter. It's a tragedy, but it's also a call to listen to one another and find common ground. Take you two for instance, you're almost complete opposites destined to come into conflict. Logically you should hate one another, yet you share a love stronger than anything I've ever seen before. That love is a perfect union of reason and emotion, the natural balance that serves as the heart of harmony. Without one, the other is lost and powerless. Only with love in our hearts can we truly strive to bring about a happier, more just world.”

“Well said Twilight,” Celestia smiled, giving the unicorn a quick nuzzle on the cheek, “That was quite the lesson!”

“That doesn't mean I don't have any bugs to pick at,” Twilight said, “Princess, this whole test of yours, I understand it I do. You tried to recreate the events of the past to show that you really could overcome the temptation of power...but Luna's right. The real test is giving power to other ponies! No offense, but I feel like you could've done this a whole lot safer if you told somepony you'd be gone for the day!”

“I'm--I'm sorry Twilight” Celestia stuttered, surprised at her student's brashness, “I told you, I wasn't thinking straight--”

“No excuses.”

Twilight then turned her attention to Luna.

“Celestia's not the only alicorn guilty of not thinking things through. When you abdicated the throne, did you have really any idea who was going to succeed you and Celestia? Nobles? Morning Star? The structure and organization of a functional modern democracy?”


“Exactly. Geez, if you two weren't so arrogant it would have saved us a lot of heartache and trouble.” Twilight said, smirking and rolling her eyes, “I have a feeling you two are going to need more help than just each other. But don't worry, I have a couple ideas to help you out. I know government isn't exactly my forte, but I know how it can be reformed so that Princess Celestia can distance herself from the action.”

“Really Twilight?” Luna smiled, happy to see some solutions, “Like what?”

“Well, an actual written constitution, for starters.” Twilight said perhaps a little too snarkly, “I think we've been going off tradition for a bit too long.”

Celestia smiled at her student and gently combed aside the frizzled locks of her purple mane.

“Twilight, I really am so proud of you. It wasn't too long ago when you were just a timid little unicorn scared stiff of other ponies. Now you've blossomed into a confident and strong leader, just like Morning Star. But where she separated my sister from me and helped bring about chaos, you have twice reunited us and helped to restore peace and harmony, something I alone could never do.”

Celestia lightly kissed her student's brow.

“I'm forever in your debt, Twilight. History will never forget your name nor those of your friends, for as long as I live I will guard your memories. This is the closest I can give you to immortality, something which is beyond my power to bestow...”

“Wait a second...immortality!” Twilight said, bringing her hoof to her forehead, “Princess Celestia, Luna still doesn't have hers back yet! We tried using the Elements of Harmony but...”

“They didn't work, I'd imagine.” Celestia interrupted, “Perhaps you should try them again. I think that you'll find them far more cooperative when my sister and I are together.”

“But Princess...the Royal Guard has my friends...”

“Hmm...that is a prob--”

At that moment, the three heard the sound of cracking trees and felt the castle shake at its foundations.

“What's going on?!” Twilight said, trying not to trip over herself.

Celestia said nothing but eyed Philomena hungrily as Everfree continued to tremble.

“Sister!” Luna called, breaking the sun goddess from her trance, “Stop! You're so close!”

No sooner did she say this, the roof at the opposite the end of the throne room collapsed, allowing a gigantic red beast to slither through the breach. With a terrifying roar, Ajax announced his return. Immediately, Philomena swooped to attack the intruder, only to be swiped away like a gnat.

“Nightmare Moon!” Ajax growled, as he swung his head blindly about the throne room, crushing a few pillars in the process, “I know you're here, I can smell your wickedness! Let us end what you were too cowardly to finish!”

Accepting the challenge with a stern face, Luna boldly trotted to face her foe. Her horn glowing, Luna lit the room with her blue magic, revealing Ajax's terrible wounds. Even though this dragon was her enemy, the princess of the night was filled with disgust at what she saw. One of Ajax's eyes was gored, leaving only traces of tissue to dangle hideously from its socket. Luna also noticed that one of Ajax claws was firmly gripping his chest in a vain attempt to hide what was obviously a gaping wound. In the stillness of Everfree, she could hear the blood dripping slowly on the castle floor, drop by drop.

“Ajax, please, I beg you to stop!” Celestia cried, her voice filled with a mother's love, “It's over, please, let me heal you!”

Ajax looked at the princess only to snort and laugh at the sight.

“Is that the best Celestia you can conjure, Nightmare? This sad, pitiful mockery of her beauty and power! Bah! I will not be fooled by your charms again, now fight!”

Using his mighty wings, the dragon charged down the length of the throne room Luna braced herself, her horn glowing ready to counter Ajax's attack, but Luna was unprepared for what just happened next. Descending from above, Celestia placed herself between the two combatants and stretched her white wings aggressively.”

“As your princess and goddess I order you to stop!”

“Begone phantom!” Ajax roared in response, not bothering to slow down the slightest.

“I will not let you harm my sister!”

The faint sound of pierced flesh echoed softly throughout the castle, followed by a tense and disturbing silence. Ajax, in his conceit and blood lust, had impaled his neck upon Celestia's ivory horn. Luna looked on in disbelief as Celestia stood under the dragon, completely frozen, her eyes wide with horror. At that moment, a loud squawk and a poof of magic was heard, marking Philomena's death at the claws of Ajax. It didn't take long for Celestia to feel her power and magic return to her like a whirlwind of transformation. Though once more regal in appearance and stature, Celestia's pain was still very clear upon her face.

Making a few sick guttural cries as blood filled his mouth, Ajax looked down to see the princess he swore his life to defend.



The dragon gave a final breath as his eye rolled back into his head. Slowly removing her horn from Ajax's gullet, the overpowering grief of the situation was too much for Celestia to handle.

“My little dragon, I'm so sorry that I have no more tears left tonight to give you...I-I cannot mourn for you properly though every inch of me wishes to do so. Forgive your weak mother...”

The sun goddess then began to sing in Wyrmish, surprising Luna a little. Celestia was not exactly the best at remembering songs, that was more of the moon goddess' talent. Though her Wyrmish wasn't up to par, she recognized the tune. It was a an old lullaby sung to hatchlings that spoke of a mother's hope for an honorable and courageous son. It echoed, too, the unsettling warrior ethos of dragons. Trying to remember the words, Luna joined her sister in song, her chilling voice adding its weight to Ajax's tragic death.

In Equestrian letters, it sounded thus-like:

Spi , mladenets moĭ prekrasnyĭ ,
Bayushki - bayu .
Tikho smotrit mesyats yasnyĭ
V nashe logovo .
Stanu skazyvatʹ ya skazki ,
Pesenku spoyu ;
Ty zh dremli , zakryvshi glazki ,
Bayushki - bayu...

Sam uznaeshʹ , budet vremya ,
Brannoe zhitʹe ;
smelo budet tochitʹ kogti i zuby polirovannyĭ
i vstupitʹ v srazhenie
tkanʹ vashego bannera

Shelkom razoshʹyu ...
Spi , ditya moe rodnoe ,
Bayushki - bayu.

Bogatyrʹ ty budeshʹ s vidu
I drakona dushoĭ .
Provozhatʹ tebya ya vyĭdu
Ty makhneshʹ rukoĭ ...
Skolʹko gorʹkikh slez ukradkoĭ
YA v tu nochʹ prolʹyu ! ..
Spi , moĭ angel , tikho , sladko ,
Bayushki - bayu.

Stanu ya toskoĭ tomitʹsya ,
Bezuteshno zhdatʹ ;
Stanu tselyĭ denʹ molitʹsya ,
Po nocham gadatʹ ;
Stanu dumatʹ , chto skuchaeshʹ
Ty v chuzhom krayu ...
Spi zh , poka zabot ne znaeshʹ ,
Bayushki - bayu...

(Sleep, good boy, my beautiful,
Quietly the moon is looking
Into our den.
I will tell you fairy tales
And sing you little songs,
But you must slumber, with your little eyes closed,

The time will come, then you will learn
The brutality of life,
Boldly you'll sharpen claw and polish tooth
And enter battle.
The cloth for your banner
I will sew you from silk.
Sleep now, my dear little child,

You will look like a hero
And be a Dragon Lord deep in your heart.
I will hurry to accompany you,
You will just wave your hand
How many secret bitter tears
Will I shed that night!
Sleep, my angel, calmly, sweetly,

I will die from longing,
I will wait inconsolably,
I will pray the whole day long,
And at night I'll tell fortunes
I will think that you are in trouble
Far away in a foreign land.
Sleep now, as long as you don't know sadness or strife...)

The words of the song left Celestia cold, making her look as fragile as thin ice. As Twilight strained her ears to make out the meaning of the difficult language, she realized that this was the song a little Ajax heard every night before he fell asleep. It wasn't just a cultural artifact; the song exposed both Celestia's desire and sorrow to make a strong warrior out of the young dragon. She had succeeded all too well. Now, with her son's blood dripping down her horn and into her eyes, Celestia at last put out that burning passion she had kindled so long ago in Ajax's heart.

She had laid him to rest one final time.

After the song was over, Celestia tenderly caressed the fallen dragon's spines and whispered Wyrmish into his ears. Twilight didn't know what her teacher was saying, but she could make out one plea Celestia continued to repeat.

"Forgive me."

Soon, the silence of Everfree prevailed once more, only to be shattered by a chorus of worried calls coming from the stairway.


"Twilight, where are ya now?"

"Shout if you're okay, dear!"

Happy beyond relief and surprised to hear her friends, Twilight rushed to clear the debris away from the stairs. Sure enough, behind all that rubble stood her five best friends.

"Girls, you're here! But how...the guard...”

At that moment, Twilight caught sight of Lightning trailing up the stairs. On his back was an injured soldier, a blue pegasus who seemed to be about her age.

"Lightning, how did you...the captain...your orders...?"

"Search for and protect the princesses of day and night, and guard the Elements of Harmony," the lieutenant replied, "Captain's orders, and I've followed them to a tee."

"But the last I saw your captain, he was about to kill Luna and imprison us!" Twilight said, "What could possibly have changed that stubborn pegasus' mind?"

"Philomena. Sound reason. S'mores."

"Really? Well then, where is he?"

"He died defending your friends," Lightning solemnly answered before pointing to the dragon's corpse, "from that."

Twilight looked in disbelief at Lightning before turning to her friends. Their somber expressions and lowered eyes, however, convinced the unicorn that her former guard was not lying to her. Thinking back, she tried to remember what she could about Braveheart before this horrific day started. The captain usually had an audience with Celestia before her lessons began and sometimes he patted her on the head on his way out. It wasn't really affectionate, at times it was actually kind of aggressive. As such, Twilight didn't know too much about him other than what her brother her about him (usually glowing military stories). The princess, however, had always shown a great respect for Braveheart and pressed Twilight to behave if ever the captain required her immediate council.

"Why...he had us put to the sword one moment, and then the next he decides to die for us?"

"Don't underestimate your friends." Lightning replied, "The power between you six is nothing short of amazing, and I think the captain saw that when they bravely defended one another from that devil dragon. I know I did."

Twilight turned to her friends. She had thought that they would be as happy as she was to reunite, but the shadow of death dampened any thoughts of celebration. Only Rainbow looked slightly all right. Pinkie, on the other hoof, appeared drained and lost.

"Are you girls okay? Ajax didn't hurt you, did he?" Twilight said in a worried tone, with special attention given to Pinkie.

"Nah Twi, we're fine." Applejack replied, "Just shakin' up a bit. But Ah'm mighty glad to see that yer in one piece."

“No kidding! Look at what Bozo the Gecko did to the castle!” Rainbow Dash said, “This place looks like an avalanche just hit it!”

“Twilight, is that...Princess Celestia cuddling up against that beast?” Rarity asked in dismay

“Ajax!” Fluttershy squeaked before trying to bolt. However, Rainbow Dash yanked her back before she could get very far.

“...It's a long story...” Twilight sighed, “I promise you can read about it in my book.”

"I'd love to see it," the lieutenant said, "I'll need something good to read on my vacation."

“Lightning...I just want to say...”

“I can understand if you still hate me. I would too.”

Twilight shook her head.

“No. Hate will get us nowhere. This crazy night brought out the very best and the very worst of everpony. You may have trounced on my liberties, but in the end you guided my friends back to me...without you...or even the captain...harmony couldn't be restored tonight.”

“Twilight...when I said I wasn't sorry...it wasn't entirely true. I am in hindsight, it's just...I can't say I could do anything differently. Do you know what I mean?”

The unicorn nodded.

“I do. You can't sincerely say your sorry for doing something you thought at the time was right. I understand.”

“Yeah, but I was wrong, and, looking ahead, I'll probably have to stand trial for it. I just want you to know that did I try to buy you time...but the cost was just too high for me. I had to let the captain come back.”

"Braveheart..." Twilight muttered, "He might have been a jerk, but Celestia really loved him. I'd hate to break the news to her now, especially since her dragon died...she's so distressed right now."

"Lieutenant," the blue pegasus on Lightning's back interrupted, "please, could I have some water? If you could just put me down, I think I'll be fine..."

Complying with the injured soldier's request, Lightning placed the scout up against the wall.

"Heh, there went my shot, huh lieutenant?" Blizzard asked, "Braveheart'll never let me in after a sloppy job like that...I guess Ruby will have something to be happy about when I get home."

Lightning frowned a little, a bit unnerved that Blizzard didn't realize that the only reason he was alive was because the captain was dead. But the lieutenant had the mind not to hold it against the rookie.

"Kid, don't sweat it, you're already in. Braveheart didn't take you on a dangerous mission because he wanted to test you. He knew you'd be of value to him...and you were. You played your part. So rest up; you've got another one tomorrow."

Blizzard smiled as he closed his eyes.

"Imagine that. I pass out in front of a dragon and get on the guard...Braveheart's got some strange ideas about what a good soldier is."

"No, a good captain sees potential." Lightning sternly replied, "It doesn't take much to tell that you are brave. Few ponies have stood so firmly against a dragon. Don't sell that short."

"Heh, maybe you're right." Blizzard said, "Just tell the captain thanks for me. I'm sure he got me out of that jam and paid that lizard back..."

With that the soldier slinked off into sleep, leaving Twilight intrigued about what just happened between Braveheart and Ajax. As the student questioned her guard of what happened in the forest, Celestia and Luna looked over the dragon's wounds.

“I could have saved him, Luna,” she replied distantly as she closed Ajax's remaining eye, “The Elements of Harmony could have purged him of his evil, just as it did for you. If only he had listened to me...”

“Celly...I didn't do this to him, you know.” Luna said, "I brought down heaven and earth down upon him, and he escaped with only scratches. But these cuts...they run deep. What could have happened to him?"

Luna paused for a moment as an idea struck her.

"...Could your sword have done this?"

"...My sword..." Celestia muttered, "That is what he called me. If he were to die, it would be upon his own blade...he was his own doom..."

Celestia looked once more at the gash near Ajax's heart.

"There are few things that can pierce an ancient dragon's hide, you know that. What else could it be if it was not la fleur du soleil? But there is only one other who can carry it..."

"Your captain, Braveheart." Luna replied, "He brandished it against me. That was the last I saw of his impudence. But could an arrogant pegasus really do this to a dragon?"

Celestia was not surprised at the news of Braveheart's actions, her face remaining as grave as ever.

"No, not just a pegasus. Not when he held the weapon of his goddess."

Celestia turned to the red dragon's clenched claw.

"If there was a duel between the two of them, Ajax would have taken a prize."

Her heart beating, Celestia hesitated before yanking open Ajax's greedy claw with her magic. Falling to the floor with a clatter, a battered golden helm with a red plume rolled before stopping at the sun goddess' hooves. The captain's blood was still clear upon it. Breathing deeply, Celestia felt new grief grip and sting her.

“This test has taken too much away from me, Luna.” the sun goddess solemnly said, “I knew my reckless action would steal away the lives of some of my subjects, but I did not expect it to drive so closely to my heart. I could've stopped it...I don't know...I don't know if I can really let go...”

Luna nuzzled Celestia intimately, hoping to comfort her sister.

“You can do it, I believe you can!” the moon goddess said with a tear in her eye, “I'm here for you, Celly. I know now that we can overcome this challenge together!”

Celestia shook her head, as if trying to free herself from her own demons. Stopping, she gave Luna a determined stare.

“You're right, Luna. It is about time we restored true harmony to the world. Twilight!”

Answering her teacher's call, the unicorn dashed to meet her, closely followed by her friends.

“Yes, princess?” Twilight asked as the others bowed.

“Assemble the Elements of Harmony and give my sister back what it rightfully hers.”

“You heard her girls, time to form up!”

Getting into position, the six elements began to respond to one another. Glowing brightly, they emitted a bright flash of pure white light that engulfed Luna. As it faded in intensity, everypony could see that the white light remained concentrated around the moon goddess, bending and shaping her figure. Finally, the light dispersed, revealing Luna in all her divine glory. Healed of her wounds, Luna stood taller than before while her coat had become darker blue, just bordering on grey. But the most brilliant change was her beautiful starry mane that flowed more regally and majestically than even Celestia's.

Feeling her divinity run through her, Luna sighed in relief. It had worked.

“Sister, a year ago I asked you for your friendship.” Celestia said, approaching the princess of the night, “Tonight, I ask you again for your friendship in the hopes that we can forgive one another and move forward together to make a better, more just world.”

Luna smiled and hugged her sister tightly, a final tear escaping her eye.

“Yes, I accept your friendship. I promise to never abandon you again!”

Despite all the emotional trauma she suffered, Luna's response warmed Celestia's heart and gave her a new strength.

“I promise to you the same. Let us never be apart again.”

Watching the familiar scene unfold, Pinkie Pie couldn't help but to be moved in the same way she did a year before. Bawling.

“Isn't it beautiful?” she asked Rarity.

“Dear, I don't want to be a wet blanket, but today has been too hard on me to celebrate. I'm responsible for a pony's death, and I watched another die not too long ago. Oh, and not just that, now I'm sitting in a room with a dead dragon. I'm relieved that their Royal Majesties have made up, but really. I just want this dreadful night to be over.”

“Ah agree with Rarity.” Applejack said, “Ah can't take none of this no more. This whole drama's taken dangerous and weird to a whole 'nother level. Ah say we hit the hay now, Ah'm dead tired.”

Applejack took a flask of water and raised it up.

“Here's to hopin' we can leave first thing in the morning, Ah'm startin' to worry for Big Mac an' Applebloom. Thank mah lucky stars Granny was outta town this week. ”

“Well, I kind of thought it was fun.” Rainbow Dash said casually, “Being an outlaw on the fly, bucking giant spiders with AJ, beating up stupid lizards...doesn't sound like a terrible day.”

“Rainbow, could you not be any more insensitive?” Twilight chided, “Celestia loved Ajax, just try to respect the dead. For her.”

“Whatever. Just desserts for what he did to Luna and the captain.”

Twilight brought her hoof to her face, exasperated by Rainbow's insensitivity.

“Think if that was Spike, Rainbow, and show a little compassion.”

“Okay...geez...I'm sorry. Nobody deserves to die...” Rainbow muttered, a bit sobered by the unicorn's suggestion.

“Oh my...” Fluttershy said, looking at the corpse, “...it's a shame, but it looks like he was nearing the end anyway. He lost a lot of blood when he fought the captain, it's likely he was thinking even less straight than usual.”

“Thanks for the autopsy, doc...” Rainbow muttered under her breath, a little sore not just about Twilight's words, but her loss of immortality. If she didn't watch herself now, she could be in for a trip to the hospital.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna,” Twilight called, gaining the sisters' attention, “Is it all right if my friends and I can sleep? We're all pretty exhausted.”

“...Of course. The old servant chambers are still intact, you should be able to sleep comfortably there.” Celestia responded before turning to Lightning, “Lieutenant, if you would guide them, the quarters are at the base of the tower.”

“Yes, your Majesty.” Lightning said as he bowed his head, “May I be of any other service?”

“If you have the wing power, I need you to deliver a message to Canterlot announce that I have been found safe and will return soon. I also want you to reconvene the last government. I have somethings I must address to parliament and the nation.”

Celestia plucked and floated a feather to him.

“This is your proof, don't lose it.”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

Celestia gave a pregnant pause before continuing.

“But before that...if at all possible...I want you to send units to help retrieve Braveheart's remains. He does not deserve to buried in Everfree...No, he will have the simple grave of a soldier in the golden fields outside Canterlot. There he will be at peace in the company of his brothers and sisters who went before him...”

“Yes, your Majesty. I will do what I can.”

With that, the Lightning dismissed himself to follow orders, taking the six friends with him and leaving Luna and Celestia alone. Walking back to the throne, Luna had a big question that remained.

"Why do you love the captain?" Luna asked, "If you fear power's abuse, you need only look to your left hoof. He has spent all day lording his authority over the ponies in his hunt for me. Why should you trust him?"

"...For the same reasons I loved and trusted Ajax..." Celestia muttered, "He was like many before him; a brother and son to me when I had no one else in the world. Who better to carry out my will then ponies like him? But I fear tonight tested Braveheart beyond what I would normally expect him of. It was the same trial that had broken Ajax, but it seems that he was not entirely conquered by his hatred. Had he given into temptation, this world would be destroyed."

Celestia sighed and gave her sister a faint smile.

"I learned from my mistakes. I made sure that Braveheat's loyalty was not only owed to me, but to his soldiers and my subjects as well. I fostered that love he wanted to suppress, even if that cost him a few missions. He could be somewhat ruthless, but never more than my Mishka..."

Luna mulled over what Celestia had to say about Braveheart. Admittedly, she knew little of the captain at court. She usually had kept her distance away from soldiers. Perhaps had she paid attention, she could see the qualities her sister spoke of. As it was, she had little proof of his benevolence, only his malevolence. But her trust in Celestia was being restored. She would take her sister's word and see into the matter later. But for now, Luna only wanted to be with her sister as they prepared to bring in the new day.

The two sisters nuzzled up to one another with Celestia's head resting atop Luna's shimmering mane and her white wings wrapped around them. Looking outside the window, the two watched as the harsh, icy wind blew the freshly fallen snow across Everfree. They reflected in the silence of their hearts the many trials overcome, the many sins they committed, and their new found hope for a better world.

At last the moment had come, both sisters felt nature's summonings. With a heavy sigh, Luna finally lowered the moon below the horizon while Celestia raised the sun, its marvelous rays giving light and life to the world once more. The golden dawn was incredible in its beauty; never had Luna seen her sister paint such a delightful canvas of reds, oranges, violets, and indigos. It was almost (almost) as impressive as her cosmic masterpieces. Hearing the happy crooning of a phoenix behind her, Luna looked up to see the reborn Philomena perched atop Celestia's head. The bird was clearly happy to greet the new dawn too.

Celestia smiled and looked from her phoenix to her sister.

“A new day is born.”

Luna laughed, her eyes glistening in the morning light as she replied.

“Let it last forever!”

The lullaby is essentially a modified version of Mikhail Lermontov's "Cossak Lullaby". Credit to him.

*The beginning differs a bit from where the last chapter ended, mostly to provide atmosphere.

Sorry it took two months, but Frigid Winds and Burning Hearts everyone. I promised I'd finish this story and I did. I only had to re-write this chapter a dozen times. Honestly, when I first had an idea for this story, I just wanted to write this chapter...but it grew longer. Anyway, I hope everything connects well in your heads and all that. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Reviews are always, very, very much wanted. I hope you've enjoyed this little philosophical exploration, as this will probably be my last fic ever. However I do have some acknowledgments and notes that I think I'll post some time. Feel free to look at that if you really want to know what I was thinking when writing this.

Grey Prophet

Comments ( 19 )

wow twilight summed up this whole story just by calling it a tragedy.

like, really you could rewrite, this changing the characters, travel back in time, and give it to a greek... is playwright the word? And they'd be able to make serious money off it.

I've been following this fanfic from the beginning, mostly at fanfiction.net. It's been a truly amazing journey, seeing just how much the cast could grow in just one, albeit extended, night! I loved the continually developing backstory, and how the reader's understanding of the past grew as Twilight's did. Applejack, too, was a particularly compelling character in your story, and that was something I really appreciated. She gets over-simplified way too often! Braveheart, Storm, and Lighting were each standouts in their own right, and you managed to mix a few bits of cute and comic in with all of the tragedy to keep things in the spirit of FiM. Yet, it wasn't all tragedy. It was hopeful, too. And even though it ended with several deaths, it ended with the hope of a better future for all of Equestria. It was a fantastic story. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us. I will admit that I'm sad to see you won't be writing any more, most likely, but just from my 13,000 word fanfic I have come to understand how much writing takes out of you. I could never have made it o 140,000 like you did! Still, you shared with us a beautiful piece of yourself, and all I can do is say thank you. :twilightsmile:

Well, this all seems to be wrapping up nicely. Even though my dislike of Celestia (canon) made me unable to give a quarter fuck about how she felt when Ajax died, I guess it was pretty sweet how she and Luna made up.

It doesn't take bells and a beard to see

I think this is my favorite part, actually. I love it when people make up new idioms for their fantasy worlds.

This fanfic is just screaming for an epilogue. it would finish off a great fic in grand style.

It's strange though when Celestia remarks that she been hunted before,
>“I know what sort of fear and pain you felt today, Luna. I know what it's like to face a mob of angry mortals who blame me for their ills. I know what it's like to face death. I know because I lived this day a thousand times.”
but she had her divinity to help her survive. Without it, I'm unsure. I wonder what would have happened if Luna actually died either due to Braveheart or Ajax.
Also, what's going to happen to the Celestia when she has to explain what happens to the citizens of Equestria. I like how the two princesses reconcile but it's already gotten bigger than the both of them. Celestia's current actions and snowballing lies when compared to Luna's sins, has been punished , seem a lot worse if you look at it from a normal pony's point of view, due to the fact that Celestia abandoned her throne which caused the upheaval, while Luna's actions happened a thousand years ago, making it ancient history and furthermore she had already been punished for them.

Even with these two dangling plot threads that I've pointed out. This has been a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions. The characters grew within each and every chapter, especially Applejack and your OCs. It's a pity that you've chosen not to write after this. So thank you for writing this out and for sharing your masterpiece.

I don't know... Celestia's 'i wasn't thinking' excuse for all the strange things that happened feels a little cheap. Well explained, but still cheap.

Asides from that, i am glad you finished it and I read it, I feel the last chapter could easily be two or three chapters, celestia could recount the story in the form of several flashbacks, etc, but this is good enough too :3

You'd probably love for me to put up a massive, long-winded review of this chapter. Inevitably, I'd turn it into one of the story as a whole, and it would rival any of the analytical praise or scathing deconstruction I've done elsewhere on the site.

But no. Too many feels, can't even words.

Just take all my love. Take it.

Nice fiction, probably the best story involving Luna as the main character. However, I think you’ve included too many side characters, also some parts seem extensive and unnecessary (ex. Pinkie’s craziness in Zecora’s hut).

This! All of my THIS! *Manly Tears*

I'm sorry to say that this story is one of my least favorite stories yet. I hated the fact that you made every bad character good in the end, it made me want to just stop reading another thing I disliked was that you went into to much detail on the backstors I found this to be extremely boring other than that it was fine.


disliked was that you went into to much detail on the backstors

Really? Really?


A Characters back-story is what makes them, it's the very reason you should care about them. In fact, had you read the entire story properly, you would realize that none of the Characters were "bad" to begin with.

They're all being far too forgiving towards Celestia, especially since her stupid test has resulted in people dying and she knew full well people would die because of it. What a bitch. You really need to bring that point up some more.

This is the second story in a rove I read where Celestia gets of from doing ful on evil and inexcusable deeds, only to get of whit a little slap on the wrist... this was rely a good story until it totally bucket up in the last chapter. :ajbemused:

This is the second storie i readfrom begginig to end, love both the implication in politics and dont worry the ending was amaizing in my opinion it is according to the storie, love the way you manage the relation and personalities of both Luna and Celestia, thanks for sharing

This story really needs an epilogue, it really does.

I remember being deeply engaged by this story on Fanfiction.net. Now, though, I kinda hate it for being one of the many bar-raising fanfics that executes a brilliant and compelling plot involving the mane six in a unique light and doesn't have enough fucking imagination to find a decent role for Spike. And it's only the really intelligent, powerhouse authors like you who pull this.

So... Looking back at this gem...
Have you ever thought of labeling the chapters? It'd make it easier to go back and find scenes....

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