• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Comments ( 74 )

Oh boy, can't wait to read this whilst taking a dump.

Dear god. I did not expect you to make something like this. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title on the notification. Knowing you however, it should be written well, even if it was or not difficult for you to write it.

You know after your pee fics, I kinda expected this to happen.

A BronyStories story.....thank you God :pinkiehappy:

I looked into the brown eye of the storm during this reading.

And it was crappy.

Contains copious amounts of coprophilia, a 100% medically-accurate coffee enema and a parody of "Let It Go" from Disney's "Frozen."

a parody of "Let It Go" from Disney's "Frozen."

ew, disgusting

Well, it kinda makes sense, especially since you already wrote Tavi with Eproctophilia in Odd Jobs 2.

...this was disgusting...

But excellently written!

Half of me thinks you did this for a troll fic, and half of me legitimately thinks you are aroused to this. I think it could be a combo of both, and it's actually darkly cute and funny at the same time. I also just ripped a massive fart myself. The infection begins.

It is pretty damn well written, and it's a fantastic satire and comedy. Most likely - ? - the best tiolet play story on the site, I bet. Oh god, them swimming in a sea of crap. Canterlot sewerage dump? Applejack's pig pen? Apple/Dash scat wrestling for charity? Rare/Jack scat wrestling for charity? Meh, Rainbow has a bright enough mane as it is. Could go brown. I do enjoy mud wrestling.

Meh, I'm immune to gross images baring guro now. You get a thumbs up for this story. I thought the dialogue was a bit off at times, but your descriptions are both passionate and funny at the same time.

The golden humor combined with the beautiful crappy descriptions..
I cannot love this fic enough. :heart:

You and your humor. :rainbowhuh:

Congratulations on successfully writing a unique scat story. The number of scat stories I've read is in 4 digits range, so I'm sort of... an expert in... fapping to it. Romantic scat is very scarce, lengthy "how it all came to this" stories beginning in childhood are rare too, and I don't remember any coffee enemas* — a combination of that make the story unique. Emotions and character development are what is making the story dear to me though.

I would have appreciated if jokes were a little more integrated into the story. I can imagine Octavia and Vinyl acting silly in the throes of passion, but them reacting without a single giggle to the silliness is distracting more than the jokes themselves.

* You got me curious. Googling for coffee enemas on ASSTR didn't produce any interesting results.

Well.... I've never been a fan of scat but I decided to give this a try. Surprisingly, it was okay. Maybe even better. Very well written and you have me curious about enemas. I still dislike scat but this story is an exception. You might actually be changing me into liking it.

Plot-wise it's one of the best MLP scat clopfics, yes. The best one is definitely "120 days". :derpytongue2: BronyStories isn't the only one who combines extreme fetishes with meaningful plots though, mind you.

Clop-wise... hardly. There're well written scat clopfics which put reader's carnal pleasures before anything else. Especially trolling. One of my favorites is "Giving the Marshmallow a Chocolate Filling" by DaemoN67 (extreme, erotic and passionate). Those who prefer tamer stories would enjoy everything written by ______. AB/DL fans would love scribe-feather's works.

Overall, however, it's easy to choose favorites, because even when counting all greentexts preserved on pastebin by 4chaners, there're less than 100 MLP stories focusing on this fetish.

P.S. Linking to author pages is allowed, right? I can't grasp stupid linking rules.

I have no idea why I came here, whether it be to send it to a friend, or taking a look into a new fetish.
After taking a look into coffee enemas, they are scary.:raritydespair::unsuresweetie::applejackconfused::twilightoops:

Regardless of the hot liquid up my ass part, the risk of death is kinda where I draw the line.


Comments disabled. Damn.

Lack of full demonstration sucks.

This world is doomed.

This was disturbing, disgusting, and all around sick. I couldn't look away. Like watching a train wreck.:pinkiesick:

Edit: So you know, I did like it. I just enjoyed it as one might enjoy watching a train wreck; waiting to see what new horror arises.

Oh, I'm gonna hate riffing this one, I can tell.

I'm not sure what's worse.
That this is a fic about shit.
Or that this was the first thing to come to mind.

I'll need some hard liquor and Ennio Morricone on standby to get through this turd of a fic.

Not even going to read this, but I've read your work before, so I know what to expect,
Therefore, I have Liked and Favorited it any way.


Brony....that Let it Go parody was hilarious and amazing :pinkiegasp:

What is this?! Why am I leaning things?!...

No but seriously, this was a great read man, that whole frozen parody had me smiling. I just saw that movie for the first time last week, and the song is still fresh in my mind.

Somewhere, in another part of Ponyville, Fluttershy was saying the same thing to Big Macintosh.

Every time I saw this I just had to laugh out loud.


a parody of "Let It Go" from Disney's "Frozen."

Before Fic: This could be intrusting.... :rainbowhuh: :applejackunsure:

After the "song" parody : WTF :rainbowderp: and LOL :rainbowlaugh: (I thought the "song" was funny as hell, Don't ask me why.)

After Fic : not a fan of shit, But it was a nice Fic.

(the tune for the song)

please just say scat fetish, not coprophilia

I'm not into scat. Period. Nevertheless, that was actually a well written and endearing romance story.

I don't like the part about Octavia eating scat :pinkiesick: but I love the romance and secrecy and I love the utter awkwardness! :pinkiehappy:

Such romance! Bronystories, you're easily number one on my list of favorite writers!


Considering all the talented authors on this site, that's high praise indeed. Thank you!:heart:

God dammit bronystories this was not my fetish
Until now

“The secret to happiness is finding beauty in all things, including the gross stuff.”

That, is a beautiful quote.

Not a big fan of the shit. Not even a fan of it let alone a big fan.

But all I'm saying is
if this story had more vanilla and less chocolate (did you see what I did there)it would be a good read.

I have the weirdest boner right now. Also :rainbowhuh: WTF did I just read...

Did you detail the procedure that much to try and make people try it? :ajsmug:

Not really. Octaiva's background story shares some similarities to my family's own history with enemas.

If you want to give it a try, though, be my guest.

all that anal alliteration...


That's what this story was, from beginning to end... a big, long piece of shit. And that's good, because that's what you wanted this story to be. Let me explain... there are people like me who don't like scat stories. And we tend to rage on them for being "disgusting", "immoral", et cetera. A weaker author might never have had the shit necessary to post something like this. But you had an audience to cater to, and you did exactly that. You told the story you wanted to tell, and I like that in an author.

You are the shit, bronystories. You are the shit.

Now, as for the content of the story. Holy shit, that alliteration. I've got to say it took me out of the story a bit. I mean, people don't really talk like that. But this is clop, not Shakespeare, so I forgive that. And for the clop, I must say... I was not aroused, not in the slightest. "Butt" I thought about it some more, and I can understand that it would be appealing to people who do enjoy this fetish. I realize that in catering to your target audience, you've done extremely well. I can honestly say that if I was into this kind of shit, I'd be aroused.

Holy shit, I've never said shit so many times in one review.

Overall, really shitty story. Good job, 8/10.


Did ya get the joke? Did ya get it? Huh?

Ok, I'm leaving now.


"That which we call a shit, by any other name would smell as sweet."

- William Shitspeare

Thanks for the feedback!

The ending quote made me LOL!:rainbowlaugh:


The number of scat stories I've read is in 4 digits range, so I'm sort of... an expert in... fapping to it.

I knew this comment section would be fun to read. Not that I'm judging you, fap to what you will, but that was still the funniest possible way you could have worded that.

ok, I'm to jaded to even care about content stories contain. blood ,gore ,scat, whatever don't bother me anymore. having said that i enjoyed this story very much. i was smiling the whole time, laughed, even got a little teary from joy. the story was really cute, even though it was about shit, it was about two lovers embracing each other , and excepting one another. even though your story's are all pretty fucked up, i love them, for what they are, and they make me happy, especially 120 days of blueblood, fucking epic story. Thank you for providing such great stories.

You're welcome! This comment made my day! While I may be too busy no to write, I haven't forgotten my stories.

I shall return to writing at some point. Thank you for bearing with me.

I lost it at the 'Let it Go' parody. Went to pull up a karaoke video just to sing along and laugh.

I don't even know what kind of literal shit I just read but......it was pretty damn funny.....and weird. I was constantly trying to figure out what my feelings were on the story and later I even questioned my sanity for continuing reading after the first chapter. But nice job Bronystories you truly have written some of the best shit on the web. :heart:

ok, here's the order of feels I felt while reading this in order,

turned on, creeped out, MAJORLY creeped out, pity, content, (next chapter),
nervisited :pinkiehappy:, turned on, turned on turned on, disappointing.

Why disappointing? because there's so much room for more! What if nexed chapter, Vinyl experiments with eating Octi's crap, and chapter four, we meet Octi's and Vinyl's parents and they find their enema bags and there's a conflict between them being lesbians and eating eachother's crap! COME ON!!! Make this happen!

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