• Published 23rd Dec 2013
  • 2,936 Views, 16 Comments

The Warmth of Ice - Storm butt

While traveling to spend time with the Apple Family for Hearths Warming Eve, both Big Macintosh and Caramel must find a way to entertain themselves while waiting to resume their journey due to a blizzard stopping their train in its literal tracks.

  • ...

The Train Cart

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.
"Even in this ice, I still feel your warm touch.”
Ice Filled Breath

There was a sudden shudder that ran down the stallion’s spine as his eyes glanced to the world beyond the chilly puffs of white falling from the sky. He lifted a hoof to his neck, pulling on the end of his scarf as he breathed out slowly, fog coming from his lips. He knew it was bad to frown in a situation like this, but he couldn’t help it as he glanced behind him, watching several ponies gather around the newly lit fireplace, some of the kinder ones letting the children sit in front of them.

The tan stallion took a bit of his long mane in his hoof, twisting and pulling on it as he stared back out the window, a mild annoyance rising in his belly as his own breath clouded his vision by sticking to the glass. Not that there was much to see in the first place aside from some trees that weren’t local to Ponyville.

A pair of large hooves clopping against the carpeted floorboards caused the pony to quickly glance in the direction they were coming from, allowing his eyes to give off a bit of warmth when he saw the large red stallion walk towards him, his eyes glancing downward at his hooves before he stopped in front of the pony, finally glancing into his crystal blue eyes.

“Er… Caramel…?” The steed lifted one of his large hooves to gently scratch his cheek, his freckles blending into his fur, his face still blush from being out in the cold weather. “Ah checked out on the tracks, they got a couple of unicorns tryin’ ta put some kind of heatin’ charm on the tracks so the snow melts… could be a while….” He continued scratching his face as his eyes cast away. “Kinda wish Ah spent a little more money so we could at least get a room with a bed… but the prices were already high enough…”

“It’s the day before Hearths Warming Eve, a lot of ponies are traveling…” Caramel’s lips curved into a soft frown, but he made sure to keep his disappointment to a minimum so not to worry the steed. He nodded his head before looking back out the window. “Still… wish they didn’t have to shut down all the heat…” He spoke softly as he tugged on his scarf once more. His eyes glanced to his left briefly, staring at the row of stools near the entrance. “Wish they didn’t close the bar so early… cider is nice and warm…”

Big Macintosh shrugged, finally setting his body down on the ground with a rather loud thump before quickly squirming around to free his tail from under his rump. His face wasn’t in his usual blank expression, for it was actually frowning as he closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead with a sigh. “Ah’m sorry Sugar Cube… We should have gone with AJ and others last night… Ah just thought it might be nice fer us ta have a little time alone before we spend a week in Appleloosa…”

Caramel smiled gently down at the other, watching his face continue to flush before he quickly settled down next to the other, removing his saddle bags and setting them in front of him before leaning against the steed. It was cold as ice at the moment, but it did still feel more comfortable than standing on his weary legs. “I’m not upset that we aren’t there on time… you’re the one whose family is there, not me… the only pony who’d care that I was there would be Braeburn.”

“All he likes ta do is talk about his coltfriend.” Big Macintosh spoke as he rolled his eyes at the mere thought of his cousin. He could feel his own body begin to warm up as Caramel leaned against him, causing his chest to tighten slightly as he felt a chin nuzzle gently into his leg. “And Ah don’t mind showin’ up late… But ya seemed excited when Granny invited ya…”

Caramel shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t normally do much this time of year I guess… A-And she must have realized I looked kind of sad when you said you wouldn’t be here for the holidays…” He trailed off a moment as he rubbed his hooves together. “It’s better being with you than with my brother or something…”

There was a moment of silence between them, time for the bickering of the ponies and whining of the children to set in about how cold it was, about how they missed their families and planned to be in a warm bed by now. Most who hadn’t managed to fall asleep by the warmth of the small fire were frowning sternly and rubbing their legs for a bit of warmth.

A sudden wave of annoyance popped up when the back door to the cart was forced open, revealing a large bulky brown unicorn in an overly fuzzy coat which hid what must have hid either large muscles or a big belly considering his size. He removed a pair of goggles with his magic, shaking his head as the harsh winds from outside the cart whipped itself inside, many ponies shivering.

“Calm down everypony, please keep calm!” The deep voice rose above the crowd’s complaining. “We are currently working as hard as we can to try and get the train moving again. Now we burned up most of our Coal just trying to get this far, so please keep calm when we send some of our Pegasi for enough to get us to the next station. Luckily we’re all trained for this so no injuries are likely, but even so, it may take a while, please keep calm until we move again.”

Big Macintosh sighed, trying to at the very least look at the light at the end of the tunnel in this situation before he finally laid down, resting his head on his hooves before letting a whiny lose from his lips. He closed his eyes briefly as he droned out the rest of the unicorn’s speech. Before long he could feel the ground shake ever so slightly as Caramel came down to lay next to him.

The steed opened one eye to watch as Caramel tried his best to curl up, tightening his tail around himself as he rubbed his hooves together quickly. It didn’t take long for him to scoot over another foot, pressing his body against the tan stallion’s side, forcing his cheek to his lips for a gentle, drawn out kiss on the cheek.

“Ya cold, Sugar Cube?”

Caramel answered in a strange half-giggle when he was kissed, squirming in place briefly as he let his mind calm down.

“M-Mac, there are a lot of ponies in this room…” He murmured quietly, not entirely sure he wanted to bring up that fact, for Mac’s body was in fact very warm against his own.

The steed shrugged, remaining silent for a few moments before his legs began to rub against his back, spreading warmth throughout his entire body. Mac’s body always felt so firm and solid against his own, which was very comforting as he settled down on his own hooves. watching as Caramel settled down on his own hooves.

“Ah ain’t gonna let my coltfriend freeze.” Was all Big Macintosh said, a warm smile spreading to his face. “It’s nice ta see ya turn a little red though… glad Ah can still do that… Ya look cute like that.”

“T-That’s right…” He spoke softly, trying to ignore the fact that Mac was indeed calling him cute again, which both of them knew would only prolong his red face. “You… kissed me last Hearth’s Warming Eve for the first time…” He knew his heart was beating slightly faster at that memory.

He could feel the steed nod as his chin poked his cheek when he did so. He trailed off a moment, glancing up at the clock above the shut down bar. “I guess it’s technically Hearth’s Warming Eve again now…” He mumbled, watching the second hand move past the twelve once more. “Been it for about ten minutes now…”

Big Macintosh nodded, remaining silent as he quietly nuzzled the stallion’s ears with his chin. Caramel allowed himself to close his eyes with a sigh, listening to the sound of Big Mac’s heart pressed up against his ear. His body was really warm, letting the stallion rest peacefully without being bothered by the surrounding cold. It didn’t help his weary body to hear Mac begin to hum quietly, perhaps he was simply trying to keep his mind from becoming too bored and restless. His tone was rough, not at all one that belonged to any talented singer… yet it sounded oddly soothing to the tired pony.

He cracked open his eyes slowly, not wanting to sleep just yet, for he knew when the train finally did move again he was simply going to be jostled awake and be unable to sleep for hours.

He took a small breath, taking a moment to recognize the tune Big Macintosh was humming, humming it himself until the words kicked into his mind. It quickly became stuck in his mind, seeming to burst out as the verse repeated.

“Let my desires fly alone on a wing. Alone with my dreams, alone so it seems. Thoughts from the heart on a pure Spring day… my mind floats away on a dream so they say…”

Caramel sung quietly, rocking his head back and forth. He wasn’t one to begin drawing attention, for when a stallion turned his head to look at him with a slightly puzzled expression he ceased singing, feeling his blush creep back before burying his nose in Mac’s leg.

“Yer voice is real nice, Sugar Cube… It’s soft and… er… sweet.” Big Macintosh mumbled as he used his hoof to brush back the other’s mane, looking him in the eyes before letting a smile grow on his face. He ran his hooves down Caramel’s back, frowning as the fur still felt cool to the touch. “Yer still cold…”

“What… oh…” Caramel spoke, flicking his tail once he realized that his body was still a little chilly despite the warm body holding him close. “It’s nothing… I’m fine, really.”

The steed lifted his head a moment as he looked around at all the ponies in the dinner cart, giving out a soft sigh before releasing his grip on Caramel, stretching his spine by lifting his backside in the air and reaching out his hooves, similar to what a dog might do. “Ya still cold Sugar?”

“Y-You gonna go outside to check how they’re doing?” Caramel questioned, sitting up as he tugged gently on his own scarf.

Big Macintosh shook his head. “Ain’t no point, Ah ain’t no unicorn so Ah can’t do anythin’ ta help…” He trailed off a moment before looking to Caramel, however his eyes were glancing away as he let a sheepish grin spill onto his face. “Ah uh… well… could ya come with me… just back ta where we were sittin’ before, Ah want ya ta see somethin’.”

“Oh… uh… alright…” While it was an unusual request, however Caramel put up little objections as he once again looked to the ponies, all of which seemed a little lifeless as the seconds took an eternity to trudge onward. He nodded firmly when he looked back to Mac, and in return received a warm grin and a nod for Caramel to follow him. The stallion grabbed his saddle bags before

Caramel moved behind Mac as he opened the door to the cart, squirming with uncomfort as the cold winter winds streaked across his body before he quickly hopped over to the next cart once Mac opened the door. They walked in silence for a while, having to cross over two more carts before finally returning to their seats, the red furnishing of the carpets and chairs looking closer to maroon in the darkness.

Mac leaned over and under the seats, pulling out a pair of large black saddle bags as he opened one up, fiddling through several items, a bag of bits, some small amounts of food for the train ride, and finally he pulled out a large box, one wrapped very neatly in blue and silver striped paper, a bow looking as if it were tied with careful hooves, the ends curling to make it look as though it came out of a holiday card.

“Ah ain’t used ta giving out gifts ta… ponies Ah’m seein’.” The steed turned to Caramel, the same sheepish grin still lingering on his face as he kicked one of his back hooves against the red carpet and dragging it around. He handed the box to Caramel, who took it with a slightly nervous expression on his face.

“Uh… should I open this now?” Caramel questioned the other as he held the box carefully, afraid he might accidently damage how neat it looked. “I mean… I know it’s past midnight, but shouldn’t we wait till we’re in Appleloosa?”

“We ain’t gettin’ there today… least not till real late… an Ah want ya ta have it now.” He spoke, grabbing the package once more and shoving it against Caramel’s chest with a smile plastered on his face. “Go on Cara.”

Caramel lifted his hoof with mild uncertainty in his movements before pulling on the bow, watching it become undone before he tore off just enough of the paper in order to open the box itself. He set the box down on the seat next to him, pulling out a dark green sweater from it’s contents. It was very thick, and soft to the touch, Caramel ran his hoof over it, the stitching was done by no amatuer, in fact it was very professional quality.

“Ah paid one of AJ’s designer friends ta make it…” Big Macintosh spoke, his expression seeming to bottle up his curiosity to see Caramel’s reaction by putting on a bad poker face. “She charged a pretty penny fer how much I wanted done on it… but it’s real warm, and it’ll take quite a beatin’ till it gets torn or somethin’... But now ya can stay real warm and comfy…”

“It’s… it feels nice…” Caramel trailed off a moment, for it really did feel warm as his body gave off yet another shiver. “It’s… really nice… I mean REALLY nice.” He chuckled as he spoke, pulling it to his chest and giving it a small hug.

“Will ya put it on?” Mac questioned, unexpected excitement in his voice.

Caramel nodded, quickly removing his scarf and tossing it on the box. He raised the sweater above his head, feeling Mac’s hooves help him turn it around before pulling it down his body, soon his head emerged and he quickly adjusted the rest. It fit snug on his body, not too baggy as his belly pressed up against the soft material.

“Ya look so cute…” Big Macintosh spoke, smiling happily at Caramel as he examined the stallion. “Ah’m real glad ya like it… Ah just wanted ta show ya that I loved ya… and that Ah wanna protect ya…”

Caramel noticed Big Macintosh was blushing the more he looked at Caramel. The stallion shifted slightly uncomfortable before looking into the steed’s eyes, forcing a smile of his own before speaking. “H-Hey… since we’re doing this… can I give you my gift now?”

“Hmm?” The steed raised his eyebrow, as if hearing that was unexpected. He lifted a hoof to scratch behind his head, frowning before nodding his head in agreement. “Sure Sugar Cube.”

“O-Okay…” Caramel spoke, suddenly realizing just how nice the sweater he was wearing looked, a guilty pit forming in his belly as he began to rummage through his saddle bags, pulling out a wrapped present that looked quite hasty, paper crumpled poorly with no bow on top of the decently sized gift. “I… I tried to work on it as much as I could…” He spoke, holding it out to Big Mac as he silently assured himself that Mac wasn’t the kind of pony to be disappointed by gifts.

He watched as Mac tore the paper carefully, as if he felt sorry for ripping it so suddenly. He pulled out a long scarf, one that was red and black… however it looked a tad off, in some places the black went on longer than the second half, and in many spots there were pieces sticking out.

“I um…” Caramel trailed off, feeling his belly twist as Mac stared at the scarf with an expression that looked like he was thinking hard about what to say. “I saw it… in your closet… do you remember it?”

“It’s the… scarf ya gave me when we met.” The steed mumbled quietly, his lips forming a smile that loosened the icy grip Caramel was feeling in the pit of his belly just a bit. He began tying it around his neck, examining the uneven patterns.

“I saw it in your closet and I… it had a lot of holes and… I took it because I wanted to fix it…” He trailed off, fiddling with his hooves. “I’m not good at knitting, I took out a couple books on it but I just didn’t get it… but I did the best I could… I didn’t like seeing it like it was… and I know it only looked so bad because you wore it every day until it was almost summer.” The stallion giggled uncomfortably, taking note of just how soft and pleasant the sweater he was shifting in was compared to the scratchy scarf Mac was wearing.

“Ah love it.” Big Macintosh stated firmly, not a hint of deceit in his words. “Thank ya Sugar Cube, Ah’ll make sure ta take better care of it.”

Caramel could feel a warm grow in his chest where his belly was just moments before flopping uncomfortably. He smiled widely and felt his face tint when he watched Mac stroke the yarn carefully as he examined it, it seemed to suddenly be delicate to him.

The steed took a step forward, pulling on the stallion’s shoulders before sitting down, forcing him into a hug in which he was forced off of his hooves due to Mac’s height. However he was indeed cradled carefully with gentle hooves. Caramel moved his legs to Mac’s shoulders, sitting up as he looked down at Mac’s face before watching the steed’s neck extend to press lips together, which Caramel happily accepted.

Big Macintosh’s legs tightened around Caramel’s body throughout the kiss, mainly to keep the stallion from squirming too much once his tongue entered the other’s mouth, hearing that sweet gentle moaning hit his ears caused his hooves to pull him closer, breathing in the sweet smell of his lover.

When Caramel pulled away, he left the steed wanting more, which merely caused his nose to receive a firm kiss as well before he finally set Caramel down, turning him around before wrapping his upper legs around his chest in a tight hug, hunching over to continue nuzzling the stallion’s neck.

Caramel giggled the more Mac grew to desire simply being with him, feeling his neck be kissed to his belly being rubbed through the soft sweater still covering his body. After a while the two simply sat there on the isle, legs hooked around Caramel’s belly like a belt.

“Merry Hearths Warming Eve, Sugar Cube.” Big Macintosh spoke, his rough voice sounding oddly soothing. He buried his nose in Caramel’s mane, running one of his hooves under Caramel’s sweater to feel his bare fur. “Ah love ya.”

Caramel giggled as Mac’s hoof tickled his belly, but he simply settled down and resisted the urge to squirm, feeling content with waiting a while longer for the train to start up. He could lay here for quite some time in his coltfriend’s gentle grasp. He couldn’t help but laugh as he pictured all the annoyed ponies elsewhere in the train having a bitter time together while he lay here, sucking up every ounce of enjoyment that he could for the time being.

“I love you too, Mac.” Caramel spoke, grabbing Mac’s free hoof and grasping it firmly in his own. “Merry Hearths Warming Eve…”

Comments ( 15 )

Well... I d'awed like a little girl. Good job! :raritywink:

This is adorable!

well i would have preferred an update to melting snow but reading this was time well spent :twilightsmile:

:pinkiesmile: I'm...so...Happy... Best Christmas ever!:heart:
Merry Christmas

Don't worry, that's in the works. This was written in two days.

Five downvotes? Dafuq is wrong with people?

Have an upvote and a fave, that was awesome! :heart:

Im gonna read this to someone :D
It was so damn cute!

Very cute story! I liked it very much. :P i.imgur.com/OS9k8CT.jpg

You have Imperial Approval. :trixieshiftright: Would you take a look at my writing? :duck:

I knew I should have read this before.
Really good job.:twilightsmile:

Super cute! Loved it!

So very heart warming! :heart:

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