• Published 12th Jan 2014
  • 1,244 Views, 12 Comments

A Coveted Rarity - HyperBlossom7

Applejack must save Rarity when Spike kidnaps her after letting his greedy side take over his mind completely.

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A Dragon's Greed

Spike was a very happy baby dragon. He had a great birthday with his friends. Yes he had gotten greedy and grown huge, almost destroying Ponyville, but it had ended with a kiss on the cheek from Rarity. It had been her fire ruby that had brought Spike back to his senses. He didn't dare think about what may have happened if Rarity hadn't been there, and he was grateful for the beautiful unicorn.

Now he was curled up in his bed in the library. His dragon's vision allowed him to see through the dark, and he could see the top curve of Twilight's silhouette on the bed. It rose and fell gently, a comfort to Spike since it reminded him he was not alone. He was the only dragon in Ponyville, and if it weren't for Twilight Sparkle and her friends, he would probably have a hard time living in the small town.

Spike's thoughts drifted to Rarity. When he had first seen the white unicorn, his heart had started beating so fast he thought it would break out of his chest. Spike thought Rarity was the definition of beauty itself, and he loved her. Everypony knew it too. Twilight Sparkle had even pointed it out to him when he asked her to keep it a secret. The truth was though, he had really hoped Rarity didn't know he had feelings for her. That was why he had asked Twilight to keep it a secret, so Rarity wouldn't find out. He was sure Rarity had feelings for him, but he wanted to make his confession of love to her special. It wouldn't be so special if she knew about it already.

He knew mostly everypony knew about his feelings for Rarity because he had shown it when Rarity had gotten kidnapped by the Diamond Dogs. Spike cringed at the memory. He could remember the feeling of helplessness as he watched Rarity get dragged down the hole by those dogs. He had tried to fight the dogs off, he had tried to protect Rarity, but he had failed. It had been one of the worst moments in Spike's life. He never wanted to see something like that happen to her again.

There's a way to ensure that, said a deep voice.

Spike's eyes shot open. He had heard a voice, one he didn't recognize. Spike sat up in his bed, looking around him nervously. He didn't see anypony or anything through the darkness of the room. He listened hard, but he only heard Twilight's faint breathing. Spike sighed and told himself he was just imagining things. He laid back down and closed his eyes. Then the voice spoke again.

There's a way you can have her all to yourself, you know.

Spike sat up again. It was the exact same voice, in the exact same tone. It was deep and gruff, not like a pony's. Spike swallowed hard, feeling afraid. Was there some monster in the room with them? He looked towards Twilight's sleeping figure, but the unicorn did not make a sound. Was he the only one who could hear the voice? He did not recognize the voice, and its mysteriousness scared him.

"Who-who are you?" Spike whispered nervously.

I'm you, the voice said with a dark chuckle. I'm the stronger side of you. I am the one who craves, I am the one with the burning desire for treasure. I know your every thought, I hear your every word, I feel your every emotion. We are one and the same.

Spike gulped again. This voice sounded dangerous, and the fact that it was in his head made it even more frightening. Spike had to be brave, however. If the voice was something that could harm him or his friends, then he couldn't let his guard down.

"And what do you want?" Spike asked in a soft whisper.

You mean what do we want? said the voice cooly. We share the same mind, we have the same body, and we want the same things. I think you know very well who I'm talking about.

An image of a beautiful unicorn flashed in his mind. Spike growled and said, "Don't you dare hurt her."

Why would I? We love her, don't we? the voice said knowingly.

"Well, yes," said Spike, swallowing again. "But..."

You're afraid, the voice finished for him. You're afraid she won't love you back. There is also something else, something you have been trying very hard not to think about. A crucial fact that would affect your relationship with her.

Spike closed his eyes, he knew what the voice was talking about. "I'm a dragon, and dragons can't be with ponies," he whispered. "I could have her, but we couldn't-"

"Spike?" Twilight had woken up now. She rubbed a sleepy eye and looked at the baby dragon. "Who are you talking to?"

"No one," Spike lied. "I'm just...talking to myself, I guess. Sorry I woke you." He gave her an apologetic smile.

Twilight smiled warmly at her number one assistant and said, "Try to get some sleep, Spike. Good night."

"Good night, Twilight," said Spike.

He laid back down and closed his eyes.

Yes, good night Spike... was the last thing the voice said that night.

Spike shuddered, the voice's tone sending a chill down his spine. He had a bad feeling about the voice, but he decided he would dwell on it in the morning. Right now he needed to get some rest. Spike tried not to focus on what the voice had said to him, and tried to focus on sleep. Eventually his eyelids grew heavy and exhaustion swept over him. He slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

The following morning seemed normal enough. Spike didn't hear the voice again. It didn't speak while he waited for Twilight to make breakfast. It didn't speak while he did his morning chores. He decided to take his mind off of it by helping himself to a small bowl of jewels Twilight had gotten him for lunch. He sat on a chair munching on his gems while Twilight did some studying in the library. The gems were delicious as usual, and he savored every bite. He couldn't help but think of the fire ruby he had given to Rarity. It probably would have tasted delicious. However, Rarity had wanted it, and Spike couldn't be selfish and eat something that the fashion loving mare wanted. The gems helped him stop thinking about the voice from the night before.

Spike was beginning to think that the voice had just been a dream when he heard a dark chuckle. This time, since he was fully awake and his senses were sharper, he knew it was definitely in his head. The voice was still there. It had definitely not been a dream. The young dragon waited a moment, but the voice did not say anything else. Then Twilight's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Spike, I need a new quill and parchment set. Do you mind going out and getting it for me?" Twilight asked him.

Spike swallowed the last gem he had in his bowl and nodded. "Sure thing, Twilight."

He set the empty bowl aside and hurried out the door. He walked down the path when he saw a unicorn coming in his direction. It was Rarity and her horn was aglow as she levitated several bags around her. When she saw Spike, she came to a stop and smiled at the baby dragon.

"Hello Spike, how are you?" she greeted him, setting her bags down for the moment.

Spike was momentarily distracted by the unicorn's beauty. She always looked beautiful. Her coat seemed to glow in the sunlight, and her cutie mark even had a shine to it as well. The young dragon was mesmerized by the sight of her, and it took a moment before he realized she had asked him something.

"I'm fine," answered Spike quickly. "I'm going to get some quills and parchment for Twilight."

"Oh what a coincidence! I was actually at the shop and they gave me an extra set. I'll save you the trouble and let you have it," said Rarity with a smile.

I love it when you smile, Rarity... Spike thought silently.

"Oh no Rarity, you don't have to," said Spike. "It's fine, really."

"Not another word, Spike," said Rarity.

She used her magic to levitate a quill and parchment set out of one of her shopping bags. She gave it to Spike and he looked down at the items in his claws.

"Well, thank you Rarity," said Spike, looking back up at her.

Rarity beamed at him, "Anything for my little Spikey wikey!"

She winked and Spike blushed at that. He looked down at his feet as Rarity said goodbye and continued past him. Spike heard the voice chuckle again. He growled, annoyed that the voice had been listening. Spike decided to ignore the voice and just go back. He gripped the quill and parchment set in his tiny claws and went back to the library.

Twilight looked towards the door in surprise when she heard someone come in. She saw Spike walk in with her supplies in his claws.

"That was fast," Twilight commented as Spike walked over to her.

"I ran into Rarity on the way to the shop," Spike explained. "She had an extra set and let me have it."

Twilight smiled, thinking of the generous unicorn. "That was very nice of her. Well thank you, Spike."

The voice spoke at that moment, You should have kept that set for yourself. It was a gift from her, after all.

"Why would I do that?" Spike accidentally said out loud.

Twilight looked at her assistant in confusion. "Why would you do what?" she asked, looking at him curiously.

"Um, well," Spike thought fast. Then he said, "It was just something Pinkie Pie told me. I think she was just being Pinkie, though."

Twilight seemed to believe that as she let out a soft giggle. "Probably. Why don't you just go relax. I won't be doing much today except reading and taking some notes."

"All right, thanks Twilight," Spike smiled at her.

Spike went to the upper level of the Library where his bed was. He curled up in the bed, hoping to get some rest. Then the voice spoke to him again.

Yes...get some rest, Spikey Wikey, the voice used Rarity's nickname for him.

Spike growled, which only made the voice laugh mirthlessly.

It was the voice's last words that haunted him for the rest of that day, however.

"You'll need it.


That night Spike had a dream. He was visiting the Carousel Boutique. He stood in Rarity's room, no longer a baby dragon but a dragon that was very close to being an adult. Rarity lay in her bed, old, weak, and feeble. Her mane had lost its shine and her coat its luster. She coughed and blinked at Spike.

"Spike..." she croaked, her voice a hoarse whisper. "Spike..."

Spike crept closer to her. He reached out with a claw and put it gently on Rarity's shoulder. Rarity smiled weakly, trying to show strength even when she was within in her last hours of life. That was when the dragon realized she was dying of old age.

"I'm here Rarity," he said in a deeper tone.

"I've always loved you...Spike..." she whispered, her voice growing weaker and softer. "This is goodbye, I'm afraid."

Spike swallowed and shook his head. "No, Rarity. It's not!"

His Rarity closed her beautiful eyes, and moments later, her heart stopped beating. Her chest stopped rising and falling. Spike let out a roar of fury, letting out all of his pain and anguish at once. Then cold laughter surrounded him, and the last thing he saw before waking up was blackness.

Twilight was on her hooves in an instant. She went to where Spike was in his bed. Spike was now sitting up, shaking in fear. His purple scales were paler, as if the blood had been drained from his veins. Spike looked up at Twilight and swallowed.

"I-I'm sorry...it..it was a nightmare! Rarity...She was...Rarity..." Spike couldn't bring himself to say it.

Twilight looked at her young assistant and pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh Spike...that's not going to happen for a very long time now, you know that right?"

Spike sniffled and nodded, unable to speak. He sobbed into Twilight's chest. She let him cry while she hugged him close. In his mind, Spike was thinking about all the things the voice had said. He was right. He needed to do something if he wanted to be with Rarity forever. There had to be a way to keep her alive. Then Spike remembered a certain somepony who just might hold the answer. He smiled in the darkness of the room, hiding it from Twilight.

"I'm okay now..." he sniffled, hiding his face. He turned around and curled up in his bed, his back to Twilight. "Thank you..."

Twilight Sparkle nodded in understanding. She used her magic to make Spike's blanket cover him up more. Then she returned to bed herself. Then a few hours later, under the cover of darkness, a young dragon fled.

Author's Note:

All right here is Chapter One. Like I said in the description, I do appreciate constructive criticism. This will be one of my major fanfictions, which means there will be a larger plotline than what seems to be set up in this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it!