• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,026 Views, 14 Comments

You Were Late - frutineo

Twilight Sparkle's friends developed feelings for her, what if they all do so at the same time?

  • ...

You Were Late

You Were Late.

It was a glorious Friday evening and Twilight Sparkle had finished organizing the shelves in the library with her ever faithful assistant, Spike; it had taken most of the day to accomplish such a thing and she was so proud of the final result that she ended up getting lost on self-congratulations.

A discussion broke her out of her trance. It did not surprise her that the disturbance came from right outside her door. What caught her attention was that the voices of all of her friends were the only ones involved in that argument.

She opened the library’s front door and her 5 best friends where there arguing, even the reserved Fluttershy was rising her voice against the others, Twilight watched intently not really understanding what their friends were saying so she decided to stop the fight.

“Girls…” none listened to her “Girls, excuse me…” again they did not listened so she took a healthy amount of air into her lungs “GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRLS!” that stopped them in their tracks.

“Girls, what is going on? I have never seen you fight like that since the Discord incident, what happened?”

The 5 of them went silent; as if they were embarrassed to talk to her “I am waiting for an answer…”

Fluttershy was first to talk “T-Twilight, we are terribly sorry about our fighting, we just happened to arrive here to tell you something important at the same time.”

“And it is so important that you had to start yelling in front of my door?”

“W-well, sort of…”

Twilight rubbed her temples with her hoofs as she was developing a headache; she certainly did not expect that her sarcasm came as an explanation of sorts for what was happening. “Ok girls, you will all come inside and one by one, tell me what you came here to tell me.”

Once inside Twilight took seat on her couch while her friends all sat across the room, separated by considerable distances, all of them glaring at each other, since none of them wanted to talk Twilight started “Very well girls who would want to sta…”

All of the mares raised their voices “I DO!”

“…rt… *sigh* ok what about if I chose who talks first all right?”

Again all of them yelled “NO!”

Twilight backed up her head at the sudden outburst “… Ok girls this is just getting to my nerves, would somepony please tell me what this is all about?”

“Sugarcube,” Applejack started “Ah guess we came here to tell you…”

“Hold on there AJ,” Rainbow Dash interrupted “if somepony is going to tell her, it’s me.”

“Don’t ya dare, Rainbow!”

“Please, stop arguing! It is of poor taste! Besides, you should give up hope now that you can’t save face.”

“Now what in Tarnation did yah mean by that Rarity?”

“You heard me. I know that Twilight here deserves the best, and not to minimize you, but you could never hope to understand her like I would.”

“Rarity, yer walking on thin ice here, you’d better take that back.”

“And if I don’t?” at that moment Applejack was ready to tackle Rarity.

“Wait there you meanie-mares!” Pinkie interrupted as she leapt between the 2 mares.

“Pinkie Pie, ah would like you to move aside… now.”

“Applejack, that is soooo wrong. What would Twilight think of you if you end up hurting one of her friends?”

“She’s the one asking for it Pinkie Pie.” she said frowning.

“Umm… excuse me…”

“No way Applejack, you just can’t…”


“Let her do it Pinkie, I bet it will be a blast!”

“If… you don’t mind…”

“Brutish as always Rainbow Dash… so simple minded.”

“Will you just…”

“Hey! Take that back!”

“SHUT UP!!!”

All the mares were had forgotten about Fluttershy and when they looked at her they were reminded why they should never make her mad… She was using “The Stare” on all of them. The other 4 mares backed up as quickly as possible as the normally shy pegasus took control of the situation.

Twilight Sparkle in the other hoof had a vague idea what this was all about, but before jumping to conclusions she had to stop this little skirmish.

With little effort, she used her magic to:

a) Levitate all of her friends to separate them.

b) Make them sit in their original positions.

c) And pin them down with a gravity manipulation spell.

Once all of that was taken care of, she spoke “Ok first of all, to make sure I am not jumping into conclusions… you all have come here share certain feelings I bet you have been keeping from me… and those feelings are feelings of love I presume.”

None of the mare spoke for a while until Fluttershy decided to speak up, “H-how did you…”

“Figure it out?” asked Twilight “it wasn’t easy really, but the first indication was Rarity’s statement earlier in the fight, considering how mad Applejack became and how you all started to fight afterwards it could only mean one thing… and I was right”

“Now wait a minute… SPIKE!”

“I’ve been here the whole time Twilight,” the youthful voice of a baby dragon said “what do you need?”

“Just a letter, please tell HER to come here when she finishes her… business.”

Spike gave his hatcher a little smile “Right away!”

“Now, you were about to apologize I presume?”

All of the mares looked down in shame for their earlier actions.

“We are really sorry for makin’ such a scene sugarcube, it’s just… crazy, let me tell yah. I came here to confess mah feelings and so have all of our other friends.”

“I know it must be weird… but first of all I would like to know since when have you all had feelings for me? I want to make this fair so I want to know in the order I met you; that would make you first Pinkie Pie.”

“But Twi…”

“Pinkie goes first and that is final! Then it will be Applejack, then you Rainbow, Rarity and then Fluttershy. And after the stories I will speak.” Twilight said “Now please, before I kick you out and decide to move back to Canterlot, tell me Pinkie, since when have you harbored these feelings for me?”

“… Geez Twilight… I don’t know, I mean ever since I saw you I knew you were something special (I had been into mares ever since I moved to Ponyville). After we defeated Nightmare Moon, I guess I had begun to feel something for you, but I did not acknowledge it until you were studying my Pinkie Sense.”

“The moment you took off at a gallop against the Hydra, I was so afraid! After you came back safe I knew I had feelings for you, but I had never wanted to tell you because I was afraid those feelings would ruin our friendship.”

Twilight listened intently, focusing on every word and memory that was called upon by the story Pinkie Pie had told her “Very well Pinkie, now Applejack, tell me. When did you start having these feelings for me?”

Applejack took off her hat, she looked more solemn than before “It was during Applebucking season, the one you all helped me though. Ah was being so stubborn and Ah even hurt mah friends.”

“But then you came by, always trying to make me see mah mistakes. Just as ah was on mah back Ah was about to tell yah that I could do it on mah own. But you looked at me in the eyes, and I became… now don’t laugh, enthralled in that deep, beautiful violet shade. Ah just couldn’t say no.”

Twilight was touched, but it was better to keep herself reserved “Thanks Applejack, now Rainbow Dash. Your turn.”

“T-thanks Twilight” Dash said stuttering, something that was highly unusual, she was nervous but she kept on with her story. “I have always been attracted to mares, ever since I remember. I’d had my fair share of marefriends and I would be lying if I said I did not feel compelled to hit on all of you. I wanted to hit on you when you stopped me from destroying Applejack’s old barn. I thought you were so sexy with those glasses. When you gave me back my memories when Discord broke us apart, I could see how much you cared about us. But I guess my turning point was when you taught me how cool it was to read and I started spending so much time here at the library seeing you devour knowledge as if it was a cupcake. You were always so serious and determined, that is when I felt something… more serious for you.”

Twilight was now speechless, she would have never guessed that Rainbow had wanted to court her for so long… it was such a shame she never did. *sigh* ‘I am beginning to think this wasn’t such a good idea’ she thought. “Rarity… if you will.”

“Thank you dear…” Rarity had heard all the tales; and it shook her that they all had fallen for Twilight in a similar manner to her, and now she had to do the same “It was… around the time of the fashion show you presented my work to Hoity Toity, right after you all had helped me get out of my depression. Following that, Fluttershy told me how you were the mastermind behind such a plan. You took the time and effort to do something you had never done for me before. I had never been so touched in my entire life. You are the reason I am still here, you helped me back on my hooves and my business is flourishing like a rose in spring time. It was around then that I noticed your kind and gentle heart. That was when I realized how wonderful you really are.”

After Rarity stopped Twilight began to ponder ‘This is getting more and more difficult, but I must endure, this is almost over.’ “Fluttershy it’s… your turn.”

“Twilight, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing Fluttershy, just… tell me, since when?”

Fluttershy breathed slowly to calm her nerves “I-it was when the dragon came by. I was so scared the whole time and I was being such a coward. But then you told Rainbow Dash that I would be useful every time she yelled that I was holding you back. You encouraged me and believed in me like nopony ever had before. You gave me strength and made me feel special. I felt then that… you were special to me.”

Twilight sat on her haunches, closed her eyes and was deep in thought. Organizing her thoughts when she was interrupted by Spike.

“Twilight. Hey, listen.”

“Sorry Spike, I take it she will be here soon?”

“Yes Twilight, she will be here any minute now… and I am glad you finally decided to tell our friends about it, even after considering the circumstances.”

“I am glad you were here listening, and I thank you for your support.”

“I will always support you Twilight, no matter what! You are like a sister, no… a mother to me and just for that you deserve my loyalty and support.”

They were interrupted by the cyan mare in the room “Hey, what are you two talking about?”

Spike just smirked and answered “You will see, just be patient Rainbow Dash… and that goes for all of you.”

“Hey wait a min-“

Rainbow Dash didn’t finish the sentence. Right at that moment, a blue, sparkling mist appeared in the middle of the room. It was vaguely familiar to all of the ponies in the room. The mist then concentrated and the flash of light blue explosion blinded them momentarily. After the flash was gone, a blue unicorn appeared; they all knew her. She had come to Ponyville long ago, it was a show mare that had caused an Ursa Minor attack. Her name? The Great and Powerful Trixie.

Trixie appeared before their eyes, just in front of Twilight Sparkle, with her back to all of the mares and spoke “Twilight my love, how good it is to see you again.”

“’MY LOVE’?” All of the mares then just shouted in disbelief, a shout that took Trixie by surprise. She yelped and hid behind Twilight as she turned around to see the cause of such an uproar.

“T-Twilight what is this?” Trixie asked, not feeling all that great and powerful.

“We would like to know as well, sugarcube.” Applejack said.

Twilight chuckled “Trixie, I want to present you to my friends. They are:” Twilight starts pointing each friend with her right hoof “Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy. Girls meet the Great and Powerful Trixie, my marefriend”

“MAREFRIEND?” the mares yelled again at the same time.

“Twilight Sparkle, would you care to tell us all just what in Celestia’s good name is going on?”

“Why Rarity, must I repeat myself? Very well, girls I want you to meet my marefriend: The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

All of Twilight Sparkle’s friends were speechless and they had but one simple question lingering on their minds, ‘How is that possible?’ And Twilight could see it engraved on their faces, so she answered.

“I bet you would like some sort of explanation”

“You bet we do!” Rainbow said.

“Very well. It was a week after the Ursa attack.” Twilight started her tale looking out the window, reminiscing “I was going to the hospital to donate some books with Spike, while in there I wanted to check the facilities to see how the hospital was working when we found ourselves on the child care wing and we heard a peculiar sound. All the children were cheering at something. You could imagine my surprise when I recognized who was drawing such attention.”

“Either way, we were speechless; we could not believe that Trixie was still around Ponyville, or that she was doing shows for the children at the hospital. After the show I spoke to her, she was rather fearful of me and of what she had done. It was obvious that she had spent the whole time repenting more than anything. After some time, she told me she had ended up hospitalized because she had gone to the Everfree forest while running away from town and some timber wolves had attacked her.”

“We started spending our free time together; I taught her teleportation and some other spells and she taught me some of hers, and after some time we developed something… Trixie and I have so many things in common; we both love to study magic and also love to look at the stars at night. Even Spike started to warm up and accept her. Just after the Grand Galloping Gala, a few weeks before Discord revived, she finally confessed her feelings for me and I accepted them. I love being near her, to gaze into her eyes, and that silly accent she has.”

“Girls, I am sorry for having to crush your feeling like this. It hurts me because now I know how you feel about me. I would give anything to be able to answer to all of your feelings but I can’t. I would have been honored to be your marefriend but...”

All of her friends stared at her silently, disbelief and disappointment in their gazes until finally, Pinkie Pie broke the silence “We were too late, weren’t we?”

Twilight sighed heavily “Yes Pinkie, you were too late.”

After some time the intruding mares started taking their leave.

“Well sugarcube, Ah guess the only thing that can be said is, be happy with her… and if she ever breaks your heart. Ah can always mend it fer ya.”

“Applejack…” Twilight deadpanned, “I expected that from Rainbow Dash, not you.”

“Shucks, it was worth the try.”

“I guess we should be going. I need to work on an order and it will take all Saturday if I don’t start it soon.”

“Hey Twilight, if you don’t mind I would like, LOVE to make a ‘Twilight has a Marefriend’ party this Sunday, would you mind if I do it?”

“Hahehe, well, I will have to check with Trixie if she is ok with that. How about we go have lunch at ‘Sugar Cube Corner’ tomorrow and we talk about it?”

“Sure. I will make you a special batch of cupcakes just for you!”

“Thanks Pinkie. So girls, I hope to see you around okay?”

“Sure Twi… Oh yeah I forgot, is the book club meeting still scheduled?”

“”Yes Rainbow, on Monday afternoon. You’d better arrive early.”

“Yeah, yeah, no problem.”

“Hey, wait!” Spike said making his way outside to meet with Rarity “Rarity, please let me stay at your house for the weekend!”

Rarity was surprised “Of course I would give you shelter for the weekend. But do tell me, why is it that you want to stay with me?”

“Because Twilight’s moans can be heard all the way from the basement”


It was too late, the damage had been done and all of Twilight’s friends were rolling on the floor laughing and Twilight closed the door. Even then, the laughter continued for a while.

“Oh Spike that was a blast” Rainbow Said still holding her sides “Hey AJ, what about a race to your house?”

“Why would you come to my house?”

“I don’t have anything in my fridge, and your Apple pies are just amazing!”

“If you run, then it is fine by me.”

Rainbow Dash landed and put herself in position, “Okreadysetgo!” with that she sped off early.

“YAH CHEATER!” Applejack yelled as she ran in hot pursuit.

“W-well, I need to go and feed my animals, so if you don’t mind…” Fluttershy said.

“Hey, let me go with you Fluttershy” Pinkie told.

“Why Pinkie?”

“I am really sad because of how this evening turned out… I need to cheer up, maybe a sleepover at your house would help me.”

Fluttershy pondered the idea. She felt depressed as well, she might as well go for it “I will love to have you at my house, maybe I can cheer up too.”

“GREAT! Now let’s just stop at Sugar Cube Corner for some cupcakes and cookies.”

“That sounds lovely.”

The pink manned ponies left together.

Rarity saw all of her friends leaving as the sun was going down and sighed.

“Rarity, are you okay?”

“Yes Spike, I‘m all right.” Rarity said to the young dragon. She turned to him and saw that his spikes and scales looked astounding under the reddish sunlight, “Oh my Spike, I had never noticed how pretty your scales looked under this light, I must say you look rather dashing.”

“Well, thank you Rarity.” Spike said posing for her.

“Do tell Spike, when do you shed your scales?”

Spike put his claw under his chin “Sometime this week, why?”

“I have some lovely ideas for a dress that MUST include your scales, you don’t mind do you?” Rarity said with a semi-seductive gaze.

Spike noticed how she was looking at him and smiled at her “It would be my pleasure.”

With that they finally made way to the Fashionista’s workshop. At this moment, if anypony said that love was in the air, everypony would have to agree.

***Author Logging in***
This is a little edit by the always incredible FrieD195 I noticed a complaint about the format so I needed him to help me redo this I hope you enjoy it.

***Author Logging Out***

Comments ( 14 )

Random as hell, but ultimately enjoyable. Incomplete, you say?


Ahhh, i love smell of enjoyable randomness in the morning. Very good, pioneer, very good. Stalin enjoys!

322868 322532 322367
I first want to thank you all for having read this story, it was just something I initially planned to do as a one shot... maybe some other day I might be inclined to do a follow up, and even then it will be just one other chapter even so,l thanks for giving your time to read this.

Okay. Relationship statuses.

Pinkie loves Twilight
Applejack loves Twilight
Rainbow loves Twilight
Rarity loves Twilight
Fluttershy loves Twilight

*Trixie comes*

Twilight and Trixie love each other
Pinkie's reaction: :pinkiesick:
Applejack's reaction: :ajbemused:
Rainbow's reaction: :rainbowhuh:
Rarity's reaction: :duck:
Fluttershy's reaction: :fluttershysad:

When :pinkiesmile::ajsmug::rainbowderp::raritywink::yay: leave:

Applejack and Rainbow?
Pinkie and Fluttershy?
Spike and Rarity?

SEEMS LEGIT. :pinkiehappy:


Great story. Moar. Now. :flutterrage:

I like the randomosity of it :twilightsmile:

Ok, just because you asked for it, I will write more about it... why is it that I wanted something serious and it ended up as random? 326002

Good, good, very good. i love the chaos.[img]mlfw2077-10838220-20101020am_I_trying_too_hard20approval20face20image20rating20reaction_face20response20sign20twilight_sparkle1[/img]


This story was an unexpected joy. This was a great find. I agree with Purple Thunder, I would like to see more with this.

Concept was amusing, but the sentences were poorly parsed and it sounded like it was being read off of a transcript as opposed to really showing what's going on. Might be good after some very heavy editing.

920705 Already fixed with a little note at the end.

Notable improvement. At least I think there was notable improvement. It seems alright now, the things that were bugging me don't stand out.
Thumbs up.

Needs a random tag as well... very rough and rather quickly paced as well

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