• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 5,714 Views, 55 Comments

Warm Without A Hearth - LDSocrates

[One-Shot] After a long trip to Canterlot to visit her family for Hearth's Warming, Princess Twilight comes home to find her very special somepony waiting for her. The conversation takes a very... personal turn.

  • ...


Twilight flopped through the front door of her house, her front legs having given out and her rear half getting a nice gust of winter breeze right up her tail, her hind legs not noticing that their companions had given up.

“So tired,” Twilight groaned. Her magically floating luggage fell to the floor with a loud thud, her horn giving up too.

Spike bumped into her rear and fell onto his own with a thump that was drowned out by the wind, the luggage he was carrying also tumbling to the floor. “Please don’t schedule us to stay two whole weeks at your parent’s house ever again,” Spike begged.

“Never again,” Twilight promised. Using her two working legs, she scooted herself further inside and away from the door. “Now shut the door before I freeze my flanks off…!”

“Y-you got it,” Spike said through chattering teeth, shoving the door closed with a tackle and hopping up to click the lock closed.

Twilight sighed in relief after the cold stopped blowing up her rump and rose back to all fours. “We’ll get it later,” she mumbled, more to assure the obsessively tidy part of her brain than Spike. “Let’s just relax for a little while.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Spike said, walking towards the kitchen with dragging feet. “Mind if I snack on some gems? I forgot that Canterlot ponies polish all the flavor out of them, blech.”

“Go ahead, but don’t spoil your dinner,” Twilight weakly warned as she dragged her own hooves up the stairs. No sign of Owlowiscious; probably out grabbing something to eat in the snow, the crazy bird. She hoped that he wouldn’t go too close to Fluttershy’s house. The threat of a restraining order on a pet was not a healthy thing for a friendship.

Twilight stretched her legs and wings, giving each joint a little crack before relaxing and shaking the snow off of her back as she trotted to her room. She didn’t even bother with her magic to open the door, just prodding it open with her nose. The first sign that something was off was the fact that the lights were on, when Owlowiscious never flipped on the lights while she and Spike were gone. The second sign was the fact that the guest bed had been taken out and set on the “ground” floor of her bedroom, not in the loft where she normally slept.

The third sign was, of course, the zebra sleeping in her guest bed.

“Zecora?” Twilight said in confusion, looking the zebra up and down. The striped mare had her head lying on an open book–a novella judging by the thickness of it–and she hadn’t even climbed under the covers.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile a little, listening to Zecora’s gentle breathing, before she trotted up and nudged the sleeping mare with her nose. “Zecora, get up,” she said with a small giggle. “I’m home.”

Zecora stirred in her sleep, muttering something near incomprehensible in her native language. Twilight was still learning it, but she managed to pick up the word “later” and the phrase “ten minutes.”

“Come on, Zecora, if anypony in here should be dead asleep, it’d be me,” Twilight giggled tiredly, gently pushing the sleeping zebra with her hoof.

Zecora only turned over, grumbling in her language again a bit louder. Twilight couldn’t be certain, but she picked out enough words to guess that the zebra was telling Twi to go get her flanks too sunburnt for her to sit for a week.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “You are way too grumpy in the morning,” she muttered.

The door creaked open and in walked Spike, an amethyst in claw as he took a savoring nibble. “Ready for a nap, Tw- oh, Zecora’s here?” he asked, looking past Twilight.

“Looks like it,” she said, turning a bit to face her assistant. “I think she was waiting for me to get home. She’s not under the covers, and she fell asleep right into a book.”

“Aw, isn’t that just precious?” Spike teased with a mischievous grin.

“Oh, stop it,” Twilight huffed, her cheeks turning red. “Should I wake her up the fun way, or the way that’ll make her less of a morning grump?”

Spike hummed in thought, tapping his chin with the jagged shard of gem he was eating. “Why not both?”

“Both?” Twilight repeated, the gears in her tired brain straining to turn.

The young dragon snickered and waved his little clawed fingers in front of him. “A little tickle work with your wings should wake her right up~!”

Twilight’s lips curled into an impish grin. “You’re getting extra garnets for dessert tonight.”

“As long as she doesn’t know it was my idea,” Spike chuckled as he slipped back out. “I guess I’m gonna go relax in the kitchen. Have fun~!”

Twilight turned her attention back to Zecora with an evil grin, the zebra still blissfully asleep. Quietly, gently, stealthily, she climbed up into bed and stood upright, her legs on either side of Zecora and towering over her. She spread her wings and gave them a little stretch to limber them up before folding the tips down to Zecora’s sides.

Zecora started squirming as Twilight ran the tips of her feathers slowly up and down the zebra’s sides. Twilight quickly picked up the pace, frantically tickling Zecora and waking her up. Zecora devolved into hysterics before she could even get a word out, flailing happily and trying to push Twilight off as the guest bed rocked and creaked loudly under them with the struggle.

Giggling and holding back hysteric laughter of her own, Twilight folded her wings to her side after a few minutes. She laid down, pinning Zecora under her with their undersides pressed together. “Good morning,” Twilight greeted teasingly with a smile.

“G-good morning, dearest Twilight,” Zecora said, her face red as she tried to swallow down her laughter. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep here last night. I was waiting for you, to surprise you, when by sleep I was taken.” She giggled a little. “Though I guess in trying to surprise you–”

“-you were quite mistaken,” Twilight finished for her, her smirk growing wider still.

Zecora put her forelegs across Twilight’s back and held her close, a smile of her own forming. The alicorn hummed, but it quickly turned into a squeak of confusion. She found gravity reversed, her back against the bed and the zebra lying atop her, a smug grin suddenly on her face. “But the advantage is never yours for long in our little wars,” Zecora giggled. “No, my dear, the biggest mistake, hubris, was yours.”

Twilight’s face grew cherry red as she wiggled under Zecora, the mare’s surprisingly strong legs holding her down. “O-okay, you got me, hon,” she admitted, avoiding eye contact.

“My dear, I believe you’re beginning to sweat.” Zecora cooed atop Twilight, her eyes half-lidded as they looked down at the pinned alicorn. “But no, I haven’t ‘got you’ just quite yet…”

“Zecora!” Twilight hissed quietly, her head so hot she felt it was about to pop. “S-stop that!”

Zecora kissed Twilight’s nose, her wings stiffening a bit against the zebra’s legs. “Fine, fine, I’ll stop being such a horrid tease. But don’t forget that for me, topping you is quite a breeze,” she giggled.

“As if you’d let me forget,” Twilight mumbled, shifting shyly under Zecora. “I guess you’re perky this morning instead of grouchy, right?”

“Is it even morning still? I didn’t even check, I was so caught up in the thrill,” Zecora admitted, looking around for the clock.

“Yeah, it’s morning, though not much longer,” Twilight said with a yawn. “Doesn’t matter to me. I’m so ready for bed…”

Zecora chuckled and climbed off of Twilight and the guest bed. Twilight sighed a little in relief and turned over, shamelessly admiring the zebra’s flank with a tired smile. Zecora looked over her shoulder and snickered. “Do you need help getting to bed, my dear mare? Or would you rather lay there all day and stare?”

“Staring sounds nice,” Twilight said, sleep seeping into her voice, “but I’d love somepony to lead me to bed, yes.” With a little giggle shared between the two of them, Twilight climbed out of the guest bed and leaned against Zecora. “Speaking of which… why’d you get out the guest bed? You know you’re welcome in mine,” Twilight half asked, half teased through a renewed blush.

“I did not wish to overstep my bounds, my fair dame,” Zecora said as she lead Twilight along. “Besides, I must admit that without you… it’s just not the same.”

“Aww, how sweet,” Twilight giggled, nuzzling Zecora’s neck.

Zecora playfully nipped Twilight’s ear as they got to the foot of the steps. “I’d say that you’re the one that’s sweet. Every day I see you certainly feels like a treat.”

“Oh, stop,” Twilight said with a giggle and wave of her hoof, starting the ascent to the loft. “If you’re trying to butter me up… well, it’s working, but you really should stop. Spike’s just downstairs and he’d never let me hear the end of it if he found us doing anything mushy or… heated.”

“Very well, I’ll stop the sap, but not forever. If we were to go to my house, however…” Zecora trailed off with a smirk.

“We can go to your house tomorrow,” Twilight said with an affectionate roll of her eyes. They both stepped into the loft and trotted towards the alicorn’s bed. “We’ll have plenty of alone time after I’ve recovered from this trip.”

Twilight crawled into her bed, pulling the covers over herself and nuzzling the pillow with a happy little moan. “Feels so good to be in my own bed again…” she muttered. She looked up to see Zecora wordlessly asking the most natural question in the world, and Twilight just giggled and nodded. Zecora beamed and climbed in behind her, hugging the alicorn firmly and pressing Twilight’s back against her chest and stomach. Another happy little moan escaped Twilight’s lips as she basked in the warmth of Zecora’s fur, the zebra’s chest rising and falling against her neck. The two of them faced the loft’s huge window, watching the snow swirl outside.

“How did the trip to Canterlot go, by the way?” Zecora asked softly with a nuzzle into Twilight’s mane. “I’ve seldom seen you so tired in the middle of the day.”

“It went fine, I guess,” Twilight sighed. “I shouldn’t have gone for two whole weeks, though. I thought that since I love going home so much for Hearth’s Warming, I’d love it even more if I stayed longer than usual, but…” She shook her head and nuzzled into her pillow. “I didn’t expect to want to come back here so badly after only a few days. I think… I think something deep inside finally started recognizing Ponyville as home, not Canterlot. I certainly didn’t last year, or the year before that.”

“The head is a stubborn thing, and has always been so. I think your heart accepted this town a long, long time ago,” Zecora said with a nuzzle, placing a hoof close to Twilight’s chest.

“I think you must be right,” Twilight hummed. “I love this place, and all the ponies in it, especially you. I guess part of me still refused to believe this was anything but a temporary assignment… even though I’ve been here for three years.”

Zecora let out a thoughtful little hum, the sort of hum she always made when something was bothering her. A little twinge of anxiety went through Twilight’s heart before the zebra actually asked, “I am glad you discovered so much about yourself, Twilight… but you did finally tell your parents about us, right?”

Twilight took a deep breath and shook her head. “No… I lost the nerve. I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “We’ve been dating for so long and I still can’t even tell my parents I’m with a mare.”

Zecora sighed as well, nuzzling Twilight’s mane more insistently. “My dear Twilight, of all your parent’s possible gripes, I am more afraid the biggest will be… well, my stripes.”

“I know,” Twilight said softly with a little shiver before cuddling closer to her marefriend’s warm body. “I know. And… I’m scared, too. My parents aren’t Canterlot nobility, so they aren’t as conservative or traditional, but they’re still Equestrian.” She closed her eyes and curled up a little. “I keep telling myself that I should expect it. It’d make sense culturally because much of our history has involved protecting this country from outside forces after we unified. It’d make sense biologically because we’re a prey species; herd instincts and distrust of difference is only natural for our evolutionary psychology. But that doesn’t really help my nerves… nor does it excuse their behavior, if it does turn out that way.”

“Please, my sweet, do not fret,” Zecora begged softly, holding her tighter still. “We do not even know yet.”

“But it’s unfair to keep you waiting like this,” Twilight muttered, ears flattening. “It’s unfair to both of us. Hay, I haven’t even told the girls yet. What kind of marefriend am I if I can’t admit what I’m feeling in public?”

“A mortal one, an earthly one, loving but heavily flawed,” Zecora said, “who still wants love from parents and friends, even if behind a façade. But it’s a desire that I can truly understand; few would want any less, here or in any other land.”

Muscles that Twilight didn’t even know were tense relaxed, but she shook her head all the same. “Thank you, but please… stop. I can only imagine how hard it’s been for you in this country full of ponies. I don’t want to detract from that. My problems are… trivial, compared to what you must have gone through.”

There was a bout of silence, the only sound between them their own breathing, neither daring to move. Time irrelevant passed before Zecora finally said, softly, meekly, “No matter how much that may be true, what matters most to me right now is you. Living here is harder on my kind, on that we can agree, but your happiness truly, deeply, means so much to me.” She gave Twilight’s neck a gentle little kiss before nuzzling back into her mane. “Your fear and doubt make me unhappy as well, so please, on my hardship or your advantage, do not dwell.”

“I…” Twilight sighed, a small smile finding its way on her muzzle. “Thank you… thank you so much. I know I can’t offer much in return, but if my parents have a problem with it… if anyone does… you can bet that I’ll be the first one to stand up for you, no matter what I might lose. Always.”

“That’s as much as I could hope for, and I’d never ask for anything more,” Zecora whispered softly, kissing into Twilight’s mane.

Silence came once again between them, though it settled over them instead of falling atop them. The only sounds were their gentle breathing, the muffled song of the white wind outside, the sound of their fur against the covers and each other as they shifted to get more comfortable, and the occasional little hum or squeak when there was a nip or rub between them. After what felt like a small little vacation in bliss, Twilight felt her eyes starting to truly droop.

“Spike’s been left waiting a while,” Twilight said, biting back a yawn. “He might already be asleep. Either way, make sure he gets in here in his basket, okay? We both need some proper sleep.”

“In a heartbeat, my sweet,” Zecora hummed, kissing her neck. She moved to climb out of bed, but Twilight cuddled closer.

“Not… not just yet, okay?” Twilight softly begged. “I missed your touch so much… just wait until I’m asleep.”

Zecora nuzzled the back of Twilight neck with a giggle and cuddled back in. “Whatever you decide, I will provide,” she whispered.

Twilight smiled and let out a little happy moan as she let her eyes finally close. Wrapped in the warm covers of her bed and pressed against the warmth of her lover, she felt sleep slowly start to take her. “I love you,” the alicorn mumbled as she drifted off.

Right before she faded away, she could’ve sworn she heard a short, sweet, uncomplicated, “I love you too.”

Comments ( 55 )

Thank you, Colin Baker! :pinkiehappy:

3699211 "Commenting on your own story makes you a rather egotistical author" XD

Nice to see someone knew who he was.

My prayers have been answered! An awesome, sweet Twicora fic. If only there was more. :applecry:

I comment to respond to my readers. I feel like it's worthwhile to socialize with them, let them know that I'm actually reading what they have to say. :twilightblush:

I'd gladly write more if I had more ideas! Right now, though, I really don't. When I do romance, I try to make every story (and every couple) very distinct from each other in plot points and character interaction/dynamics. :twilightsheepish: If you have any interesting ideas for these two, though, feel free to send them my way! :twilightsmile:

3699289 Oh I know, I do the same thing. What I said was a modified Sixth Doctor Quote. The actual quote was, "That was a lot of I's in that sentence, you sound like a rather egotistical young lady."

I really don't have any ideas at the moment either. I would have written this ship myself, but the rhyming is just so difficult for me. I just get a proper feel for it. But I have to admit, you pull it off better than me.

Twicora. Good stuff.

Never heard that one. Sorry. :twilightsheepish:

It's still a big challenge. :applejackconfused: And that's just the rhyming; it's even harder to make it to fit the mood of, well, most anything. Rhyming characters don't really go with a gloomy scene, y'know?

The best stuff!
...almost the best stuff! :pinkiehappy:

finerly a Twi x Zecora that isn't porn, i bin wanting to read that for so long X3

Very nice work. Fluffy story with just the right amount (and proper positioning) of sad. Can't really ask for more.
Plus, I do love rare pairings, and Zecora in particular should get more love, hint hint. (Sorry)

Yeah, I've never really seen them together outside of clop. Kinda sad, really. :ajsleepy: Glad I could give ya what you want! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! :twilightsmile: And yes, I'm a sucker for rare pairings too. Plan on starting a mutli-chapter DerpyShy story in a few days, actually! :pinkiehappy:

And yes yes, I'm fairly sure I remember that you still want to see more from my other Zecora story. :unsuresweetie: Haven't had much inspiration for it lately, though.

3699621 bin wanting it ever sines i stared reading fan flicks X3 so thanks :twilightsmile:

3699621 Well, nothing you can do about a lack of inspiration except wait and see if some appears.
Also, :yay: for DerpyShy! And multichapter? Christmas has come a bit late! Or very early!

are there going to be more? like Twi telling her friends and family, like having Zecora meats Twi's family to tell them there together?

Hope you like it when it comes out! :pinkiehappy:

Maybe in the future? But as it is, this is a one-shot, and one that isn't getting enough readers to warrant a high spot on my priority list. :twilightsheepish: Sorry.

3699817 ohhhhh shame, that's the that pop in my head one time part from Zecora is also pregnant and Night Light isn't all that happy about it but instead of him saying it, it's done in how he acts as he doesn't want to upset Twi.

That... could actually be really interesting. :twilightoops: It'd certainly be new territory, since I haven't really done a story where the pair is in the pregnancy stage... hm... I'll have to think about it. :duck: May use the pregnancy angle for a different couple, though.

3700023 i love to read that X3 i think pregnancy be best with Twi because of Shining Armor's reaction will be funny X3

This we very well done, mate.

Nice to see a TwiCora done right.

~Skeeter The Lurker

every story I see you at the comments list

Interesting story, what really caught my eye was the art, is too bad it's not sourced.

Well, give me a watch; even if I don't end up doing it, you might like my other work. :twilightsmile:

I certainly tried my best for this unloved couple! Glad you enjoyed. :pinkiehappy:

Ugh, sorry. Fixed. Well, I sourced the DA page of the artist, who I've written for in the past. Great artist and a really great person. :twilightsmile:

Loved this one, Twicora is a cool ship.

Stories that have just leap into an established relationship between two characters who aren't extremely close or preferably heading towards/already in one in canon always suffer in my opinion. The degree to which the lack of set-up hinders the story depends on the degree to which it centers on the relationship, so it had little effect on your Cadence and Luna talking fic but here one wonders how this happened.

3703424 i will as you seem friendly and I've read some of your other stories X3

3703424 Ah, good. I knew that was krypt's art, just wanted to make sure it got sourced. Also, I wonder if I've seen you in Krypt's streams at all, I go by RaindropSkies in those. :pinkiesmile:

Glad you enjoyed! :pinkiehappy:

Erm... why? :rainbowhuh: I know it's common in our culture for stories to only be about/involve a relationship starting or ending, but it is very possible to write about stuff that comes between that. I mean, if that's how your suspension of disbelief works, that's just how it works; I won't begrudge you that, and thanks for at least telling me why you dislike my story. But I have to wonder what in the world you're expecting about how a relationship would "happen" besides "both parties became mutually interested in each other and started dating." :unsuresweetie:

Hope to see you around on future stories, then! :pinkiehappy:

I don't normally go on streams and the like, no. A bit reserved when it comes to talking to crowds of strangers. :twilightsheepish: But I guess if I catch the next one, I'll try to hop on.

3704987 I'm shore you will as your a great story teller X3

god damned beautiful socrates.
as usual i find myself enamored with one of your stories. and still your zecora is awesome.

Um... thank you? I think? :rainbowderp:

Mraw, you're too kind! :twilightblush: So glad you enjoyed it, though! :pinkiehappy:

I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I think it just has to do with the more stuff being changed from canon as a background detail assumed to happen before the story starts rather than happening in a story the more it's difficult for me to invest in. It doesn't just apply to relationships, that's just the thing it's happening with here and one of the most common changes made in fanfiction.

It would be like reading a story and finding Spike moved out and bought a house off camera and going to visit his house is a major plot point but no one talks about why or when he did that, just "we're off to Spike's house" with no explanation.

It didn't bother me enough to thumb down, just enough to not actually mark it up or read very far into it.

EDIT: But I do agree that it's fine to have stories depicting characters in an already established relationship rather than focusing on how it starts. Just not when it's ones that have spoken perhaps a half dozen lines to each-other over several years and not only displayed no previous romantic interest but don't even seem particularly close. Well... Maybe a dozen lines as of Magic Duel.


I now ship her with Flash, Luna, Big Mac, and Zecora.

Oh hey look, someone who can write a good Zecora^^ Instantly makes this mushly little pile of happy feels twice as good^^

3709102 You forgot Fluttershy and RD^^ As for your question... i dont know either but I think it's the same reason why twilight gets ALL the OCs. Just look at Couragous Heart. Also, yay! I FINALLY found someone else who doesn't hate the ONE shipping with Twilight that has even a remote chance of ever becoming canon.:yay::yay::yay: And on that note I leave you with this little pic^^


3699289 You mentioned a feeling of lacking good plot points for a TwiCora fic, and I wonder why not use the ones you implied in this one? Equestria being a society built upon a herbivore herd mentality are more defensive against outsiders, and thus Zecora have a hard time fitting in despite the Mane 6's best efforts and wishes. Twi wants to tell her friends and family about her and Zecora's relationship (the establishing of which in itself not being the focus of the story, and thus left to the respective suspension of disbelief of the readers) and though they may enjoy Zecora as a friend and individual they may still feel a bit iffy about their friend/daughter/sister dating her, for age old traditions and scars in pony society if nothing else.

But to the matter at hoof, I liked this fic, and after my hopes for more TwiCora after your implications in "Starting on the Wrong Hoof" I was even more psyched and am even more happy it didn't disappoint.

Considering my reply on "In the Pale Moonlight" I feel obliged to give you some more well thought-out points on this one, yet... I can't. I feel more at home and comfortable with longer stories, what with there being more to reply to and reflect upon. What I can say about this one though is that it was really adorable, and I could see the unmentioned connection between Twi and Zecora well enough to not have to suspend my disbelief (though that could just be me). Despite not much happening the pacing was good, the characters didn't feel out of character, and it left me curious and wanting more which in itself must be a good thing, right? The only thing I really can complain about is the fact that... well, not much is happening. Yet that is only a matter as subjective as blaming a cat for not being like a dog, so I can't really hold it against you. 4/5, would fave again.

Thou art an odd egg. :rainbowhuh:

You... didn't even finish reading it? It's less than 3k. :applejackunsure: Look, whatever, it's your time and your preferences, go forth and do whatever ya want.

You ship FlashLight?! Heresy! :flutterrage: :derpytongue2:

Silliness aside, I think it's because Twi's just adorkable as all hell... though I usually don't focus on her in my work. :twilightsheepish: She gets enough attention in the show, and the realm of fanfiction is meant to explore what canon doesn't, in my opinion.

Glad you liked! :pinkiehappy: Zecora is certainly a challenge to write well. :twilightsheepish:

Hrm... fair enough point. I could certainly use those plot points, yes. Problem is, in all honestly, I just really don't feel like it. :ajsleepy: Normally, I'd write it anyway because it's what people want to see and there needs to be more TwiCora out there. But I've had a really rough year and rough holiday season, so I really need to just write what strikes my fancy at any given moment and try not to agonize over it to minimize my stress. I have enough unfinished multi-chapter fics as it is. :fluttershyouch: I'll be starting a DerpyShy multi-chapter fic soon though, if that suits your fancy.

That aside, really glad you liked and enjoyed this story. The wealth of feedback is always appreciated! :pinkiehappy: I really tried to make their chemistry stand out, mostly so that a lack of origin wouldn't matter so much. Glad that it worked for you, at least. :twilightsmile:

Yet that is only a matter as subjective as blaming a cat for not being like a dog, so I can't really hold it against you.

And this is pretty generous of you. :raritystarry: I mean, yes, I could have written out chapter upon chapter of origin for this couple, but that isn't what I wanted or needed to write. I needed something... well, like I said up above in the summary: sweet, sensual, and a little sad. Though, more importantly, short.

I may continue this in the future, though it'll be further down the line when things are going better for me. I guess I'll hope it meets your expectations when it does happen. :twilightsmile:

Okay, so I don't mean to sound picky, but I am picky when it comes to fics I like for certain ships. There are very few Zecora ship fics I like compared to everything else, partially stemming from the unfortunate lack of best zebra.

But this? Just rightfully earned its place among said very few.

I loved the execution. You managed to make this as sweet and loving as possible without reaching love poison levels. You did a wonderful job with the rhymes. It just. . . I love every single pixel of this story on my computer screen. I can't really say much more than that. Brava.

Yes well done wish it was a sires or a seaqule it seems like a nice fic and would love to see more of such things. ^_^

3710244 You ship FlashLight, too? *Is somehow daring to hope even though it seems like I'm the only one who even likes that ship* :raritystarry:

Indeed I did forget Flutters and Dashie :twilightblush: I also forgot Rarity. See, she's so shippable that I forgot some of the ponies I ship her with!

lol that pic totally fits me. :rainbowlaugh:

Um... wow, that's pretty high praise. :twilightoops: Thank you, and I'm glad you like it so much! Hope I don't disappoint when if/when I do Zecora in the future. :pinkiehappy:

Glad you like! :pinkiehappy: This will probably get continued... just not in the near future, though. :twilightsheepish:

Wellllll... not really. :twilightsheepish: I'm not a fan of Flash Sentry as a character or character concept to begin with. But I won't begrudge anyone who is a fan of the shipping. :unsuresweetie:

With this story, I must say, you very much please.
And have the feeling that, for you, rhymes are an ease.
I've never heard nor read of TwiCora before this day, :rainbowderp:
But your story is quite well done; that I simply must say.
Bravo to you! LDSocrates, :rainbowdetermined2:
For writing this fic with these fillies.
And making it ever so cute and adorable,:rainbowkiss:
Yet keeping the relationship quiet and simple.
I may keep an eye out for your other works;
Perhaps ask advice on relationship quirks.
For you have much skill writing, that I can tell.
Far more than I, for which I envy you as well.

I offer my like, fave and sincerest regards,
For you deserve no less, you clever little bard!


3711000 That she really is. Which is why she won't appear in my story even though I'd love to have her in it.

3712519 Well I dont really 'ship' it. I haven't watched Equestria Girls yet so I dont know much about his character, thus its hard to ship him with Twilight. But I don't really mind the ship either. It is, like I said, pretty much the only mlp ship to date with even a remote chance of ever becoming canon. Also, with a ship name like FlashLight how can you not like the ship? Hehehe^^

Indeed^^ Honestly, I have yet to see a character who CAN'T be shipped with her yet^^ Save maybe for her blood-related family. I've seen her with Luna, Celestia, Nightmare, Chrysalis, Cadance, Discord, Sombra, Octavia, Vinyl, AJ, Big Mac, Caramel.... The list goes on and on^^ Fluttershy may be officially the best pony but Teilight is definitely the most shippable pony^^ :twilightsmile:

Glad you liked it^^ That makes two of us then^^ It is very true for me too^^

You earned every single character of that praise. I loved this. I am often kinda disappointed in how authors handle her rhyming or character, but you did very well on both accounts in my mind.

And as for more Zecora. . . *gleefully waits* :pinkiecrazy:

So cute! I've put this story into my group Romance is Magic!

This was a lot better than I previously thought...

Aw, man! This is a oneshot! There should be a prequel, or a follow-up!

I... must say this is the first time I got what amounts to poetry in response to my work. :twilightoops: Bravo, and thank you so much! :raritystarry:

Thank you very much! :pinkiehappy: Not sure when or what I'd use Zecora in next, but here's hoping I don't disappoint!

Thank you, and glad you liked! :pinkiehappy:

Glad I could exceed expectation, then! :rainbowwild:

There might be one, in the future. Not anytime soon, though. :twilightsheepish:

This was the first TwiCora I'd ever read, and I'm glad I did. Given Twilight's interaction with Zecora in Magic Duel, I can buy the ship. Nicely done, sweet and believable.

TwiCora. Color me interested. Is there a group for this ship, where I might find more stories relating to it?

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