• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 1,638 Views, 54 Comments

FlutterMac Group Collab - ADRNEL

A collection of short FlutterMac prompt stories

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Serenade by Alex12

by Alex12

Applejack’s keen ears picked up the gentle strains of music wafting through her bedroom window. This was unfortunate, since it was the middle of the night and the cowpony had been sound asleep.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on? Who’s singin’?”

Getting out of bed (the warm, soft, cozy bed that even now beckoned to her), Applejack made her way to the window.

Unfortunately, it was too dark to identify the singer- all that was visible was a silhouette. While the voice sounded familiar, Applejack couldn’t be sure of her suspicions. The Earth pony sighed and made her way downstairs and outside, taking care not to wake her family.

Upon exiting the house, Applejack was able to identify the song as a popular love song. A suspicion began to grow in her mind as she approached the singer. This suspicion only increased when the cowpony got close enough to determine the singer’s identity.

“Fluttershy, what’re ya doin’?”

The figure squeaked and jumped in surprise before recovering her composure.

“Oh, um. Hi, Applejack. Um, fancy seeing you here?” The last sentence was more of a question, as if acknowledging how pathetic an attempt it was at deflecting inquiries.

“Fluttershy, why are ya here, on mah farm, in the middle of th’ night, singin’ love songs?”

The Pegasus mare blushed deeply, hoping desperately that it was too dark for her friend to see. It was not.

“I, um, I got the idea from a book. Rarity loaned it to me.”

Applejack sighed.

“Okay, Fluttershy, jest a few things. First off, it’s the middle of the night, when most ponies are sound asleep. Second of all, yer one of mah best friends, an’ Ah love ya like a sister, but mah barn door don’t swing that way.”

Fluttershy’s expression rapidly shifted from one of confusion through comprehension, and then to shock.

“Oh, nonono, it’s not like that!”

The apple farmer raised an eyebrow.

“Yer singin’ love songs ‘neath mah window, an’ now yer tellin’ me it ain’t like that? Ah ain’t gonna judge ya, Fluttershy.”

“No, it’s really not like that! I thought that was your brother’s window!”

Author's Note:

Have some FlutterMac with a side of teased FlutterJack.
