• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,473 Views, 241 Comments

Apples, Bat Ponies, and Secrets - Random_User

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself.

  • ...

Deepening Relationships

Chapter 6: Deepening Relationships

As Horizon quietly stepped off the bottom stair, Fox lit a lantern.

“Sorry, Fox, did I wake you up?”

“Where in the Tartarus have you been?!” Fox put the lantern on the lid of his storage chest. “You snuck out; you didn’t show up for breakfast, you didn’t even leave a note for me or the Apples!” Fox walked up to Horizon and poked him in the chest. “I don’t know what kind of stunt you pulled, but it must have been something magnificent. Luna came here late last night, told McIntosh that you would be back at noon, and then flew off without saying another word about you. To top it all off you’re out of uniform and it’s nearly midday.” Fox pointed towards the table. “Sit down and start talking!”

Horizon took his seat. “First, I didn’t sneak out; I was teleported to Fluttershy’s by Luna. Second, I was asleep at the time so I didn’t have an opportunity to leave a note. Third, you know Luna loves being dramatic so I’m sure she was vague on purpose.”

Fox blinked a couple of times. “You lost me at the Luna teleported me to Fluttershy’s part.”

“Luna found out about Fluttershy being the creature by looking in on my dreams yesterday when I was taking my nap. She zapped me to Fluttershy’s last night so she could talk to the two of us together.”

“How long are you going to be in the clink for?” Horizon took his own seat. “I’ll visit when I can.”

“If Fluttershy can get control of her transformation and tells the others about her secret in one week I won’t face any kind of discipline at all.”

“That’s a lot better than I was expecting. I would have thought she’d been furious.”

“I thought she would have had my tail too. Evidently, she has a soft spot for ponies in love. If Fluttershy pulls it off neither of us is going to get into trouble.”

Fox winced. “That’s got to be putting a lot of pressure on Fluttershy.”

“It is.” Horizon put his chin down on the table. “She spent what was left of last night trying to get better control of her transformations. I did what I could to help her, but I feel so helpless right now. I can’t really do anything besides cheer her on and keep her focused so she gets the most out of each attempt.”

“If that’s the best you can do, then that’s what you do.” Fox patted Horizon on the shoulder. “Don’t get down on yourself. She’s not the only one that needs to focus right now.”

“You’re right; I’ve got to do all that I can to help her.” Horizon closed his eyes and went completely still.

After a couple of minutes, Fox shook Horizon. “Are you all right in there?”

“I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to be able to help Fluttershy practice. That’s going to be really tricky to pull off without giving something away.”

“Ah, that’s what you were thinking about.”

Horizon put his hooves to his temples and slowly rubbed them. “Yes, but I can only see how things could go wrong! No matter if I go there, she comes here, or we try to sneak off to a different spot all together there is too much of a risk that we’ll be caught.”

Fox smiled. “Ever the pessimist, you just need a smokescreen.”

“I thought of that too, but there is one major problem with that plan.”

“That would happen to be?”

“Applejack, the Element of Honesty herself is the problem.”

“What about her?”

“Nopony can lie to her. You can’t even give her a half-truth. She can tell somehow.”

“Then don’t lie. Find legitimate reasons for you to be with Fluttershy, or for her to come here during the evenings, and you’re set.”

“You’re right. I’ll think of something while working in the orchard.” Horizon raised his head from the table. “I’m a horrible friend. I didn’t even ask about your date. How did it go?”

“Don’t worry about it; I didn’t really give you a chance to. The dinner went well, all things considered.” Fox gestured towards Horizon’s side of the cellar. “You need to start getting into uniform or you’re going to be late.”

Horizon made his way to the chest at the foot of his bed, opened it, and began pulling on his armor. “Who was your date, by the way?”

“It was Cheerilee, the town’s teacher.”

“McIntosh’s ex?”

Fox nodded.

“He either really likes you or wants to get even with her for breaking up with him.”

“Hardy, har, har.”

“Are you thinking about seeing if she would like another date?”

“Not really. She’s nice, but she’s not somepony I would like as a marefriend. She is completely into teaching. It’s all she would talk about. There just isn’t any common ground between us to start a real relationship.”

Horizon grinned mischievously at Fox. “At least it wasn’t as bad as that mare that asked you to show her your fangs.”

“You’re never going to let me live that down,” Fox groaned.

“You could have gotten some fake ones. She might have had a fantasy that you could have fulfilled.”

“No thanks, I’m not into role playing.”

“You never know. You could really…”

“Don’t, just don’t.” Fox crossed his forelegs, slumped forward, and put them on the table sullenly. “I know you’re trying to help cheer me up, but stop.”

“I didn’t mean to…”

“I know you didn’t.” Fox looked down and made small circles on the top of the table with a hoof. “Let’s face it; there aren’t too many mares that would be interested in a stallion who studies bats. Not to mention the fact that he’s in the Lunar Guard and doesn’t have a lot personal time to share with her.”

Horizon started to say something, but stopped and closed his mouth.

A small, self-depreciating smile came to Fox’s face. “Yes, if there was one mare that could like me for being me there may be more, but we both know how that turned out.” Fox slapped his hoof against the tabletop, sat back up, and put on a smile. “Enough moping for both of us, you need to get out in the orchard. I, on the other hoof, am going back to bed.”


Horizon looked down the line of apple trees. “I think that’s the last one on this row.”

McIntosh loaded the last basket of apples into his cart. “Eeyup, this should be enough for today.”

Horizon and McIntosh hitched themselves to their respective carts and started back towards the barn.

The larger stallion turned his head towards Horizon. “If you don’t mind me askin’, where did you stay last night?”

“I was at Fluttershy’s.”

McIntosh raised an eyebrow and swapped the sprig he had been chewing to the other side of his mouth.

“It wasn’t anything like that, I slept on the couch. She and Luna were discussing things about the creature and planning when we should stop looking for it. Luna wanted me there while they talked so that I would know what was going on. She teleported me to Fluttershy’s while I was sleeping.”

“What about Fox?”

“She knew Fox was out on patrol and probably didn’t want to interrupt. I was asleep too, which must have made me easier to reach with her magic since I wasn’t moving around.”

McIntosh chuckled. “I don’t think you bein’ still would make that much difference to her.”

“You’re probably right. I could have been in full flight and she probably would have gotten me.”

The pair of stallions pulled their carts into the barn and began unloading the afternoon’s harvest.

“Here they are,” Applejack said. “I thought they would be finishing up right about now.” She led Fluttershy and Zecora into the barn. “You two fellas need any help?”

“We got it, Sis.”

Zecora nodded to Horizon. “Hello again my friend. I was hoping to see you before the day’s end.”

Horizon nodded back amiably. “It’s good to see you again too.”

“Hello, Zecora, I’ve haven’t seen you in a while,” McIntosh said. “What brought you our direction?”

“Word of your bats has come to me. What brought me was my curiosity.”

“You want to see the bats?”

“I have seen creatures great and small, but I have never seen vampire bats at all.”

Horizon put away the last of his now empty baskets. “Do you want to just see them, or would you like to know more about them too?”

“Knowledge is something I never spurn. If somepony is willing to teach, I am willing to learn.”

“I don’t know much about them, but my friend is an expert in bats of all kinds. I’ll go get him.”

Fluttershy said, “Isn’t it a little early for you to be getting Fox up?”

“I think he’ll be fine with it, especially after we tell him why we’re getting him up. If there is one thing he loves, it’s talking about bats to somepony who will listen.”

“I’ll get Fox,” McIntosh said. “You stay here.”

Applejack shook her head as she watched McIntosh walk out of the barn. “This could take a bit. Mac’s been wantin’ to talk to Fox about the date.”

Zecora looked at Horizon. “Why is there a pony still abed this late? What is this about a date?”

Horizon said, “Fox hasn’t switched to sleeping during the night like I have. As for the date, perhaps he should be the one to talk about it.”

“I take it that things did not go well, if the story you refuse to tell.”

“It was just a blind date that fell flat.”

“Would y’all like to come to the house?” said Applejack. “Supper should be ready before too long.”

“Who are you talkin’ to, Sis?” Apple Bloom stuck her head around the barn door’s frame. “Zecora!” Apple Bloom raced into the barn and hugged the zebra. “I didn’t know you were coming to dinner!”

Zecora returned the hug. “I did not know that we were going to eat, or else I would have brought a treat.”

“Apple Bloom’s been asking to see you. She and Twilight have been workin’ on her potion makin’ and she’s wanted to show you how much she has improved.” Applejack patted Apple Bloom on the head. “I have to admit, she’s gettin’ right good at it.”

“I can make plants grow now!” Apple Bloom jumped up and down. “Can I show you later, please?!”

“Not tonight my young friend, there is a matter to which I must attend.”

Apple Bloom’s head fell, her ears folded back, her tail drooped, and her ribbon seemed to wilt. “Aw.”

“I will come and visit soon. I wish to see what you can make bloom.”

Apple Bloom’s typical energy instantly returned. “How about tomorrow, could you come then?! I can have everythin’ set up and ready to go too!”

“Apple Bloom, you’ve got school tomorrow,” said Applejack.

“You can’t skip school; you could get into trouble,” Fox added, as he and McIntosh entered the barn. “Remember that Horizon and I are here on official duty. We would have to report you.”

“But mixin’ potions would be educational! That has to count for somethin’! Granny could write Miss Cheerilee a note tellin’ her what I was doin’.”

Fox made a show of rubbing his chin in thought. “Tomorrow’s the last day of school for this week right?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “What’s that got to do with anythin’?”

“If you go to school tomorrow, I’ll see if you and your friends can’t help Rainbow and me with the patrol in the next couple of nights.”

“Really?!” Apple Bloom spun to Applejack and McIntosh. “Could we, please?! We might get our cutie marks!”

Applejack looked at McIntosh questioningly.

He shrugged.

“Some help you are.” Applejack turned back to Apple Bloom. “We’ll have to go talk to Granny and hear what she has to say about it.”

Apple Bloom bounced up and down. “Thank you so much!”

Applejack led her sister out of the barn. “Nothin’ is settled yet. We still have to get Sweetie Belle’s and Scootaloo’s parents to agree.”

Zecora chuckled as she watched the two go. “From her and her friends you will not receive much aid, but that gambit was well played.”

Fox turned to Zecora. He paused for a moment, a surprised and intrigued look passed over his face, before saying, “Thank you miss…”

“Zecora,” Horizon said, stepping closer to his fellow guard. “She is the herbalist that helped the Elements out of a couple scrapes.”

“It’s a pleasure and an honor.” Fox bowed to her. “Applejack and the other Elements have told me a lot about you.”

Horizon whispered out of the side of his mouth to Fox, “What are you doing?”

Fox raised his head back up and acted as if he had not heard. “Is it true that you live in the Everfree Forest?”

“That I live in the forest is true, though that should not impress you.”

“I’ve been in the Everfree Forest on patrols and spent some time in there during training. I know what lives in there. If you haven’t been eaten, poisoned, or turned to stone, that’s impressive.”

An amused smile came to Zecora’s lips. “My home is not a place of danger and gloom. You merely have to give the creatures and dangerous plants some room.”

McIntosh started to shake with silent laughter. Out of view of both Zecora and Fox, he silently mouthed to Horizon, “Looks like I set him up with the wrong gal.”

Horizon quickly nodded.

“What are you two talking about?” Fox said.

“McIntosh was just reminding me what dinner will be ready soon and we don’t want to be late,” Horizon replied.

McIntosh put the last of the tools away. “You two go on and tell Applejack and Granny we’ll be right there."

Fox gestured to towards the house with a hoof. “After you.”

“A stallion so courteous and kind, such a thing is hard to find.” As she walked out of the barn, Fox followed.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Horizon said, “His words were neither courteous nor kind; he just wanted a look at your behind.”

“Horizon!” Fluttershy covered her mouth with a hoof and giggled.

McIntosh nodded. “I think she knew it too. He could be getting an earful later.”

“I just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid that ends up getting him turned into parasprite.” Horizon tipped his helmet back and rubbed his forehead with a hoof. “I’d never be able to explain that to Luna.”


As they walked through the grove, Horizon’s ears swiveled in every direction. “I don’t think anypony’s following us.”

“Nopony will. Zecora is going to keep everypony at the house till she and Fox come for their shift later.”

“You’re idea to bring her here was perfect. I was trying to think of a way that I could sneak off and help you. Now nopony will think twice about us being together.”

“It was Zecora’s idea. We were talking about the various bats in the sanctuary and she asked if I thought the Apples would mind her coming to see them. The plan came together from there. I was hoping we could get here a little earlier, but we had to stop by Rarity’s to tell her about Zecora wanting to see the bats and ask if I could take her place tonight.”

He gave Fluttershy a concerned look. “You sound tired. I didn’t want to say anything in front of the Apples, but you look like you’ve been doing drills with the Royal Guard.”

“I went to the Everfree Forest and I practiced changing with Zecora all afternoon. The only break I’ve had is when we were coming here.” She leaned against him as they walked. “I’ve improved, but I still have a lot more work to do.”

“I’ll help as much as I can.” He softly nuzzled her ear. “But I don’t want you straining yourself. If you need to stop, stop. You have to be able to take care of yourself and your animals. You can’t do that if you’re exhausted.”

“I have to keep pushing.” She smiled up at him. “I improved my flying enough in a couple of days to help Rainbow with the water transfer; I can do this to keep you out of trouble.”

Horizon stepped in front of her and put his hooves on her shoulders. “Fluttershy, if things don’t work out I’m more than ready to be punished. I would face anything rather than see you hurt.”

She glowed faintly for a moment as she shifted to her bat form. “It’s a lot easier to do when you’re around. You help me focus.” She trembled.

“You need to rest.”

She shifted her form back. At the end of the change, she was gasping from the effort.

“If you don’t rest you can’t train properly. Ask your friend Rainbow Dash. I’m sure she’ll back me up.”

She shook her head, freeing her mouth from his hoof. “I have to practice! Zecora took most of a day out of her schedule for me! You could get into trouble! I could lose my ability to change!” Fluttershy began to sway slightly. “Luna is giving me this one chance! I can’t…”

Horizon caught her as she started to fall. He quickly brushed her mane back from her face. “Fluttershy?!”

“I guess I am more tired than I thought.”

He took one of her hooves and guided her to the base of one of the nearby trees. “Lie down with me and rest for a little bit, please.”

She slowly lowered herself to the ground. “You have to promise to wake me up so I can practice.”

He curled himself around her and draped a wing around her protectively. “I promise.”

She leaned against him and was asleep in a few seconds.

He put his head down next to hers and silently kept watch.


“I don’t see them at all.” Fox looked up and down the rows. “I knew they were planning to keep a low profile, but I didn’t expect them to vanish.”

“Is that armor I see, near the roots of that tree?” Zecora pointed towards a shape near one of trees. “There is something there. It may be our missing pair.”

Horizon lifted his head from the ground. For a second, as he turned towards them, his green eyes glowed in the moonlight.

Zecora’s hoof steps faltered for a moment. “That was not something I expected to see, light reflected from the eyes of a pony.”

“We bat ponies are full of surprises.” Fox looked over Fluttershy. “Is she all right?”

Horizon carefully withdrew his wing from around his ward. “She’s exhausted. I made her lie down for a while. She about passed out on me at one point.”

Fluttershy stirred. “Horizon, is everything alright?”

“Everything is fine. Fox and Zecora are here.”

“Fox and Zecora?!” Fluttershy said, sitting up so quickly she nearly hit her head on Horizon’s chin. “I was asleep that long?!”

Zecora motioned for her to stay down. “He was right to make your rest. Without sleep, you cannot do your best. The change pulls a lot of magic from you, something that your body is not used to.”

“But I only have a few days!” Fluttershy said.

Fox asked Zecora, “Is there something that you could give her to keep her awake?”

“She should not drink such a brew. It would be a dangerous thing to do.”

“Fluttershy, you still have plenty of time, calm down,” said Horizon.

Fluttershy tucked her hooves under herself. “You’re depending on me, I can’t…”

Horizon drew her close, keeping her from leaving the ground. “Fluttershy, please don’t wreck yourself over me.”

She relaxed into his embrace as he stroked down her shoulders and back. “Let me rest a bit more and I’ll try to change a couple of more times.”

“Will you stop after that? You’ve got me worried.” Horizon put his head on hers and she tucked her chin against his chest. “Promise me you’ll rest after that.”

“I will. I Pinkie promise.”

Zecora nudged Fox. “We should go elsewhere. This is not a time for us to stand and stare.”

Fox hesitated a moment, still looking at the couple on the ground, before following Zecora deeper into the trees.


Fox and Zecora spent the next couple of hours roaming the grove. As they walked, Fox would point out different bats and tell her about their various characteristics and behaviors.

“I don’t know what it is about this orchard. There are three species of vampire bats, four kinds of fruit bats, and I’ve even seen a couple of the local short-tailed bats here. You just don’t see this kind of mixture out in the wild.”

“This grove seems to attract bats of every kind. Even you and your friend came here to unwind. Of such a thing I have not heard, but with magic almost nothing is absurd.”

“You mean it might be a byproduct of the Apples’ earth pony magic interacting with the trees? As much effort as they put into the farm that very well could be it.” Fox’s ears snapped up. He turned to Zecora and grinned sheepishly. “Now I get it. You meant that as a joke. Sorry, I’m a bit slow tonight.”

“I do not think so. You have been quite sharp in telling what you know.”

His ears slowly folded back. “Thank you, but I must be boring you out of your mind.”

“These kinds of bats I do not see under the branches of the Everfree. I want to understand them as well as view. To do that I must learn what you already knew.”

“You like to know about things of all kinds don’t you?”

“Whether beasts, plants, or grains of sand. There is nothing I do not want to understand.” She stopped and looked at him. “Why did you hesitate to leave back there? I noticed your eyes lingering on the pair.”

After taking a couple of more steps, he stopped as well. “Now you’re trying to understand me too?”

“It just surprised me; I thought I saw a touch of jealously.”

“You don’t miss much.”

“When you live in the Everfree your life depends on what you see.”

Fox looked down at the grass at his hooves. “I’ll admit, seeing the two of them together did stir up some emotions I’d rather not feel.”

“Is it due to the failed date? Are you worried you face a lonely fate?”

“I’m fine with how the date turned out. In fact, I was expecting things to go much worse than what they did.” He sighed and looked in the direction where they had left Horizon and Fluttershy. “I don’t want to be rude, but I just met you and it would be very awkward to talk about it.”

She stepped in front of him, barring him from looking back. “Talking about things calms the mind. I have a good ear, or so you will find.”

“You’re not going to let this go are you?”

“My calling is to help and heal; if I do not assist it would bother me a great deal.”

“You don’t have to worry about me. It’s an old wound that I should be over by now.”

Zecora gave him a sympathetic look. “It sounds like a matter of a broken heart. Was there an event that tore you and a lover apart?”

“Not quite that dramatic, but you’re close.” Fox reached up and tapped the insignia of the Lunar Guards emblazoned on his chest piece. “I was told by somepony special that I had to choose between her or following a lifelong dream.”

“Either she did not mean that much to you or she was not the pony you thought you knew.”

“It was the first real test of our relationship and she didn’t handle it well. I can’t even begin to tell you about all the little barbs she said and the passive aggressive stunts she pulled. I thought I could look past it and we would work things out. Instead, we just ended up fighting a lot. When the day came that I had to choose, I thought about it for hours.” He took a shuddering breath before saying, “You can see what I chose.”

“You were wise to let her go. She would not have allowed you to fully grow.”

Fox stood silent for a minute and then slowly nodded. “You’re right, but it still stings. What was eating me when I looked at Horizon and Fluttershy was the idea that I had that and I might never have it again.”

Zecora cocked her head to the side. “I don’t understand. A stallion like you should be in demand.”

“You’re very kind, but there is something that I have learned through a lot of trial and error. Being an expert in bats is not the most desirable profession for a coltfriend to have with most mares.”

“I understand your plight. To be judged for your passion is not right. Most stallions will not look at me once they learn my trade is alchemy.”

“Why in the world would a stallion not look at you?! You’re brave, you’re smart, you’re-” Fox bit his bottom lip.

Zecora laughed at him kindly. “Finish what you were going to say, it has been a while since anypony looked at me that way.”

“I think I better keep my thoughts to myself on this one.”

“You find me attractive, this I already know. You let me go first so you could get a show.”

He blushed. “I was trying to be polite, but I’ll admit I did look.”

“I thought I felt your eyes lingering, so I gave my step a little extra spring.”

“And here I thought it was just wishful thinking on my part.” He shook his head sharply. “As much as I appreciate you helping me and have enjoyed this evening, this is going to be a one-time thing. I have to go back to Canterlot soon and I’m going to be signing up for another tour. I probably won’t be back.”

She put a hoof to his chest, covering the Lunar Guard insignia. “There is more to your life than being a guard, taking time to visit a friend cannot be that hard.”

He looked away from her. “I would have no problem being your friend at all, but I’m realistic. Friendships take time to forge and we don’t have that time.”

“Turn your head this way; I want you to hear what I have to say.” She lowered her hoof as he looked towards her. “Friendships indeed take time to grow, but you will not know a harvest unless you sow.”

“Honestly I’m a bit afraid of what could happen. You’re the kind of mare I like, witty, caring, and strong. I don’t want to start a friendship when I’d be gone most of the time and that I would ruin by starting to want more.”

“If for me you began to yearn I would not see it as an ill turn.”

“Why you would want to have anything to do with a pony like me on that kind of level?”

“Your friend spoke of both your intelligence and loyalty. When we met, your first words to me were not mere flattery. Such things speak of a good soul, if I could not see that I would truly be a foal.” She gave him an impish grin. “I also like that you do not mind that I have stripes on my behind.”

“They’re actually quite eye catching, in my opinion.”

“So then let us agree that you will visit me in the Everfree. There are bats and animals that I can show and we can see where our path could go.”

“Alright, I promise, I’ll come and visit. I just don’t know when I will be able to get back.”

“Till then we can still correspond. Then it would not matter if you were here or far beyond.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“We should go check on those two. I hope Fluttershy did not over do.”

“She’ll be fine. Horizon is pretty good at taking care of ponies when they are not at their best.”

She took a couple of steps and then looked over her shoulder. “Would you like me to lead the way or have you had enough of watching my hips sway?”

He swallowed and held his hooves up. “I don’t think I’ll say anything at all. That is one of those questions that no matter how I answer I’ll end up in hot water.”

“That is quite astute of you; I was hoping you would say something so I could make you stew.”

“I’m going to never live down the fact that I looked at your tail am I?”

“I just might forget your act, if with me you will make a pact.”

“Okay, just what do you want me to promise?”

“When you show up at my door, you should not be wearing armor.”

“Whoa! That’s taking things past the friendship stage rather fast!”

Zecora rolled her eyes. “I just want to examine your physiology; I promise there will be nothing naughty.”

“Why do you want to look me over? I know you’ve seen Horizon out of his armor. He told me you ordered him to take it off when he was at your place.”

“That is quite true, but I want to closely look at you. With Horizon, I had to let the opportunity pass by due to the presence of Fluttershy. Since you took a look at me, it is only fair you are the one that I study.”

“I can’t really argue with that.”


Horizon looked down and tossed Fluttershy an apple. “Here’s another one.”

There was a soft crunching noise, followed by a soft sipping sound, as Fluttershy bit into and drained the apple of its juice. When she was done, she demurely wiped her mouth clean with a hoof.

“That was amazing, as a stallion I found it a bit intimidating, but amazing none the less!” Fox looked down at the pile of shriveled apples by Fluttershy’s side. “By Luna’s starry tail, how many apples has she eaten?!”

“That would be a half dozen,” Horizon said, as he tossed another apple to Fluttershy. “This one will make it seven.”

Fluttershy eagerly bit into the apple and drained it.

Zecora picked up one of the drained fruits and looked it over. “These should not be left lying around. There could be trouble if they are found.”

Fox picked one of the remains up and looked it over. His eyes paused on the two puncture marks left by Fluttershy’s fangs. “Applejack has us collect apples drained by the regular vampire bats and spread them around the orchard. She says that they break down well and help the other apple trees grow.”

“I will take them with me when I go. They can help my garden grow.” She looked over Fluttershy. “You are looking well. You are not nearly as pale.”

“Horizon suggested that I eat some of the apples after I changed. It really helped.”

Fox looked up at Horizon. “I wouldn’t have thought of that.”

“I saw one of the vampire bats eating an apple and got the idea.” Horizon landed beside Fluttershy. “After she ate a couple of the apples, she was able to change without quite as much stress.”

“So she’s apple powered? That will make the Apples happy to hear. They’ll know that they’ll always have at least one customer.”

“I hate to end this pleasant evening, but it time that we should be leaving.” Zecora started to gather the desiccated apples, but Fox stopped her by putting a hoof over hers.

“Allow me.” Fox folded a wing against his side so that it acted like a carrying bag and put the apples in it. “Horizon, you make sure Fluttershy gets home safe. I’ll escort Zecora back to her place.”

“I can make it home fine without help. I am not some young whelp.”

Fox grinned. “I know that, but I’ve got the apples.”

Zecora narrowed her eyes, but still had a slight smile. “You are skilled in such tricks. It makes me questions your sense of ethics.”

Fox put a hoof to his chest. “I’m wounded. I offer to carry a mare’s things and she acts as if I’m some kind of rogue.”

Zecora and Fox started towards the Everfree Forest side by side.

“Is he really interested in her, or is he just being nice?”

“We’ll have to see. I was surprised that he was interested in a date at all. He’s he told me he was not planning on “get emotionally entangled” while he was still in the guard. Of course, that was after a couple of dates he had gone badly.”

“Maybe he just needed to find the right mare?”

“I hope he has. I know how much finding the right mare has meant to me.”

Fluttershy blushed and ducked her head. “We better get going too. The sun is going to be up before too long and you need to get some rest too.”

“I’ll be fine. Compared to Tartarus week with the Lunar Guard, the next couple of days won’t be a problem.” He looked up at the stars. “Can I ask you a favor?”

“Of course you can.”

“Will you fly back with me?”

“Sure, just let me change.” She closed her eyes and bowed her head a little.

“Please don’t.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him questioningly. “Somepony might see us.”

“I doubt it. It’s nearly dawn, nopony is awake, and there aren’t are any houses between here and your place. If you’re really not comfortable with it you don’t have to, but we’ve never flown together with you as a bat pony before and…”

“We might not have another chance,” she finished for him.

He nodded.

“I’ll fly with you.”

They took off and headed towards Fluttershy’s cabin.

“You don’t have to take it slow. I’m a much stronger flier in this form.”

Horizon glanced over to her. “I know that we need to get back without being seen, but I want to enjoy this too.”

“Then let’s enjoy it.” Fluttershy pumped her wings. As she flew past, she gave him a challenging look.

Horizon laughed and gave pursuit. They flew in random patterns, sometimes Horizon chased Fluttershy, other times their roles would reverse, and Fluttershy would do her best to keep up with Horizon’s professionally trained maneuvers. As dawn began to break, the two happily tired fliers landed side by side in front of her home.

“Thank you so much for flying with me. That was more wonderful that I can even describe.”

“I’ve never been able to fly with anypony like that before.” Fluttershy’s form shifted back as the sun’s light touched her. A couple of tears rolled down her cheek. “I may never be able to fly like that again. I’m glad I got to do it with you.”

He kissed her and her wings snapped open in shock. He drew back just far enough to say, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She closed the slight gap between them and kissed him in return.

Author's Note:

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