• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 4,385 Views, 118 Comments

Fast, But Not Too Much - TheHooligan

A pony and a dragon united by a shared appreciation for music. Spike and Octavia

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:

“Apology accepted... and it’s a d-date.”

It felt like it had only been yesterday since the flustered musician had found herself completely blindsided by a date proposal brought on by young dragon’s misunderstanding, and her own less than ladylike behavior. No wait it had been a sincere attempt at an unnecessary apology coupled with a request to have a ‘do over’ in regards to her friend taking her somewhere to eat. It had been Octavia’s own personal misinterpretation, and an unintentional use of her words that turned what was probably just a friendly gesture into something more ...complicated.

If the calendar on her small fridge was to be trusted, then that whole mess had taken place a week ago.

Eyes widening at the realization that she had an important place to be, as well as an important person to meet up with the less than chatty mare scarcely had time to lock up her apartment as she flied out the door. Galloping down the street at the kind of pace that didn’t suit her usual dignified demeanor it struck Octavia how odd it was that the ‘incident’ felt like it had only occurred a day ago, and yet an entire week had passed in a kind of blur.

Had she just been so anxious that the musician failed to pay attention to the rest of her week? Was she looking forward to this ‘date’ to such a degree or had she been dreading it so highly that the universe felt it humorous to fast-forward the last seven days? Questions like these wrestled about within the mare’s mind while at the same time a multitude of emotions bubbled just beneath the surface of what she hoped was still a neutral expression.

“Octavia! Get it together, it’s only a friendly outing to an eatery with an associate ...that happens to play music just like you..and just happens to be kind of handsome.” Slowing her run down to a more reserved trot; Octavia allowed herself to take in a deep mind clearing breath of fresh air, and gently exhale as she continued to make way toward her destination. All seemed to be back in relative order now that the grey furred mare had slowed her proverbial roll ...well until she opened her mulberry eyes.

Plastered on the window of a somewhat ritzy beauty product store was an ad poster that Octavia was quite sure hadn’t been there the day before: Planning to woo yourself a scaled hunk of dragon meat? Make sure to buy a vial of ‘treasure’, this gem based fragrance will make him want to hoard you all to himself. The timing was uncanny.

“ .....maybe it wouldn’t hurt to...” Shaking her head Octavia was quick to pass the store before the coincidence became too much to resist. Taking a sharp turn down the block Octavia found herself nearly bowling over a familiar face in the form of her old classmate. Before Octavia could utter forth a sincere apology the aquamarine mare looked up at her and her small frown turned into a large grin.

“Octavia! Wow fancy running into you here.” Though the two mares rarely saw one another due in part to living in different places these days the old classmates could honestly say that they had a bit of a rapport between them.

“Good evening Lyra how hav-”

“Sooo... is it true?” Excitable as Octavia vividly remembered Lyra didn’t seem to notice that she had interrupted the grey furred mare with her question. An incredibly vague question Octavia was quick to notice.

“Is what true?” Though the musician had somewhere she had to be being rude to an old friend wasn’t on her to do list; plus the somewhat mischievous knowing grin that was creeping onto Lyra’s face was a little too ominous to ignore.

“Oh c’mon Tavi you don’t have to play dumb with me. I heard a certain mare has been painting Canterlot red alongside one particularly musically talented drake.”

“.....!” Though only a small *meep* had escaped past the somewhat speechless Octavia the stunned look on her face only seemed to further amuse the lyre playing unicorn in front of her.

“You know you’ll have to tell me all the juicy details Tavi. Didn’t imagine you’d be the… Hey! where ya goin?”

Face turning a deep red from Lyra’s accusation Octavia’s mindset had jumped from being polite to ‘I gotta get out of here ASAP’. As the cello playing mare passed her surprised friend Octavia could clearly hear Lyra let out a small giggle.

“Ohhh I get it! Ok Tavi don’t let me keep ya from your date.”

The now rushing mare would have turned around to loudly ask how Lyra knew about Octavia’s ‘date’ with Spike if she wasn’t now so intent on reaching the music hall. Now back to a rushed gallop Octavia quickly put a block between her and where she bumped into her old friend, made a right turn, and just another block away she could see her home away from home. The only thing laying between the cellist and Canterlot Music Hall was the elderly face of yet another pony Octavia knew.

Midway between where Octavia stood and the music hall that she desperately wished to reach stood a toffee colored pegasus with a chocolate mane, and a bag full of flowers of differing nature. Common name Abigail Sweethooves by most but to friends the elder mare preferred to just go by ‘Abby’, she was actually a neighbor of Octavia’s back at her shared apartment, and one of the nicest ponies you’d probably meet this side of Canterlot.

Squinting at the approaching pony-shaped blur through her thick glasses Abigail waved a hoof toward Octavia once the mare’s signature color scheme sparked a flame of familiarity. “Octavia is that you dearie?”

Slowing her pace to a slow walk out of respect for the kind mare hailing her, Octavia offered a small smile as she neared the brown coated pegasus. “Hello there miss Sweethooves nice seeing you today.”

“Wish I could say the same dearie, these confounded glasses must be broke.” Raising a wing to open her bag of flowers Abigail pulled out a tulip to chew on before fixing another knowing smile to the now rushed looking musician. “Oh but don’t let an old mare slow ya down, you look like you have somewhere to be. And remember what I said last time we had tea, you’re certainly allowed to call me Abby. Miss Sweethooves makes me feel old.” Giggling at herself the old mare scooted a little to the side, and motioned for Octavia to pass her.

As she passed by Abigail the now on the move again earth pony flashed a grateful smile in the pegasus’s direction glad to have nearly reached her goal.

“It does an old gal’s heart good to finally see you settling down. Had a bet going with that roommate of yours and mister Harriman about whether you’d ever find yourself a nice colt.” Feeling the joints in her wings ache a tiny bit Abigail flapped them a few times before continuing on her way; completely oblivious to the now stock still mare behind her.

“What the hay is going on around here?!” Feeling thoroughly weirded out Octavia ran as fast as her hooves could carry her the rest of the way to the music hall, past it’s large doors, down the hallway, and finally to the door that led to where she and Spike often played together. As she placed a hoof onto the final barrier between her sanctuary and herself the sound of piano keys singing drifted into her ears.

‘Bum dum bum dum dum. Bum dum bum dum bum dum.’

Somewhat alarmed Octavia pushed open the door to set her sights on a particular drake playing away at the piano in the middle of the stage.

‘Bum dum bum dum dum. Bum dum bum dum bum dum.’

Trotting toward the stage Octavia couldn’t help but find it odd that Spike seemed oblivious to her entrance. The young dragon had once explained to the grey mare that his ears had moments of extreme sensitivity, and her arrival hadn’t been a quiet one. “Oh am I happy to see you, today’s been kinda ...peculiar.”

‘Bum dum bum dum bum. Bum dum bum dum bum dum.’ Continuing to play as if he hadn’t even heard the female voice that he always seemed so interested in listening too, Spike’s form remained in place even as Octavia came to stand next to him.

“Um S-spike are you ok.” Just as Octavia reached her left hoof out to poke the playing drake, Spike’s head whipped around to set his emerald eyes onto the startled mare.

“Oh, what a night! Late December back in sixty-three.” Before the mare could react the drake grasped the offered hoof with his tail, and pulled her to sit by his side whilst he continued to sing. “What a very special time for me. As I remember what a night.”

Accustomed enough to Spike’s antics, Octavia managed to stifle the *meep* that wanted to escape past her lips as once again her personal space was invaded via singing dragon. “S-spike this really isn’t the time fo-”

In one fluid movement Spike had jumped from his sitting position, and now stood beside Octavia with a taloned finger pointed in her direction. “Oh, what a night! You know I didn’t even know your name, but I was never gonna be the same.” Grabbing Octavia softly by the shoulders, Spike twirled the now blushing mare once then gently placed her next to him before winking in her direction. “What a lady, what a night.”

“S-spike w-what a-a-are you-” Now stuttering, and face more crimson than it had even been before Octavia scarcely had the cognitive function to back-peddle away or to ponder how the piano was still being played.

Scooping the mare in his arms so that he could successfully dip her, Spike waggled his scaled brow at the now wide eyed musician. “Oh I, got a funny feelin’ when I walked in the room. And I, as I recall it ended much too soon.”

If it hadn’t been before, now was certainly a perfect time for the out of her element to *meep* in surprise. This was all proceeding MUCH too fast for her poor dignified brain to properly process, leading to something akin to a small swoon to overtake Octavia.

As Spike began to utter the next verse in his song a sudden loud voice ripped through the music hall.

“Whoa whoa whoa! Who the hay swoons anymore?!”

And just like that Octavia was out of the drake’s gentle hold, out of the music hall, and back at her apartment with her roommate raising an eyebrow in her direction.

One Vinyl Scratch aka the infamous DJ Pon-3 sat across her small kitchen table from a now wide-eyed Octavia as she stifled the urge to chuckle at her friend’s expression. Normally she’d still be flat out unconscious either in her bed, the couch, or sometimes just wherever depending on how hard she was crashing from the previous night’s events but a frightened shriek from her roommate had roused the unicorn from her sleep. Finding her usually stoic roommate worriedly attempting to make a new pot of coffee as well as the ‘disheveled’ look she had about her, Vinyl had in her own way politely voiced concern for her roommate. “Yo Tavi, what the hay?”

Octavia had at first refused to say anything other than a tired “...Just an odd dream.” but if nothing else Vinyl was persistent, and after some ‘calm negotiating’ she had convinced the earth pony to share the contents of the nightmare that had her on edge. The result so far was the kind of thing that Vinyl would expect from some poorly written romantic comedy; humorous coming from Octavia of all mares, but nothing worth being terrified over.

“T-that’s part of my point Vinyl, swooning isn’t something that I can recall doing before in my life, and now I’m doing it in my dreams.” Allowing the small red tint in her face to die down at the unicorn’s interruption, Octavia brought a hoof to her head to rub her temple. “Bizarre behavior such as that is completely unbecoming of me, and inappropriately thinking of a fellow hobbyist like this is bad news.”

“I wouldn’t really dub that dreamt up show tune as inappropriate Tavi. It’s not like you dreamed about rolling around on top of the piano together.”

“Vinyl Scratch!”


Rolling her eyes at the unicorn’s ‘choice of words’ Octavia sighed loudly as she stared down at her half finished cup of coffee. “I’d prefer if we didn’t talk about me and Spike in that manner.”

“So he has a name!” A small grin formed on Vinyl’s face as she watched her roommate suddenly go stiff at her reply. While Vinyl had caught on to the fact that her friend was definitely seeing ‘someone’ once every week the grey furred mare had been tight lipped about the whole subject.


Grin spreading more so from Octavia’s sudden decision to ‘clam up’ Vinyl couldn’t resist poking a little more fun at her no nonsense roommate. “You know …for the longest time I was starting to think that maybe you were just some giant asexual amoeba that happened to be shaped like a pony.” Resting her head on her hooves as she leaned forward Vinyl sent a wink toward her now crimson faced friend. “It’s good to hear that there’s something out there that ‘tunes your cello’.”


Now fully laughing at Octavia’s outraged expression Vinyl cautiously jumped back as the offended mare sent a glare her way that could freeze a hot tub. “Oh lighten up Tavi.” Quick to do damage control before her teasing caused Octavia to completely shut her out of the topic, Vinyl scurried over to the mare’s side and embraced her in a small hug. “I’m just messin with ya, but you totally have to admit that I have a point.”

“...which would be?” Mulberry eyes now narrowed at the cheshire grin that Vinyl proudly wore on her face Octavia couldn’t decide whether to hear the unicorn out...or to throw out the DJ’s records as punishment.

“You totally have the hots for this guy, and it’s probably safe to say that anyone willing to put up with your special brand of ‘fun-loving excitement’ once every week probably has a soft spot for you too.” Much to Vinyl’s amusement Octavia’s narrowed leer instantly morphed into a unsure glance in the opposite direction.


“No buts you!” Bringing a hoof to ruffle the earth pony’s mane Vinyl detached herself from the hug so that she could try looking Octavia in the face. “Girl I know you. You hardly ever have anything to say unless it’s about that boring genre that you call music, or when you’re yelling at me. You’re always acting so down in the dumps because classical is dead good riddance, and now you’re all rosy cheeked to trot down to the music hall every week.” Nodding her white furred head at her own words Vinyl leaned into whisper into her friend’s ear. “You’ve got it bad Tavi.”

With a groan Octavia nudged the white furred unicorn out of her personal space, ears flattening against her head in irritation at the implication. “I do not ‘got it bad’ thank you very much, I just-”

“Hang around the guy weekly, experience romantic-esque dreams about him, and accepted a date proposal.” Making way toward the shared fridge Vinyl smirked to herself as she felt a certain mare glare in her direction, chances were that her prudish friend was more off-put by being interrupted then anything else.

“I-it’s n-not like that, you’re just misreading my situation… also stop interrupting m-”

“Oh it certainly is!” Stifling a laugh from the agitated sigh from her roommate, Vinyl opened the fridge to gaze upon it’s stark emptiness. *sigh* “Any chance your musical boy toy might be willing to buy us some groceries?”

From her place at the table Octavia’s left mulberry eye twitched profoundly from the unicorn’s ‘boy toy’ remark. “Vinyl will you please drop this romance nonsense, any infatuation I may briefly have regarding… Spike is purely based on our shared interest.” The cellist had hoped that perhaps her roommate had gotten enough sick amusement from her ordeal, and would retreat from the subject. Sadly this was not to be.

“Well fine then I guess you don’t like him.” Closing the door to the fridge Vinyl smirked as she heard Octavia quietly sigh in relief. “So since he’s on the market, what’re the chances he’d like to spend some time with a unicorn who knows how to party?”


Vinyl could scarcely keep the laughter that threatened to billow forth in check as Octavia whipped an outraged expression in her direction. “Well I do like spending time with a stallion who knows how to make some music, and since you don’t like him then I’ll take a swing at him.”

“......!” The outraged expression shifted to a silent glare that could freeze ice as Octavia briefly imaged Vinyl introducing herself to Spike, drowning him in romantic advances, and eventually …corrupting him with that horrid dub-step.

Admittedly shivering from the angered intensity within her friends eyes, Vinyl refused to back down. “Don’t give me that look Tavi; since you don’t like him that means he’s fair game.”

“..........” The DJ’s remark reminded Octavia of the less than subtle flirtations that the mare from the coffee shop had made toward Spike. A hot flare of possessiveness sprang up within the usually quiet cellist, and before she knew it Octavia was in front of Vinyl staring the mare down. “Spike is *not* fair game.”

Hook. Line. And Sinker.

“And why is that?”

“...Because I …um.” Whether on purpose or not Octavia’s roommate had sufficiently asked the one question that could take the fire out of the cellist’s eyes. No longer feeling quite so righteous, or furious Octavia backed up a step at about the same time that Vinyl finally let a cheshire smile spread across her face.

“Because maybe you *do* like him?”


“Cmon Tavi just admit it; not like there’s anything wrong with liking a stallion you know.” Not one to lose her momentum when she was on a roll, Vinyl quickly placed herself next to her friend as she continued to speak. “You’ve already got a date set up with the guy so there’s nothing wrong with testing the waters a little.”

“.........” From her position Vinyl could barely see Octavia silently mutter a few words as if she was talking more to herself than the unicorn.

“Wanna run that by me again?”

“.....I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to…” Maybe it was the lack of proper sleep, or perhaps Vinyl’s unending picking at the subject had finally run Octavia’s defenses ragged but like it or not the cellist couldn’t help but be curious.

“That’s the spirit!” Giving Octavia a big personal space invading hug, Vinyl’s eyes sparkled behind her signature shades. “This’ll be great! You put the moves on this guy, he ends up having a hot friend with lots of money, and then maybe we can get something to eat around here.”

Rolling her eyes at Vinyl’s ‘priority list’ a blush formed on Octavia’s face as she realized that perhaps she was a bit… unprepared for her date’. “So how do I… test the waters?” The moment that the last word left her lips Octavia felt a chill down her spine as she noticed Vinyl’s large smile turn devious.

“Ohoho don’t you worry about that my little high class prude. Big sis Vinyl Scratch is gonna take you under her wing.” A twinge of amusement spread throughout the unicorn as she noticed Octavia look incredibly unsure. “First things first …what’re you gonna wear?”

As you now know dear reader our female protagonist had naught but one night to prepare for the dinner she was now committed to attend. Our favorite purple drake on the other hand had gone about things in a different way.

(Nearly a day after the question had been asked)

The word date didn’t really sink in until long after Spike had offered the arrangement, and surprisingly enough Octavia had accepted. Then after finishing their snack, the pair headed back to the auditorium, and as Spike casually padded his way back to the castle it all finally sunk in. As he whistled a carefree tune, and pondered the small hesitance his companion had displayed when she accepted his offer for a redo the wires in his brain finally let out a small spark of intelligence.

“Wait a minute..... date?” The dragon came to an abrupt halt just outside of a ‘Hospitable Loan and Trust’ his slitted pupils shrank, and for some reason Spike had a hard time breathing. “DATE?!!” The outburst from Spike had been so sudden and loud that it caused a few nearby ponies to cast odd looks, and give a very wide berth to the freaked out dragon.

Spike had come to the terrifying conclusion that he had just asked out his fellow musical enthusiast, and she had accepted. Not that there was anything wrong with the gray furred mare, in fact there was something incredibly right about her. The way her raven hair seemed to shimmer under the lights of the auditorium, the alluring shade of light purple that made up her eyes, the list went on and on really. Spike actually felt blessed that he hadn’t managed to make a fool out of himself in front of the cellist like he had on several occasions during his crush on a certain white furred unicorn.

And now he was presented with the opportunity to botch things up with a nice mare that probably didn’t even see him in a romantical light, a matter made worse thanks to Spike’s lack of experience regarding how dates were conducted. Sure he had that thing for Rarity for a good while, but even Spike came to realize that it was a one-sided love affair, and that the most datelike thing the two had ever done was spend the day in the unicorn’s boutique making dresses. Spike considered perhaps just turning around and setting things straight with the cellist or, as cowardly as it sounded, coming up with an excuse to not go, but as he made to turn around an alternative began to make itself known. Whether Octavia considered this a date or not… she had accepted, and that was something worth pondering over.

“In the least I can try to show her a good time, maybe it’ll go really well and...” Shaking his head to halt the train of thoughts from venturing any further into ‘more than just friends’ territory Spike righted his path and continued toward the castle. Expecting romantic feelings to just spring up just because of a nice date-err hanging out session was a bit silly, it’s not like he was living in some cheesy romance story written by some C-list fanboy. “That would be ridiculous.”

Laughing at the absurdity of his thoughts, Spike made a note to swing that one by Twilight, she’d get a good laugh from it. And then an idea wormed it’s way into Spike’s mind, simplistic in nature yet making complete sense. Here he was trying to figure out how to impress a mare, when he had not only his older sister Twilight, but all his friends in ponyville to help him out. Considering the number of ponies he knew there was a fair probability that at least one of them had some solid advice to give regarding his dilemma. Making a mental list of the best candidates to go to once he returned home Spike picked up the pace toward the royal castle with a noticeable spring in his step. “This will be easy!”

Truth be told it had not been easy.

In wasn’t so much that ponies lacked any interest in helping the drake, though it’s worth mentioning that he had yet to ask for any help to begin with. No, it had been more that after a night’s sleep, and a train ride back to Ponyville Spike had managed to nearly convince himself that failure was inevitable. Octavia was a beautiful mare who probably only tolerated his antics due to her wont for musical companionship, and maybe out of respect for his mediocre talent with a piano. This was the kind of thinking that had at first subtly pounced upon then continued to hammer away at Spike’s resolve until he reached the train station feeling like his mission had melted away into a lost cause.

Even with all the advice in the world Spike hardly knew where to focus his efforts; simply put he lacked a plan, and wasn’t in the state of mind to conceive one. With a gloomy expression Spike dragged his feet as he made his way past the first few buildings that made up the outskirts of Ponyville. “Where’s a professional in these kinds of things when you need one?”

“Here’s PINKIE!”

Spike stifled a surprised yelp as the sight of central Ponyville was suddenly eclipsed by vibrant pink, and a familiar giggle filled the air.

“Got you again Spikey, you know for a big, scary… butinagoodway dragon you’re awfully easy to sneak up on.” With big bright eyes of sapphire Ponyville’s resident professional party thrower Pinkie Pie smiled as brightly as she could while standing in front of her bestest dragon friend.

“Good to see you too Pinkie Pie.” Though her ability to show up nearly anywhere, and her knack for rampant spontaneity threw Spike for a loop, it was impossible to stay in low spirits when the pink mare’s happy nature was so contagious. Taking a step past his earth pony friend Spike started to head down Ponyville’s main street taking note that said mare began to follow albeit in her typical manner of pronking before matching pace alongside him.

“Did ya have fun in Canterlot?”

“Always do.”

“So what’s her name?”


Using a portion of her limitless reservoir of excitable energy Pinkie Pie bounced high enough to go over the dragon’s head then gracefully hop at an angle to block Spike’s path. “The name of your very special somepony silly willy!”

“W-What!?” Pinkie’s unexpected reply caused Spike to stumble, and nearly fall over himself. “What makes you think I have a special somepony?”

“Being the helpful pony that I am, I decided to ask around to see if anyone wanted any relationship advice, but then I remembered how you’ve been suddenly going to Canterlot for the past couple of weeks and it just ‘clicked’.”

Hopping around Spike as he regained his footing Pinkie hummed happily to herself before stopping by the dragon’s side. "How did you know abou-"



“I woke up this morning and immediately my tail curled up like one of A.J.’s piggies, then my nose started to itch, and finally I couldn’t stop myself from gyrating like those ponies at the club the Cakes don’t want me going to.” To further her point Pinkie’s tail started to curl and uncurl, she started rubbing her nose with her left hoof, and much to Spike’s embarrassment the pink earth pony began to move her backside in a less than classy manner.

“Errr Pinkie as interesting as that is what does that have to do with anything?” Attempting to hide a small blush that began to spread on his face, Spike willed his eyes to look everywhere but towards the still dancing mare.

“Curling tail, itchy nose, and shakin’ my flank means there’s love in the air, didn’t you read that combo book I got you for your birthday?” Spike thanked his luck that hardly anypony was within sight, and ones that were paid no attention to the unintentional show that Pinkie was putting on.

“Umm is there any chance you can stop that now… I think I get your point.” Spike’s blush intensified from his friend giggling in response though she did cease her dancing.

“Ohh fine, guess I shouldn’t be getting you riled up when you got your sights on some other mare.” Pinkie Pie giggled again when she noticed Spike’s eyes narrow slightly, though his face retained it’s blush, and it took a few seconds before he’d stop staring at the ground. “Now quit being a subject changer, and tell me her name.”

“...Pinkie why do you want to know so bad?” Spike was aware of the party pony’s vast curiosity, but she rarely pried into anyone else’s business unless it related to parties, sweets, and excuses to wear a funny disguise.

“Friends help friends silly, and Pinkie Pie isn’t just the go to mare for parties, I’m also a part-time love doctor.” Pinkie shook her tail a bit until a stethoscope, and a pink clipboard fell out. Gathering up the objects Pinkie quickly began jotting notes while placing the stethoscope around her neck.

“Pinkie I-” Spike’s sentence was cut short as the pink mare pressed a hoof against his lips, and shook her head rapidly.

“It’s Doctor Pinkie Pie while you’re my patient… or Love Doctor P, sometimes Doc if you want to be less formal, and I guess Doctor Pinkamena when filling out any paperwork.” The near seriousness of Pinkie’s voice was undermined by her large smile, and the fact that her stethoscope had managed to get lost within her mane.

“Ok Love Doctor P, how do you plan on helping me out then?” Whether he liked it or not Spike was smart enough to know that his pink friend wasn’t going to let the subject go until she felt that he’d been helped enough, or at least until something more interesting happened by.

“Up up up, all will be revealed in due time my dear patient. First, we need to make a trip to my office.” Before Spike could utter a proper protest, Pinkie Pie was already behind him and pushing the young dragon toward an all too familiar bakery.

Within a few minutes Spike found himself seated within a strangely empty Sugarcube Corner, as Pinkie Pie sat across from him cross-legged and rubbing an imaginary goatee under her chin. While the drake had been sitting down Pinkie Pie had also set down a three-sided nameplate of sorts. The side facing him read out ‘Dr. Pinkamena Diane Pie’, and while he couldn’t see the one that was face down, he caught a small glimpse at the other side which read ‘Private Investigator Pinkie’. Right as Spike became fed up with the stalling, and neared sharing his thoughts with the silent mare, Pinkie fixed her bright blue eyes onto the drake and spoke first.

“Now then. ‘Spike’ is it?”

Rolling his eyes at Pinkie’s antics, Spike drummed his fingers on the table between them, while he rested his head onto his left hand, the whole thing earning a giggle from the mare. “Last time I checked that would be my name doc.” Whether she detected Spike’s less than amused tone of voice or not, Pinkie jotted something down onto the pink clipboard a bit before looking back to her patient.

“I see, now this marefriend of yours... what does she like to do for fun?

“Well, she likes to play music.”

“Like that thing you do with the piano?”

“Right, except she’s more into cellos.”

“I see… hmmmm.” After giving an imaginary beard a few pondering strokes Pinkie Pie jotted a few more notes onto her clipboard, then after a giggle she cast an appraising glance toward Spike.


“Have you taken this marefriend of yours anywhere fun yet?”

“Well the last time we hung out I took her to Joe’s, but I think she might have issues with meeting new ponies.”

“Hmmm.” Looking back toward her notes Pinkie chewed on her pen for a few moments before writing a few more things down.

Spike wringed his tail subconsciously as it dawned upon him that even though he and Pinkie Pie had gone somewhere more private than the busy streets of Ponyville, Sugar Cube Corner certainly wasn’t known for it’s lack of business. “Uhh doc? Perhaps this isn’t the best place to discuss-”

“Don’t you worry your handsome scaled head about that Spike.” As if sensing the cause of her patient’s discomfort right off the bat Pinkie pointed a hoof at the bakery’s entrance where hanging on a bit of string was humble ‘closed’ or ‘open’ sign. The sign had been turned so that the words ‘open’ faced the pair which prompted Spike to raise an eyebrow at his pink friend.

“You flipped the sign?”

“Uh huh! And with the Cakes out until the evening rush we’ll have this whole place to ourselves without any prying eyes.” Seeing Spike visibly relax in his chair Pinkie Pie gave her notes another look over before clearing her throat. “Now then...”

Despite what the poofy haired earth pony had said about the two of them having privacy, a third party had noticed the ‘closed’ sign and instead of heading home decided to investigate. It wasn’t in the mare’s nature to pry into other’s business, but curiosity certainly was. So now thanks to the knowledge shared with her from Pinkie Pie about the unlocked door in the back the fastest flier in Ponyville was now silently hiding in the kitchen while her ears picked up some interesting tidbits of conversation.

“Since she’s a classy mare you might want to take her out to a place where the ponies like to dress fancy, and they serve those glasses of water that look like just plain ol’ water, but for some reason it tastes really, really good.” Rainbow had no problem recognizing the voice of one of her closest friends, though it was strange hearing her give advice on places to take mares out to dinner.

“You think she’d like that kind of place?” Now things had certainly gotten interesting, the unmistakable sound of Ponyville’s only resident dragon caused the pegasus’s ears to perk up slightly. For the last few weeks Spike had been making scheduled trips to Canterlot by himself, and Twilight had been unusually tight lipped when asked about the subject.

“Personally I’d prefer a place where you can eat until your belly feels ready to burst, but apparently a bunch of ponies don’t consider that ‘refined’.” After a few moments of what sounded like a pen or a quill quickly rubbing on a paper’s surface Rainbow Dash heard the distinct sound of hooves skipping across the shop’s floor. “Just make sure you’re super duper subtle about it, mares like a good surprise.”

Having heard enough Rainbow Dash quickly made herself scarce before her snooping could be discovered. Once she had quietly closed the back door behind her Rainbow Dash shot into the sky like a bullet, and made her way to a certain unicorn’s house, surely Ponyville’s resident fashionista would be interested in knowing that her not so secret admirer was planning to pay her a visit.

After skipping over to the counter Pinkie Pie was quick to lift the glass case that protected a few choice cupcakes within. Turning back toward a contemplative Spike, the mare brought over the plate that the icing covered creations had been sitting upon and offered it to her patient. “Have a cupcake Spike we have a lot of planning to do.”

A few blocks down, across the street, and past the town square sat the workplace, and home, of the embodiment of generosity. Stepping past a few ponyquins with a few strands of silk in her normally well kept hair, a sewing kit levitating behind her, and a sewing machine left idling on a table to the side, Rarity the unicorn wracked her brain over her newest step in revolutionizing the world of fashion. True her current vision was bold ...perhaps even risky, but in her field of expertise a true follower of the lost and ancient arts of fashion had to be willing to give everything she had in pursuit of the perfect evening gown.

“Just a bit more here, and perhaps a little less there and...” Across the room a table laden with bolts of cloth, and a dozen or so different sewing pins began to glow as their master willed them to float toward her and assist with her project. Due to her concentration being split between so many different objects Rarity had to let out a very unladylike grunt of exhaustion as the gathered items floated around her purple maned head. Years of having an eager young drake on hoof to help gather her things while she concentrated on the more intricate parts had spoiled the mare, and now doing everything herself had become slightly taxing.

She had been glad to see her young gentle-drake begin opting to help others from time to time instead of solely spending his free time in her presence, but for the last few weeks he’d been even scarcer than usual. Though she was unbothered by the drake’s lack of attendance to begin with, Rarity couldn’t help but find her boutique slightly less cozy now that there was a lack of scaled hands to move things, sincere compliments to boost her morale, and a pair of green eyes to snatch glances at her when they thought she wouldn't notice.

Raising a needle with a bright green thread attached to it, Rarity inwardly scolded herself at falling into a silly ‘you don’t know what you have until it’s gone’ style of thinking. She could admit to missing the little tyke that had grown into quite the specimen before her very eyes, she could even fess up to missing the feeling that came with being the constant center of a someone’s attentions, but she had much more self respect than to mope about just because a valued friend suddenly had a life of his own.

At least that’s what she told herself.

Perhaps the real root of the problem was that without Spike around the alabaster unicorn had become so much more aware of how bored she had become. Ponyville had it’s share of interesting ‘phenomenon’, but things as a whole had settled down a great deal over the past few years. With a helper that had started to become more and more prodigiously charming as the days went by, and the intriguing circle of friends that the fashionista kept close she certainly hadn’t wanted for any more ‘spice’ in her life… but now even though the passion for fashion was as strong as ever Rarity could quietly admit to herself that she could go for another adventure.

After taking a moment to settle her thoughts and compose herself Rarity returned to the task at hoof. Squinting her blue eyes in concentration the white furred unicorn carefully, and slowly willed the needle closer to the exact spot on the dress that floated before her. One wrong move, one slight miscalculation and the whole thing would go from a priceless wonder of the fashion world to an expensive work of cloth that would have to sit in her windows until it caught some passerby's eye.

“Just a little… closer... now.” The needle was now just a few centimeters from it’s intended target when a very loud and quite familiar tomboyish voice pierced the silence.

“Hey Rarity!” It would seem that someone had taken up granting wishes, though their timing could use some work.

At the exact moment that Rainbow Dash barged into the boutique, Rarity let out a surprised gasp, and her magically guided needle missed… by alot. Instead of landing near the collar where the unicorn planned to weave an intricate design, the needle and thread instead pierced through the spot where some unlucky pony's vocal cord would have sat. Her work, the imaginary pony wearing the gown, and most definitely her mood that had been steadily improving had been unequivocally assassinated.

“Hey Rarity! Wait until you hear this, guess who’s ....uhh you ok there?” Unaware of the multiple crimes against fashion she had forced her friend to commit as well as the slight manic twitching of Rarity’s left eye, the blue pegasus hovered about the room while she tried not to chuckle at the cloth filled mess of a mane that dominated the unicorn’s head.

“Why hello there Rainbow Dash.... I’m fine ...thank you for asking.” Taking a moment to stifle the series of horrible things she planned on doing to the rainbow maned mare for her interruption, Rarity let out a long drawn out sigh as she let the floating items that orbited her gently descend to the floor. After spending a minute to rid her mane of any lingering pieces of fabric, Rarity magically curled her locks back into their usual position and once she was satisfied with her image she turned toward her impatiently waiting guest. “Now what is it that you wanted to tell me dear.”

Throwing her forelegs out Rainbow Dash flew closer to Rarity until they nearly touched noses. “It’s Spike! He’s talking to Pinkie Pie about taking you out on some kind of date.”

Rarity’s face turned a slight red both due to having her personal space invaded by her rambunctious friend, as well as at the notion of her handsome no longer little helper asking her out for the first time in a good while. It was uncanny that the moment she started to wish for a little excitement Rainbow Dash of all messengers would be the one to invite herself in. Perhaps if she hadn’t found herself starting to fall into a rut of sorts she’d be able to formulate an appropriate response to the news presented to her. For the moment her mind was drawing blanks.

“So are ya gonna say yes when he asks?” Folding her wings back against her sides Rainbow Dash landed on the floor beside her friend the entire time wearing a large smirk. Unknown to the blue pegasus Rarity’s train of thought had returned, but had been cut down the middle by a sharp fork in the tracks that diverted to either ‘Merely Platonic Friendsville’, and ‘New Enterprising Options-city’. One route tried to convince her that the professional thing to do was to politely decline such a forward invitation, the other cleverly sought to entice the mare’s romantical side with fictional romance story covers.

Shaking her head slightly to rid her thoughts of all of the romance novel induced cliches that began to run rampant through her brain, Rarity shot the blue pegasus a disapproving look. “Spike and I have a purely professional relationship Rainbow Dash, and while I’m flattered that he still thinks of me in a such a way I can’t stand the idea of leading the poor dear on just for an evening of catching up and sweets at Sugarcube Corner.” Having said that the mare could feel herself believing that keeping things ‘as they were’ regarding the amorous dragon was probably the best option.

Rolling her eyes at the unicorn’s posh way of saying “Not gonna happen.” Rainbow Dash nudged her friend slightly with her right forelimb. “You sure about that Rarity? Sounded like Spike was planning something big, which would explain why he’s been running up to Canterlot so often.”

The blue pegasus words had a reaction, whether they were intended or not. While she normally deplored rifling through the affairs of others, Rarity couldn’t deny having an interest in Spike’s weekly trips. Sure he was a prince of sorts… but he’d become uncharastically secretive about his reasons for visiting Canterlot. A small part of the unicorn was giddy at the presumption that such intrigue was for her sake, and it grew when Rarity started to ponder the scale of his endeavors…. Gears turning within her brain Rarity began to nibble on her lower lip a bit as she weighed her options, a sight that didn’t go unnoticed by her guest.

“Well perhaps a friendly date ......couldn’t hurt.”

“That’s the spirit, plus who knows you might even end up falling in wuuuv.” Once again entering the unicorn’s personal space Rainbow Dash laughed to herself between making fake kissy noises.

Rolling her eyes at Rainbow’s antics Rarity’s horn glowed faintly for one second, and the next moment the guffawing pegasus was suddenly ambushed by a legion of torn dresses. “Darling must you always act so crass?” Watching the growling winged mare thrash about under the pile of fabric, Rarity emitted a giggle before turning back to her work.

“Ha ha very funny.” From underneath the fabric Rainbow Dash struggled and grunted, before finally bucking the entire pile off of herself. Feeling that she had done her duty as one of Rarity’s friends the pegasus trotted toward the door before her magenta eyes noticed something out the window, and she quickly back-trotted toward Rarity. “Uh oh! Guess who’s headed this way.”

As he walked to his next destination Spike couldn’t help but still be impressed with Pinkie Pie’s utter brilliance. In the span of just a few dozen minutes the pink mare had given him locations, names, and activities that all helped give him the blueprints to create the perfect night out. While she had been willing to help him out every step of the way Pinkie Pie wasn’t the least bit offended when Spike opted to work out the finer details himself. He’d see if he could pull some strings in Canterlot, would take Pinkie’s advice regarding a few establishments, and to tie it all together he knew a mare who’d happily set him up with an appropriate wardrobe for the occasion.

“Good reliable Rarity.”

“Oh dear.” It dawned on the marshmallow unicorn that even though she was undoubtedly looking as flawless as ever… the boutique was looking rather ...askew. Thinking quickly Rarity’s horn glowed brightly as she levitated the sheets of fabric, her seamstress supplies, and one whining blue pegasus all into the other room. A few seconds later a rapping on her door alerted Rarity to Spike’s arrival; an anxious energy began to overcome the unicorn as she sang out to the door. “Comiiing!”

Within another moment Rarity willed the door open, and cast a faux expression of surprise when her azure eyes fell upon the expected drake. “Oh now this is quite the treat! It’s been too long since you’ve visited Spike.”

“H-Hey there Rarity.” Despite his mission, and the subtle way his feelings had shifted regarding the fashionista, Spike would be hard pressed to forego his fondness for the mare that greeted him with a soft smile. The same smile that made his heart flutter and his smile shift into a dopey grin in the past. Now instead such responses felt reserved for the slight upturns of the lip that he sought out from another.

“How’ve you been dear?” Turning around Rarity beckoned the dragon inside her boutique while she tried to rein herself in; she couldn’t allow herself to appear too eager. “I hope you can forgive me for allowing my home to become such a mess.”

“I’ve been great actually, and as far as I can see your boutique is as wonderful as always.” Spike scratched is chin thoughtfully as he recalled how clean the white unicorn always strived to keep her home. Sure her workroom might get a little ‘disorganized’ but he had always been happy to help get even that into shape. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around more often lately.”

“Oh parrish the thought Spikey-wikey, I know you’ve been busy for the past couple of weeks, and it would be garrish of me to hog you all to myself.” Seeing that Spike was preoccupied with gazing around the main room, Rarity quickly opened the door she had flung near everything into so that she could shush a grumbling Rainbow Dash who had began to nudge open said door.

It made Spike smile to be reminded why it was Rarity who had become the avatar of Generosity, as well as one of the core reasons he had first fallen for her. Always forgiving, understanding, and charitable whether it be with her friendship or her time. It put a great amount of heart into Spike regarding his mission, and the possibilities that may come of it if he was successful. He liked to think that Octavia would get along great with his friends, but perhaps he was getting ahead of himself.

“It is really great to see you again Rarity, but I have to admit that I didn’t just come here to say hi.”

Hearing those words Rarity quickly turned around, and shut the door behind her; if one strained their ear enough they might have heard a mumbled curse or two emitting from the other side of the door. “Oh really?” Fighting hard to keep her expression to that of warm surprise instead of giving way to excited expectation Rarity took a few steps toward her scaled visitor.

“Yes, you see I know this might be somewhat… unexpected but I have to ask something of you.” Spike felt a sliver of nervousness run through him as he pondered if such a request out of nowhere would inconvenience his dear friend. Surely she had her hooves full with work, and her own projects in fashion. Maybe expecting her to put things on hold just to assist him was a bit rude of him.

“You do?” Caught up in the moment of it all Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at Spike as she leaned in. “Spike I can honestly say that at this moment you could ask anything of me, and I would be delighted to accept.”

Thud the sound of Rainbow rolling over in her fabric grave.

And just like that Spike’s spirits were restored. Of course Rarity of all ponies would be happy to help, it was in her nature, and part of what made her such an amazing friend. “Thank you Rarity! You have no idea how great that is too hear! Honestly I don’t know what I’d do if…”

Rarity interrupted Spike with a small giggle; his good mood being so infectious that she couldn’t help herself. “Anything for my Spikey-Wikey.”

Overcome with emotion Spike swept up the unicorn in a soft hug, prompting a small blush from her before he continued to speak. “With you, and Pinkie Pie’s help this date will go without a hitch!”

“Pinkie Pie?” The unicorn’s overall positive feeling had to give a little way so that she could comprehend Spike’s words.

“Oh yeah, you see Pinkie Pie is helping me too. She came up with some really good ideas, and I knew that you’re the only one to come to for the right outfit.” Spike still quite happy with himself had no idea that Rarity’s expression of giddiness was melting to one of complete confusion.

“She’s helping with… right outfit… Come again dearie?” An ominous feeling was beginning to settle over the mare as Spike set the mare down, and walked a few steps back toward the door.

With everything falling into place so well Spike knew that time was of the essence. He’d need to run home so he could get ahold of some parchment, and send a letter to his mother, Celestia, and check in on Twilight who was probably just dying to try and figure out what he’d been up too. “Sorry Rarity in a bit of a hurry, but the short summary is that I have a date with a mare from Canterlot next week, and I want to make it really special. Thank you again for agreeing to help me with figuring out what to wear, you really are the best!”

And with that Spike was out the door and quickly padding toward the library in a state of undefeatable goodwill.

Rarity on the other hoof stared blankly after the retreating figure, her left eye twitching slightly as she slowly began to truly comprehend what had just taken place. The door behind her flung upon as a one wide-eyed pegasus ungraciously fell to the floor. “Whoa didn’t see that coming.”

End of Chapter 3:

Author's Note:

Happy April 1st everyone!

Told ya I had a little something cooked up for ya.

The biggest thanks go to xgfhj who stayed up pretty darn late with me to trim this into shape. Seriously dude I'd be lost without ya.

I really hope that you readers enjoyed this chapter, and that you will enjoy Chapter 4 as well when it pops up. The big date and all that. Now I'm going to take a serious nap.

Comments ( 31 )

It's alive!!!!!!!
first the newest season of red vs blue now this, hellya!!!!

Just finished reading, really worth the wait,nice touch with Rarity.:pinkiehappy:

I'm very glad to hear that you enjoyed this chapter Kzer. Just wait till you see what I have planned for Chapter 4

It's great to see this fic back up and running. I missed it and this chapter was surely interesting. Having PInkie Pie as a love doctor was certainly original and hilarious. Though, it might prove a little troublesome for Spike if Rarity grows clingy.

I can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the great work.:twilightsmile:

Oh man, this was priceless. Not only is their an update for the, the new season for RVB, and that ending. I wish I could have seen Rarity's face.:rainbowlaugh:

I just caught up to the most current chapter. This story is a very cute romantic comedy, and I'm definitely looking forward to what happens next. Keep up the good work :twilightsmile:

What a great way to make a comeback.:pinkiehappy:
Welcome back, GiantMako! We missed you!:moustache:

It feel good to be updating it again that I must say. Troublesome indeed, just wait and see who everyone else reacts.

As a lackluster I am sad to say that I can't draw up her expression DP13, but if you want the general feeling look up "Want U Back" by Cher Loyd it draws a picture.

Glad that you like it Reader Review, I intend to do so with this, and many other works.:twilightsmile:

I missed you guys too, it's great to be back. This was the story that deserved an update the most so I made it the priority, I'll be dispersing the rest throughout the month.

And I love the way you ended that chapter. Set everyone straight who might think, Rarity, would be a conflict for, Spike's, new romantic interest.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, you're still here and still writing and it's not April Fools and wow and oh my god and you rock.

I might rock, but not nearly as much as my readers, you guys and gals are the best.:twilightsmile:

“That’s the spirit!” Giving Octavia a big personal space invading hug, Vinyl’s eyes sparkled behind her signature shades. “This’ll be great! You put the moves on this guy, he ends up having a hot friend with lots of money, and then maybe we can get something to eat around here.”

having a friend, or being a friend?

and what's the deal with "getting something to eat"? Is that literal or figurative?

having a friend, since Vinyl is well aware that Octavia has somewhat of a claim to Spike, and hopes that Spike might have another single guy friend. The deal being that Vinyl in this story is both poking fun at Octavia, and notices that their fridge is empty. Can't blame a girl for wanting her own cutie willing to buy her food. Sorry for the confusion man.

5820123 Oh, ok, but I guess Vinyl is going to be a little disappointed that she kinda counted her chickens before they hatched here, and Octavia's the only one getting fed from the money from Spike's gem-hunting.... Sorry, Vinyl., but I guess you could share if Octavia's okay with it....

“Ohoho don’t you worry about that my little high class prude. Big sis Vinyl Scratch is gonna take you under her wing.” A twinge of amusement spread throughout the unicorn as she noticed Octavia look incredibly unsure. “First things first …what’re you gonna wear?”

Maybe there should be a joke in there, because Vinyl isn't a pegasus, or alicorn.... something like, "No wings exactly, but you get the idea..." or something similar...

It can be a cruel world for a DJ looking for love and free food, but no worries Vinyl's a tough gal.

Dude I can't believe I missed out on a chance to squeeze a joke like that in there. You wouldn't mind if I borrowed that would ya?

5833271 Dude, are you kidding?! I'd be so honored... well, if you can give credit where credit's due, that'd be great, too, but just having the joke in there would be awesome....

Ooh, got another one, counted her dragons before they hatched rather than chickens....

This is a great story. So glad it updated.

"it’s not like he was living in some cheesy romance story written by some C-list fanboy. “That would be ridiculous.”


Wish there was a picture of Rairity's reaction. Love this story:pinkiehappy:

That gif defines nearly every goofy joke I force into these poor fics.

If I wasn't still learning I'd try to whip something up just for that.
Glad you're enjoying the story Zorobak

6184852 That gif is versatile, I guess you could call it reinhorsed

6194648 I provide the corny jokes, you provide the fab story

Make me laugh. You do that!
F.B.N.T.M. 3rd chapter is on the way right now it's in line after 1 new thing, a second chapter to something, and a 8th chapter to something else.

You just got Spike'd sista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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