• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 9,970 Views, 350 Comments

My Little Avengers - koolerkid

Big Mac finds a magic hammer, and leads a team of heroes to protect Equestria.

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Chapter 3

Trixie stumbled through the Everfree, forcing her legs to support her weight. She was tired, hungry, and hopelessly lost. Her formally glorious mane was a mess, and her ribs showed through her chest. Her tail was nothing but a ragged bush and her eyes were bloodshot; Trixie was glad she didn’t have a mirror. She was probably an awful sight.

The pounding, rhythmic thud of magic thudded almost painfully in her head, as it had ever since the massive wave of magical energy the day before yesterday. With every passing moment, the pounding grew progressively stronger and louder, thudding in her head like a drumbeat. She’d tried ignoring it, but the drumbeat only grew steadily louder until she could disregard it no longer.

Tracking the source of the drumbeat was a simple matter for one such as Trixie, even in her weakened state. The signal was strong and clear, leading Trixie ever deeper into the Everfree Forest. In the back of her mind, Trixie was aware that this was a very bad idea that would likely get her killed, but the rest of her disregarded it. Her curiosity was overwhelming, and the pounding waves of magic resounding in her head drove out extraneous thoughts.

There! Hidden beneath the thickest growth of trees lay a strange shape, a formless mass of magic and power. Trixie approached it, the waves of magic growing stronger as she approached. The strange mass was the color of tarnished silver, moving and shifting in sickening motions. Trixie hardly noticed this, however, intoxicated by she was by the incredible magic this mass putting off.

The mass shifted suddenly, and though it had not mouth, it spoke. “Who goes there?” Its’ voice boomed with such authority that Trixie could not help but answer.

“I am... I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie said, feeling some of her old confidence returning at the utterance of the familiar phrase. “The most powerful Unicorn in all of Equestria!”

The mass shifted again, and Trixie had the oddest feeling it was regarding her. After a pause, it spoke again, its’ voice much softer now. “Ah, but of course. Your reputation precedes you, oh great and powerful Trixie. Tales are spread far and wide of your great deeds. I did not recognize you in this state.” Trixie began to relax, soaking in the flattery. “What brings such a powerful being so far from civilization, where others can bask in your presence?

Trixie didn’t want to talk about it, but she found herself unable to resist answering the voice. “I... Trixie was humiliated. That two-bit, small-town bumpkin mage Twilight Sparkle embarrassed Trixie in front of all of Ponyville! Now nopony will take Trixie seriously anymore; Trixie can hardly show her face in any town without being jeered and mocked like some sort of... of... clown!” Tears were starting to leak from her eyes, but she was unable to stop them or make her mouth stop talking. “Now this forest is Trixie’s only refuge from the mocking of other ponies, and even here Trixie starves. But Trixie shall not despair! For Trixie knows that one day, she shall have her revenge on Twilight Sparkle, and all of Equestria shall acknowledge her as the most powerful unicorn of all time!” She tried to finish triumphantly, but her speech fell flat, feeling more like a whine than a proclamation.

She blinked. What in Equestria had possessed her to spill her soul to some mysterious blob of talking goo? She had never told anypony those things! Not that anypony ever cared to listen...

The silence was broken suddenly, as the voice began to laugh. A deep, booming laugh filled the forest, and Trixie felt her despair turn to rage. “How dare you! How dare you laugh at the Great and Powerful Trixie! Just who do you think you are, to laugh at me that way?”

Forgive me, oh great and powerful one. I am very old, but you make me feel young again. You remind me of myself in my youth.” The mass of began to stir again, gathering in on itself and coalescing into a solid figure. “As for who I am...” Trixie gasped as an Alicorn began to take shape, a mighty creature larger than any pony Trixie had ever seen. His coat was a dark green, his mane a pale, sickly yellow. His cutie mark was a large, twisting snake tied in a knot. His wings looked oddly stunted for an Alicorn, far too small for his large frame, but his horn was longer and larger than any Trixie had ever seen. She couldn’t help but cower as the magnificent stallion introduced himself. “I am the trickster, the deceiver, the sorcerer of sorcerers. I am the doom of Asgard and the last of its’ inhabitants. My magic is unrivaled, my plots topple empires! I am the most powerful Alicorn who ever lived and last of the old gods! I! AM! LOKI!” He rose up higher and higher into the air as he spoke, his voice rising with each sentence. He looked down at the terrified unicorn on the ground, and grinned, dropping slowly towards her and lowering his head to whisper in her ear. “And I have need of an apprentice.”


“You can do it! Go Thor!”

“Pinkie, this is a very difficult task. Please be silent!” Big Mac sighted along Mjolnir, focusing on the tree in front of him. He knew it was possible. He could remember doing it - remember Thor doing it, so easy to mix that up - a thousand times before. It was child’s play. It was his... Thor’s greatest skill. He could feel the pegasus magic floating around his wings, and he seized hold of it, pushing it through his body and into the hammer. The energy gathered, seethed within the hammer’s head, and...

CRACK! A bolt of lightning exploded from the hammer, sticking the tree he’d aimed at near it’s center. Pinkie leaped into the air with a joyous cheer, waving her pompoms wildly. “I knew you could do it!” She exclaimed, bouncing around with excitement.

The two of them were in the same forest clearing a short ways from the farm where Pinkie had explained everything to Big Mac two days ago. Pinkie had insisted that Big Mac practice his new powers regularly to get the hang of them, so that he’d be ready for a fight when - not if - Loki attacked. Big Mac suspected that her true motive was an excuse to wear the cheerleader outfit she was currently wearing, but the practice was helping. It had taken him many tries to generate a proper lightning bolt; now he had it down.

He sighted down Mjolnir again and fired a bolt at another tree, just to ensure it wasn’t a fluke. The lightning shot out with another loud crack, and Pinkie cheered again. “Way to go Thor!” She yelled, bouncing over to him and hugging him around the neck.

“Thank you, Pinkie. I could not have accomplished it without your help.” Big Mac hugged the excitable mare back.

“You’re welcome! Now, for the next item on our list!” Pinkie pulled her checklist from her saddlebag. She’d decided to take a lesson from Twilight Sparkle and make a checklist of all the various powers Big Mac could remember Thor using. Big Mac, unfortunately, could not read the checklist, as it seemed to him to be either some arcane language no sane pony could comprehend or just random scribbles, but Pinkie had no trouble. She made a mark on the ‘list’ that could’ve been a check, then said “Ooooh, weather control! Try and make it rain!”

Big Mac took a deep breath and flared his wings. It still felt a little strange to have those extra limbs attached to his back, though it felt far more natural than magic. He’d still yet to preform more than a basic telekinesis spell. He focused on the pegasus magic in his wings, flapping them slowly as he pulled on the air around him. Normally, a pegasus had to manually push and pull at the clouds to control them, but Thor’s memories showed him shaping the skies with nothing but a thought and the might of Mjolnir. Lifting the hammer to the sky, he focused his power through it and pulled on the skies.

At once the wind picked up, and the sky filled with dark, angry clouds, rumbling ominously. The rain began suddenly, a violent torrent that drenched both Mac and Pinkie. The wind grew even harsher, beginning to circle about Mac in the beginnings of a hurricane. In a panic, Big Mac hurriedly leafed through Thor’s memories for the proper technique before letting loose a large burst of fresh air, dispersing the howling winds and angry clouds before the storm grew worse.

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed, shaking herself dry. “I only expected a little itty bitty bit of rain, but that was awesome! I never saw a storm that big, not even that one time when Dashie slept in and made the weather team miss a week of rain so they had to do an extra big storm to make up for it and we all ran around town pulling branches off trees! In fact, you might be better at moving the weather than Dashie, and she’s the bestest pegasus ever!”

Big Mac chuckled, a low, throaty sound. This body’s voice was even deeper than his own, and he sometimes found the effect unsettling. “Aye, my power was a bit greater than I had expected. I suspect more training shall be required to control it properly - but that is for later.” He raised Mjolnir and struck the ground, transforming to Big Mac in a flash of light.

“Later?” Pinkie asked, looking disappointed. “Why later? I haven’t even gotten to see you fly yet!”

Big Mac just smiled and pointed up at the sun directly overhead. “Lunchtime.” He replied simply. “How about you come over fer lunch, Pinkie? Least Ah can do for helpin’ me with all of this.” He stowed Mjolnir in his saddlebag - one of the staff’s more useful features he’d discovered was its’ ability to change it’s size, regardless of it’s current shape. It made carrying it about a great deal easier.

“Aw, it’s no problem Mac Attack!” Pinkie said. “Ooh, I like that one! ‘Mac Attack’. It sounds so super-cool! If you didn’t already have a super-hero name, I’d say you should use that one except it would give your real name away which would kinda make it pointless, ya know?” She paused. “What was I saying? Oh! Right! Anyway, it’s no problem! I’m happy to help!” Just then, her stomach rumbled. “Oh, but I’m even happier to eat! Let’s go!”


Big Mac and Pinkie entered the house together, Pinkie bouncing along behind the steadily plodding Macintosh. It was Applejack’s turn to cook, and she was looked up from the stove in surprise. “Pinkie? What in tarnation are ya’ll doin’ here? Ain’t you workin’ at Sugar Cube Corner today?”

“I took the day off!” Pinkie replied cheerily. “The Cakes didn’t mind, and I needed to help Big Mac practice his tricks!”

“Tricks?” Applejack gave Big Mac an suspicious look; Big Mac returned it steadily. Intimidating though his sister might be, long years of dealing with her had taught him to avoid her scathing gaze by letting it bounce off him. He was the only person in Ponyville with a decent chance of keeping a secret from her, though he was an awful liar. Hopefully Pinkie was skilled enough for both of them. “I never head about any tricks. Just what kinda tricks are ya showin’ her?”

Big Mac hesitated a bit. “Ah... Ah can’t tell ya. Not yet.”

“They’re not ready for other ponies to see yet!” Pinkie supplied, seemingly oblivious to the tension slowly mounting in the room. Applejack didn’t like ponies keeping secrets from her. “But they’re super-spectacularly amazingly stupendous!”

“And why do ya show these ‘tricks’ ta Pinkie an’ not yer own sister?” Applejack asked, still not completely convinced.

Big Mac, however, had anticipated the question and had a response ready. “Pinkie Pie Swear.” He supplied. Pinkie took his hint and ran with it.

“Well yeah! Big Mac doesn’t want anypony to know about it until he’s ready, but he knows I’m the best pony in allllllll of Ponyville at keeping secrets! I Pinkie-Pie Swore to not tell anypony so he knows I never will cause losing a friends trust-”

“Is the fastest way ta lose a friend forever, Ah know.” Applejack said with a sigh, finally relaxing. Big Mac held in a sigh of relief, marveling at Pinkie ability to lie while saying nothing but the truth.

“That’s not how you say it, Applejack! It’s FOR-EV-ER!” Pinkie corrected. “You gotta do it right or you’ll ruin the meme!”

Applejack ignored Pinkie as she went back into her usual incoherent babble and turned to her brother. “Ah’m sorry, Mac. Ya’ll know how Ah get about secrets, but Ah should trust ya more. Ah know I’m not the best pony ta tell yer secrets to if’n you want them kept.” She chuckled lightheartedly. “Now, hows about that lunch?”

Big Mac, relieved at having the subject dropped, said only “Eeeyup!”


Floating high above the ground, several hours away from Ponyville as the pegasus flies, was the majestic pegasus city of Cloudsdale. Formed of clouds made sturdy as wood or stone by talented pegasus builders, Cloudsdale was home to some of the most unique, impossible, and majestic architecture in all of Equestria, thanks to the almost weightless nature of the building material.

Heavy Weight, however, had little time for admiring the scenery, being far too busy rushing past it at breakneck speeds. At least, he thought he was going fast; Brolly was several feet ahead and still pulling away at an alarming rate. Huffing and puffing, the dark brown pegasus pumped his wings as hard as he could, going into a slight dive for extra speed, but it was no good. Brolly crossed the finish line first, and waited with a smug grin while Weight caught up and landed on the cloud next to him.

“That’s another win for me, Dumb Bell.” Brolley gloated, using Weight’s hated nickname. Just because his Cutie Mark was a dumbbell... “I dunno why you even keep racing; you’re too bulky to fly like a real pegasus.”

Heavy Weight just glared at his former victim. Back in flight school, Brolly had been the favorite target of Weight and his gang, right up there with the clumsy Rainbow Cr- Dash. Ever since Brolly had discovered how much faster he was than his tormentors, though, the tables turned, and everything went downhill from there. Being stronger was no help in a race - in fact, all that extra muscle was just slowing him down. “Shut it, Brolly. You just wait; one of these days, I’ll catch up with you.”

“Sure ya will, Dead Weight. Later!” With that, Brolly spread his wings and took off, leaving Heavy Weight to glare after him.

“Horseapples.” Heavy Weight grumbled.

“Well, that was unimpressive.” Came a mare’s voice form behind him. He spun to find a stunning blue unicorn standing on the cloud behind him. Her mane was like spun silver, and she wore a pointed hat and cape that looked as though they were spun from the night itself. Her cutie mark was a wand surrounded by a cloud of pixie dust. “I had expected the self-proclaimed ‘strongest pegasus in Cloudsdale’ to at least put on an entertaining show. But than, I suppose you’re a disappointment all around, aren’t you Heavy Weight?”

Heavy Weight snarled at the strange mare. “How the hay did a unicorn get up here? And how did you know my name?”

The mare just smiled. “For a unicorn of my talents, a simple cloud-walking spell is but a trivial matter. As for you... I know a great many things about you. How at an early age, you discovered your Cutie Mark for unusual strength in a pegasus. How you used your greater strength in flight school to bully others, to be the top of the pack. How everypony else grew up, and you learned all that muscle is just useless dead weight in a race, making you the slowest flier in your class. How your two favorite victims - Brolly and Rainbow Dash - have reversed the roles of tormenter and tormented.” The mare smiled, a friendly grin that put Weight at ease, despite his panic mere moments earlier at how much this strange mare knew about him. He never noticed the magic tickling his brain. “And... I know one more thing.”

“W-what’s that?” Heavy Weight asked, feeling excited and not sure why.

The unicorn leaned in and whispered. “I know how you can get even.”

Her horn began to glow with a sickly green light.


“Oh man, that was goooooood!” Pinkie said happily as she and Big Mac left the house, with Pinkie bouncing along merrily in front. “I never knew Applejack was so good at making treats! I mean, I was kinda worried after that whole thing with the baked bads but I guess that was just because she was all woozy-doozy from all that work because she’s actually really really good!”

Big Mac chuckled lightly. “Eeeyup, Ah remember that. That was th’ time she tried ta buck th’ whole orchard by herself, right? Filly darn near killed herself with that one.” He smiled. “She does make a mighty good meal though, don’t she?”

“Yeah, she... wait!” Pinkie stopped suddenly. Her face turned grave, a highly unsettling expression on the cheerful pony. “My Pinkie Sense...” she gasped out before a powerful set of shudders overtook her, causing her to shake violently before collapsing the ground.

“Pinkie?” Big Mac bent down to help her up, worried for his pink assistant. Pinkie pushed him away.

“No time... something bad is about to happen to Ponyville! I don’t know what, but it has something to do with Loki! Go, hurry!”

Big Mac looked at her for a moment, concern in his eyes, before turning and racing for Ponyville, pulling out Mjolnir as he ran.