• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 4,900 Views, 25 Comments

Comfort - HermitKlam

A series of loosely related oneshots depicting different moments in Twilight's life where she relied on Celestia for comfort and advice, and those fewer yet no less important moments where she was able to return the favor.

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Alicorn - Rage


Celestia opened the doors to Ponyville General Hospital with the barest trace of a thought and the bright sunny glow of her magic. Determined stride never breaking as she passed the threshold, she all but ignored the many stares and sudden silence blanketing the reception area. Almost instinctively, her eyes fell upon an obviously nervous stallion wearing bulky glasses and a white lab coat, his hooves absently fidgeting with the nondescript clipboard clutched in his shaky grasp.

“Where is she?” Celestia’s tone of voice was, on the surface, a near perfect imitation of her usual calm regality. This farce was marred, however, by the barely perceptible undercurrent of urgent worry that shone through everything from her posture to her tone.

The stallion, a medical intern named Copper Splint, looked up at the towering figure before him and gulped nervously, his throat suddenly dry. Seeing a regal eyebrow twitch faintly in what he perceived as impatience after a few moments of stunned silence, he quickly scrambled to his hooves from his seated position, his clipboard clattering forgotten to the ground. “E-emergency Suite Th-Three, Your Majesty. R-right this way.”

Celestia followed the intern down a hallway to her left and quickly overpassed him, here urgency beginning to show after finally having been supplied with a direction. The unlucky stallion was forced to practically gallop down the winding hallways in order to keep up with her longer stride as he stutteringly directed her to the correct location.

Coming to a sudden stop in front of a nondescript door, Celestia didn’t need to hear the intern’s words or take in the many nervous visitors and members of the hospital staff hanging back at what they perceived as a safe distance to know that she had arrived at her destination. In fact, even though the waves of heat she could faintly feel emanating from the room confirmed her suspicions, they did not even factor into her next actions.

In that room she felt the magical signature of one of the very few ponies she had allowed herself to care deeply for, a pony who was at this very moment drowning in a torrent of anguished fury. Deaf to the concerned voices behind her, the white alicorn opened the door and stepped into the room with nary a thought to her own safety, the door closing behind her with a click.

The first thing that Celestia registered were the waves of scorching heat suffusing the small room, a fact that did nothing to hinder her; being the alicorn of the sun, she was able to withstand – and even thrive in - far higher temperatures than this. The second thing she noticed was the fact that the temperature in the room was apparently hot enough to begin melting a large amount of the equipment scattered throughout, the smell of burning plastic and boiling metal unpleasantly assaulting her enhanced olfactory senses.

What caught and held Celestia’s attention, however, was the flaming figure pacing furiously in the center of the room. The smaller, off-white, and red-eyed alicorn threw up a flurry of burning embers with every stomp of her hooves, her mane and tail an uncontrollable inferno of twisting reds and yellows. Her wings, on the other hoof, were practically dainty in comparison; the slender fiery feathers were puffed up and flared in fury, and yet Celestia couldn’t help but be reminded of graceful glory of a phoenix in flight.

Though the appearance of the small alicorn was surprising and somewhat of a curiosity – she had expected, if anything, for the other pony’s wrathful appearance to reflect her usual colors instead of so closely mimicking her own- there was no doubt in Celestia’s mind just who was loudly cursing in front of her.

“Twilight,” Celestia’s less-than-perfect mask vanished in the face of her student’s troubles, her voice heavy with concern.

Her concerned frown deepened considerably as the transformed alicorn seemingly ignored her presence completely and continued to pace. With nary a thought to the possible consequences, Celestia impulsively snapped into action and strode towards the growling mare. Brushing off the increase in heat the closer to her student she got, the elder alicorn determinedly sidled up against the oblivious pony’s side and extended one large wing to drape gently yet firmly across her blazing back.


Celestia’s firm voice and bold moves shocked the flaming alicorn into snapping her head over and up to glare at the larger pony as she finally realized that she was no longer alone in the room. Twilight’s wings ruffled indignantly as her mane and tail flared even brighter for a few long moments before dimming perceptibly. Furious red eyes slowly softened as recognition flickered in her discolored orbs, the righteous anger previously reflected turning into a devastating mix of desperation and anguish.


The pony in question’s throat tightened at the incredibly small and broken sounding voice that escaped her student’s lips. Her expression melting into the most comforting smile she could muster, Celestia whispered a response, her voice low yet resolute. “I’m here, Twilight.”

Celestia’s wings immediately flared out at her sides in an attempt to keep her balance as her hooves were suddenly full of sobbing alicorn. Quickly sinking down onto her haunches once she was no longer in danger of falling backwards, she wrapped her forelegs more firmly around the pony clinging to her chest. Trailing one hoof comfortingly up and down Twilight’s back between her now limp wings, Celestia brought her own feathery appendages around to her front and completed the embrace.

“Let it out, Twilight,” Celestia cooed softly in one of the younger alicorn’s ears as she gently nuzzled the top of her head. “I’m here for you, and I’m not going anywhere. Just let it all out.”

Twilight buried her head in Celestia’s neck as she cried. Her anger, fear, frustration, and worry at the current situation finally bottling over and escaping her in a torrent of tears, the salty droplets drying up immediately after falling from her tightly clamped eyes due to the heat emanating from her. Her mane and tail, no longer a burning inferno, were now more akin to a pleasantly warm stream of liquid fire as they curled almost desperately around any parts of the larger alicorn they could reach.

Long minutes passed as the two alicorns embraced in the center of the hospital room, one providing as much comfort as she could and the other soaking it all up with a desperate fervor. The only sounds in the otherwise silent room were Twilight’s muffled sobs and whines and the gentle soothing murmurs Celestia uttered in response. Finally the transformed alicorn reached the end of her tears, her sobs turning to hiccups and eventually petering out into near silent sniffles.

Twilight felt numb inside. She was a mess; her eyes burned and the fur on her face itched with the unpleasantly crusty sensation of salt, and yet she found herself way past the point of being bothered to care. Leaning heavily against her larger mentor, Twilight couldn’t help but soak in the sensation, finally finding a modicum of relief from the intense emotions that had been burning her from the inside out for the past few hours.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Celestia murmured into the silence, her hoof not once stopping its soothing ministrations on the younger alicorn’s back.

Twilight turned her face slightly to the side so she could speak, her eyes staring unseeingly at the wall adjacent to the pair. She made sure, however, to keep her head firmly flush with Celestia’s neck beneath the large white alicorn’s own head, not yet willing to give up the security it provided. Clearing her throat, she began haltingly in a croaky whisper, her throat constricting in remembrance.

“W-we were having a picnic outside of t-town. Th… There was a bright f-flash of light. An a-ambush…” Twilight trailed off as her breath hitched. Closing her eyes tightly, she pressed more firmly into her mentor’s embrace, unimaginably grateful when the limbs surrounding her tightened in response.

“W-we w-were… My f-friends…” Twilight whimpered, her thick voice getting weaker with every word. “I-I wanted to g-go after them f-for what t-they… b-but my friends w-were… I-I teleported us h-here and they g-got away. There was so much b-blood… s-so much…”

Celestia’s own magic flared bright and hot for a long moment before she was able to wrestle it back under a semblance of control, the extreme power reluctantly retreating to churn just beneath the surface. When she spoke next her voice’s previous comforting softness was replaced with a firm and even tone, her own fury carefully kept in check. “They will be dealt with.”

Twilight nodded slowly in acceptance, a small part of her grimly rejoicing at the fact; it was not an easy feat to hide from the combined scope of both the sun and the moon’s searching gazes, and she had no doubt that Luna would aid her sister in her quest to catch the culprits. Shifting slightly in the comforting embrace, her detached mind finally noticed both the state of the room and of herself.

“You could have been h-hurt,” Twilight frowned at her flaming mane as it refused to detach from around Celestia’s foreleg, her voice lowering as she continued. “I could have hurt you.”

“I was never in any danger, my Twilight,” Celestia softly spoke in reassurance, resolutely shoving her plans aside for the moment; though her attackers had to be dealt with and guards had to be assigned to Ponyville – no matter what the purple alicorn’s wishes were on the matter – Twilight needed her at the moment and that was all the incentive she required.

Twilight shifted slightly and craned her neck to gaze up at the alicorn, her red orbs conveying her dubiousness at her mentor’s statement.

“Magic fire, as you well know, will only injure those the caster wills it to; those they see as a threat,” Celestia allowed a small smile to slide onto her face as a spark of understanding lit up the infinitely strange and yet still familiar ruby orbs before her. “I hope there never comes a time when your inner fire is anything but pleasant.”

“You were never in any danger,” Twilight agreed slowly with a light nod, her utter belief in her resolute words causing Celestia’s smile to grow slightly for a moment.

“But you, my little pony, are hurt,” Celestia continued with a concerned sigh, her voice turning faintly pleading. “Please allow the doctors to examine you, Twilight.”

Twilight frowned and lowered her head in thought. She was aware of the many aches and scrapes that littered her body, but thanks to her transformed state and her emotional numbness, she was unable to feel any of the pain. A long moment passed in silence, and just before Celestia was about to reiterate her request Twilight acquiesced with one stipulation.

“…I want-no. I need to know, first.”

Celestia paused for a moment and gazed into tiredly determined rubies before accepting. “Of course.”

A large part of Twilight wanted to rebel at the fact that the larger alicorn was slowly pulling away from their embrace, but the logical part of her mind accepted the outcome as necessary. She needed those answers - she needed to know - and Celestia was going to be the one to get them for her. It was, however, a testament to her state of mind that she didn’t protest whatsoever at being magically lifted and settled on Celestia’s back between her wings, and instead gratefully sank into the comforting softness once more.

After making sure that Twilight was safely situated atop her back, Celestia moved and opened the slightly heat-warped door. Exiting the room to a myriad of cautious and concerned faces, Celestia’s eyes fell resolutely on the intern from earlier, his clipboard once more in his grasp.

“How are they?” Celestia’s voice, though not loud, was heard and understood by all; there wasn’t a single pony in the hall who didn’t know who she was talking about.

“L-let me just,” Copper Splint cleared his throat as he fumbled for the right page before continuing in an attempt at a professional voice. “Most of the injuries appeared graver than they actually were, and the injuries that were life-threatening were seen to quickly enough to circumvent anything permanent.”

The intern cleared his throat again and straightened his glasses nervously. “The unicorn Rarity suffered from a laceration to the head as well as a concussion; any swelling that may have been in her brain has since healed. The earth ponies Applejack and Pinkamena Diane Pie have a broken left foreleg and fractured right hindleg respectively. The pegasus Fluttershy has one cracked and four bruised ribs, and the pegasus Rainbow Dash has a broken wing and a twisted foreleg. All five ponies also have numerous superficial lacerations and contusions.”

“They-ah…” Copper Splint frantically flipped the pages on his clipboard, acutely aware of the many eyes on him. “They are all expected to make a full recovery.”

“They’re going to be alright?” Twilight’s soft trembling voice spoke up, silencing the many relieved whispers from the waiting ponies.

“Yes, Princess,” Copper Splint shifted uneasily yet made an effort to maintain eye contact with the princess’s unnerving ruby stare. “They are all asleep to help speed up the recovery process, but they will all be as good as new in time.”

“Thank you…” Twilight’s voice came out in an inaudible whisper as a great weight lifted itself from her shoulders. Finally able to breathe easy once more, she reflexively released her hold on the magic keeping her transformed. As her white coat became lavender and her flames turned once more into normal – yet messy – hair and feathers, Twilight slumped into unconsciousness, mentally, physically, and magically exhausted after the day’s harrowing events.


Author's Note:

So this chapter was an excuse to use the flaming Twi from the Pinkie Keen episode, so I had to get Twilight angry. Therefore, she's pissed that her friends were hurt and she was/is useless to help them, and that the culprits got away.

Comments ( 20 )

I think I love you.

Nice and these are just starters:moustache: I love these please continue. :rainbowkiss:

Because I despise Momlestia and you can place works in only one folder in the Twilestia group, I am cutting it from the Mother/Daughter folder and leaving it in the Student/Teacher one. Hope you don't mind.

3728509 Ooops!:facehoof:Thanks.

3728412 Not at all:twilightsmile:. That would actually make more sense, since I tentatively envisioned their dynamic in these snippets evolving from student/teacher to close friends.

3727801 I'm glad you like them:pinkiehappy:. And yep; I wanted to write one of each category at first as a sort of example. From here on out any oneshot I post won't be in order, though once I have enough of them up I may post a timeline in the description. The nice thing about this is that since I don't have to go from A to B, I can write and post whatever comes to mind, which means that yes there will be more.

3727150 :twilightblush:I take it that means you like them? :yay:

Urngh...ow...my feels. I'm bleeding from my feels.:raritycry::raritydespair:

Great work, keep it up! Wonderful little anecdotes, all of these.

I'm now wondering if the attack thing will be part of an overarching plot linking together all of the Alicorn-type scenes.

Ooh... These one-shots are right up my alley. I enjoy a good exploration of Celestia and Twilight's relationship and the student/teacher devotion they have for each other. I'm looking forward to more of these!

Short one-shots that reflect the interactions between Twilight and Celestia? Sweet Luna where do I sign up? These are the kind of fanfics I live for! Excellent work!

The Princess had a soft smile on her face as she looked down at her, and Twilight didn’t know why, but that little gesture gave her a warm feeling inside.

... :trollestia:
But, otherwise, really good!

Wow hermit, these three little chapters were awesome. Plenty of fuzzy feelings all around.

I like where this is going

i really like the story hope to read more soon:twilightsmile:

i know i commented on this chapter before and i am sorry to bug you i was just wondering if by any chance you know when you might post next chapter :fluttershysad: i understand that life can get in the way and i don't want to rash you or anything i just asking if you don't know that is okay and take your time on making a grate chapter:twilightsmile:

I love rage shifted Twilight i think of it as her channeling the sun hence why her mane is a fiery inferno and her coat the same off white as the sun

as of yet i havent seen enough stories utilizing rage shifted twilight

Sorry for bugging you again but when might you be updateing your story I really like it and I hope to read more soon

Sorry for bugging you again but I was woundering if you know when you might be posting the next chapter also I hope you had a happy hoilday and qill have a happy new year

Sorry for bugging you yet again but I was woundering when the next chapter might be posted?

The beings that hurt twilight and her friends where never found cause Discord found them first.

Starlight did it first.

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