• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 13,102 Views, 295 Comments

Unplanned Parenthood - Wintergreen Diaries

Twilight confronts the rigors of pregnancy with mixed emotions... and magic.

  • ...

Dawn of a New Day

Chapter 16: Dawn of a New Day

An air of tranquility enwrapped the library in its gentle embrace as the first birdsong of the early morn sounded throughout Ponyville. Twilight was the epitome of calm, her even, regulated breathing displaying confidence of her ability to deliver the foal in a collected, rational manner. For the last week, she had been reading and re-reading the books she’d ordered to prepare herself mentally for the task that was to be performed any day now. Plus, she had made a minute by minute checklist to ensure proper order was maintained. She was learned. She was confident. She was ready.

However, she was also asleep, and such emotions and preparations do not affect one’s mind when one wakes to what was, to be sure, the most intense contractions known to ponydom. Cerulean, who was sound asleep in her arms, suddenly found himself choked back to wakefulness as Twilight’s hooves involuntarily made a heroic effort at crushing his esophagus. When his feeble tapping at her forehooves was ignored, he grabbed the arms and slid them down to his shoulders, gasping as he did his best to ignore the outrage from his abused throat.

“Easy, Twilight, just breathe. Breathe, it’ll end soon,” he said soothingly, stroking her mane as she whimpered.

“I’m... trying,” she managed, speaking between clenched teeth. After a few minutes the contraction subsided, leaving a panting Twilight too awake to imagine falling asleep, even at the early hour that it was. “You can... try to get some more rest, Cerulean. I don’t think I’m going to get any more sleep this morning.”

“You need sleep for two, Twilight. Here, give me your hoof,” he commanded, disentangling himself and beginning to massage the limb, eliciting a contented sigh as the last of the pain ebbed away. The sudden rush of adrenaline from the contraction receded, leaving an exhausted mare on the verge of sleep, savoring the companionship of the stallion that had suffered through eleven brutal months of what, in some pony’s eyes, could rightly be called torture. However, her body’s tenuous armistice with pain was broken again, matched and escalated just a few minutes later, accompanied by a most uncomfortable sensation that was notable even with the wrenching pain in her gut.

“What the hay is... oh Celestia, it’s happening! Cerulean, it’s happening! WhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo!” Her creed was interrupted as the pain forbade her do anything but gasp for air in between groans of agony.

“Are you sure Twilight? I don’t...”

“See for yourself!” she shouted, throwing back the covers and spreading her legs slightly to reveal two things; her water had indeed broken, and she was very dilated.

“Ok, Twilight, just focus on breathing. Calm down, I’ll grab your checklist.”

The checklist, yes, the pinnacle of order in a land of chaos! I crave its carefully crafted comfort. “Hurry, Cerulean, time is ticking!” she urged, taking a glance at the clock as a mental timer began ticking down in her head. “What? No, this can’t be right!” she suddenly shouted, throwing the checklist away as it cruelly dashed her hopes, its inscribed plan of action a vile deviation from the events of reality. “I was supposed to have my water break in the shower, and I was supposed to be calm, and then the doctor was supposed to come and...”

“Twilight!” Cerulean shouted, grabbing the mare firmly and forcing her to lock eyes with him. “Calm down, I can fly us both to the clinic. You need to...”

“You tell me to calm down one more time and I’m going to hnnng!” she threatened, her declaration cut off as a fresh wave of pain lit up her receptors like a wildfire. “That’s it, we’re going to the clinic! No, wait, I have a better idea!” Arguing with Twilight while she was upset was a strenuous exercise in futility. Arguing with Twilight while she was foaling was simply ludicrous. Cerulean shuddered as a massive amount of magic energy filled the room with a bright lavender light before enshrouding his vision entirely.

“Oh Celestia, Twilight, what are you...” He opened his eyes to find that nothing had changed, he still had all his limbs, Spike had started freaking out like he should be, and Twilight was still laying in bed, breathing heavily.

“Come on, Cerulean, help me down.”

“Ahhhh! Twilight, did you... how did...” Spike stammered as he looked out the window. Cerulean summoned his wings and carefully flew Twilight down to the first story, where he fashioned a simple one pony cart to pull her to the clinic. “Cerulean, I don’t think that’s going to be necessary. Look outside!” Spike urged, throwing open the door ahead of him to reveal the Ponyville Clinic was just a hop, skip and a jump away.

“You teleported the clinic here?!?”

“Oh, don’t sound so dramatic. I’ll put it back when I’m done with it.” Suddenly feeling new meaning in the phrase “walking on eggshells,” Cerulean swallowed hard and supported her the short distance to the door of the clinic, where everypony was in an state of utter confusion at their sudden teleportation.

“Twilight, is that you? Did you do this?” Nurse Redheart exclaimed as the two ponies and dragon entered the building.

“Yes, I’m sorry for upsetting everypony. I didn’t feel like walking, ok?”

“Oh is... is it that time?”

“Why else would I bring the clinic to my doorstep?” she said with a grimace, shaking as the strain steadily sapped her strength. Ugh, not even five minutes yet? I’m never going to make it.

“Oh dear! Come on then, right this way,” she replied quickly, a sudden singular focus rising over the shouts of concern coming from various rooms; keep the lavender mare as happy as she possibly could.

“What are you doing, taking me to the farthest bucking room away?” Twilight muttered after passing the first two doors.

“I thought you’d prefer to have a room to yourself,” Nurse Redheart explained as an irate Twilight whipped open the closest door and strode in.

“You, what’s your problem?”

“Uh, twisted hoof, why?” There was a flash of light and the stallion suddenly found himself in the hallway, bed and all.

“And let me guess, wing flu?” she asked the pegasus mare cowering fearfully on the bed. Not knowing where the stallion had been sent and fearing for her mortal well being, the mare rushed out of the room with her limp wings hanging at her sides, and a distant crashed marked her fateful encounter with a stallion now sporting two twisted hooves. Still, he couldn’t argue with having such a pretty mare on top of him, and mentally thanked the lavender mare for making his day.

Walking to a previously unoccupied bed, Twilight lay down and groaned as a fresh wave of increasingly frequent contractions hit. “Somepony get the doctor in here!” Nurse Redheart took one look at the glowering mare and took off, leaving Cerulean and Spike in the room. Twilight pried open an eye as Cerulean grabbed her hoof in his own, reaching the other over to stroke her mane and looking at her with pleading eyes filled with worry. As calm as he was, it was clear that her sudden reversion to her frustrated mannerisms were invoking memories of the past, and his expression only became more sympathetic as her eyes filled with tears.

“I’m scared, Cerulean.”

“That’s what I’m here for, Twi. You’re not in this alone. If I had time, I’d gather your friends, but...”

“Oh no, there is no way I’d let them watch this,” she replied with a feeble laugh, spreading her legs as she eased into a position where she could push more easily. She gave a curious look to a red faced Spike as he rushed from the room, staring at the door a few moments before suddenly realizing what had transpired. “Remind me to apologize for that later.”

“For a baby dragon, he sure is getting... exposed to a lot of stuff at an early age.”

“This is the thanks I get for letting a stallion into my house.” Twilight made a point of smiling through the pain to make sure he knew she was simply being facetious, which he gratefully accepted as Doctor Stable walked into the room.

“Twilight, Redheart has informed me that... wow, I got here just in time,” the doctor said as he entered, taking the situation at a glance. “You there, are you the father?”

“Yes, I’m...”

“Not where you’re supposed to be. Get up behind her. She needs the support, both physical and emotional.” Cerulean instantly obeyed, crawling up behind her and resting her head on his chest. “Now, at the next contraction, you need to push.”


“Yes, push.”

“But that’s going to hurt! I mean, more than it already does.”

“Yes, it will. But you will just drag it out longer if you don’t. Plus, it heightens the risk of complications.” At the mere mention of the word, Twilight spooked, no longer wanting to be alone but wishing to have as much support as she could imagine. Cerulean saw the telltale lavender aura and closed his eyes, expecting that with or without his sight he’d know what had happened soon enough.

“Hnnn, what? What ‘n tarnation is goin’ on?” At the sound of Applejack’s voice, Cerulean snapped his eyes open to behold each of Twilight’s friends present in the room, half asleep and wholly confused.

“I’m in labor, that’s what. And I’m kinda freaking out!” Twilight yelled out in response to the earth pony’s inquiry. “I just wanted somponies to...” she started before stopping as the contractions resumed.

“Twilight, push! Come on, you can do it!” Cerulean encouraged.

“That’s easy for you to say... you’re not the one... giving birth!” she muttered.

“Twilight, he’s right, you need to push, now,” Stable commanded.

Knowing his fiancé could be rather stubborn, Cerulean put it into terms she could understand, yielding instant results. “Twilight, you don’t want our child to be tardy on their first day, would you?”

“That’s it, you’re coming out!” Twilight cried, pushing with all her might and immediately following with a scream. “Are you absolutely, positively sure I’m not dying?” The screams and tension forcibly roused her friends, who crowded around and offered their encouraging words and comforting hooves. Rainbow Dash took a quick peek to examine the dilation before putting a hoof to her chin in thought.

“How bad could it be? That’s about how big I am when Storm is...”

“Rainbow Dash, that’s entirely different! And please, do not elaborate further,” Rarity urged, turning her nose upwards in disgust. Fluttershy was barely maintaining minimal functionality, blushing violently and clinging desperately to Twilight’s right hoof like a comfort blanket.

“Oh yeah? And how exactly is it different, Rarity?” As if to answer her question, Twilight gave a mighty push, widening the opening by approximately twice as much. “Ahhh, ok, now that looks painful!” Dash yelped, shoved aside by an irate Doctor Stable who was doing his best to maintain his professionality despite being surrounded by panicking ponies.

“Oh man, this is so exciting! There’s going to be somepony new in town! And you all know what that means, right?” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing around and completely undisturbed by Twilight’s labored breathing.

“Pinkie, you so much as mention your party cannon right now and, so help me Celestia, I will send it to the bucking moon!”

“Silly, you’re not Celestia.”

It seems I have made a horrible mistake bringing everypony here. They’re not helping in the slightest. At least Fluttershy is trying, though all she can seem to manage is depriving my hoof of blood. I’m just spreading my pain. I should send them all back. Send everypony away. Her pain suddenly eased as the contraction subsided and the murmur of voices drifted to the back of her mind.

“Twilight...” A single voice came through the pain, a calm amidst the turmoil. She could feel the vibrations in his chest as he spoke, and she looked up at Cerulean as he craned his neck down, touching his horn to hers and whispering softly. “Send some of the pain to me.”

“Cerulean, I couldn’t possibly...”

“Twi, you need to focus. This isn’t just about you or me, but about our child. It’s already been twenty minutes. Now, please, let me help.”

“I’ll be sure to reward you for your services rendered,” she replied, allowing a wearied laugh before forming a connection between their magic, the aura’s mingling and turning a soft indigo hue. Cerulean grimaced in unison with Twilight as both of their stomach’s blazed, the muscles seeming to tear from the strain. “Cerulean, stop, you don’t need to...”

“Don’t speak, and don’t turn away,” he managed, gasping for air while the rest of the friends quieted down and watched the pair. “Just keep... pushing.” Nodding inwardly, she squeezed hard. The pain was less than before with Cerulean absorbing half of it, but still excruciating.

“You’re doing great, Twilight, keep it up! I think I see the head poking through!” Doctor Stable encouraged, motioning for the nurse to stand by, ready to assist.

“C’mon, Twilight, ah know you ‘ave it in ya!” Applejack called out, placing a gentle hoof on Twilight’s side.

“Yeah, I know you’re tougher than the average egghead!” Dash seconded, hovering nearby.

“Quite. We may have our differences, but I can set them aside for now. You are perfectly capable of making it through this.” Twilight didn’t even dignify Rarity’s “encouragement” with a response, focusing every fiber of her being on evicting the obstinate foal from the comfort of its natural habitat.

“Hahaha, peekaboo!” Pinkie chortled, covering and uncovering her face as the foal’s head edged farther out. “Wow, for a newborn, your child sure has a lot of hair, Twilight!” She was indeed correct. Most foals have just a short mane when they were born, but before the ears were even visible, long locks of golden blonde and teal were poking out.

“I couldn’t care less if he or she is bald! Obey your mother and come out, dang it!” she muttered, not having the strength left to shout. It felt as if her magic were being sucked out along with the child, sapping her vitality and causing her body to quake. “Cerulean, please, I need some of your magic.” The indigo glow turned completely blue as Cerulean poured his reserves into Twilight, calming her tremors and, in effect, transferring them to him.

“Twilight, you’re... burning up. I think... I can help... with that,” he panted, using a small bit of his remaining magic to coat them both in a thin layer of soothingly cool snow. Their combined heat caused it to melt nearly instantaneously.

“You’re giving too much, Cerulean. Stop, you going to hurt yourself.”

“Don’t worry... I’ll be fine. I didn’t suffer being a mare, modeling lingerie, being possessed by...”

“I get it, I get it,” Twilight replied, coughing weakly as she tried to laugh. “Just hang in there a little bit longer.”

“That’s supposed to be... my line, isn’t it?”

“Twilight, you’re close, just a few more good pushes and it’ll be done,” Stable commented, waiting patiently for the next contraction while alternately losing patience with the ponies all around the room, fidgeting and whispering and generally negating any hopes for concentration. “Would you please all sit still?”

“Um, I’ve been sitting still,” Fluttershy squeaked, not opening her eyes.

“Fluttershy, how can you be embarrassed at Twilight giving birth when you put on a show at a night club?” Rainbow Dash smirked, staring down at the innocent mare of none-too-innocent deeds.

“I already told you, that was a terrible experience and I don’t want to dance for anypony but myself. I’m just glad Cerulean drew their attention away so I could run away.”

“Oh man, I wish I could have been there to see that!”

“Ah can’t wait t’ tell that one t’ Storm,” Applejack chuckled, shooting her an accusing glance. “An’ after gettin’ so mad at him for bein’ with me... ain’t you the contradiction.”

“No, I meant the looks on the other ponies faces! You know, when he ‘showed off?’” Rainbow Dash corrected as Twilight and Cerulean both ignored their suffering long enough to give her a pointed glare.

“Um, not that I’ve noticed many others, but it was a pretty decent...” Fluttershy started before Rarity forced her mouth closed.

“Fluttershy! I cannot believe you would even dare to think about such things!” Rarity shouted, covering her face with hoof.

“This from... the mare who designed... my show stopping lingerie,”Twilight grit out as the contractions resumed.

“Come on, Twilight. This is it,” Cerulean muttered, refusing to break connection with Twilight’s horn and quickly running himself nearly entirely out of magic.

“I’m inclined to agree with him, Twilight. Come on, push!” Stable urged, readying himself for the final stage. Twilight reached up and grabbed one of Cerulean’s hooves as she braced herself and pushed with all her might. As the morning’s first rays shone through the window and offered a calming light to the room, there was an immense, searing pain followed by the cry of a newborn, ushering in an awed silence while both parents slumped back, exhausted.

“Congratulations, Twilight, Cerulean. It’s a filly,” Stable said soothingly, clipping the umbilical cord and handing the foal to her mother’s outstretched hooves. Cerulean was speechless, unaware as tears of pride began to stream down his cheeks while Twilight cleaned the foal. Her coat was a soft indigo like the early evening sky, her mane a golden blonde with a streak of teal to match her eyes, just like her father’s.

“Oh, oh, how does she taste, Twilight? How does she taste? Can I try?” Twilight caught Pinkie Pie’s invading tongue and gave her a withering glare, whereupon Pinkie Pie calmed down and gave her ample space while she resumed.

“Well, Cerulean, it appears as though you have succeeded in making something more beautiful than I have managed thus far,” Rarity murmured, examining the foal’s uncommonly long mane and tail.

“So, do you have a name for her?” Rainbow Dash asked, landing and drawing close to the bed.

“Cerulean and I both agreed to name her together. I pick the first, he gets to pick the second,” Twilight explained, cradling the foal who gave a cavernous yawn and blinked sleepily, having realized there was no longer any need to fuss. “Cerulean?”

“Can... can I hold her?” Easing herself upright, Twilight waited as Cerulean shifted to a sitting position beside her, both of them leaning back against the bed frame for support. Twilight eased the foal into Cerulean’s trembling hooves, watching them both with an adoring smile as they locked eyes. It was impossible to describe the wellspring of joy that flooded Cerulean from within at that moment, overshadowing every fatigue, sorrow and heartbreak with one singular thought; this was worth it.

“It looks like I’m going to have some competition for your affection now,” Twilight whispered, leaning against his shoulder and placing a hoof on his foreleg. “What do you think about the name ‘Dawn?’”

“It’s perfect,” he replied, beaming as the little foal took a tentative taste of her hair. Not having tasted anything else, she had nothing to compare it to and thus continued her assessment with gusto. “How does ‘Starshine’ sound for her last name?” Twilight nodded, before turning to the rest of the ponies still eagerly waiting for the announcement.

“Her name is Dawn Starshine,” Twilight declared, while everypony stomped their congratulations. Dawn gave a short cry of approval before figuring out that her stomach, which had always been amply supplied with nutrients, suddenly felt strangely empty. Cerulean handed her back to Twilight, who, now that the birthing process was over, felt strangely embarrassed to be seen nursing, even by her own friends. “Could you all give us some time alone, please? I think Dawn is hungry. Oh, and try to do something for poor Spike.”

“O’ course, Twilight. C’mon, y’all, let’s give the two tired ponies some time t’ recover.” Having removed the placenta and cleaned Twilight up, Stable covered her with a blanket and filled out the birth certificate while Dawn enjoyed her first real meal. It tasted way better than hair. After filling her stomach, the little filly promptly dozed off, leaving her google eyed parents to fawn over her in peace.

“You know, a lot of things are going to change, now,” Twilight whispered, turning to face Cerulean.

“Tis true. But if we can make it through pregnancy, I’m sure we can make it through parenthood. I do have one question for you though.”

“Oh, and what might that be?”

“Do you think a month is long enough for Rarity to design a wedding gown?”

“Do you really think I’d wait that long? She has exactly one week. Tops.”

7 Days Later...

“Twilight, you really, really need to calm down,” Cerulean pressed with a concealed smile, watching as Twilight trotted circles around the main floor.

“But the wedding is this afternoon! What if somepony didn’t get an invitation? What if my dress doesn’t fit?”

“Yes, it’s this afternoon. Spike’s sent at least five invitations to each guest on the list, and you’ve gone to try on your dress for hours at a time for the last three days. I have a better question; what if you wake Discord with all your panicking? Or worse, what if you wake Dawn from her nap?”

“Ok, ok, point taken,” she sighed, slowing to a stop. Cerulean approached and had just wrapped her in his hooves when Celestia walked in unannounced.

“I assure you, there is no need for either of you to worry about waking Discord.”

“Princess, it’s such a relief to see you,” Twilight said, trotting over and melting into her embrace. Her relief was short lived as the ever cheerful cackle of the resident Draconequus emanated from the doorway.

“My, my, I haven’t been to a wedding in ages! It would be my honor to see such a chaotic mare joined to another pony, even if he is dreadfully boring.”

“Princess, I don’t... what is going on?”

“It’s quite simple, Twilight. I have released Discord in exchange for a vow. He is to restrict his madness to a secluded area in the hills where nopony has to worry. Assuming he behaves, I will allow him relative freedom.”

“You there, boring blue stallion that can’t seem to do anything but stare at me. I would dearly love to be one of your groomsmen.”

“You know, one could argue that being calm and reserved in the face of town shattering chaos is a truer form of insanity. I suggest you not call me boring again,” Cerulean replied calmly.

“Touché, Cerulean. Perhaps you can provide some entertainment.”

“Ok, you’re in.”

“Cerulean, you can’t be serious!”

“Twilight, we’re already way off your schedule, so let’s just go with it.” While she had mostly returned to normal, emotional balance hadn’t quite returned to her yet, and thus was easily overwhelmed by the sudden, jarring turn of events. Discord, upon seeing her burst into tears, immediately hid behind Celestia, fearing for his immortal well being.

“If it will help cheer you up, I can tell you an amazing story.” Twilight shot him a glare before closing her eyes and sinking into Cerulean’s embrace. “Lets see now, it was back, oh, eleven hundred years ago? I taught your dear teacher a valuable lesson.”

“Discord, what are you hinting at?” Celestia inquired, narrowing her eyes and wracking her brain to try and remember exactly what he was talking about.

“Twilight Sparkle, have you ever wondered who taught Celestia to dance?” He found himself unceremoniously gagged by Celestia’s forehoof as she tried to ignore the heat rising to her cheeks.

“Celestia, is he...”

“Leaving, now, yes we are. See you in Canterlot!” she called over her shoulder, shoving Discord out the door while he snickered, taking flight with Celestia hot on his trail. Twilight sniffed a little, staring at the door while Cerulean tried his best not to remember Celestia’s “performance” that he had seen. It was going to be an interesting evening.

Despite the myriad of unexpected occurrences and chance mishaps, Twilight had to admit that the setting was nothing short of spectacular. Celestia had slowed the movement of the sun to allow for the entire ceremony to take place while it was setting, painting the sky a soft pink and allowing the sight of scattered stars. The gardens were packed with guests and friends alike, and to her relief everypony that had received their multiple invitations was in attendance. However, as the mane six went about preparing for the ceremony in seclusion from the males, tension seemed to be running high surrounding the presence of Discord, especially with Applejack. Pinkie Pie was, perhaps, the least concerned, expecting gooey pink clouds in the forecast for the evening and salivating at the thought of an unlimited supply of chocolate milk.

“Celestia, I don’t mean to be rude, but are you really sure it’s safe to let Discord out?” Rarity asked as she worked on Twilight’s mane.

"I understand your concern, Rarity, but other than turning Blueblood’s mane and tail into spaghetti and a few other mostly harmless pranks, he has been behaving himself surprisingly well."

“I’m not normally one for vengeance, but I dearly wish I could have been witness to such a sight. Twilight, do sit still. I know you’re nervous, but this takes concentration,” she commanded, placing a hoof on the mare’s shoulder.

“Man, Twilight, you look just as nervous as I did before the Young Fliers Competition.”

“Rainbow Dash, think about Discord being at your wedding and try not to freak out.” Rainbow Dash sat stunned a moment before going into maximum freak out mode, not having really thought about marriage due to the fact that she and Storm had only been dating for just under half a year. The ponies shared a much needed laugh as a steady “ohmygosh” chant filled the room.

“Ah don’t think she quite caught the Discord bit, sugarcube.”

“Clearly. Rainbow Dash, calm down, you’re going to hyperventilate,” Twilight chuckled while Fluttershy tended to the dreaming mare.

“Ok, that should just about do it for your mane and tail, dear. Let’s get you dressed.” Twilight wasn’t normally one to concern herself looking overly feminine, preferring simplicity and functionality over extravagance, but she wasn’t dressing for herself. Rarity had come through once again, somehow managing to satisfy both ends of the spectrum, a dress perfectly suited not just for the occasion, but for the lavender mare who was being admired by everypony in the room.

“My little filly is finally growing up,” Velvet said as she entered along with Princess Cadence, beaming proudly and dispelling Twilight’s self doubt at how Cerulean would react. Dawn, who had been with Velvet, reached out her hooves eagerly towards her mother and was promptly set down, crawling over and wrapping herself around Twilight’s foreleg.

“I remember back when you were just a few years old. It’s shocking to see how much you’ve grown, Twilight. You really have become a proper lady,” Cadence mused, a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

“Well, I think ‘proper lady’ might not be as fitting as... nevermind, I’ll let it slide,” Rarity muttered under her breath. She was acting like one now, and that was as much as she could hope for. Velvet, however, caught the remark, and walked over calmly, standing before a confused Rarity.

“Excuse me, I don’t believe we’ve met. May I ask your name?”

“But of course, I am Rarity.”

“Well then, Rarity, please explain to me why you find Cadence’s words laughable.”

“I just find it hard to justify calling your daughter a proper lady when she indulges explicit dancing as a secret hobby. Such acts have no place among the refined.” Velvet turned back to see her daughter cringe and turn away, blushing violently.

“Miss Rarity, my, where have I heard that name before? Oh yes, I saw it in a very recent article in a leading fashion magazine.” Rarity donned a superior smile before suddenly realizing that there was only one article of note that had been released regarding her work recently, the grin turning into a look of abject horror. “Tell me, if such sultry, provocative dancing isn’t befitting a proper lady, then you have no business pointing the hoof, seeing as how you design risqué saddles and other such things in your off time.”

“Rarity, what’s she talkin’ about?” Applejack inquired, turning to face the now fully red face mare whose mouth was slowly opening and closing as her reputation crumbled under the revelation of one of her deeper secrets.

“Shocked? Don't be, I saw the ad in a fashion catalogue. 'Rarity's designs are so alluring that even stallions can't resist wearing them.' So tell me, proper lady, how is that any different?”

“Rarity, there is really no need to be so upset. I myself ordered three of your designs, seeing as how I will be marrying soon too,” Cadence tittered, further compounding the growing resolution in Rarity’s mind to discontinue her deviation from dressmaking.

“Stallion? Ewww, that’s so gross! What kind of stallion would do something like that?” Dash exclaimed, shuddering as all kinds of bizarre mental images revolving around Storm assailed her mind.

“Um, actually, it was Ce...”

“Don’t say it, Fluttershy!”

Anypony can, with effort, learn to befriend, or at least tolerate, another pony, regardless of disposition or background. Or, at least, that’s what Cerulean kept telling himself as he unsuccessfully tried to block out the non-stop bickering between Discord and Shining Armor.

“Cerulean, you sure have picked up some... odd friends,” Lemon commented, looking over at the pair.


“I hardly call appreciating cosmetic enhancements designed only to provoke stimulation vulgar. I’d say exciting, more than anything else. I doubt Cadence would mind, if you asked.” At the mention of his fiancé’s name, Shining Armor lost patience completely, summoning his armor and horn blade. “Oh my, extending your horn just for me? I must let you know that I don’t prefer stallions in that way. Cerulean, are you quite sure you wish to be family with this stick in the mud?”

“I’ve dealt with worse,” he remarked with disinterest, not even bothering to dignify their quarrel with a glare.

“Cerulean, I demand that you get this... thing under control at once!”

“Shining, you’re the one being confrontational. Discord, I know he’s fun to tease, but for the sake of everypony’s ears can you give him some peace?”

“You do realize you just asked Discord for peace, right?” Spike chortled.

“Spike, you’re not helping.”

“What? I found it funny.”

“Would everypony please just be quiet?” Cerulean shouted, causing a sullen silence to settle in.

“Hmph, we agree on something for once, Cerulean,” Night Light muttered, standing towards the back in a sulk.

“Thank you, dad, that makes me feel so much better,” he said with a sigh. While Night Light no longer wished to tear him limb from limb, to say their relationship could use work was an understatement. “All right, now listen up. This is a huge day, but it’s not about me. It’s about Twilight. So, anypony screwing it up will be dealt with accordingly. Shining, this is your sister, so quit bucking around and get ready. Discord... just... be quiet. Please. Or I’ll tell Celestia you turned Night Light’s tongue into a snake or something.”

“Oh, now isn’t that a delightful idea! Tell me more of this devious plan.”

“I dunno, Cerulean. I can think of better things to turn into a snake,” Storm snickered, joining into the fray.

“Wait, you’re not seriously considering letting that monster use his magic on me, are you? I’m the bride’s father!”

“You’re going to have a second head where the sun doesn’t shine if you don’t stop acting like a conceited foal!” Cerulean shouted, on the verge of doling out some much deserved punishment. Honestly, did Night Light stop maturing at thirteen or something?

“You’d best watch yourself, Cerulean.” That was it. No more playing nice.

“Ok, you know what? Discord, do it.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Night Light growled.

“Well now, what is this? Somepony requesting a sinister prank? It would be quite rude to not accept.” There was a brief flash then a loud hiss, followed by a startled silence. “I wouldn’t make any sudden movements, Night Light. They tend to not like that,” Discord whispered, placing a paw on the quaking stallion’s shoulders.

“TREACHERY!” Shining Armor covered his mouth with a hoof as a second chilling hiss bid him lower his voice.

“Oh come off your high and mighty routine. I may let loose and have fun, but I have never once brought anypony to physical harm with anything I have done. When something like that happens, it stops being fun. Well, life endangering harm,” Discord said defensively, sniffing as if to start crying that his innocence had been called into question.

“Night Light, I will say this once more, and your next offense lands you in a heap of trouble with Velvet. I somehow doubt she will show the same self restraint as Discord has. This isn’t... about... you.” A nod to Discord and he sighed, rolling his eyes while snapping his fingers, setting Night Light’s parts back to their original state. Without a word, he and Shining Armor retreated to the back of the room, whispering up a storm as they no doubt cursed Cerulean to high heaven.

“Gee, Cerulean, no offense, but can you ever have anything go right?” Spike asked, walking over and eyeing Discord with great suspicion. Big Macintosh chose his words carefully for maximum effect.


Due to the industrious efforts of Celestia, Luna, Velvet, Discord, and perhaps Dawn, the ceremony managed to start on time, despite everypony else’s best efforts to raise a ruckus. Even as anxious as she was, Twilight sensed her father’s far from pleased disposition and sighed.

“Do you really not like him that much?”

“It’s not that. Well, not entirely, it's also just... hard to let my little filly go.” Twilight slowly approached her father, who wasn’t much taller than herself, and gently pulled his head lower so she connect their horns. Using her memory magic, she relayed a couple choice scenes from her relationship with Cerulean, where he time and time again went the distance for her. “I see... It seems... I owe him an apology.” The music changed, and he gave his daughter a fond embrace before turning towards the door. “Come, Twilight. Your stallion is waiting.”

Never had Cerulean imagined that, if he did manage to find somepony to wed, there would be so many ponies in attendance. Princess Celestia had asked early on if she could open the wedding to the public, and after some deliberation they had agreed, hoping that such an event may help ease the rumors that still managed to float around regarding Cerulean’s past. The rest of the mane six were lined to his right as he faced the doorway Twilight was to emerge from, with Lemon, Big Mac, Shining Armor and Discord to his left, thankfully managing to keep themselves orderly. Even Bangles had come, and acknowledged her shy wave with a nod and a genuine smile.

And yet, there was a tinge of sadness that he couldn’t deny that tugged at the back of his mind. None of his family, not even his sister, had come. While he hadn’t even wanted to invite them, he still somehow felt wounded by their absence, especially Crimson. He told himself that she likely had good cause to not be present, though he couldn’t imagine what it was. All such thoughts of sadness were banished by the radiant beauty that suddenly filled the gardens as he beheld his wife to be.

Twilight had been perfectly satisfied with the dress she had worn to the Grand Galloping Gala for the last two years, but somehow Rarity had refined it to be even better. Her new dress was lighter, less billowy in the back and a deeper hue of blue like Cerulean’s coat, with a teal trim. The cape was altered to adjust for the necklace she now wore, with the neckline matching the band perfectly. The stars towards the ends were changed from five to eight points each, resembling snowflakes. The music, the light, everything melted before his eyes until there was only Twilight, slowly approaching with glassy eyes.

“Cerulean, if you keep gawking like that, you’re going to drool,” Twilight said quietly as Night Light prepared to make his exit. One look at his adoring gaze made it inarguably clear to Twilight that her self doubt was unnecessary and unfounded. Cerulean was used to suffering an overflow of words, not a complete cessation of them, unable to tear his eyes away from the mare that had taught him love, loss, and hope.

“Know that you have my blessing, son. I will apologize in full after you make a wife of my daughter.” Cantering away and sitting beside Velvet who was watching over Dawn, he watched with pride as the two ponies turned their attention to Celestia as the music came to a stop. Celestia gave a pointed look at Discord and mouthed “Don’t even think about it” before beginning to speak, clearly preempting something dastardly as evidenced by the bored sigh that Cerulean heard from behind him.

“Friends, we are gathered here today for a most joyous occasion, the joining of two ponies in marriage. Twilight, my most faithful student, and Cerulean Snowgleam, whom some of you may have heard of.” There were some murmurs in the crowd as they put a face to a name many of them had heard, normally in a less than reputable light. “I will say this now, and I will only say it once. Cerulean has been cleared of all charges, and has proved himself an upstanding citizen of Equestria, worthy of being wed to my protegé. If there is anypony who would refute this, let them speak now so I...”

“Get him out of here! Charges or not, he traumatized some mare in some way. I even heard she suffered a split personality because of it!” Everypony in the audience turned to see a dark gray unicorn trotting up the aisle, glaring furiously in Cerulean’s direction. Celestia stood still, watching his approach before a yellow unicorn mare stopped him cold his tracks, exceeding his look of loathing with one of her own.

“I am the mare who pressed the charges,” Bangles declared, causing instantaneous silence. “I will testify again that Cerulean never laid a hoof on me.”

“But... I thought that...”

SILENCE, WASTREL!” Luna shouted, trotting up behind the group as Celestia approached from the front, waving off the guards who were rushing over towards the commotion.

“What is your name, colt?” Celestia commanded, eyeing the group of cowardly rabble rousers.

“L-levinbolt, your Highness.”

“Well then, Levinbolt, I think you will learn a valuable lesson today; do not speak until you have heard everything there is to hear. Had you not cut me off, you would have heard me say, ‘let them speak now so I can send them to the moon for a day.’ So glad you volunteered!” He had time to blink once before there was a blinding flash, and he suddenly found himself very cold. Celestia had a very difficult time maintaining her regal countenance as Discord let forth a mighty laugh, keeling over and leaning on an irate Shining Armor for support.

“He never could listen,” Cerulean chuckled softly, watching as Celestia returned to her position, allowing herself a quick grin to ease the tension building in the sides of her mouth before addressing the crowds once more.

“Now then, anypony else have an objection? Anypony at all?” Not even the resident animals in the garden dared make a noise. “No? Splendid, let us proceed.” Twilight and Cerulean were so enraptured with each other that they very nearly missed their cues, but as it drew time for their vows, their focus merely intensified as they spoke from the heart.

“Cerulean, on this day, I promise to stay with you always. I will never choose another, mare or stallion, before you, and come rough waters or bountiful fortune, I am yours, that you may never feel alone.”

“Twilight, I vow here and now to never leave you alone. Through every joy and every tear, every scar and every fear, I shall remain by your side until the end of my days. All that I am, I give to you this day.” Then, clasping hooves, they spoke in unison, tears of gratitude shed without shame.

“My mind, my body, my heart, I give to you. Our bond shall never be broken.”

“I pronounce this couple husband and wife! Cerulean you may... oh, alright then,” Celestia giggled, watching as the couple got started a little early amidst thunderous hoof stomping, roars of approval, and more streamers and confetti than should be physically possible to produce from one blast of a party cannon that Pinkie clearly had stowed in her dress somehow. Rather than walking Twilight down to the reception, he offered his arms as he summoned his wings, carrying her into the evening sky as Celestia moved the sun to its normal position and making room for Luna’s brilliant evening sky. Twilight gazed up at the twinkling lights before closing her eyes and resting her head against Cerulean’s chest as the world rushed by. A brief flash caused her to open her eyes to find Dawn had teleported onto her chest, and she immediately wrapped her hooves around the foal to keep her from falling.

“Dawn, what are you... how did...”

“Seems I’m going to have another bundle of magic to try and keep track of,” Cerulean chuckled, hovering in place and staring at the giggling foal. Turning his attention to Twilight, he leaned in, sharing a moment of passion before heading down to the ponies gathering in the reception area below, landing amidst a throng ponies wishing them well and offering their congratulations.

Applejack watched the pair from afar, standing by herself near one of the many tables of refreshments, though Pinkie Pie had already cleared two of them. All of the guests, the ceremony, and that dang dress... she could do without all of that. The true prize was the pony that would be by her side, a gift she had yet to be given. So it was with envious eyes that she cast her longing glance at the pair, not for Cerulean, but for what he shared with Twilight.

“Applejack, are you alright?”

“I dunno, Big Mac. My heart’s a right mess right now. Ah had hoped seein’ Cerulean wed would help me move on, but it ain’t. It’s just makin’ me wish for somepony t’ take ‘is place. Do ya think it’ll happen for me, brother?”

“Eeeyup. Just ‘ave t’ be patient fer the right one.”

“Ah don’t wanna be patient.”

“Well, Applejack, you just may be in luck! I seem to recall you asking me to be your very special somepony, so I was thinking...” Discord started, his voice trailing off as both of the earth ponies all but ripped him to pieces with their eyes. “Just a kiss?” Were he not especially quick, the mutual buck would have likely cracked a few ribs at least, but he managed to teleport a short distance away just in time. He wasn’t, however, omniscient, and had little time to react to the pink blur that suddenly appeared in his vision.

“Applejack, no fair! I wanna taste Discord too!” Pinkie squealed, promptly completing action with or without the hapless Draconequus’ consent. Discord found no problem with this, until he saw that Applejack and her brother looked, if it were even possible, more vexed with him and Celestia had joined in the scowling. He hastily shoved the mare away and looked anywhere but into the eyes of the furious alicorn striding purposefully towards him.

“Just what do you think you’re doing to Pinkie Pie, Discord? I warned you about using your magic like that.”

“Easy, Celestia, you’re pointing the hoof much too early. She was the one who came on to me, no magic involved. You can even ask those two humorless ponies over there,” he replied, pointing towards the Apple family siblings. “She did taste very much like my clouds, though. Pinkie, did you... now where'd that mare get to? Least she could do is say thank you," he huffed, tapping a talon against his arm.

“Celestia, you have ‘bout three seconds to get him gone before ah do somethin’ ah may not regret later.” Not waiting to suffer the princess’ wrath, Discord hastily vacated the area, sullenly scanning the crowd from the skies in the hopes of finding somepony who could ease his boredom. Spying the ever energetic Rainbow Dash and that hulking earth pony with wings, he dropped down beside them and began listening in on their conversation. It was, however, about boring things like marriage and when and where so on, so he cleared his throat rather loudly to gain their attention.

“What do you want, Discord?”

“My my, such hostility. Calm down, Rainbow Dash, I’m not here to crash the party. Well, not entirely. I happen to know you have a soft spot for pranks, and I would be forever in your debt if you could help me liven this place up a bit. I mean, listen to this music!” Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the side as she listened to the symphony play. They were skilled, to be sure, but she could definitely agree that it could use some... sprucing up.

“Listen up, Discord. I don’t trust you, but if you promise to be good, Storm and I may just let you join in on some pranks with us, just not tonight. This is a big day for Twilight, and I’m not doing anything to mess it up.”

“But... gah, what’s it take with you ponies? Fine!” Flying away, he lighted at the entrance to the gardens and stared at the large ball room where the reception was taking place. He was doing his very best, but the chaos was filling him to the brim and he had to find a release. Returning inside, he cautiously approached Pinkie Pie who was eagerly gorging herself on a platter of pastries.

“Hey there, Discord! I’m a little thirsty, think you could make it rain? Oh, and by the way, I have no idea what you taste like. I just couldn’t put my hoof on it, you know?”

“I’m terribly sorry, I really should brush my teeth more often. Now, wry taste aside, do you know of any musically talented ponies who could speed things up around here?”

“That’s easy! See that gray earth pony playing that cello thing?”

“Yes, the one making that horribly smooth, melodious noise?”

“Yup! Ask her about her wife.” Not wasting another moment, Discord teleported on stage just behind the mare. Octavia was professional enough not to let her surprise at having his smooth voice cause her to miss a beat, so she continued playing while perking her ears to his request.

"Excuse me Miss. The impossibly pink ball of crazy over there told me to ask you about your wife in regards to livening up the music here."

“I suppose it’s no surprise that somepony like yourself would have no appreciation of the classics. I regret to inform you that she is doing her own show back in Manehatten, so you will have to suffer the sound of my strings.”

“What’s her name?”

“Ms. Vinyl Scratch.”

“Name of the establishment she’s playing?”

“The Best Plot.”

“What a stroke of agreeable fortuity. I’m quite familiar with that establishment. I attended a rather fine show there a month back, giving the hesitant blue mare center stage a little push in the right direction. Had I known what was coming next, I may have refrained.” A flash in the corner of her vision let her know the nuisance was gone, and she continued her performance in peace for all of about thirty seconds before a large thud behind her nearly made her drop the bow.

“Hey, Octy, where’d you find this crazy guy?” At the sound of her wife’s voice, she did drop the bow, whirling to see Discord standing beside Vinyl. Her table, speakers, and all of her music had been teleported with her, and Discord was eagerly getting everything in working order while the two spoke. “Dragon thing, whatever you are, I appreciate the free trip to Canterlot, but that was a paying show.”

“I assure you, if you are as good as I’ve been led to believe, I will see you fully compensated. Now, do you have everything you need?”

“Sound board, check. Discs, check. Wife, check. Yeah, I’m good to go,” Vinyl replied with a grin.

“Nice to see where I rank on your priorities, Ms. Scratch; just below the records. I shall remember that when we get home tonight.”

The symphony had continued playing at Octavia’s behest, and Celestia was too engrossed in conversation with Twilight to notice the sudden lack of a cello. For perhaps the first time, Shining Armor, Night Light, and Cerulean were actually seeming to get along, and Cadence wasn’t quite the pony Twilight would have expected her knightly brother to end up with.

“I would prefer, however, that you not use whatever that spell was again. He was a wreck for the next week afterwards. Wouldn’t even show his face in public.”

“As long as he is kind to Cerulean, you have nothing to fear. Oh, now this is a soothing piece,” Twilight commented as the symphony moved to a particularly slow piece. “Please excuse me, princesses. I think my husband would like to dance,” Twilight tittered, looking over at Cerulean who was walking towards the group.

“Mind if I borrow her for a moment, Celestia?”

“Not at all, go ahead.” It was nearly as joyous an occasion for Celestia as it was for Twilight, seeing her favorite student savoring such a special day. She closed her eyes, remembering all of the letters she had received since Twilight’s relationship with Cerulean had started, with all the pain and happiness that had tested their love. Hoof steps behind her caused her to turn as Luna walked up. The music suddenly ceased without warning, and a slow silence fell over the room as Discord took center stage, mic in hand.

“What is that buffoon up to now, sister? Did you permit this?”

“No, I most certainly did not. I have no idea what he’s doing, but perhaps a few hours without chaos was a bit much to ask.” What came next was something that, despite her best efforts, Celestia would hear about for years to come.

“If you’d all be so kind, please direct your attention to me, that funny looking creature that you’ve all been whispering about,” Discord chortled, waving enthusiastically to the skeptical crowds. “Now, it seems you all like to dance, but you are moving far too slow for it be any kind of fun. Ask anypony who knows me, I thoroughly enjoy fun, and if there’s anything I disapprove of more than anything, it’s boredom. So, with that in mind, I thought it might be fun to speed things up a bit so we can have some real entertainment. Ms. Scratch, if you’d be so kind?”

“All right, Canterlot, time to shake things up!” Dropping the first record onto the table, she had just adjusted the volume when Discord tripled the size of her speakers in an instant, and everypony was partially deafened by the deep bass beats that blasted out into the crowds. Princess Celestia suddenly found herself in the center of the dance floor, bathed in the glare of a hovering spotlight as a pole sprouted from the ground.

“Give us some entertainment, Celestia! Just like I taught you to!”

Dancing, talking, laughing, and fearing for one’s life would be enough to sap the energy of anypony, perhaps save Pinkie Pie. Add being new to motherhood and a foal that needed feeding every two hours, coupled with the stress of a wedding, and the end result is a mare that wants nothing more than to sidle into bed beside her husband, turn out the light and enjoy a quick ninety minutes of semi-solid sleep. Or at least, that’s what Cerulean had surmised, climbing into the massively oversized bed of the Canterlot suite where Dawn was conceived.

“What a day...” Twilight sighed as she flopped down wearily beside Cerulean, having just laid Dawn in her makeshift crib wrought of ice.

“It certainly was quite... interesting, there at the end. At least now I know where you learned how to burst into flames, though I must say it’s a teensy bit scarier when Celestia does it.”

“I won’t argue with you there. It’s amazing that nopony got hurt,” she agreed, snuggling closer as she gratefully accepted his offered hooves’ invitation.

“Still, she seemed to calm down once she started dancing.”

“Oh, is that where your mind is?” she replied sarcastically, giving him a mock glare.

“If you must know, my mind,” he replied softly, withdrawing a hoof and placing it over her heart, “is here.” Those words, plus a single kiss, albeit a drawn out, passionate kiss, were all it took to wake Twilight from her exhaustion. She pulled Cerulean over on top of her and took a moment to admire the stallion that she had eagerly promised her total devotion. “I love you, Cerulean. Words aren’t enough, but I fully intend to repay my debt.”

“Hey, get out of my head. Those were my lines,” he replied with a grin.

“So... where is your mind now?”

“Well, if you must know, it’s right about... here.” Twilight was intending to giggle, but what came out was a soft sigh as his hoof traced a path down her chest and onto her flank while his lips connected once more to hers. Cerulean’s passion was temporarily disrupted as a bright flash prompted him to open his eyes, follow quickly with a tingling sensation in his nether regions. “That felt really strange, Twilight. Dare I ask what you just did?”

“I’m not quite ready to be pregnant again just yet, Cerulean. I wouldn’t mind another somewhere down the road, but for now, I’d like to just enjoy being a couple. We have a lot of ‘bonding’ to do if we’re going to catch up with Rainbow Dash and Storm.”

“It’s true, we did move rather quickly. But since this, where we are right now, is where it landed us, I can say I don’t regret anything. You never my answered my question.”

“Oh, that. I temporarily rendered you infertile,” she said dismissively, waving a hoof.

“I’m not even going to ask why you know that spell or where you learned it.”

“What matters is that I know how to use it.”

“Do you now? Well, I, for one, wouldn’t mind a reciprocal lesson.”

“I’m always eager to learn,” Twilight said softly, leaning forward to another deep kiss, circling her hooves around his neck and holding tightly. She slowly slid her hooves down to his flank, and a gentle tug told him it was time. He pulled his face away to admire Twilight for a moment, stroking her cheek before beginning to lower himself down. Suddenly deciding she was quite hungry, a tell-tale foal cry bid him freeze, torn between groaning and laughing at the timing. “I swear, that daughter of ours planned that.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest,” he replied, flopping down beside her as their horns continued to glow. Sliding off the bed, he scooped up the “starving” filly and handed her to Twilight, who propped herself up against the frame of the bed for support as Dawn contented herself with a late night snack. Cerulean returned and sat beside her, draping a hoof loosely about her shoulders and looking out the window into the night sky. It was a wild ride, filled with laughter and tears, but with Twilight in his embrace and a daughter who was already his pride and joy, he couldn’t only help but sum up the experience with one sentence, one statement to describe the deepest feeling within his heart. “This... was worth every second.”

Comments ( 45 )

are we getting MORE storys

Nice ending, I see my guess last chapter about premature labor was off, definitely for the best.

So, Levinbolt, is he the next OC?

What a cute ending.

No. He was an OC in Tears that apparently has a history trying to cause trouble with/for Cerulean. We only had him here to get banished.:trollestia:

FIRST! HAHA! Nice Chapter man. I like again if I could. :pinkiehappy:

Posted on my blog with notes regarding my plans for the immediate future, if anypony is curious what I'm working on. There is no such room in my schedule for down time if I really hope to write an OC fic for each of the mane six, plus a few other story ideas I have going on. Expect new stuff soon! :twilightsmile:

great story, can't wait to see more from you.


Great Story, enjoyed how it ended. ^_^ :twilightsmile:

472557 Ahh, I see, I apparently forgot about him.

I fucking love you for writing this... This is just so amazing :rainbowkiss:

That was a sweet ending. :rainbowkiss:

my friend i must tell you that the ending you have given here...... words cannot express my sheer love of this literature. you have made something here that will endure as a Brony clasic for eons to come. i wish you nothing but the best and wish to say that this time has been amazing and thrilling in more ways than one. i am lucky to consider you friend and hope that you continue to be amazing. oh and pm me after you read this i would like to talk.:pinkiehappy:

I loved every chapter!! That reseption was the best part of this chapter!! Can't wait for more from ya!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Just read Tears and this. I enjoyed them both a lot. My one big complaint is that I never really felt Rarity got her comeuppance. Sure she was embarrassed by what Cerulean did and probably had her reputation as a high class pony knocked down a few notches but nothing that happened to her seemed to justify her being a complete bitch most of the story. I would imagine Twilight being furious by her behavior, hormones or not.

Also there's a big plot hole with Cerulean's rape charges. If he can pass memories from one unicorn to another there is no reason he shouldn't have been able to do it when he was charged. But we'll just ignore this :twilightsheepish:

Oh, and I really would love to see another fic about Twilight and Cerulean dealing with their new foal :)

490395 ...Rarity's seeming absolute intolerance has a reason. I can't imagine any of the mane six as being "bitchy" without cause, and Rarity is no different. I will not spoil anything, but there is a reason driving her avid dislike of Cerulean and all things sensual, i.e. uncouth. And as for Twi and Cerulean dealing with their foal, take a look at "Under the Starry Skies," as Dawn ended up being a much more prominent member of the cast than I had first imagined, as do Cerulean and Twilight. If the mood takes me and good ideas come, I may right a few bonus chapters into "Unplanned" dealing with the first few months after the pregnancy. The idea of a chapter called "Postmortem Depression" makes me laugh. :rainbowlaugh:

Now, as for the rape charges thing... I can see your point. However, as I have recently put in the description, I am doing a massive re-edit and changing a few plot gaps. My answer to you is this: in the revised version (which I don't know if you read or the old) Bangles inexplicably drops the charges the day after he's jailed as the trial is beginning (or at least that's what I meant to infer, will have to go back and check). Therefore, he'd have no need or chance to offer memory transfer as a defense, as no defense would then be necessary, though the fact that the trial even happened still destroyed his reputation. Does that make any sense? :twilightoops:

Also, could also simply state that memory transfer isn't viable in court as memories can be magically fabricated. Just saying.

YAY! Happy ending!:yay:

376891 This is a VERY late comment, so I apologize for my tardiness, but there IS a flaw with your argument...Just because something has numbers, doesn't make it right. I mean, back in 'The Medieval Times', EVERYONE 'knew' that the world was flat. Did that make them right? I think not. While, yes, we can all agree that, due to that poll, Dashie IS most POPULAR pony, most popular does not equal best... At least, as far as I know of. I could very easily be mistaken, of course, but I would need more information before I could come to that conclusion. (Besides, arguably, you're BOTH right. 'Best' is relative, to a degree. Offense vs. Defense, for example. (I vote Defense.) Pizza vs. Hamburgers. (I vote Pizza.) To me, Pizza is best, but not for many many other people. Even if more people agreed with me than with Hamburgers, that doesn't mean that suddenly everyone else will change their minds. Also, it's possible that they mixed up 'fave' pony with 'best' pony. I, for one, am a firm believer that Fluttershy is best pony, but Rares is my fave.)

ANYWAYS... Yeah. Just my two bits, after the fact. XD

530544 wow, honestly? are we still going on about this? Now, I understand that people like to do this kind of thing on the internet, but honestly. Do you really think I wanna hear what I did wrong a month ago? I already said, you guys can do what you gotta do, but not meaning that you can keep going on and on and on about something I don't even mean anymore. I think ALL of us involved in that dispute really need to look how childish we acted, and get on to a better lesson. Loving and Tolerating. What I have found out about bronies is that they like certain ponies based upon their normal life. I like Rainbow Dash because I like playing sports and being competative. Thats mostly why Rainbow Dash has more haters than followers. Lets say this, bronies arent the most fit people of the internet (Before you go all agro-maniacle on me, you have to honestly think about it with an open mind towards criticizing yourself). You guys like Twilight because, well, I don't really know you guys in real life, soooo... Im just gonna guess that you guys like to read stories and such. I assume people who like Rarity are narcissists (again, no offence). I assume people like fluttershy because, well, shes pretty fucking CUTE. People like Applejack because they have good work ethic, and so on and so forth with liking other ponies. Im no better than everybody else, nor do I aspire to be. Im just a guy whos claim to fame isn't any longer than Kim Kardashians marrige. He wishes it was longer, but it will never come. I hope you read this and realize ive changed, for better or for worse.

530656 I dunno. I only just saw the comment and felt like replying. And did something wrong? I... Don't know what you're talking about, so I'll just drop it.

Alright. I wasn't TRYING to be antagonistic, so I apologize if it seemed that way... As sad as it sounds, I'm still learning how to word things properly so I don't say what I'm trying to say in the wrong way. You should have seen my posts back when I was illetic! XD

So sorry again. I guess I did word my reply poorly...

And yeah, you're right about everything else. I, for one, and not fit, and I relate to both Twilight and Rares, since I love books, and I aspire to be a true gentleman, though I suck when it comes to speech, if you couldn't guess... ~_~

I'll shut up now, before I say ANYTHING ELSE stupidly.

531107 Very well, don't worry about it. You were the straw that broke the camels back, kinda. Everyone else was giving me crap for my little comment, so yeah. No big deal

576531 It is not a reference to... whatever it is you're talking about, because I have no idea who that is! Nope, Cerulean, Crimson... both color names, thus Jade, because I didn't feel like naming a pony "Green."

No. No it isn't. I didn't even know about that ending. And I am positive Cerulean doesn't know either.

376891 Sorry for the late reply.

I wasn't trying to be rude about it, I was just posting a playful reply to state my own opinion. Sorry if I upset you in any way.
I do realize that the majority of bronies feel that Rainbow Dash is best pony and agree that everybody is entitled to their own opinions.
To tell the truth, I felt the same way about Rainbow Dash at the start of my (bronyhood? bronydom?). Unfortunately, her actions and attitude shown in the episode "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" kinda ruined her for me. That side of her, combined with the side of Twilight portrayed by most of her fans in fanfiction stories has drastically shifted my views.

And as a footnote: This is actually pretty close to how I talk in real life^ (although my writing tends to be more in-depth and expressive, whereas when I talk, I don't have the same sort of chance to sit and think about how to best convey my thoughts).

If given a chance to think about what I want to say, my speech has the ability to be quite eloquent at times. I don't like to admit it, but it's becoming increasingly obvious now that my teachers have pointed it out to me.

Anyways... Sorry for any misunderstanding there was between us. I hope we can put this behind us and possibly become better acquainted.

i was the first, of my knowledge, to use that in a fic :rainbowdetermined2:

On to the next story!:yay:

THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! :derpyderp2::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

Finished this one on the train from Bronycon too and started the next one I love your series you've only gotten better and I am hooked! :twilightblush: I am looking forward to the finish of the Fluttershy story and all the rest keep up the great work man! Also I really do like Cerulean as a character after this fic he is just presented in a much better way this time and I'm so glad I continued this story thanks for the great entertainment! /) :pinkiehappy:

I GIV THIS STORY AN EVERYTHING!!!! Just because its that amazing:rainbowwild::twilightsmile:

I liked this story even more than the previous one.

Good job.

Moving on to Under the Starry Skies :ajsmug:

1357138 No, mate. I cried as well. Many tears were shed. Manly tears. Cry like a sir.

It was before the end of season two therefore Cerulean took some artistic liberties with Shining Armor. Very Humorous Artistic Liberties

1718515 ...yes, yes it kinda is. Probably the most messed thing I've written, disregarding my pizza pony story. Rest assured, this is the worst it gets for the main series, and if I've scarred you for life, well... oops! :rainbowlaugh: My apologies. :twilightoops:

2086206 I wrote this story before those episodes come out, so sadly, I didn't have that as a frame of reference...

You are gonna die several times on chapter 8 then.

2481037hahaha, that was eons ago. your really going deep into the comments.

Comment posted by Fancies himself a lurker deleted Aug 23rd, 2013

I've now read more of your fics than anypony else on the site. Can't say I'm dissapointed with any of them though "The Risks of Braving a Storm" was my favorite so far. Keep it up! You're so awesome!:rainbowkiss:

“See for yourself!”

Spongebob was on in the background when I was reading this and when I got to this part Plankton said this.
It's kinda scary:pinkiecrazy:

That was a great story. I enjoyed it entirely. I can't wait for the next one. Good luck.

“How bad could it be? That’s about how big I am when Storm is...”


That moment with Levinbolt there was hilarious.:trollestia: Livened up the chapter a bit (as if it wasn't live enough with Discord).:rainbowkiss: I can't wait to start reading the next one.


Do you have to read the prequel to enjoy this fic?

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