• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 5,528 Views, 128 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Gets Flying Lessons (From a Wonderbolt) - Blue Dragon

Spitfire teaches Twilight how to fly, and the two fall in love in the process.

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“Ugh, seriously? It’s not that hard, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash smacked a hoof against her face and groaned into it. She’d been giving Twilight flying lessons for the better part of a month, and Twilight still couldn’t get the basics down.

Rainbow Dash wasn't known for being a patient pony. When things came easily to her and not for others, it was easy for her to become frustrated. But for the most part, she'd stuck with Twilight and tried her hardest to get her to show improvement—but to no avail. Every single day, they'd gone out to this field and practiced. Rainbow Dash would watch as Twilight attempted to get off the ground, give her some pointers and encouragement, and would witness as it all went down the drain and her friend plopped back down to the earth.

It was more than disheartening on her spirit. Could she really be that bad of a teacher?

“I’m sorry, Rainbow,” Twilight said, standing up on wobbly hooves. That was the fourth time she’d fallen flat on her face, just within this practice session. “I’ll try harder this time.”

Rainbow landed in front of Twilight, frowning. “I’m starting to think this is a lost cause,” she muttered under her breath. Then, louder, she said, “This time, make sure to flap both of your wings at the same time. That’s what keeps you balanced.”

Twilight nodded her understanding, screwing her face up in concentration. She beat her wings once, twice… The ground beneath her hooves dissolved, replaced with an airy emptiness. She dared not open her eyes now. That always led to her freezing up and falling back down to the ground.

“Keep going!” Rainbow couldn't believe how high Twilight was getting. For once in all the time she'd been working with her, she was actually getting somewhere. If she could maintain it, then they could go on to the next step! Excitement coursed through Rainbow Dash as she cheered for her friend.

However, on the other end of the spectrum, Rainbow’s voice had broken the calm spell that had fallen over Twilight. Her friend hadn’t sounded this lively in weeks. Twilight’s heart started beating faster, and sweat beaded down her face. If Rainbow was this pumped up… how high had she gotten?

Twilight tensed, and couldn’t stop herself from cracking an eye open. Big mistake. The alicorn’s wings locked up at once, and she only had time to gulp before she was falling back down to the earth. Wind tore at her fur and burned her eyes.

“Hold on!” Rainbow exclaimed from somewhere above, and it was mere seconds before strong hooves wrapped around Twilight’s midsection, halting her descent. But despite having only been falling for a short time, it felt like so much longer.

For Rainbow Dash, her victory was short-lived. She was tired of watching Twilight fail over and over again, no matter how hard she tried to get the pony to learn something. It was starting to wear down on her own confidence. If Twilight couldn't fly after a month had passed, it seemed unlikely that she ever would. And that would be a reflection on Rainbow Dash, not Twilight.

Rainbow dropped Twilight on the ground. “That’s it, I'm done.”

“W-what?” Twilight managed from her spot on the grass. She trembled from the adrenaline still coursing in her veins.

“I'm sorry, Twilight, but I can't handle this anymore. I'm not cut out to be a teacher, I'm really not.” Rainbow Dash waved her hoof in the air. “I think you should start looking for another pony to teach you.”

The pegasus spread her wings and took to the air. Twilight flinched at the burst of wind that lashed back at her, but she knew it wasn't done on purpose. Rainbow Dash seemed to be more upset with herself than anything.

Once it’d died down, Twilight poked a hoof at the ground and said, “This is my fault.” She glared back at her wings, useless as ever. “Stupid things. I didn’t ask for ‘em.”

Twilight sulked for a few minutes more before deciding to head back home. She was used to the stench of failure at this point, but Rainbow quitting was something new altogether and it dragged her down far more than a simple flight problem. Rainbow Dash was the Element of Loyalty and a pony with a lot of confidence. If she thought she couldn't teach Twilight how to fly, then nopony could.

Spike greeted her from within the library, “Hey, Twilight! How was practice today?”

She collapsed into a chair and planted her muzzle into the wooden table. “Terrible, I’m never going to learn how to fly.”

The soft tapping of baby dragon footsteps sounded in Twilight’s ear. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit… I don’t know, over-dramatic?”

“No!” Twilight snapped her head up and looked at her dragon assistant. “Rainbow’s one of the best flyers in all of Equestria, and she just told me I needed to look for a new teacher! If she thinks I’m a lost cause, then there really is no hope. Princess Celestia will be so disappointed when she finds out...”

“I think you’re making this into more of a problem than it really is,” Spike said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“No, Spike, this is serious! Princess Celestia will probably banish me from Equestria when she realizes how much of a failure I am. Especially since she’s halted my studies until I’ve learned how to fly! I’m not even allowed to check out a book from the Canterlot Archives until I can do it, it’s that big of a deal.”

“Wow, that sounds serious.”

Twilight sighed, hanging her head. “It is, Spike. And that’s why I need to break the news to her right away. There is no other pony that could teach me how to fly if she can't, so I might as well accept that.”

“Are you sure about that?” Spike asked, unsure.

“Yes. Now, take a note.” Twilight cleared her throat as Spike hesitantly grabbed parchment and a quill.

“Dear Princess Celestia, I regret to inform you that I am completely unable to fly. My mentor, Rainbow Dash, has come to this conclusion as well, and has quit. I’m afraid this is what it amounts to, and I’m sorry to be such a disappointment. I'm prepared to receive my due punishment. Your faithful student always, Twilight Sparkle.”

Spike frowned. “I don’t think this is such a good idea, Twilight. Haven’t you stopped to think that maybe Rainbow Dash just let her frustration get the best of her? I’m sure she’ll come around.”

“Just send it, Spike. If Rainbow changes her mind, she’ll tell me.” After a while, Spike shrugged and lifted the parchment, letting a fiery belch devour it. The wisp flew out a nearby window.

“I wish you’d listen to me more often,” Spike commented dryly. Within moments of his statement, he belched again and another letter replaced the one he’d sent. The dragon opened it.

“My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. There’s no need to be sorry. If your mentorship under Rainbow Dash’s wing wasn’t working out, why didn’t you tell me sooner? I’ve made arrangements for another pony to try their hoof at teaching you. She should arrive tomorrow, and I expect you’ll have more success this time. And remember, I await the good news. Princess Celestia.”

Spike set down the parchment after he’d finished reading. “...I wonder who the new pony is.”

Twilight looked as if she was glowing with happiness. She jumped up and down with a grin before pulling Spike in for a hug. “She’s not angry with me! Yes!”

“Put me down, Twilight!” He grabbed at his sides. “I don’t feel so good…”

The alicorn placed him on the ground and continued her joyous dance. Not only was Princess Celestia not disappointed in her, but she was sending another pony to teach her. Maybe this pony would be more experienced in teaching and finally be able to get her off the ground! Spike burped and another letter appeared. Twilight stopped dancing and stared at him as he opened the second one.

“I almost forgot to mention which pony you should expect. My apologies. I’ve contacted Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, to be your flight teacher. She is perhaps the most talented in this regard. I’ve enclosed a photograph of her so you know who to expect come morning. Princess Celestia.”

Twilight gasped and snatched the letter from Spike. She re-read it and pulled out the picture that had been included. “I can’t believe this! The captain of the Wonderbolts? I've never even had a real conversation with her!”

The alicorn gulped as she recalled the most recent instance she’d seen her up close—the time she’d gone to the Wonderbolt Academy to deliver a care package.

“…She’s going to kill me!”

Author's Note:

I had this idea before season four had started (so before it became clear that Twilight could fly moderately well), and have been wanting to write a Spitfire/Twilight ship-fic for a long time. That's where this story came from. Anyway, I know this chapter is short, but it's only the prologue and doesn't represent my regular chapter length. I hope you enjoy this story as it comes to fruition.

Update 7/10/14: Officially edited and revised for a more friendly Rainbow Dash.