• Published 28th Apr 2014
  • 2,019 Views, 60 Comments

Framed - Princess Glitzy

In Ponyville, rumors travel fast. That's why it doesn't take long for everypony to turn their backs on Twilight when somepony blames her for all the bad things that happen in Equestria. Luckily, she has Rainbow Dash by her side.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Twilight awoke to the sound of her alarm. The steady beeps lifted her from her sound slumber and brought her into reality. She groaned at the idea of waking, but still groggily used her magic to silence the alarm clock. For a moment, she was still, just simply coming to terms with the fact that it was morning and that she would be actually getting up very soon.

Once she decided that she should be out and about and, sadly, not in bed, she moved her hooves in an effort to shake off the bit of sleepiness that still clung to her. She wiped her eyes and stretched her wings before lifting up her blanket and stepping out of bed.

Her back cracked as she let out a long yawn. She had fully entered real life, but found herself wishing the she could keep the bliss that comes with sleep. Things needed to get done, so she shook the thoughts away, but remained in a slightly lucid state. She recalled the wonderful dream she had had the night before and let out a content sigh. Still, dreams were dreams, so go back to bed she did not.

Though she wasn't much of a morning pony, there was a nice atmosphere and she felt good. A warmth crept up her sides and enveloped her. She felt calm and comfortable, without the aid of any luxury spa treatment or sounds of relaxation. Not much was needed to allow her to enjoy herself. A pleasant smile sat upon her face.

She certainly wasn't happy enough to get out of bed and sing a song like she had weeks prior, but she wasn't grumpy either. All in all, it was an average morning, though particularly nice for a reason she was unsure of. She could look into it, as she usually did with things that baffled her, but she decided to let this one slide.

Moving on with her day, she spied Spike sleeping in the corner and could tell that he was in a deep sleep. His loud snores and occasional twitch told her so. The thought that she had become keen to his actions and behaviors occurred to her and she decided to add that to the imaginary list of things that told her Spike was awake.

The idea that such a list existed elicited a bit of humor in her and she allowed herself a small giggle. Once again, she left the realm of thought and returned to the present. She went over to wake him, but thought better of it and let him continue. A long sleep would do the baby dragon some good.

Anyway, he deserved it for having been such a great helper recently. Well, he was a great helper constantly, but she couldn't let him sleep the day away and let his skills as an assistant not be put to good use. Not to mention, she did happen to enjoy spending time with him, for he was probably her closest friend, spare for possibly Princess Celestia.

A mirror was suddenly in her field of view as she pondered a few things, so she let the thoughts slip and resumed her daily activities. A brush found itself held in her magic grip as she brushed away the bed-head. She prepared her mental checklist as she did it. Go to the market and buy some groceries. Color-code my new calendar. Go to the town hall meeting at 4:00. There was little to do that day, so she decided to take a walk through town. It was an especially nice day after all.

She thought about taking a shower, but thought that she should instead take a bath later in the day. The day awaited her and she couldn't leave it hanging any longer by doing something as unproductive as showering. She grabbed her saddle bag and the grocery list before remembering to brush her teeth.

Her hoof then collided with her face in the form of a facehoof as she chided herself for forgetting. She brushed her teeth, the whole two minutes, since Colgate seemed to know when she didn't. Soon, spraying on a little bit of perfume and putting on the new hat Rarity gave her, she went downstairs.

Quickly, she ate an apple, a red delicious it seemed, but she couldn't be sure, as she left in a rush. Then, out the door she went. It was a beautiful morning, perhaps a little chilly, but nonetheless still a nice day. She could even go into the whole 'The sun was shining and the birds were chirping,' thing, but she needn't do that, for it was understood by all who basked in the sun.

As she looked in the distance, she saw ponies talking, laughing and having fun. It made her smile a little broader knowing that they were happy. Truly, it was a great day for everypony.

She enjoyed walking and was glad that she had had time that morning. It was an activity that she couldn't engage in as frequently as she would've preferred, so she relished it whenever she had the chance, if brief. There was just something comforting about just strolling through town, feeling the grass beneath the hooves and the wind whipping around you as petty problems fade away. There was no sound better than the soft clip-clop of hooves on the road, early morning.

Casually, she strolled past a few ponies sitting at picnic tables. They glanced her way, yet they didn't greet her as they usually did. It could've irked her, but no form of reaction crossed her features. Nothing would bother her today, on such a lovely day. So, she paid it no mind and continued on.

Up ahead, a young filly sat with a frown on her face. It was an odd sight to see a single sad pony on this kind of day. Ponyville was always nearly bursting with joy. This unnerved her, as nopony should feel bad on a day such as this day. Twilight's expression became more sympathetic as she looked upon the sad foal.

As Twilight approached her, the filly looked slightly relieved, but in a way, sadder than before. This subtle change in expression troubled her. As a good princess, and a good pony in general, it's crucial to comfort any of those who may need assistance.

That's why, even one of her most beloved activities, was forgotten. Staring at the child, she felt the strong need to help, and try to help she did. "What's wrong?" She looked down at her, a warm smile gracing her features as extra support, and awaited her response with anticipation she didn't allow her to see, as it could confuse her. The filly looked a bit apprehensive at first and didn't say anything. Silence hung in the air, not a peep shared between the two, for a moment. Then, after a few seconds, she spoke.

"An older colt came and took my ball." A dejected sigh escaped her lips. Obviously, this ball meant a lot to her, or it had at least entertained her enough that she wanted it back.

"That was a mean thing of him to do." In response, she got a small nod of agreement. Slightly closer, she got, as she waited for her to say something, any clue as to how she could make her feel better.

"Yeah. He's a jerk," She swiftly looked up at Twilight for help and then just as quickly put her head back down. Though, she couldn't see her well, she thought she saw a grimace on her face. It seemed like she was conflicted, debating whether or not she should continue the conversation. After a time, she uttered a rushed phrase. "My mommy says I'm not supposed to talk to you."

Twilight's eyebrows raised in shock and a look of puzzlement crossed her face. Why would she say that? "Are you sure she said that?" The filly nodded in return. "Did she say why?" Another nod. "Would you mind telling me?" This time she shook her head to say no.

She looked down, perplexed, as she tried to comprehend why her mother would say that. Confusion rapidly replaced other emotions, as she just couldn't seem to grasp why anypony would keep their child away from her of all ponies. A certain sadness threatened to creep in, but confusion remained predominate. The filly, feeling a bit awkward, turned to leave. "Wait," She stopped for a second. "Will you please tell me?"

She looked like she wasn't sure for a second and then quickly mumbled "She says you do bad things." before running away.

Twilight's jaw hung open as she watched the filly run off into the distance. It took everything she had not to start hyperventilating on the spot. Somepony, just an innocent filly, had told her that she wasn't to be trusted. Maybe not outright, but it sure seemed like it as she watched the filly run away from her.

Her eyes scanned the ponies roaming around. These were her friends, her neighbors, her new family. Now that she was princess, they were also her subjects, her little ponies. They were the ones she had protected countless times with the help of the elements. Each of these ponies had experienced some of her greatest moments with her.

Their eyes occasionally locked and it took only that one second for her to realize how much they hated her. Their happy smiles wavered, and in some cases vanished, only from that quick moment of eye contact. She could sense their discomfort and anger towards her just from that one moment. Every single one of them turned away, disgusted that they had even looked at her. It made Twilight feel sick to her stomach.

Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She closed them tight to keep them from spilling out. She was overwhelmed with sadness and confusion. This morning, all had been great. She never would've predicted that she would feel this way so soon after being joyful. It didn't add up. That was, perhaps, the most painful. The fact that everypony disliked her, without her even knowing what she had done wrong. What had she done to make them hate and distrust her so?

She loved each and every one of these ponies. Wasn't it practically just yesterday that everypony was cheering for her and singing at her coronation? Weren't these the ponies she had come to know and the very reason she had chosen to stay in Ponyville? It didn't make sense. All she knew was that for some reason everypony hated her. And, she knew they hated her. The daggers in their eyes spoke more than any words, but it still made her afraid of what venom she might hear in their, normally cheerful, voices.

She once again opened her eyes and ran to the nearest pony without even a thought. "Why do you hate me? What did I do?" She hadn't meant to say it, but it came out before she could think. Her emotions had gotten the best of her. Fear and sadness had replaced any rational thought. Everypony hates me echoed in her mind, making her feel worse every passing second.

The stallion simply watched her with curiosity. She could've sworn that she also saw a bit of sympathy behind his stern gaze, but in the blink of any eye, whatever she thought she saw was gone.

"You lied to us," He shook his head as if to clear his mind of doubts. "You deceived us. We trusted you."

"I would never! I care about everyone in Ponyville! I would never lie to any of you!" Tears, without her realizing it, had slipped out. She quickly wiped them away and looked into the stallion's hard eyes.

"Then, why did all the terrible things start happening to us right when you came to Ponyville?" She was left speechless.

"I- I… don't know." With that, he left without another word. Twilight stood there, paralyzed, and noticed that a small crowd had formed. Many of them had smiles on their faces. Their smiles were brought by her pain. The thought made her nearly want to vomit.

Another pony stood up and lashed out at her. "You've been working against Ponyville!"

More cries rang out. "All you wanted was to rule Equestria!"

"Why should we believe you? All the facts seem to point to you being a liar!"

"Everything was fake! You never did anything to help any of us!"

One she heard particularly well. "You never cared about friendship!" It broke her heart more than she thought words ever could. Soon, words began to blur together as dozens of shouts filled with air. There was one similarity between everything anypony said. In every shout she heard the unmistakable sound of hate. But, worse, she could hear the sound of betrayal.

She opened her mouth to say something, anything, to prove to them that she wasn't lying to them, when she noticed five mares staring at her with looks of pain. Her closest friends stood there with the same emotions crossing their faces as everypony else.

"Applejack! You've got to believe me! You can always spot a lie!" She looked at her with a shred of hope that maybe she could prove her innocent. She couldn't bear to think that her friends also believed that she was, or ever would be, against them.

"I don't know what to believe." In her eyes she saw disappointment. Then, Applejack ran away from the crowd. Her hope shattered to pieces as she watched her gallop farther and farther away. To Twilight, it was as though she was running away from her and only her.

Rarity looked at her for a second before shedding a tear. "I'm so sorry, darling. This is all madness. I want to believe you, but I just don't know what to think." Fluttershy moved as if to say something also, but she lost the nerve and looked down at the ground. They both gave small smiles before turning and leaving just as Applejack had.

She wanted to run after them and tell them not to believe what they were hearing, but she was left rooted in place. Half of her friends, gone. She couldn't bear to lose another.

Twilight turned to Pinkie and immediately regretted it. The sadness she saw was the exact opposite of what she was used to seeing around her. She couldn't tell if she was upset that they were accusing her or that she believed them and was just as upset at her as the others. Either way, the fact that she was making her feel this way stung like the pain of a whip cracking down.

Complete and utter loneliness was what she felt. She felt that the weight of their sadness and pain would crush her. She wanted, no, needed to get out of there. She turned and ran as fast as she could. Tears flew quickly as she ran. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew that she needed to get away.

Author's Note:

I fixed the scene with her friends. Happy?

P.S. I'm really happy now. Before, I got more bad reviews than good and that was just a day ago. Now, this story is in the What's Hot? list on the second page in romances written this month! So, woo hoo!

P.P.S. No mentioning how the rumor doesn't seem believable, or how overdramatic everypony was, or how you just don't think this would ever happen. It's just getting annoying is all. I've already heard all of it. Go read the comments. If you happen to have a complaint that was not already said, then I would be glad to read it and fix whatever seems wrong.

Comments ( 58 )

Seriously, that is all it takes to make almost everypony betray Twilight except for Rainbow?
...I really hope that if Twilight manages to prove her innocence, she then goes to live in Canterlot and breaks her friendship with the rest of the elements of harmony because if they are willing to so easily believe those kind of rumors about Twilight after all they went through, then they were never really friends with her so no big loss there.

4306392 Well, I didn't outright say that they don't believe her. Applejack just said that she doesn't know how to feel about all of this. Rarity and Fluttershy didn't even comment, so you as a reader don't really know how they feel. Pinkie Pie was just really sad about the fact that everypony was upset, perhaps that they were mean to Twilight and maybe that Twilight could've done it, but I didn't say that. So, you can say that they thought that, and they might because I'm not really sure, but I don't think they know what to feel right now. Also, the story wouldn't work out right if all of her friends immediately believed her without any hesitance because then she could never get together with Rainbow. So, they don't completely think she's lying. They're just very confused and they're digesting the information about their friend. It's a lot to take it. It makes you question everything you've done with them.

4306392 that kinda reminds me of another story like this, except it's rainbow dash that everyone turns on. it's called 'Finding Scootaloo.' it's pretty good, and there are a number of sequels planned for it. he actually made a whole blog post about the ideas behind each of the planned sequels. i'd suggest reading it, if your into the whole no forgiveness thing.

Okay what? No. Rumor alone cannot cause this kind of reaction, especially if there isn't any kind of solid evidence. Especially among her friends. And you made it seem like it took barely a day for this rumor to spread, and even in a small town it'd take two or three, and even then they wouldn't downright hate her after such a short time. Sure, they might be a little... suspicious, but hate is such a strong over reaction it's totally ridiculous. Again, especially among her closest friends. These are baseless accusations and nothing more; no one in their right mind would turn their back on someone because of such things.

And perhaps the worst thing, her friends believed some faceless rumor before so much as TALKING TO TWILIGHT ABOUT IT. No... just.... no. It makes no sense and puts them so far out of character I don't even think those character tags should be on there. It's seriously not even remotely believable this would happen.

Will track for Twidash, because I'm a sucker and I want to see if you can redeem yourself after this start.

I still think they should not even need to think about it but at least they did not immediately believe the rumors, the rest of Ponyville on the other hand are still pretty much jerks.
I already knew about that story, everypony that is not Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle is pretty much either an massive idiot(of course Rainbow Dash kidnapped Scootaloo, after all she went through the trouble of adopting her) or an horrible pony.(Fluttershy being...Fluttershy, Rarity being an rapist and stuff like that)
Still i guess i am more mad than usual due to having read "Miss Sparkle, Psychopath" recently so i am less forgiving about others not trusting her(especially Rarity if she ends up believing the rumors in any way)

4306645 oh, i loved that story! yeah, the were all stupid in that one too. especially rarity, but she got what was coming to her in the end. that's what always makes me feel better; them getting what they deserve in the end. what always pissed me off was when they were forgiven with little to no hassle.

crystal ponies: horeseapples

ponyvillian: but...

crystal pony: our problem started 1000 years ago, nightmaremoon, 1000 years ago, discord 1000 years ago and there is no way that she could have known about the changeings, also the elements of harmony chose her, are you calling the elements of harmony stupid?

ponyvillian: well no...

crystal pony :you calling your princesses or my princess liars?

ponyvillian: um....

crystal pony :so you believe the rumor mill over three alicorns that have kept the peace for thousands of years.... you really don't deserve her living there.

in other words, the crystal ponies arn't gonna believe it.

4306723 I didn't touch that one because it obviously happened. I don't think everything can be staged. I mean, Twilight wasn't even alive the first time, so how could she be a part of that? So, for that, you're right.

I could talk about how unlikely this would be to happen over such a short period of time with practically no basis, but it's all been said. Again, reminds me of a handful of other fics but these days, what doesn't? Still, I like it, go figure. :twilightsheepish:

4306635 In the TwiDash group there was a contest. In the contest, the prompt was that the whole town needed to accuse Twilight of something. Then, Rainbow Dash had to ultimately end up with Twilight. That was the whole plot. The main characters are part of the town. If they all believed her immediately then RD would never end up with her and technically not everything would be blaming her for anything. I did that because that's the prompt. Also, in Equestria Girls they all turned on each other because of stupid things and then didn't talk for years. So, they can turn on each other. They've fought before, too. Also, to refer to my reply on another comment:

Well, I didn't outright say that they don't believe her. Applejack just said that she doesn't know how to feel about all of this. Rarity and Fluttershy didn't even comment, so you as a reader don't really know how they feel. Pinkie Pie was just really sad about the fact that everypony was upset, perhaps that they were mean to Twilight and maybe that Twilight could've done it, but I didn't say that. So, you can say that they thought that, and they might because I'm not really sure, but I don't think they know what to feel right now. Also, the story wouldn't work out right if all of her friends immediately believed her without any hesitance because then she could never get together with Rainbow. So, they don't completely think she's lying. They're just very confused and they're digesting the information about their friend. It's a lot to take it. It makes you question everything you've done with them.

So, I get where you're coming from. I really do. I don't know if they would really turn on her that fast. But, it's a story and in order for it to work they need to turn on one another. So, yes, these ponies may be making a snap judgement, but they've believed far worse.

P.S. That was just the prologue. I put it there, so things would make sense. It's not really a day. The rumors have slowly spread and been talked about enough that more and more believe it to be true.

4307147 Thanks. I did have reasoning for their rash decisions, though. I know what I'm doing with this. Besides, the turning point isn't a major part in the story. The whole point is that they'll work together to prove her innocent. It's mostly about how they stick together. So, I just need a few chapters about this and then the rest of it will be kind of a mystery mixed with romance.

And as soon as you use the prompt as defense you've lost what respect I had for you. Seriously, I understand if you're rushing to get it done, but the contest is over, you don't have to rush it. If they all believed her there wouldn't be a story? true. Who said they should believe her immediately? I'm saying they shouldn't distrust her immediately. There's no proof! In EQG, there was evidence of who was doing the things, so there was a reason. Following the prompt is half the battle, making it believable is the other half. You've done half the work. You followed the prompt, but this just isn't believable at all.

They may need to turn on one another, but they need believable reasons for doing so.

"I don't know what to believe." In her eyes she saw disappointment

AJ said that. You said she was disappointed If she didn't believe it, or was simply unsure, she'd be unsure, or nervous, not disappointed.

And beyond that, they turned their backs on her! What kind of friends would do that? Confused is one thing, but to turn your back on your best friend because of a rumor? No. it simply doesn't happen, not without some solid evidence.

4307198 I changed the scene. I haven't gotten a single nice comment on this story yet and I'm just about ready to cry. I thought this was believable and to me this is a good story. Why isn't it believable? Friends fight. I just… whatever. I hope you like the new scene. I don't even care anymore.

EDIT: I just sat and cried for a few minutes and I think I got it out of my system. Okay. I get what you're saying. Sure, friends probably wouldn't turn on one another, but how are we to know how they might handle this? Maybe not like this. They would probably talk to her. Still, I don't think I could do that much. I haven't really planned out any of this story. I just know that I needed them to get mad and then get proof from RD and then forgive her again. I didn't really mean to make them seem like they hated her. Also, the disappointment might be towards the crowd. I really don't know. I wasn't trying to make them seem unreasonable. I just wanted them to sound confused, possibly hurt that they accused her or that she might've hurt them. I thought I did that scene well. I guess I didn't. Well, I guess I'm a terrible author because I thought this was great and everyone hates it so far. Now, I'm sad again. I'm sorry for upsetting you and making you get defensive. I suck at conversation. I always start arguments. I don't like confrontation. I tried to sound reasonable, but it didn't work. I'm sorry I'm bad with words I guess. Now, I feel like an awful person. This just isn't working out too well for me.

Well. I'm familiar with how the rumor mill works in small communities so its workable that most of Ponyville could be swayed. One jealous simpleton can do a considerable amount of damage.

Its also been established that most of Ponyville is mentally deficient(including most of the Bearers). Free lobotomy with every apple level deficient. So their inability to grasp cause and effect, history, the basics of reasoning and so on is in character for that town. Even for the bearers, who were actually there to witness what happened with their own two eyes.*

I do hope something truly awful happens to the town.

*Is it just me, or are most of the Bearers absolutely terrible friends?

4307280 Probably. I rewrote that scene, though. They responded even worse before.


I would've gone with a meeting in the library that lead to a screaming fight. "Sorry Twilight, but if we go sticking up for you we'll lose our jobs!" If the town of simpletons is anti-Twilight, then Pinkie, Rarity, and AJ would be fiscally screwed. And Fluttershy lacks any sort of spine and.. honestly, I'm unsure what she does for money. I just go with 'She writes gruesome yet best selling horror stories in her shed'.

The story has promise, it just needs some work. Expand on how the rumors spread like a disease, egged on by our villains. And show what happens with the other Bearers. They abandoned Twilight before during the wedding, so its very plausible they'd do so again if some pressure is exerted. Just gotta show that.

Also, remember Spike! Everypony forgets about the Fax Machine, but he's loyal for life.

4307388 True, but he would mess up my plans… I guess I could make him help. I'll figure out a way to factor him in.

Alright, here goes nothing.

First, if this is your reaction to a couple negative comments, how the hell have you survived thirty stories on this site? Surely this isn't the first time you've gotten criticism?

Second. Never apologize for writing something, or thinking something's good. My biggest rule as a writer is that I post nothing I'm not proud of. You thought the scene was good? Fine, you thought the scene was good. If you were proud of the scene no one has the right to convince you to change it. However, we have the write to voice our opinions, and the overwhelming opinion so far is that the reactions were off for the characters.

Third. It's always a good idea to have, at the very least, a loose plan. Without an idea of where you're going or where you're coming from the plot will, more often than not, fall apart if left to its own devices.

Fourth. There's a difference between intelligent discussion, an argument, and criticism. I've had only one true argument on this site, and it's not with you.


Well, I guess I'm a terrible author because I thought this was great and everyone hates it so far

if this is truly, truly what you think. If you really think because people don't like a single scene that you're a terrible writer, then... I can't help you. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's people putting themselves and their work down. I said this before, but I'll say it again. IF YOU ARE PROUD OF SOMETHING, DO NOT LET PEOPLE TELL YOU OTHERWISE. Criticism is fine, but making you think a scene is terrible is not okay, and certainly not my intentions. If I came off that way, then I'm the one who needs to apologize to you. I have a tenancy to be a bit harsh when I don't mean to be.

Sixth. If you don't want to change something because you think it's good, then don't change it. if someone says something that convinces you of their opinion, that's fine. But don't change it if you're still happy with it. in the end, it's your story, not theirs.

And finally, seventh. If this comment, in any way, made you upset or offended, then I apologize. It is not my intention.


Groovy. Well, I've given the story a thumb up and a fav, so I can track it. I look forward to what you do with it.

Is there going to be a 'Princesses must learn to deal with gossip themselves' letter from Cake Flank?

4307427 You keep pointing out characters I didn't plan to put in the story. I have some stuff to think about now.

4307413 Thank you. You really didn't make me upset.

I'm not very proud of anything I've written. I can honestly say that about half of my stuff on this site is good. I have some things I'm proud of, but nothing extremely so. I once submitted a story to Equestria Daily that I thought was my best story ever and they responded with 20 different things that were wrong with it. That one is funny. I tend to do things differently. I write a crappy story and post it. Then, I go back later and fix it. The second chapter was only a little more than 1,000 words before.

Also, I usually deal with criticism pretty well, but mostly because I only get a few negative comments. I have some people who put that generic "It was awesome!:pinkie happy:" and that's enough to make me happy. I know that's what everyone puts, but still. But, pretty much every comment was negative in some way and all about the same part too. Sure, I wasn't that believable, even I know that, but I guess I wanted it to work.

My problem has always been stretching out scenes to be long enough to convey real meaning. I rushed the ending and made each of them leave quickly. I guess the criticism did help because I think I like the ending more now. I hope they seem more believable now.

I once had a story that I wrote nearly two hundred pages for over the course of a year or two (I got sick of writing the story) and during that time in between I grew a bit as a writer. I tend to be prouder of my stuff now than my old things. When I went to continue the story after the long break I had to reread the chapters to know where I was exactly. I was going to edit it, but I determined that it was so bad it was a lost cause. I had gotten some bad reviews on it before, but couldn't understand why because I thought it was great. Now, going back, I see that it really was bad because I didn't have the skills.

I'd like to think I've gotten better. I'm pretty sure I have. This type of story isn't really my forte, though. I mostly write sad stories where somepony dies. That's more my thing. Romance, not so much.

This is probably giving you mixed feelings about how I feel about my work. It's good. I feel like I have a lot of potential that I'm using, but not to the fullest. I want to be an author when I grow up (I'm 13). By then, I might have what it takes. Right now, I can definitely say that I'm not amazing, but I'm grown.

P.S. I didn't fully cry. I'm not completely insane. I just pretty much sat here feeling like crying and shed maybe a tear or two. Also, I really hate to use this excuse, I really REALLY do, but I have my thing that ends a sentence. I doubt my brain is functioning correctly right now.

P.P.S. I don't even know why I said that at the end. I should probably delete it. I really should. It's staying. I'll keep it there and allow you to digest that. Maybe I am crazy. Ha.

P.P.P.S. Did you like the new scene any better? Did they seem any more believable? I'd like to hear what you think.

Well if you really are 13 I can say you're hell of a lot better than some writers a decade older than you. You just need to practice, like every other writer starting out. If I may offer some advice from an editor of many a TwiDash tales. (I feel like numbering things, so I am).

1: Be proud of what you write. If you aren't proud of it, can you really say you put every amount of effort and skill you had at the time into that story? That doesn't mean you can't go back after you've acquired more skill and think "What the fuck was I doing?" Every writer has done that. What you put into a story is what you get.

2: Don't start a story if you don't have at least a basic understanding of how the story is going to go. You don't need a Twilight-sized list of scenes and plot points, but at least have a crude map of how the story is going to go from point A to point B. But also be flexible with that map, don't be hard set on how something MUST happen, if you had something in mind but you realize that it wouldn't fit the characters or setting, change it up (believably).

3: Words.

Be selective. Edgar Allan Poe, one of the principle architects of modern short fiction, insisted that every element, every word even, of a short story must contribute to the harmonious whole. Poe was right. Put into the story only those elements of character, plot, and setting that are relevant to what the story does. Anything else is fat. Be selective, and select no fat. And be sure to edit out anything you put into the story just to show off. As Faulkner said, delete "your darlings."

You spent more time describing how Twilight woke up that morning than you did on the actual confrontation of the towns people with her. Don't get hung up on word counts. Twilight waking up isn't so important to the story that it takes 4-5 paragraphs describing her awaking process. Use those words on the things that matter like the town confronting Twi and her friends dejection of her. I highly encourage you to read everything in that link up there. It can only help.(Speaking of Poe and 13 year olds; that's how old Poe's cousin was when he married her. Poe was in his 30s-40s).

That's about it or that I remember I was gonna say. Just remember you get better the more you write. Kodeake is a prime example of this. His earlier stories sucked...A LOT. But if you read his earlier work and work your way up to his newer stories you can see how much he's grown as a writer just from writing about lesbian horse kisses.

P.S. I'm not getting into the whole town and friends hating Twi unbelievably. It was harped on enough

Wow her friends have failed her yet again.
Yes they failed her by doubting her even after all they have been through.
Canterlot wedding
Lesson Zero
Ticket Master

Twilight is so sad and will create a force field on the library again or pack up and go back to Canterlot.
Spike will be SUPER pissed.
Rainbow will be beyond pissed and buck the first pony that tells her these rumors. In the face. Repeatedly.
Hope Twilight pulls through... oh yeah and the ones that started these rumors get whats coming to them.

Wow. I have to say that I am impressed to the end of possibility.
I came here, pleading that this story wasn't one of those stories in terrible need of an editor, but reading both chapters in such a pace that it's almost as if this story is a perfect chocolate chip cookie just popped out of the oven has proved me wrong. If you truly are thirteen, like you claim, my impressed...ed...ness (goodness gracious, I need to find my dictionary) has been doubled. You write better than an author with published books (which is not always good, unfortunately, but I have authors like Erin Hunter in my mind).
So, I prompt you to keep on writing and improving(because there will always be room improve). Who knows? Your works might become classics someday.

Just Rainbow Dash? Why not Spike, Pinkie, heck, maybe someone unexpected like Trixie or Luna or Derpy? I know Rainbow's element is loyalty, but I'd think more ponies than just her would actively support Twilight in this.

Look, I know it's a prompt, and the story wouldn't be so interesting if the rumor died out completely, and I like the story so far, but tread lightly. Why not have Rainbow Dash be Twilight's most devoted supporter, and have other ponies join later? Just, as long as we don't go the whole story with Rainbow being the only pony to even doubt these rumors until the very end.

I... Can see this more as an idea than a story. It's very interesting, though a bit strange that all of her closest friends would start to doubt her from just rumors. The town? I can see that. She can't possibly have a close relationship with everyone. It's just strange that her friends would go along with it.

I am very interested to see where you take this. I feel like the cop-out would be for Twilight to just leave, and then something terrible happens, some problem they can't solve by themselves (or can't solve easily). Though it might be somewhat "deserved" at that point.

4308647 Thanks. I usually know where I'm going to go with stories. I just didn't for this one because I technically wasn't the one to think up the idea. Usually, when I think up a story, I think of the beginning and end first. Also, I tried to expand on her wakeup because I wanted to set the scene as if she was having a great day, so that the sudden (thus why it's so short) sadness would have a bigger impact. I guess it didn't work. Well, you win some, you lose some.

P.S. Another reason why I expanded so much is that I'm trying to work on making scenes last longer. Normally, I can't get a one-shot to be more than 1,500 words. I was pushing myself to add the extra. I only had a few paragraphs of her morning before. Also, even the short confrontation scene was shorter. So, it's an improvement writing wise, even if it takes away from the story.

4308968 Luckily, she has Rainbow and Spike!

4308987 I'll look into that. I don't want anyone to be confused by some issues with structure.

4311242 Spike will be worked in there. I may or may not add in Celestia to help by bringing some motherly guidance. Also, I may make them convince the others before telling everypony in the town. That way, she would have a band of friends standing with her at the final confrontation. Thanks for that comment. I hadn't even thought of any of this beforehand. Now, I think I have an ending in mind.

4311493 I'm going to try and write this like a mystery. They find more clues signaling that she's telling the truth sort of thing. So, she's not giving up. If anything, she's fighting back.

4309425 Now, I feel really happy. Thanks! :heart:

4311740 You're very welcome. :D

awwww :fluttershysad: poor twi how dare they say that to her :twilightangry2: anyways I can't wait to read more:twilightsmile:

4311493 When I saw the small description, I was interested as well. That is, until it said that only Rainbow Dash is still on her side. Like really? I don't think the other Mane 6 would just up and suddenly turn on her like that. Now I'm not sure if I want to even read the story (although I probably will anyway)

Awww, poor twilight ;-; I wanna give her a hug. *hugs twilight*

Nice work on this my friend, another nicely done chapter ^^

And dang. everypony betrays her that fast? Well dang, that is just outrageous! :( the Dustchu, does not approve of this, and the other elements of harmony betrayed her as well? WTF? what kind of friends are they? :(

Well, good chapter my friend and awesome work, I look forward to a new chapter soon :)

I am really liking this idea a lot! I am shocked I have not seen it play out like this before. and your doing a fine job, please keep it i!

Please don't take too much offense at what I'm about to say: this story just doesn't make logical sense.

Okay, so we've got pretty much the whole town angrily turning against Twilight. Odd and hard to do convincingly, but still doable. However, from what I've read, this story suffers suffers simply from rampant OOC and the readers' suspension of disbelief being seriously tested.

The town completely and utterly turns its back on Princess Twilight Sparkle after only a day on the sole basis of a rumor. A faceless rumor with no solid evidence to back it up. I get rumor can be vicious and spreads like wildfire, but in most circumstances, some evidence is required to get the majority of the community to start believing it (let alone overreact so angrily as was the case here) and even then, most people with even double-digit IQs would normally TALK to the person in question about it before turning their back on them.

This especially would go for Twilight's best friends, for pete's sake! You can't honestly expect me to believe that these ponies who have been through so much with Twilight, would simply turn on her on the basis of a faceless rumor. It's makes them, along with the entire town, look like complete and total shallow fools.

And let's focus on the pony in question here: Princess Twilight Sparkle. A mare who has been living here long enough to establish a relationship and be on speaking terms with the majority of the town's population. There is also the fact that this mare has saved their country and species at least THREE times and is an Alicorn Princess, one of the highest-up things you can be in Equestrian social structure and hierarchy. She's got a pretty damn good track record and it would take a lot for Ponyville just to just turn against her like that.

I agree, the Mane 6 are acting OOC. But, I'm guessing that they (along with the rest of the town) have been brainwashed by others.

4316392 As I said to someone else:

Spike will be worked in there. I may or may not add in Celestia to help by bringing some motherly guidance. Also, I may make them convince the others before telling everypony in the town. That way, she would have a band of friends standing with her at the final confrontation.

4317054 I get it. Everyone wants this to happen slowly. Maybe they find evidence and maybe they spread it around and then, finally, Twilight hears of it. But, I don't want the actual rumor to be a big part of the story. The main part of this story is that she and Rainbow are working together and that that closeness will eventually make them end up together. It's more about the journey, not the fact that there was a rumor. I could replace rumor with anything. Maybe they accused her of stealing a vase from somepony and they could've sworn they saw her fly off, but I just don't want to go too far into the actual reason they're upset. Also, I was trying to make them all get that upset because I wanted it to be dramatic. Sudden anger is cool, but everyone always sees it as being too fast when that's exactly what I want.

I don't think people are seeing it as I do. Either way, yes, this story doesn't give enough detail about the rumor. Yes, the confrontation was fast. Yes, her friends may have reacted badly. Yes, the beginning wasn't perfect and it's causing a bunch of trouble. I get it. I realize all of this. Telling me how messed up it is won't make me change it. I'm sticking by my story that seems to bother everyone.

Thanks for your comment. It was valid. It was also the twentieth one. Please, do not be upset if I sounded harsh. I'm just simply annoyed. I have to keep repeating myself over the same issue, an issue I don't plan to fix.

You are completely correct in every way. Still, I will not make a move and rewrite the scene any more than I have already.

Have a wonderful day! :heart:


they would know how to feel. They would support Twilight.

a story where characters have to act out of character for the plot to work isn't a good story

4317337 They don't really think she did it. They just aren't sure. I think they're in character. I guess I'm the only one then. Ha. :pinkiesad2:

Comment posted by gaymr_girl deleted May 15th, 2014

Is this story going to continue? I really hope so, it's a great story and would love more chapters!

Don't worry, I quite liked the scene actually, and I would really like you to carry on with it too. ^_^

4798732 I will continue it at some point. I just haven't been writing, recently. I've been working more on my art than my writing. But, I haven't given up on this story and it will continue.

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