• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 4,182 Views, 194 Comments

Welcome to Equestria, dood. - Fusion Fool the 3rd

Prinnies have entered Equestria, now to serve thier favorite pony, dood.

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So, About That Book, Dood...

So for all the people that got wierd Blog notices that were weird and stupid...I"M SO SORRY, DOOD!

I feel like I cheated you all with mini-updates and such so HERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER THAT I FINALLY DID,DOOD

Sorry if it's bad, dood.


I wasn’t there but Master Cupcake had an accident in Sugarcube Corner, dood. He was baked into a cake by accident, dood. Pinkie was searching for him for a few hours before we found him inside the comically large cake that we had for Applejack’s birthday party, dood. We know he was in there because Super Pal tripped and the cake fell and it exploded, dood.

Anyways, Twilight was reading the book from chapter eight and other brief mentions, while the rest of us were doing house work…scratch that, Spike was taking a nap while the prinnies did his chores, dood.

I take a glance outside to see Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash having a prank war, the main square of Ponyville was a war zone of water balloons, pies, inks, and the random kitchen sink. I also noticed Gigavolt wheeling the Library projector back to us (she is about several months late than she said, dood); dodging everything the pranksters are throwing at her or at each other. When she was forced to stop, she sent at least three pies and 7 water balloons back to sender with her magic, and knocked on the door.

“I got it, dood.” Said Super Pal, as he ran for the door and opened it to see Gigavolt and the machine come in.

“Hey Gigavolt; done with the projector?” Twilight asked, not even sparing a glance at the demon-pony, dood.

“Yes, things came up and I had to post pone it for a bit.” Gigavolt simply stated, to put it in the corner of the main room. She turned to see Twilight still reading, blissfully aware that she was barely acknowledged, dood. “Must be a good book if you choose to ignore your guest like a smug noble.”

Twilight snapped up to see Gigavolt and quick glances around the room to see all of us (minus Spike) looking at her in confusion, dood. “Sorry, but this book is more than just a book, it’s an ancient spellbook, I bet it used to belong to one of the Princesses or maybe a relative of theirs, like a parent or somepony.” She continued, dood.

Gigavolt shook her head before Twilight let her take hold of the book with her electro-telekinesis, Gigavolt’s eyes went wide when she saw the title and started to flip through it like… Twilight would if she was on speed and REALLY needed to read a book, dood (I dunno)

The Badass Guide to Magic and Making Other’s Feel Weak by Overlord Zetta” Gigavolt said, swallowing a breath, dood.

“Who is Zetta?” Twilight asked, dood. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie seemed to stop their prank war long enough to walk in to see Gigavolt look scared.

Gigavolt closed the book and placed it on the table. “Overlord Zetta, otherwise known as ‘The Most Badass Freaking Overlord’ is one of the mightiest demons that will ever exist, and one of the very few with a near inexhaustible mana supply. He is stubborn and thick skull-ed however and it lead to the destruction of his Netherworld and his body. He spent years within a book, with the assistance of his fellow Overlords, he obtained a new Netherworld. Even when he was a book, he was still arguably one of the most powerful demons in existence.” The whole room was in awe of what Gigavolt said, but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were a tad confused by the explanation. “He’s the male demon version of Rainbow Dash with more magical power then Celestia, Luna, and Discord combined, and about as short fused as Gilda.” That explanation got Rainbow and Pinkie’s jaws to hit the ground, dood.

“If he has so much power, why would he place so many of his best spells in this book?” Twilight asked, Gigavolt rubbed her chin in confusion.

“An Overlord with more power than the Princesses and Discord combined and he acts like me? That is so awesome, I bet meeting him would be the coolest.” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Gigavolt shook her head. “Zetta only cares about power and his title of Badass Overlord. But I have heard that he and a human sorceress named Salome having a child. Maybe that book was made to help the kid learn some starter spells; I even saw the Zetta Beam in there.” Gigavolt exclaimed, before becoming paranoid.

“This could be very bad. If the book is here, than that means that Zetta or the kid might have dropped it here, and eventually they’ll have to go and find it. Shit, this is could be bad.” Gigavolt started to pace about the library, dood.

“What’s so bad about this ‘Zetta’ person anyways?” Pinkie said.

“I heard he destroyed an entire Netherworld once because they spilled coffee on his lap, dood.” Super Pal said, really super-scared, dood.

“Then, we’ll ask him to put a towel on his lap if he visits. I’ll throw the biggest and bestest party that would show him that we ponies are cool, and then when he has fun with us, the party will upgrade to a bad-ass party.” Pinkie sheered, happy at the thought of meeting a new face.

“I think Overlord Zetta would rather destroy Equestria with a single Zetta Beam than party with us, dood.” I said, because I am trying to not shit bricks over here, dood.

“My thoughts exactly, if Zetta has any minimal statistics, it’s his patience. He would rather kill first and then problem solve, and he would rather test his power against others that he has deemed worthy, and destroy whatever he has deemed too weak, like nearly every Overlord in existence. In comparison to a netherworld, Equestria is the definition of weak.” Gigavolt explained, the colour draining from everyone’s face. “And if his kid is anything like him, we are going to be caught in the apocalypse of ponydom.”

“What if we return the book and say we’re sorry?” Twilight asked, dood.

Gigavolt grimaced, “Only a small handful of demons accept ‘sorry’ and Zetta is more likely take the book after nuking Ponyville than accepting your apology.” She stopped to let us absorb the information; times like this, I wish I had a rectum, to shit bricks out of when I’m scared, dood.

“What a jerk.” Rainbow Dash yelled, dood, “Why would anyone do that?”

“Demons do that for fun, Rainbow Dash. The only reason I can say I didn’t decide to ruin Ponyville is because I dislike messes, and every Pony-Demon I have ever met have struggled to do either good or evil unless we are really drunk or really pissed off, I am no exception.” Gigavolt continued to explain, dood.

“What if we gave him a taste of his own medicine?” Twilight said, Gigavolt arched a brow, while the rest of us are trying to understand what Twilight, a pony that is commonly against violence, would try to take on an Overlord, dood.

“I have memorized every spell in this book, would that mean I have the powers of an Overlord?” Twilight asked, all of us (except Gigavolt) started to smile.

“I’m not sure, but I doubt you can cast any of those spells.” Gigavolt said, Twilight thought for a moment before leaving the library, the rest of us kinda glance at each other before following her, dood.

Twilight looked to the mountain range far in the distance. “Twilight Beam!” she said, as lasers came out her eyes and removed the mountain peak; scaring everypony that saw it, dood.

“You’ll impress him, but that blast didn’t have enough kick, if it were to disintegrate the entire mountain, then we may have a chance.” Gigavolt said; she took a look at her watch. “I have a few projects I need to tend to now, excuse me.” Gigavolt said, walking away, Rainbow and Pinkie left as well, while Twilight was deep in thought, she ran back into the tree house and studied Zetta’s Book like it had the cure to every disease on the planet and the recipe to the best chocolate chip cookies you could find, dood.


It has been a week since Gigavolt told us about Zetta and she has been in her repair shop since, only coming out to take apples, Twilight spent that same week with her nose buried in Zetta’s Book. Many of her friends came by to check up on her, we told them that Lady Sparkle was fine. They were still suspicious since we prinnies were just following Twilight’s orders, dood. Then Applejack had enough of our attempts of making her leave and she bucked us out of the way, dood.

“Twilight! You get down here now, we need to talk.” The cowpony yelled, dood.

Twilight teleported to the table behind Applejack, dood. “Yes, AJ?”

“Sugarcube, you need to get outside. You have been in here for days.” Applejack reasoned, rather aggressively, dood.

“Not yet, I need to prepare for what Zetta comes and tries to destroy Equestria.” Twilight said, dood.

The orange mare gave her a confused look, dood. “Zetta-who? And why would he want to destroy Equestria?”

“Cause he is a demon with a lot of power. If I can master the spells in his book, I might be able to repel him enough to keep him from destroying us all.” Twilight explained, only serving to confuse the apple-bucker even more, dood.

“Yea…Let’s get you out of here, Sugarcube.” Applejack said, taking hold of a large chunk of Twilight’s tail and start dragging her outside, despite Twilight’s protests, we just followed her, dood.

The girls were gathered at a picnic blanket when we approached, dood. The girls looked in disbelief as Applejack continued to dag Twilight to their gathering.

“Someday, I knew we’d have to drag Twilight by the tail to get her here, didn’t think it was so soon though.” Rarity muttered as Twilight brushed herself off, glaring daggers at AJ, dood.

“I was in the middle of trying to save Equestria from an Overlord.” Twilight retorted, weird to see Rainbow Dash shake a little, Pinkie was still sort of hopping, the rest kind of gave Twilight a weird look, dood.

“Why would an Overlord want to hurt us?” Fluttershy asked, poking a cupcake with her hoof (that’s adorable, btw, dood)

“Gigavolt said that Zetta would because he likes to show off his power or something like that.” Rainbow Dash said, Fluttershy squeaked in shock while the others continued their questionable stares, dood.

“Gigavolt also said he was demon version of Rainbow Dash with more power than the Princesses and Discord combined.” Pinkie said, Applejack and Rarity gasped at the same time.

Twilight nodded, dood. “I have learned every spell Zetta’s spellbook had but I still need to-“

“You’ve finished the book? Oh that’s good, father dropped it a long time ago and he feels it is time for me to finally learn his spells.” A voice interrupted Twilight, causing us all to turn to face a young girl (humanoid fyi) with two red pig-tails. She has white eyes, a…fuck it; here is her picture, dood.

The girl bows to us and we just return the bow as a show of respect, dood. She gives us a cute smile and walks up to Twilight.

“I presume that you have father’s book, may I please have it back? It took so very long to get father to agree to advance my training to become an Overlord and help him rule the Netherworlds.” The girl said, she gave our Lady a warm smile, dood.

“Oh, I guess you can have it back, I did want to study it more to help protect Equestria.” Twilight said, and then something dawned on her. “That would make you Overlord Zetta’s child, wouldn’t it?” Fear caught her as she spoke those words, the rest of us backed away from the demon, dood.

“Why yes, my name is Petta, my father is Overlord Zetta.” She said with a big smile, “So could I see my father’s book?” She asked, we all stared at the kind demon as Twilight ultimately gave up, dood.

“Ok, come to the library, Miss Petta.” Twilight said; she and Petta started to walk to the library with us following them, dood.

“Um, Miss Purple Pony? I’m sorry, I was never told your name, but why do you have prinny servants? This isn’t a Netherworld, is it?” Petta asked, dood.

Twilight turned and gave her an unsure grin, “They kind of broke out of Hades to pledge their allegiance to me when they got here. They have been really helpful too. And my name is Twilight Sparkle.” We puff our chests in pride that Lady Sparkle praised us, dood.

“Oh I see; I’m sure Mr. Valvatorez would like to hear that the prinnies are working hard here, even though it isn’t a Netherworld, he’s odd in that way.” Petta replied; Twilight gave her a brief nod as they continued to the library.


We got to the Library with everypony staring at us, like it’s abnormal for Twilight to stroll to the library with the Badass Daughter and 2 prinnies following her, dood. Petta and Twilight spot the book on the table as Twilight levitated it to the girl. “Sorry for the trouble, it was a very fascinating read.” Twilight said, giving a weak smile, dood.

“I do hope you didn’t hurt yourself trying to cast these spells. Many of them have cause brain damage and severe migraines to Skulls, Witches, and Magic Knights that all have tried to learn from this book.” Petta said, showing concern, dood.

“The first few spells did give me a nasty head ache but after words, I was doing pretty well. My special talent is magic.” Twilight said, dood. She showed Petta her cutie mark in which the Overlord-in-Training gasped in awe.

“My goodness, Miss Twilight. I am still trying to master my Petta Beam…I can only destroy an entire country with it right now, still not worthy enough for my father to be proud of me.” Petta said, looking downward in despair. “But if I can prove to my father that I can master his old spells, He’ll surely let me help him rule over the Netherworlds!” She said, pumping her fist in the air, Twilight looked like she was just shown that she is super weak, dood.

“I tried what your father calls ‘Zetta Beam’ but I only managed to burn off the peak of the nearby mountain with my own version.” Twilight said, crestfallen that it’s nowhere near as powerful as Petta’s Beam, dood.

“Oh but Miss Twilight, My Father’s Zetta Beam is extremely complicated, it’s a testemate to your skill that you learned such a spell as a mortal.” Petta praised, Twilight did look like she felt better from the vote of confidence, dood.

“Fusion Fool, can you tell the girls we will be having a study party in the library if they want to join?” Lady Sparkle asked me, dood.

“How nice, I never had a study-buddy before. Most people stay away from me because they fear my father.” Petta exclaimed, still happy that she has a friend to study her father’s spells with, dood.

“Got it, dood!” I say, as I march out into the afternoon, dood.

I get to the Picnic grounds to see the girls finishing up with Super Pal’s help, dood. “Twilight and Overlord Petta are having a Study Party, if you wanna attend, dood.” I call out, all of them giving me a awkward glance. Pinkie looked like she didn’t know what to do.

“It’s a party, but Twilight and Miss-My-Daddy-Will-Destroy-Us-All will be reading one book the whole night, but it’s a party…I DON”T KNOW WHAT TO DO!” Pinkie cried, falling to the ground in tears, dood.

“Pinkie’s confused, I gotta help her; see ya.” Rainbow Dash said, heaving Pinkie into her fore-limbs and flying off, dood.

“You don’t have to come, Lady Sparkle just asked me to extend an invitation, dood.” I say; I still got awkward glances, dood.

“I think I’ll go hit the hay, Tell your ‘Lady’ to remember to get out every once in a while.” Applejack told me, I gave her a salute, dood.

“I must admit though, those garments that Petta was wearing were absolutely adorable, I wonder where she got those clothes.” Rarity said, probably thinking about Ponyfying Petta’s wardrobe, dood.

“If it’s all the same to you, Fusion Fool; I need to get back to my animals, tell Twilight I’m sorry.” Fluttershy said, I merely nod, dood.

Super Pal fidgeted a bit before speaking. “I’m going to give this a-”

“You are property of Twilight Sparkle; move it to the Library before I kick you where the Succubi have been sticking things in during your wild nights.” I scolded like a boss, dood. Super Pal started to run to the library. I made my way there myself, but I had a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen, dood.


I return to see Petta and Lady Sparkle laughing and giggling, testing various non-combat spells out in the middle of the room, Chocolate came in with three Hot Cocoas, I am assuming the jerk made a third for himself, dood.

“Thank you Chocolate, now where were we?” Twilight asked, trying to find her spot in the book, dood. I walk into the kitchen to grab some cookies and a glass of milk (cause I’m allowed to do that here, bitches) and walk back in searching for the adventure book I was reading earlier…I forgot what it was called, heard it had a bad ending though, despite the awesome beginning and middle, dood.

We did however hear a sonic boom coming from nowhere, causing me to jump, “Jesus Christ, dood!” I cry, dood.

“Wait, Earth curses translated to Equestria curses in mind…if people say Sweet Celestia or Luna in place of God…would they say Twilight Sparkle or Mi Amore Cadenza in place of Jesus Christ?” Super Pal asked; Twilight gave us the weirdest looks from that.

I just shrug. “Mi Amore Cadenza sounds like a mouthful, dood. And being a brony-prinny, I’m probably more inclined to say Twilight Sparkle if I would. But I think earth bronies use Luna’s name in vain in place of the prophet guy, dood.”

We stopped being filler in this chapter long enough to exit the library to see a pissed off red headed guy…this means:

Yeah…Overlord Zetta, dood.

“I have come, little weaklings. If you return my daughter to me immediately, I’ll make sure you all die quickly.” He bellowed, scared the shit out of us, dood.

We watched Rainbow Dash fly over to confront him, like a cocky mare that she is, dood. “Who do you think you are threatening my town?” She yelled, Zetta slapped her, and she was sent flying so fast, she made five sonic rainbooms before we lost visual of her, dood.

“Anyone else think they can take me?” Zetta challenged, I took a gander around; it’s good to see that no pony decided that growing a pair was more important than life, dood.

He looked down to see Petta and Twilight standing next to each other, Petta holding his book; he scowled and floated down, his energy creating a crater below him as he landed on what I think is ground level, walking towards Lady Sparkle and Petta. He readied a bolt of energy, but was forced to release it as a lightning bolt zapped him. He turned to see Gigavolt standing their defiantly.

“You got guts, little one. Too bad you’re going to bee seeing it all over this pitiful village.” Zetta said, charging the Demon-pony, Gigavolt manged to barely dodge a strike, and counter with a shockwave and a teleport away from Ponyville.

Twilight and Petta gave chase to make sure that Gigavolt was okay with fighting the badass overlord, only to find him beating her into the dirt. “You thought you were strong? What a laugh.” He said, he tossed Gigavolt into the air and used his Badass Overdrive Skill, where he like attacks super fast than punches her so hard a small black hole appears and sucks her in…and it implodes on her, dood.

“Ow” Gigavolt barely said, spitting blood.

“Still alive? Must be a pretty strong demon, but still far no match for me.”

(Gigavolt is Level is 2409, Overlord Zetta is Level 5087, statistically, Gigavolt is hanging on by 4 HP)

Gigavolt is struggling to get on her hooves, only to fall back down, Zetta charges another blast to dispose of the lesser demon.

“Wait!” Twilight called out, Zetta stopped and turned his attention to Lady Sparkle, dood.

“And you want to challenge me too? You stink of fear.” Zetta said, turning to confront Twilight, his steps making Twilight less and less sure of interrupting him as he approached, dood.

“Father, this is my friend, Twilight Sparkle. We have been studying your book, and I hope that’s okay.” Petta said, hoping to do her father proud, dood.

“A weakling like this? Reading from MY spellbook? I bet she’s now retarded from reading one spell from MY book.” Zetta said, putting emphasis on HIS words, dood.

“Watch this, Twilight Beam!” Twilight said, grazing even more off the mountain side with her eye lasers. Zetta was intrigued, dood.

“A mortal…learned my signature attack? Sure it’s pathetically weak, but it’s my attack.” Zetta said, sounding more impressed than pissed, dood.

“Are you disappointed in me, father?” Petta asked, on the verge of tears, dood.

“O-of course not, but why is my book here?” The Overlord asked, struggling to maintain his badass façade, dood.

“Because I made a friend and a Overlord told me that demons relish solitude, so eventually I may have to destroy her, and I don’t want to do that.” Petta cried, tears slowly fell from her eyes, dood. Twilight put a hoof on Petta’s back to comfort her, dood.

“Look Petta, it’s time to get back to the Netherworld, you still got your training, and besides…you may have made a new rival here.” Zetta claimed, I swear a big neon sign that said ‘Tsudere’ popped up above him, but Gigavolt was KOed at the moment, dood.

“You mean, when I become a Overlord like you, I can come back and have a epic duel with my new friend that would destroy the universe?” Petta said, sounding rather hopeful and Twilight being very scared.

“Of course Petta, but you still need to train. And so does your friend, it would be no fair to destroy her now, no challenge.” He punctuated that point by poking Twilight make her fly thirty feet away, dood. “See? Now let’s go home.”

Petta walked with her father through a portal, but before that she turned around and yelled “Miss Twilight, please become stronger so that we can have the best friendly rivalry in existence, far greater than the rivalry between my father and Lord Valvatorez, Thank you for your hospitality.” She yelled, waving goodbye to the purple mare, dood.

Twilight gave a comforting sigh as she got up to help Gigavolt. Gigavolt opened her eyes, but lacked the strength to move. “Twilight…get a lot of soft pillows and mattresses…gather them...and place them five feet east of me…” She gasped, still trying to fight off a horrific beating, spitting blood everywhere, dood. “You have ten minutes”

Twilight nodded and levitated the demon pony to me, dood. “Make sure Gigavolt is alright.” Twilight ordered us, dood. We give her a salute as we watch what was suppose to be a evil mare and ask ourselves “the hell, dood?”

“Must be a sight…to see me like this…I think Equestria…is weakening me…” Gigavolt muttered, we do feel a little bad that she got her shit beaten out of her for trying to save Twilight. But eww, dood.

Twilight came back with a lot of ponies with lots of pillows, and placed them near the crater Zetta made for Gigavolt, and they waited.

“What are we waiting for?” One villager asked, dood.

“Rainbow” Gigavolt said, blood dripping from her mouth as she said it, dood.

As Gigavolt said it, we all saw flashing rainbow lights from above as Rainbow landed in the large pile of soft stuff, she destroyed it all and made Gigavolt’s crater larger. Rainbow struggled to get up but when she finally got onto her hooves, she turned right around and vomited, before passing out, dood, the sky was raining feathers from the pillows Rainbow destroyed.

“Wow…she still has her skin…rather durable pony…she is.” Gigavolt muttered, finally passing out.

The ponyville ponies started to return to their homes, Applejack and Pinkie waked over to us, as Twilight levitated Rainbow Dash over. “We’ll let them rest in the library, after we dress Gigavolt’s wounds and clean Rainbow Dash a bit.” Twilight said, as she headed to her home, AJ and Pinkie followed suit to help Twilight out, and of course we prinnies followed too, I know we don’t do much beyond chores…but we are prinnies, dood. You throw us and we die, and Zetta knows this, so we can’t fight him very well. I kinda fell asleep first though, So I don’t know what happened afterwords, dood… (insert burp here, dood)

Next Episode!

Super Pal: Super Pal here, cause I wanted you guys to know how the Demon Brony Community works, dood.

Rainbow Dash: This ought to be interesting.

Super Pal: There are the Six main groups, each representing the Mane6: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, dood.

Pinkie Pie: I bet my demony club throws the BEST parties!

Super Pal: There are smaller groups dedicated to other ponies like Trixie, Celestia, DJ Pon3 and such, dood.

Super Pal: The Twilight Sparkle group is a group that values knowledge over anything else, and spends nearly evey waking hour reading books in their fortress of books; these demons are known to be rather passive aggressive, and never start fights. They also consist of some of the most powerful magic users in the Netherworld! This group is lead by a Magic Knight named Titania, dood.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, a fortress of books!

Super Pal: The Rainbow Dash group is warmongering group, always challenging something or someone. They alone destroyed the fan clubs dedicated to Gilda, the Wonderbolts, and Zecora. They're most Impressive victory was taking down the Titanic Fan Club dedicated to Derpy Hooves, dood. If you don't acknowledge that Rainbow Dash is the best pony, they execute you. They are lead by a Gunner named Eye, the Greatest Sniper.

Rainbow Dash: Wow, I like their beliefs, but isn't that kinda rough?

Super Pal: The Applejack Fan Club used to be real small, but eventually consumed Hades Primary source of edible vegetation, now they have a monopoly on anything that grows. They are like the Twilight Sparkle Fan Club that they don't attack first, but they are super strong physically, they snap mountains in half with their pinkie toes. They are lead by a Heavy Knight called Granite, but he had a Dark Assembly meeting recently to change it to "Heavy Macintosh", dood.

Applejack: I like to hear that some demons take farming seriously, but to snap mountains in two? And what's a pinkie toe?

Super Pal: The Fluttershy group has never been know to fight, ever...despite being the Netherworld's Best Assassins. They are also very good with monsters, and treat them with more respect than they usually get. These guys are the reason why the Gilda Fan club is gone, they hired several of these Fluttershy Lovers to assassinate the Gilda Fan Club leader in retribution for yelling at her in the first season on the show, dood. The leader is a Kunoichi called Buttermilk, we found it funny because she actually a cup size larger than normal Kunoichis, dood.

Fluttershy: A-assassins? I don't think I like that very much, the animal part was okay, though.

Super Pal: The Rarity Fan Club are all about making the Netherworld FABULOUS, they were actually the ones who made Petta's outfit for Disgaea 4, they also believe that if you can't stay in the trend of what's hot and what's not, you are killed for being UN-fabulous. They are lead by a Archer girl that calls herself Fashion Princess Lora, dood.

Rarity: These demons must have excellent taste, Petta's dress was exquisite.

Super Pal: The Pinkie Pie group are party animals that not even the Rainbow Dash group will approach, mostly because they are experts in torture. They make party favors out of the body parts of their victims and make them smile and laugh and have fun while they die slowly. The leader, a berserker named Ripjaw, loves Sergeant Sprinkle's Cupcake's fic so much, that its pretty much the Fan Club's bible. But if they are not trying to kill you, they throw the best parties in the Netherworld, dood, And by the way...this group is responsible for the destruction of the following fan clubs: Lyra Heartstrings, Breaburn, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike. Even the Rainbow Dash fan club were impressed with the downfall of the Spike Fan club, since it was pretty big, dood.

Pinkie Pie: I don't think the torture part was very fun...dood.

Spike: I had a fan club? And Pinkie's Fan Club destroyed it mercilessly?

Super Pal: And that is the mane clubs of the Netherworld for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, dood.

Twilight Sparkle: I don't think I want to go to the Netherworld.

Fusion Fool: If you do, make sure you go to the Sparkle Library, you'll be treated like a god, dood.


The change of pace with the Next Episode thing was last minute since I couldn't think of something. But I FINALLY SOMEHOW MANAGED A NIS CAMEO..despite how lame it came and went...Thank you for reading.

Oh and I made the first several chapters EASIER to read...they don't look like odd blocks of text no mores, dood.
(Sorry for that, dood.)