• Published 8th Jan 2014
  • 3,364 Views, 29 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Resurgence - KMIECIKGOD

Shortly after his death, Master assassin, Altair emerges into a foreign land inhabited by a different races of ponies. Altair pushes onward to discover his reason for his purpose for his extended life.

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“TWILIGHT! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!” The little dragon barked as he raced between Twilight and the assassin. Altair stood there, silent and alert with the situation. He began to stare at the him with curiosity. This is the only creature that he had seen that was not based off the equis design.

Altair dropped to one knee seamlessly and held out his right hand.

“Do not be afraid, little one. I do not intend to inflict harm to you or your friend.” He had held out his hand as a gesture of peace.

“Don’t mind him. Spike is still just a baby dragon.” Twilight cut in to break the tension.

“Twilight! How many times do I have to tell you? I am not a baby anymore!” Spike now faced Twilight with disgruntled expression on his face.

“Fine. A young dragon.” Twilight simply rolled her eyes.

Altair forced a cough to get Spike’s attention.

“Forgive me. I am Altair. I don’t mean any harm. I have just arrived in this new land and I am lost.”

“Where exactly are you from?” Twilight brushed Spike aside and gestured Altair to sit down on the couch that was behind him. The elder assassin stood back up and sat down on the couch, thinking to himself.

How is it that I am able to move more easily now? Back in my world, I would have issues of doing anything physical. Now it is like I am a few years younger.

“Um, excuse me?” Twilight’s words snapped Altair out of his thoughts, causing him to face Twilight quickly.

“I am sorry, I was lost in thought. You asked a question?”

“Yes, I was wondering where you originated from.” Twilight looked him in the eyes as she hopped on the couch herself.

“Well there are many ways I could answer that. City, country, planet…”

“Hold that thought… Spike, there are some letters on the table over there. Could you send them to the princesses and my friends?”

Spike gave her a confused look but still did as she asked. Altair watched as the little dragon grab the letters and gentle blow on them, causing them to disintegrate into a green flame. One by one Spike did this until all were sent to their designated destinations. Altair wasn’t surprised by this. He had heard of ancient stories dragons in his world, some varying differently depending on who told them, but the idea was similar.

“Sorry, have to make sure that the important ponies know you are here.” Twilight said with another guilty smile.

Not soon after she spoke, the front door slammed open and a bluish blur zoomed in until it stopped right in front of the couch. Once the definition of the blur sharpened, it revealed that it was a cyan pony hovering in the air. This pony was different. It had a rainbow mane and tail, and the most notable feature was that it had wings.

This pony had an aggressive look on it’s face, like it was ready to attack.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash. Good that you got my message.” Twilight spoke with a hint of surprise in her voice.

“So, this is the creature thats invading Ponyville? Ha! It doesn’t even look that tough.” Rainbow boasted.

Altair simply looked at the pony hovering only a few inches from his face. She, from what he could tell by the sound of her voice, was obviously the athletic one, due to her muscle tone. Most of her body was defined and evenly shaped. Judging by the mane style and the way she spoke, she seemed like she would fit in with the Assassin recruits he had helped train. Altair didn’t concern himself on her origins or rather her actions.

Rainbow flew a few feet away and raised her front hooves in front of herself with them curled backwards, suggesting that she wanted to fight.

“Come on then! I can take ya!” Rainbow said with a devilish grin.

Suddenly, a flash of light emerged from behind the pony. Altair took the opportunity to ensure that “nopony” was doing anything. Both Twilight and Rainbow were looking at the source of this light, while Spike was by the door picking up the quills he had dropped when he entered the library earlier. The assassin diverted his attention to the light as well, revealing two more ponies in the room.

These ponies were completely different from he had encountered earlier. These were twice as tall as the other ponies, and a most notable feature, they had horns as well as wings. The taller of the two was white as snow. Her mane was wavy with different colors, adding a shine to it. Her flanks bore a golden sun on both sides. The other pony was the complete opposite. Her coloring was a dark shade of blue with a hint of black on her flanks. This one’s markings were crescent moons instead.

The tallest one approached Altair as he stood up from the couch. He was about eye level with her.

“So this is the visitor that Twilight told me about.” She said with such grace in her voice. Her facial features never revealed any animosity toward the assassin.

“Please.” as she held out a hoof, “I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and bearer of the sun.” Altair shook her hoof, giving a glance to the other pony. Celestia caught this and spoke.

“Forgive me, this is my sister, Princess Luna. She is also co-ruler and bearer of the moon.” Luna simply bowed her head downward.

Altair was surprised that this land had different rulers. His customs were that of a single ruler, mentor or dictator. He had never thought a nation could flourish with different rulers.

“If I may ask, what exactly are you? You appear to be both unicorn and pegasus.”

“We are what you would call, ‘Alicorns’. A special breed of ponies that are extremely powerful. Our kind usually become rulers of a specific territory.” Celestia informed the assassin.

Altair sat back down on the couch gently, not to seem rude.

Where did I end up? Am I on a separate planet? Universe? What did the Apple do to me? Why has it taken me here?

These questions plagued Altair’s mind until there was a knock on the door. Twilight’s horn begin to glow as did the door until it swung open. In came four more ponies, one Altair could recognize as Pinkie Pie. He didn’t know the other three.

“Well butter ma flank and call me a biscuit. You weren’t kiddin’ when ya said there’s a new creature walking around.” The orange pony spoke with a strange accent, one Altair didn’t recognize.

“Thank you for showing up, everypony.” Twilight spoke to the new ponies.

“This is Alte…uh….Allti…”

“Altair.” He corrected with a smile. He knew to foreigners his name was difficult to pronounce.

“Thank you.” Twilight trotted up to the other ponies with Rainbow following her. The two princesses simply watched what was transpiring.

“These are my friends Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.” Twilight had pointed to each of the ponies he had not know.

Applejack trotted up to Altair and stuck out her hoof. The assassin stood once more and lowered himself to one knee, shaking the hoof as the pony.

“Nice to meet ya, Altair. I am Applejack, Element of Honesty and producer of some of the best apples around in Equestria.” Altair noticed that her flank had three red apples on it. The next pony was completely white except her mane and tail which was a purple curl. She had approached him in an affluent fashion he had seen many times from his world.

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Altair. I am Rarity, the most fabulous fashion designer in Ponyville and the Element of Generosity.” Altair gave a quick glance at her flank and saw that it held three blue diamonds on her.

Each pony has a mark on their flanks. From what I can tell, they represent a talent they have. More than likely their primary talent. I’m going to have to ask what they mean by Element of Honesty or Generosity.

Another hoof shake, another pony, however this one didn’t approach at all. She simply hid behind the other ponies until Altair stood up and walked over to her. While the others moved out of the way, the only one he didn’t know was laying on the ground with her hooves over her head. Obviously she was scared of him.

“Miss Fluttershy is it?” Altair asked trying to sound gentle.

The yellow pegasus opened her eyes and saw his in front of her. In a barely audible tone she answered.

“Um… yes, th...that’s me.”

“I am Altair. Please do not be afraid. I promise that I will not hurt you.” His words sounded very reassuring, to where she uncovered her head and actually looked him in the eyes. Altair held out his hand to Fluttershy while she gave him a blank stare.

“Let me help you up.” Fluttershy took his hand and he gradually helped her to her hooves. After that, the shy pegasus hid behind her long, pink mane.

Altair walked over to the other pegasus hovering in the air, giving him a stare.

“I take it you are Rainbow Dash?” Again, trying to be nice.

“Listen buddy, I don’t know you and quite honestly, I don’t like you. So do me a favor and don’t pretend that we are friends.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight said sternly.

“It’s alright. I appreciate her honesty.” Altair looked at Rainbow with a saddened expression.

Rainbow looked around and was immediately attacked with different glares, one even coming from Princess Luna. Rainbow hovered down to the ground, staring at it with a guilty expression.

“It’s not OK! She has no right to show disdain to you! You haven’t done anything wrong.” Twilight spoke then took a quick glance to Celestia. Altair took the same glance but was surprised of what he saw. There was no emotion in her face. He saw that she wasn’t watching the situation, she was actually analyzing it. The look on her face was very similar to how he absorbed the details of a situation.

What is going through her mind? Altair stared at her for a moment then returned his gaze to Rainbow, who was still looking embarrassed by her previous comment.

“Now that the rest of us have dealt with the introduction on our part, it is your turn.” Altair looked over to see that Princess Luna was the one who spoke.

“You spoke your name, but we want to know more about you.” Celestia said.

“As you wish. I am Altair Ibn-La’Ahad. Men... well now former mentor of…” Altair couldn’t just reveal that he was an assassin outright, they would be terrified and suspicious of his existence. However he wasn’t willing to lie to them.

“...an organization with the sole purpose of protecting our species. We have, for centuries, protected the rights of our people and their free wills.” Altair ended his speech only to meet by expressions of confusion. Twilight looked at him.

“Against whom?”

She’s a smart one. I will have to remember that.

“An organization called The Templar Order, whose ultimate goal is to unify the entire world under their rule, robbing everyone of their will.” Altair was surprised to see that all of the ponies gathered around him in awe of his speech. Celestia nodded and spoke up.

“With such noble intentions such as that, you should have been well recognized by your people as heroes.” Celestia had spoken with pride in her voice.

The irony baffled Altair. He had always worked in the shadows, striking those that had threatened his clan without being seen. The only time he was praised for his work was when he took over the order as Mentor. The people of Masyaf were safe and secure and they knew it.

“My life’s work did not need to be rewarded. Some had called us ‘Heretics’ for the things that we had done.”

“Hera-what now?” Applejack questioned

“It means I do things that I believe in rather what others believe in.” Altair answered.

“So if you were fighting The Templar Order, what were you called?” Twilight asked.

Altair was hoping to avoid saying his creed’s name directly. The name alone inspired fear and, from what he had seen of this world, they would panic.

“I do not wish to say. I don’t want to scare you off.” Altair said.

Most likely best not to ask. Altair thought.

“Please continue. I would like to know myself.” Celestia spoke trying to break the tension.

Altair knew he couldn’t avoid this forever. He decided that he better tell them now, instead of them finding out later.

Hopefully they will trust me if I tell them myself.

“Very well.” Altair closed his eyes.

“I was Mentor of the Levantine Assassin Order.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, he expected to hear some gasps or scream. Strangely enough, he heard neither. Curiosity piqued his interest as he opened his eyes slowly. He observed the room to see that some of the ponies had wide eyes and jaws ajar, but some like Twilight, Celestia, and, oddly enough, Rainbow Dash gave him a more serious look.

“So you are a hired killer?” The question originated from Rainbow Dash.

“We are not that kind of assassin. We are the ones who fought to protect the people, not to rule them.”

“But ya have killed before, right?” Applejack questioned.

I knew I was going to be asked about this.

“Yes. I have taken lives before. To be honest, I am surprised that you are taking this news as well as you are.” Altair took another glance around. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were all huddled up together, having their own conversation. He chose not to listen in. Rainbow was hovering again, and Twilight stood next to the Princesses. He had noticed that Spike had disappeared upstairs, probably to hide from the assassin.

“Do not misinterpret our peaceful ways as ignorance of war. We too have had troubles obtaining the peace you see here.” This came from Luna.

Altair went to stroke his beard. He always did that to think. However, when he had brought his hand to his face, he caught that his hand’s wrinkles were thinning out.

“What is going on?” Altair spoke aloud. He had a worried expression and all the ponies could see this.

“Is something wrong?” Celestia trotted to him.

Altair was still focusing on his hand.

“I have been noticing subtle changes to myself since I had arrived. In my age, I wasn’t able to do many things I used to do when I was young, but now these things come easily again. Could any of you bring me a looking glass?”

“Um... okay.” Twilight trotted upstairs and returned a few moments later. Altair grabbed the mirror out of her magical aura and stared at himself.

“Is something wrong?” Celestia trotted right next to him.

“I think I am getting younger.”

Author's Note:

Alrighty Chapter 3 is here! Sorry that it took so long. Got a little distracted through out the week. But, better late then never!

Huge thanks to my Editor mber7560. You are AWESOME!