• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 4,871 Views, 697 Comments

I just don't know what went right... - DerpyDitzyDerpyDo

Celestia, Godlike ruler of all Equestria, is falling desperately in love... with a derpy eyed mailmare who just can't seem to do anything right.

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Part One, Chapter One: Don't Apologize

"P-p-puh-please, your highness! I b-b-beg your forgiveness!"

What did I do to deserve this?

"Please! I have a wife and kids d-d-don't execute me... if you m-m-must p-p-punish me then at least g-g-grant me the mercy of exile! Please..."

I have not exiled one of my subjects in over seven hundred years. I don't think I've ever executed even a single pony... why must they always fear me so?

Genoa Cake grovelled miserably before me, little rivulets of tears and snot dribbling down his face as he clung to my leg. He was one of the new culinary staff, a baker by trade. As I recall, Genoa was hired to temporarily replace Chocolate Éclair, a more veteran chef who had had to take a sabbatical. The earth pony did not appear to be having a very good first day in the castle. Behind him was one of the centrepiece tower cakes for this evening's event lying ruined on the floor.

I forced the warmest smile I could manage, "The day I punish one of my subjects for unintentionally knocking over a single cake is the day I eat my own crown," the weeping earth pony blinked up at me with watery eyes. I sighed inwardly, "I'm not going to punish you in any way, shape or form. Please call Petit Four, the head chef for the second floor bakeries, and tell him we will need a replacement cake for this evening... and clean up this mess. All is forgiven, my little pony."

Genoa's face was awash with masochistic relief. He scrambled to his hooves and took off at a canter. Petit Four was a stern chef. The apprentice baker had more reason to fear him than me.

"Try not to knock anything else over," I called after him as he made his way to the stairwell, "And try not to call me all the way down there next time you do," I said quietly to myself.

Why must it always be like this? Do they enjoy doing it? Is it some kind of new Equestrian past time? Why is it that every time a guard loses his spear, a gardener trims the wrong plant or somepony accidentally bumps Philomena's cage I have to endure ten minutes of weeping, grovelling and begging? I don't enjoy seeing them debase themselves in front of me. I don't want them to sacrifice their dignity for my benefit. I take no pleasure in it at all. Do they? Surely not. So why must they act like this? Am I too strict? Too lenient? What do I have to say or do to get them to stop being so impossibly apologetic all the time.

"Apologies, your majesty," Flash Sentry nervously approached, picking his way around the corpse of the tower cake.

"Whatever is the matter?" I asked

"The delegates from Stalliongrad have arrived," he said, making a clean and practiced salute.

I felt a stab of irritation, "How is that something you have to apologize for?"

Flash stared blankly back at me, caught entirely off guard, no pun intended, "I'm sorry, your majesty?"

His response did little to quell my rising temper, "What are you sorry for?" I snapped.

Flash stammered desperately, "Uh... please... if I've offended your majesty then I offer my most humble apologies... I'm not sure how I-"

"Stop apologizing!" I feel my wings flare in anger. The air hisses and sizzles around us with the sudden spike in my magical output.

"I'm s-s-sorry..." Flash shuddered in terror, realizing his mistake immediately and shutting his mouth. I forced myself to take a deep breath and calm down. Sometimes I forget how intimidating I can be.

There was a time once when all I wanted was for them to fear me. When I stalked battlefields raining fire and fury down on my cringing adversaries. But that was a different time. This was not wartime. This was a golden era of peace that I had crafted with my own hooves. It had been half a millennia since anypony had seen me engage in combat. So why do they still tremble before me? Has my frightening power been so engrained in their consciousnesses that even their children cower before me? Do they still whisper stories of those darker times behind my back?

I glared down at the now whimpering Flash. I've never done anything to hurt you nor have you witnessed me harming so much as a fly in all the years you've been in my service. Why must there be this unbreakable wall of apologies and formalities between us? Why can we not just be... friends?

At least that is what I wanted to say to him. I can be a coward too, sometimes.

Instead I said, "In truth it is I who should be sorry, my dear subject. I... I have had a terrible migraine and I let it affect my temperament. Please have Raven escort the delegates to the main hall. I will meet with them anon."

Flash Sentry looked like he was on the verge of apologizing again but thankfully he thought better of it, "Yes, your majesty," he said and with a flap of his wings he was gone.

Gone to tell the others I'm in a foul mood no doubt. All the more reason to fear the great and terrifying Celestia. I need a few minutes alone before I can face them.

I stepped elegantly over the cake that Genoa had destroyed and made my way to my private quarters. Perhaps a few minutes of pressing my face against the cool stone wall of my bedroom would help me gather my resolve. And calm my agitation.

As I made my way up the stairwell I could hear the voices of the guards at my chamber door as they echoed down the stairwell to greet me as I ascended.

"Not bad, not bad! But try this one on for size: A donkey, a unicorn and Celestia walk into a bar. The donkey says to the unicorn "Do you know why donkeys don't get Cutie Marks?" and the unicorn says "No, why?" so the Donkey turns to Celestia and says..."

The guard trailed off as he saw me approaching, the colour rapidly draining from his face.

"Says what?" asked his companion, oblivious to my impending presence.

"He... he says... th-th-thank you for constantly watching over Equestria and for your unending kindness and clemency," he replied, stiffly.

"And then what does she say?"

"Nothing. Thats the end of the joke."

"That doesn't even make sense. What kind of a joke is... oh," the other guard silenced himself, as well. Finally noticing me standing behind him.

Don't do it. Please, don't do it. Don't. Don't. Don't beg. Don't grovel. Don't. I'm not in the mood for-

"Your Highness, please, please forgive us. We were watching your room diligently, I swear. I would never dream of... insulting the crown... please..." he began.

"Shut. Up." I swept past them both and slammed the door of my room behind me. Exhaling all my frustrations, tearing off my crown and flinging it onto the bed. I listened to the guards hissing blame at one another and then hurriedly quietening themselves in a crescendo of shushes on the other side of the door.

They can be so ridiculous, sometimes. How do I tell them what it is that I want? It's just a joke. You can tell a joke or two at my expense. I'd laugh along with you if only you'd let me. I'm so... lonely. Crushingly lonely.

I bit my lip. Where is Luna right now? Probably still asleep. I wonder if she would be upset if I woke her up to talk. I need somepony to talk to. Anypony. And not the careful, calculated, politically-correct Princess-speak kind of talk but something real. All I want is... all I need is...

An explosion broke my melancholy ponderings. The huge stained glass window on the western wall had burst into a thousand tiny pieces and showered across the floor as a small grey lump hurtled into the room. It crashed into my royal bed, burying itself in a mountain of silk sheets and plush cushions.

An... an assassin? I hadn't had to face an assassin in years but who else would have the courage to barge into my private bedchamber. A thief, perhaps? At this time of day? I carefully approached the wriggling pile of blankets and telekinetically plucked them apart. What my investigation revealed was a small grey pegasus kicking and struggling free of my blanket. A pegasus currently wearing my crown.

She struggled to her hooves and stood on the bed. Staring right at me.

Well... at least one of her eyes was staring right at me.

Author's Note:

I'd love to hear your thoughts on where you'd want this story to go, possible plot holes, criticisms or problems with my writing style. Super big thanks to everyone who comments, favourites or likes. You guys always make me smile and it makes writing totally worthwhile.