• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 2,366 Views, 31 Comments

Love's Many Forms - DraconequusMaximus

A changeling out of place struggles to forge a new life while hiding from his race. He will need to find good sources of love to keep himself strong, but what if love meant more to him than food? Can he really afford to wait for somepony special?

  • ...

Chapter 13

It was almost time, princess Twilight had come to fetch Cherry & Noteworthy several hours before the press conference. To their amazement Pinkie Pie had somehow constructed a stage, complete with a very official looking podium in the center of town during the night, without waking anypony. The elements of harmony were already assembled at the behind the stage in a tent with the senior princesses & an alicorn & stallion Cherry didn't recognize. The alicorn was pink with multicolored mane & tail, she looked at him with uncertainty & the stallion in a red military uniform looked at him with hate. The mares that made up the elements were wearing similar expressions except for Twilight & Pinkie. At second glance there was also a pale yellow mare with a very long mane & tail hiding behind the rainbow maned one. Cherry had only met two of the elements & it was apparent that the others had little desire to get to know him.

"Twilight, why is he still in disguise?" The stallion said without taking his eyes off of the newcomers.

"He needed to make his way here without incident Shining." The pink alicorn interjected before Twilight could answer. The stallion, apparently named Shining didn't change expression, but trotted up to the couple.

"I've got my eye on you changeling, ever since Canterlot I've been practicing seeing through illusions. You can't fool me." He said leaning looking menacingly into Noteworthy's eyes. Unbeknownst to him several of the mares behind him, including each of the alicorns, save Celestia shared in a collective facehoof.

"Prince Armor, the changeling Cherry Plum is the other one." Luna said with her tone practically dripping disappointment. To his credit his expression didn't change but his ears drooped momentarily.

"Yes, I knew that." He said before shooting an angry look to Cherry before trotting back over to the pink alicorn.

After the Stallions became acquainted with everypony in the room at Celestia's request, Twilight went over the plans for the reveal. She would go up to the podium, say a few words, & then Cherry was to come on stage in disguise, say a few words, & then reveal himself to the entirety of the town, plus a few reporters that had been called from Canterlot & Manehattan. Those supporting Cherry would stay in the audience until the appropriate time. They went through the plan several times before the moment arrived.

Twilight exited the tent alone & took her place at the podium. The entire population of Ponyville minus the elements & Noteworthy stared back at her. She could see the ponies Cherry had spoken of fondly were all in the front row. Even a small unicorn filly Twilight assumed was Berry's daughter sat next to the town's famous brew miester. They each had a look of determination on their faces. Lyra even wore a white T-shirt that displayed a crude drawing of Cherry's cutie mark. The other Townsponies were talking amongst themselves, wondering about the mysterious & sudden event. Even Zecora could be seen in the crowd. Twilight signaled for the ponies to quiet themselves before speaking.

"Attention citizens of Ponyville, I have gathered you here today to formally introduce you to the newest citizen of our town, & Equestria. This... individual has suffered greatly recently & has come seeking refuge here. No matter the circumstances I ask that all of you remain quiet & calm until prompted otherwise." She said in her newly acquired mastery of the royal Canterlot voice. After a moment Cherry walked up the stairs at the side of the stage after exiting the tent. Ponies looked at him, some in recognition, some in confusion. Twilight stayed at the podium, but summoned a microphone a few feet from herself, telling Cherry where to stand. He hesitantly took the microphone into his magic & spoke.

"H-hello Ponyville. I've been living amongst you for about three months now. I know some of you personally, but to those of you that don't know me, I'm Cherry Plum. Though it may be hard to believe, I didn't live in Equestria until recently, & I didn't even have a name." He stopped to catch his breath & steel his nerves. He saw many of the ponies were rightfully confused, but he kept himself strong by looking to his loved ones in the front row.

"I know that this will be a shock to almost all of you." He said before pausing to take in a deep breath & let it go. "I am a changeling."

With that, he burst into his classic pink flames & resumed his natural form. As expected there were several shocked gasps, jaw drops, & terror-freezes. Seeing so many ponies afraid of him was painful, but he knew he needed to do this to live in Equestria as peacefully as possible.

"I know about the attack on Canterlot, but I had no place to go other than Equestria. The changelings that attacked Canterlot were flung far away, into the lands where my hive, my home occupied. Changelings are mostly peaceful, but the hive of the badlands we call the black swarm is the exception. Injured & out of love from their failed attack, they raided my home killing the queen, my mother. They did the same to all 18,371 of my brothers & sisters if they resisted having their minds erased & being assimilated into queen Chrysalis's hive. I was kept alive, & was to be forced to be her... consort, as I am of minor royalty. I escaped, battered & broken, making my way here through the Everfree. I was starved to near death until a kind mare found me & took me in. I'd appreciate it if Berry Punch would join me on stage." He said doing his best to keep his composure.

The assembled crowd was speechless from the tragic story. Nopony said a word as a familiar purple mare & pink filly trotted up onto the stage. Cherry levitated the microphone over to her, which she gladly accepted.

"You all know me, I make the best booze in Equestria & am proud of it. I found this scrawny fellow in the woods unconscious when I was making a trip to my wine cellar. I picked him up, brought him with me, & tied him up. Not once did he lie to me about anything I asked him about, I could tell. He didn't fight me, he didn't beg for his life, he accepted his fate for what he thought it was. I knew from talking to him that he was a pony who had hit rock bottom. I've been there myself when Pinchy's father passed shortly after her birth." Berry said before stopping to nuzzle her filly affectionately. "I don't care who, or what anypony is, I'd never leave anypony there. I brought him home & put him to work, so long as he'd keep moving forward he'd have a place in life. There were a few close calls here & there, but everypony who really knows Cherry personally likes him. I'd like the girls, & Noteworthy to get up here next." Berry said passing the mic to Pinchy & motioning for Lyra & Bon Bon to take the stage. Noteworthy emerged from the tent & quickly trotted up the stairs before the girls could make it to them. After everypony was there Twilight looked the group over before turning back to the audience.

"These are the ponies that have come to know Cherry best for who, & what he is. They will now attest to his strength of character." She said before turning everypony's attention back to those on the stage. Pinchy had the mic, so she was first to speak.

"Cherry is always nice to me, he even helps me with my homework. I was sad when he left to live with Mister Noteworthy." Pinchy said with easily readable emotions. "But he still comes over every other day to help cook & help me, even when he doesn't need to be there for work with mommy." She said, her expression brightening. She used her unsteady magic to hand the mic off to Bon Bon.

"Cherry may not be a pony, but he's certainly the nicest stallion I've ever met. He even helps me at the candy store whenever I ask, even if it's inconvenient for him." Bon Bon said happily before passing the microphone to her lover who took it into her magical aura.

"Cherry even does requests for me! I've had him turn into all sorts of things, I even got him to turn into Sapphire Shores once so I could take a picture with him." Lyra said excitedly as she pulled a photograph of her standing next to a very uncomfortable looking pony of pop. Bon Bon looked at her with a deadpan expression, but much to everyone on stage's surprise the crowd "Oohed" at the photo Lyra floated in front of the audience. Bon Bon facehooved while Lyra passed the microphone to Noteworthy while wearing a triumphantly smug expression. Noteworthy was almost as nervous as Cherry, but moved closer to his coltfriend to cement his conviction. He took a calming breath before he spoke into the mic.

"Cherry is the greatest stallion I've ever met, he may not be the same species as me, but I've never been more in love than I am now. At first I wanted to turn him in to the guard, but once I confirmed that he was telling the truth to me about living with Berry I let him go. Through a weird series of events we even started dating. Then my home's roof collapsed & injured me, a lot of you probably saw Cherry wheeling me around for a couple months. Cherry took care of me while I was sick & our bond grew a lot quicker than either of us had imagined. He even gave up several of his paychecks to make sure I had a place to live once I was better. He is easily the most generous stallion I've ever met. I invited him to stay with me, & I haven't regretted it since. I know we haven't been together long, but we love each other despite everything. No matter what happens I will stand by him." At this point, Noteworthy's gaze had shifted from the audience to his lover. He dropped the mic which caused a loud *thud* & pulled Cherry into a deep kiss, much to the changeling's surprise. His eyes looked to the audience momentarily, but soon closed as he was lost to the world around him. He didn't even care that his wings were buzzing at an astonishing rate.

The pair were cut off from the world until they noticed the noise coming from the audience. To their surprise it was a chorus of cheers, the vast majority of the crowd was showing their support. Flashbulbs went of with incredible frequency, the reporters & journalists were already hard at work, documenting the event in great detail. Cherry & Noteworthy adopted smiles & waved to the crowd. This went on for several minutes until the other three princesses took the stage accompanied by the elements & Shining Armor. Princess Luna took to the podium & used her powerful voice to silence the crowd.

"SILENCE!" She bellowed, immediately quelling the uproar of approval. "After the testimony of these ponies, the aid of magical lie detector spells, & separate testimony from princess Twilight Sparkle, we have come to a decision. In addition to citizenship, the changeling Cherry Plum is granted ambassador status for all situations pertaining to changelings in the future should they arise. He has the full rights of a citizen & is under the protection of the government." Luna said before stepping to the side to make room for Celestia.

"This is an Equestrian passport, identification card & necessary forms for becoming a member of our society." She said loud enough for everypony to hear as she handed him a stack of multicolored documents, a royal passport, & an ID. Celestia to stepped aside & let the pink alicorn he had learned was princess Cadence take the podium.

"Cherry Plum, I regret to inform you that it was I, with the aid of my husband Shining Armor that repelled the changeling invasion from Canterlot into your territories. We cannot apologize for this, as it was necessary to the survival of Equestria. We do offer our condolences for the loss of such a vast number of your kin, we were unaware of the consequences of our impromptu defense spell. We offer you dual citizenship to the Crystal Empire, as well as a permanent reserved suite in the crystal palace for you & your adoptive family. We realize this is nothing compared to what you have lost, but this, & our friendship is all I have to offer you." Cadence said genuinely saddened by the consequences of defending her country. But she couldn't in all honesty apologize for her actions. Cherry wasn't sure how to take this news, but he could see & feel the mixed up emotions of the princess. He looked over his new family & back to the distraught alicorn.

"I accept the gifts you have for me, & your friendship. I would have done the same to protect my loved ones, if I could. But despite all that's happened, I wouldn't change anything. I'm happy here with my new family, I don't hold any ill will towards you or your husband. You did what had to be done, nopony should blame themselves for that." Cherry said trying to ease the princesses worries. From his special senses & his eyes he could tell her mood lifted a bit.

Cherry & Noteworthy both had to field some pretty personal questions from various reporters over the next few hours, but managed. The townsponies were mostly accepting, but some were still wary. Cherry happily let a fair portion of the town introduce themselves for a few more hours. As the day changed into night, most ponies went back to their lives & went about their business, but offered Cherry a wave or smile every now & again. After the last of the citizenry had left, he was approached by Shining armor, who surprised the couple by apologizing for his earlier rudeness. He gave a similar, less articulate apology like his wife's.

After the long day of hobnobbing with his now fellow Equestrians the couple collapsed in their shared bed, tired from the stressful day. The foreseeable future was uncertain, & they were sure to make the front page of every newspaper in Equestria & the surrounding lands, but they had each other & a fairly simple life together. For now, that was all they needed.

Author's Note:

Feels kinda iffy to end this one so abruptly, but I promise I already have several plans in the works for a sequel. I tried to give each princess equal representation, despite my personal preference. For those of you who care the best princesses in order, in my opinion are:
1. Luna
2.Nightmare Moon (She Totally Counts!)

So yeah, anyway... That last chapter could have been better I think. I'm taking a break to lay things out better for the next story I write. But thank you everyone for the support, I apologize for nothing!

Comments ( 10 )

I agree. LUNA IS BEST PONY! (wait...why is there no Luna face?)


Bravo good sir

I haven't read a decent M/M romance before, but this was quite well done.

hey this is an awesome fanfic and i am bummed out that it ended but all i can say is this, not trying to offend others but in my opinion this is one of the best stories i have read on here and i think that you will have a great future with stories like these since they can take interest to many people... but anyway to wrap things up i say that this story was absolutly amazing!

Okay, now saying I have read this entire story I can say this.
It deserves a like. It is an alright story, interesting enough to make me keep reading.
But I also have to bring up its shortcommings.
And one huge one is the pacing. My entire thought process throughout this story was "My that escalated Quickly", Until maybe around chapter 10 when things finally got a bit of a heel on it.
Also, there are numerous typos which can bring one out of the story, and the lack of space between the paragraphs can really turn one off at first sight.

Despite all these flaws though, I will say your story was pretty good. You do certainly get a like from me.

5191667 I plan on going back through all of my earlier stuff and editing eventually, but I'm having trouble finding time to write as is. Hopefully soon I'll be able to sit down and fix everything from beginning to end.

Just hold out hope! :pinkiesmile:
Writing is a wonderful thing to do, no matter the stress. But just try and take it easy. It is fine. The story is alright, as said. But just when you find your time, it would really help you to fix up the issues.

i like this story so much, i had no time to read anything, but now that some things happen (bad things) I have time to read a lot. :twilightsheepish: Keep up that great work you are an awesome writter. :twilightsmile:

WHAT! :pinkiegasp: one of your stories I haven't read! I must fix this at once! :trollestia:


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