• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 14th

Scarlett Haze


In the year 2020, the most popular game in the world is a virtual reality experience called TOME, the Terrain of Magical Expertise. A vast cybernetic world where social interaction and battles are had by millions of players across the globe. Within its countless number of registered accounts there is one group of friends that our story focuses...

What's that?

Another group? Interesting. Perhaps this experience will be a little less disastrous than our last story, hmm?

A little bit of history from the animated series may be required, so head over here to check out the episodes of TOME!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 32 )

Very good start. I'm guessing Luna and Celestia knew that this leads to another world.... but hadn't quite done enough research to learn that there's a danger in it. They may be wise, but even they make mistakes.



Now you've gotten my attention

Comment posted by Sirob1687 deleted Jan 25th, 2014

im a bit confused:applejackconfused:

nothing serious or that just want to clarify
are Twillight and the rest still ponies(or antro ponies :pinkiesick:) and somehow connecting to T.O.M.E from equestria?

3853006 They're actually all playing different species, for example, Aflutter is Anthro, still keeping her hooves, but having a human form. Originally, FasterThanRainbows retained her pony form, only in robotic form, but with Kirb's artwork, I'll probably rework it to what he made (along with some of the other characters as well).

They are connecting from Equestria into TOME, meaning they will in the near future log off and go about their regular lives just like how normal gamers would. Maybe I'll put in more detail in later chapters if there's still some confusion.

3853623 oh okay i see:twilightsheepish:

will the webmaster get curios of why they suddnely get new players logging in and cant seem to know where they are playing from? :pinkiesmile:

3853642 hehe cant wait to find out :pinkiehappy:

Interesting. And interesting theory of Kirb and Zetto being the same person. I don't really agree with it, but it's an interesting theory.

3857117 It actually is! You can see this as proof in the TOME Short #7 - Plan Z, where Kirb/Zetto explains his actions throughout the season! Check it out!

3857186 Thanks for pointing this out. Never saw this video.^^

Oh, and also.... here's a thought. Why is it that Applejack chose not to say 'somepony'? They THINK the game just involve Equestria, so it'd be alright. Unless... they were told that the game also was being played in other kingdoms, and ASSUMED that meant something like Zebrica and Griffon Kingdom.

3857568 It only made sense for her to stop and think for a moment, she and every one of her friends don't know who is really playing. She could be talking with an alien for all she knows. AJ would be more respectful in regards for titles. Of course, that may not stop our other heroes from possibly making the slip-up.

3858991 The ponies have no reason to believe that 'aliens' exist. At least, not yet. They have no reason to think that the TOME group are such. At all. However, as stated, it's quite possible, at least in their minds, that the players could be from one of the other kingdoms on their planet, like the Griffon Kingdom, in which the main species are not ponies.

3859033 Right, I didn't mean to say that 'AJ believes in aliens' with that last comment, what I was saying is, she doesn't know if it is pony, zebra, griffon, diamond dog, changeling, etc. etc. Its safe to say we're in agreement.

3859068 Yeah, pretty much.^^ But still, it'll be interesting when one of them slips up and they learn that their new friends aren't from their planet. XD Wonder whom learns about it first? Perhaps one clue would be that for TOME's group, the game has been out for well over a year or two, but for the MLP group, it only just came out recently. A significant time difference could be a big hint for those that focus on details, like Rarity, Twilight, or Fluttershy. Applejack is no doubt smart enough for such as well, but she tends to focus on the structure and pattern of the larger picture, not the finer details.

oh dear god ... this can't end well

Oh god. Those CMC never fail to get into danger somehow, eh?

I want to show my interpretations of the cmc's avatars, but it keeps saying "invalid image"...

3989726 Not sure what the issue may be, if you'd like you could shoot the links to me via PM and I could take a look at them through there.

Do you think Twilight will be the one infected by the Forbidden Power?

4600042 It's always a possibility. But then again, those same chances could happen to anyone else who may use the Drain Edge!

4600080 Let just hope for the ponies' sake it doesn't get broken in front of one of them which will allow the virus to select his host.

When will the next chapter be out?

The grammar's a bit... iffy.

5450902 And yet it's better than a lot of stories around here.

And STILL a better love story than Twilight.

The love between the bullet and the gun is a better love story then twilight, it’s not really a high bar.

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