• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 2,971 Views, 71 Comments

Fear The UAV - Grape Crush

When a human group builds an unmaned vehicle to scavenge other parts of the world it suddenly goes missing. All hope was lost for the drone until a few days later when the cameras came back on. Everybody was in complete shock...

  • ...

Chapter 1: What Happened?

The year is 2030. It's a bright summer day and everyone is outside doing whatever they do. Everyone except Ryan that is. You see, Ryan is an inventor, more specifically for the military. He has been working in his lab to build the latest breakthrough in unmanned technology. His breakthrough could further put the USA ahead in unmanned technology.

"Hey Ryan?" His assistant said while he walked in?

"Yeah Jacob?"

"Once you get that final plate welded, the captain would like to see you".

"Good, tell him i'll be right out".

The captain had come that day to see his finished product. Ryan was not one to disappoint. He had put extra time in trial runs for this prototype specifically. 3,000 hours in the field to be exact. He was very specific when it came to the point of life or death situations. Ryan had very good reason for his drive for advancements. Ryan's father had died in the military due to an enemy drone. He wanted to make his better and stronger than every other drone out there. Ryan stood back after welding the last plate. He nodded and went out the double doors to the front desk.

"Captain please follow me, you are here to see the finished prototype correct?"

"Yes, yes I am".

"Very good, please follow me".

He led the captain back into his lab where he had been working. He pointed at the large drone that sat in front of them. The captain stood in awe and gave Ryan a hard handshake.

"Ryan you sure as hell have just made a breakthrough in war. The military thanks you greatly". The captain said with a salute.

Ryan simply saluted back. The captain went back out and returned with a briefcase full of 100 million dollars. Ryan gave a small whistle when he saw the contents of the case.

"Sir, I only asked for 50 million for this drone".

"Yes, the general gave me specific orders to give you more due to the fact he knew it would be great," He gestured towards the drone," and from what I can see, it is great".

"Thank you sir, now you wanted to start it's operations today?"

"Yes, you said it was fit for military operations due to the successful trials, correct?"

"Yes, it is ready".

"Alright Ryan, follow me so we can go start it's first mission".

Ryan followed the captain out to the black SUV's waiting outside. He also saw a very large transport truck. Ryan hit a button and the lab's roof opened and the drone was on an ascending platform. The truck grabbed the drone with ease due to it's industrial crane. Once safely inside the truck the group of cars went to the closest military base. They arrived with little difficulty due to being 5 minutes away. Ryan watched the truck set the drone on the runway and walked inside. He went to the main special ops room where he already had a communications desk set up specifically for the drone. The drone had it's own AI so it could think on it's own without the user interfering. Ryan programmed it to have a voice as well as think like a human.

"Ryan everything is set up, all you need to do is launch".

"Thank you captain," Ryan hit the launch button. On camera was a first person point of view from the drone. It gained speed fairly quickly and lifted off. All of the newer guys cheered and Ryan felt quite good about himself. He had just made a huge step in unmanned technology and he was quite happy about it. Ryan and a few others watched the drone as it made it's way to it's destination. Ryan had specifically made the drone practically invisible by using stealth coatings and shielded heat signatures.

"Sir, drone will be seeing target in T- 3 minutes".

"Good, keep watching for trouble".

3 minutes passed by and the drone said something through the speaker.

"Target locked, request to fire?"

"Fire when ready Reaper," Ryan had specifically named the AI Reaper instead of the name it came with. He thought Sam didn't sound tough enough for an unmanned, high firepower, drone.

"Engaging target". The rocket fired and the terrorist organizations base exploded into pieces.

"Great shot Reaper! Come on home!" The Reaper turned around and began to fly back. He noticed purple creeping up on the camera. Suddenly the camera went straight to static.

"Reaper? Come in!" No response. "Captain we have a major problem!"

"What is it Ryan?"

"I don't know sir, one second Reaper was flying back and then the camera went straight to static".

"Hmm, Private!"

"Yes sir?"

"Try the best you can to communicate with the drone, see if we can get it back!"

"Yes sir!"

"Also captain before the camera went to static I saw something purple, it wasn't solid. Shortly after the camera went straight to static".

"Interesting... I know how hard this is Ryan but trust me we will try everything we can to get your drone back. Now, go get some sleep, you look like you need it. If we pick something up we will give you a call".

"Alright sir". Ryan walked out of the complex and was driven to his house by one of the black SUV's. He walked up to his house and got a good look at it. He was content with the way it looked. Even though he was a rich man, he never cared for the way the rich lived. So he decided to settle with a normal house in a normal suburb. He grabbed his mail and unlocked the door. Ryan was only 22 years old, so he was not yet married. Ryan grabbed a coke out of the fridge and sat on the couch. He turned on the TV to see what other boring news would be on.

"A boy was found dead after a skateboarding accident. We will have more on this story coming up after the break". Ryan sighed and changed the channel. He found nothing suitable for him so he turned on his Xbox 3. He hasn't played any games in awhile so he decided now was the best since he wouldn't have to work until the drone was found. "If it's found," he sighed to himself. He put the virtual to reality helmet on and started a game. His favorite game Battlefield 9 was loading. He soon found himself in the game.

"Hey Ryan what's up buddy?"

"Not much, how's it going Matt?"

"It's going," He said with a chuckle.

"Well today wasn't the best, my drone I was working on seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth".

"Awe, bro I'm sorry. I hope you find it soon. Alright come on lets capture A".

Ryan lost himself in the game. His team won after an hour of playing.

"Hey Matt, you have fun man, I'm going to bed".

"Alright Ryan, take it easy".

Ryan removed the virtual helmet and shut off the Xbox. He looked at his watch and saw it was 11:37. "Time to get some rest, hopefully I get a call of the good news tomorrow".He trudged up the stairs looking depressed. He tried to fall asleep but couldn't. "All of my life's work... Wasted... I guess I'll wait a month until I try to build another".Ryan was still confused about the purple thing on the camera. He willed himself to go to sleep and finally tricked himself to sleep. It was a dreamless night as Ryan was terribly depressed about the loss.

"Twilight! Did the spell work?"

"No Spike I don't think it did," Twilight said dejected.

"What did Celestia want you to perform this spell for anyway?"

"She said she needed some type of weapon for defense for Canterlot. Apparently this spell seeks out the nearest weapon in the universe and teleports it here".

"Wow, that's some complex stuff," Spike said yawning. "Well I'm off to bed, don't stay up too late".

"Ok, I'll be up in a minute". Twilight hung her heard in despair. Twilight was trusted with an important task and she had failed. "Maybe it takes a few days to find it, that's my only hope".Twilight read over the spell one more time to see if she missed anything. Indeed she did, at the bottom in small print it read "May take a few days to find a weapon,". Twilight let out a sigh of relief. She hadn't failed yet.

She went up to her room careful not to wake her sleeping assistant. She stared at the night sky to see if it would bring anything before she drifted off to sleep.

Somewhere in between dimensions a very confused drone was traveling through space.

Twilight awoke with a start. She heard a loud thump from the floor below. She got up wiping the tiredness from her eyes, ready to start the new day. She walked down the steps to inspect the thump she had heard moments before. She rounded the corner to her kitchen and saw a bewildered Spike looking at a broken bowl with gems spread out over the floor.

"Oops, sorry Twi," Spike said looking back. "I didn't mean to wake you".

"It's fine Spike," Twilight sighed. Using her magic she reconstructed the bowl and set it on the table with the gems in it.

"Thanks Twi!" Spike said stuffing himself with gems. She sighed and went back to the spell book she had left on the table the night before. She looked over the spell once more to make sure it did indeed say it may be a few days. She looked over when Spike belched a letter.

"Here Twi," Spike said handing the letter to her.

"Thanks," She nodded and quickly opened the letter.

"My faithful student,

How has the spell gone? If you haven't noticed yet the spell may take a few days to work. Once the weapon has come please notify me,

Many Thanks,

Princess Celestia"

Twilight scowled wishing she had sent the letter sooner. No matter, at least she thought of that. She put the letter away where she normally put them.

"Want to reply Twi?"

"No, she only wishes to know when the weapon arrives," Twilight sighed.

"Oh ok," Spike went right back to eating his large bowl of gems.

Twilight picked up the spell book and floated it over to the couch. She laid down and began to read it. She read through every other spell in the book. Every spell was to either summon a weapon or to make one. Which wasn't surprising since the book was called "How to Summon Weaponry". It had been an hour and she slammed the book and sighed wishing it would get here soon. She walked outside to get some fresh air. A scream was heard in the distance and Twilight ran to see what was up. She found that a group of ponies were staring up at the sky and pointing. She looked were they were looking couldn't believe her eyes. A metal thing that looked like a bird was coming straight for them. Everypony screamed and ran in different directions. The drone slowed down a bit and deployed it's landing gear. It landed inches from a building. Twilight came out from behind her cover and peered around the corner after the dust dissipated.

"Hello, Alien, I would like to know where I am," The drone said in a deep voice. Twilight quickly hid behind cover again. The drone started up it's motor and drove around the building. "Hello life form? Please identify yourself".

"Um..." Twilight choked out, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, what is yours?"

"Many call me Reaper".

"Nice to meet you Reaper, what are you?"

"I am an unmanned drone. Codenamed UAV. I scout out enemies and destroy them with massive missiles and machine guns".

Twilight smiled, this was the weapon Princess Celestia had requested.

"However, until I know what this world is or what you are, I consider you neutral".

"Um, ok. Well I am an equine and you are in the world of Equestria".

"My files seem to be outdated, I have no record of your species or this world 'Equestria'"

"Well update your files because we are indeed here," Twilight said with a smile.

"Ok files updated, are you friendly?"

Twilight just simply nodded.

"Ok files updated. New species: Equines, New World: Equestria, Species considered friendly, do not engage. Is that right?"

"Yes, it is".

"Now, I must find a way out of here, I was on a mission".

"My Princess requires your assistance, can you help?" The drone hesitated for a second. Seeing as how his mission was completed he couldn't say no.

"I guess I can offer my services," The drone said.

"Great, now please follow me, we must send her a letter!"

The drone kept a slow pace behind Twilight. Everypony they passed ran for cover or locked their houses. After a minute they had reached her library.

"Wait out here please,"

"Yes ma'am".

The drone took geographic maps. He took videos and pictures so he could document the new race and world. Even though he was 30 feet tall he could still get around relatively easily. He understood this "Princess" was the symbol for power so he understood he would have to listen to her orders. This Twilight Sparkle was also apparently a high symbol of authority. Twilight came outside after a minute.

"The Princess said she will Teleport you to her castle soon. Is it ok if I come as well. I must take notes on you!" Twilight was very excited to meet this strange metal species, however, she wanted to gather as much info as she could. A shimmer surrounded the two and they found themselves in a large castle room. The drone easily fit.

"So this must be the weapon correct?"

"Yes Princess, he appeared from the sky a little while ago".

The Princess focused on the strange metal drone. She saw it barred two large rockets on the sides. It also had a rod with many holes mounted under the center of the thing.

"I'm here for your assistance ma'am". The drone snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yes of course," She smiled at it's proper etiquette. "Those rocket's on your sides, when fired are they gone forever?"

"Yes ma'am, also my bullets and fuel run out as well". The Princess smiled.

"Well I think I know something to make those last forever," She commented.

"Really?" The drone asked in disbelief.

"Yes," She closed her eyes. Summoning all the magic she could she enveloped the surprised drone with a mist. After she chanted words to the spell the mist dissipated. On the drones "Heads Up Display" everything changed to an infinite sign.

"Wow," The drone was surprised greatly.

"Did it work?" The Princess asked out of breath.

"Yes it worked perfectly".

"Great," The Princess said with a smile.

"Now for your mission..."