• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes


Big Mac has finally worked up the courage to propose to Rainbow Dash, and now the first wedding of a Element of Harmony is about to take place! Will everything go according to plan? Or will forces keep this pairing apart?

The collaboration you all have been waiting for! Each chapter is done by a different writer, with no knowledge of what the previous writer has done till it is posted. Here is the first chapter of this collaboration and the list of the following chapters.

Writers who have contributed so far.
Captain Unstoppable
Jake the Army Guy
Crowquill Symphony

Thank you to Horsefan999 for the great art! You should all go check out the rest of their work!

We are glad you are here for the ride, so without further delay, lets get this wedding started!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 127 )

:rainbowkiss::pinkiesad2: :fluttershysad: beautiful...

Alright, my turn.:rainbowwild:

:eeyup::heart::rainbowwild: O MY CELESTIA there are no words to describe how amazing this fic is and its just the first chapter i can't wait for the next p.s. i also really like the :eeyup::heart::yay: shipping

Very nice, I especially enjoyed that last bit!

Yes, yes, and more yes.

Good luck, Sharpmo.

Awesome start!! :pinkiehappy:

Granny Smith... :rainbowlaugh: Sheesh, Granny, give 'em some time! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

WHY CAN'T I FAVE HARDER?! :raritydespair:

3796553 You could always recommend it to your friends and tell them to fav it and like it…just saying. :ajsmug:

Excellent start!

I'm loving the Apple family in this, especially their various reactions to Mac and Dash dating. Granny Smith is best granny.

And the chemistry between Mac and Dash themselves was great.

Eagerly looking forward to more. :rainbowdetermined2::eeyup:

One word can sum up this chapter.

D'AAWW!! :rainbowkiss:

So beautiful... :pinkiecrazy:

Granny sure wants to rush things ^^

I also like how R.D's name was said in the proposal.
Rainbow Firefly Dash

Ok so i read this a few days ago and i was thinking. According to the events of You Got My Sister What?! shouldn't applejack already have had her baby?

3806493 This isn't part of that story lol. Different story completely.

Alright! My mental breakdown has ended!!! Expect the next chapter on the marrow!!!!!:yay::yay::yay:

Aww! And I had such a good scene planned for when she told Pinkie! :twilightangry2:

Bah, whatever. Great chapter, brah. Looks like I'm up next! :rainbowdetermined2:

Haha I couldn't help it! I was writing by the seat of my pants at the beginning there, and for some reason Pinkie just showed up!:pinkiehappy:

Anyway, thank you! I'm so glad my first chapter is done. Good luck to you my Army friend! (Go Navy!!!)

EH!! :derpyderp2: This is a really weird combination for
me but I shall read it anyways. :pinkiesmile:

Grat job! Never really saw Thunderlane as a bad guy, but now I am intrested how the others will play it!

3816476 Well, I really wrote him in there hoping that the others will help him find his way, not really saying he's a bad guy, just misguided.

The idea of Pinkie dangling from a cloud is simply too adorable for words.
And Celestia-bloody-dammit, why does every mare in Ponyville assume that Tomboyish mares are all dykes? Not all gay guys are campy, why does everyone think all lesbians are butch?

LOL. Well, on the bright side, it wasn't as bad as when my family found out I was marrying Rebbecca; "You're marrying a cripple?"
I hate my family... Really I do.

Well this was unexpected. I thought it would be family and friends. Not jealous stallions and mare. Though it did make a great read. Keep up the good work.

Ahh, awesome, oh I can't wait to see what Jake is going to so :pinkiecrazy:

I'm going to assume that they haven't told the family yet. Interesting:pinkiecrazy:

God's sake man, your family needs to learn tact.
But then again, I get the feeling that my family's just as bad. Don't even bother whispering when they gossip, the lot.

Hah, my family - tactful? Not a chance! I've got eleven brothers and six sisters, 20+ neices and nephews, a Catholic mother, a Lutheran father, and enough grand parents, aunts and uncles to last a life time. We aren't small enough to be tactful, and growing up in East Germany did nothing for family cohesion! As it stands, I only like my nieces and nephews my grandfather after who I was named, and my Wife (who, yes doesn't have legs any more due to a terrible accident, but she has a pair of extremely good prosthetic ones, so I don't understand why it's always an issue with so many people)'s family - who are normal and well adjust, despite the fact that they are Italian. As it stands, my family is the last thing I ever want to deal with, and yet I'm obligated to attend the reunion every year...
I love them, but I do not like them one bit.

You can pick your friends, you can pick your enemies, but you can't pick your family.

3823047 We here at team MacDash support all love and are happy that you have found yours my friend!

Pinkie tied to the cloud was great. It's always nice to see authors come up with new and creative ways for Pinkie to be Pinkie.

And that's an interesting development with Thunderlane. You snooze you lose, dude. Hopefully he'll get his head on straight about this by the end of the story.

3827874 As I've told several people, I was just kind of writing on the fly in the beginning, and it was like Pinkie just kind of showed up without me even knowing about it.

You have earned a hug. >n< *Huggles* And I do not give my hugs lightly. Bask in the glory :ajsmug:

3838276 Wait who gets the hug? There are six of us.

All of you! o3o Cmere! Group huggles!

best story ive read in a while

I. Need. More. :flutterrage: (it's just so amazing :rainbowdetermined2:)

Yes but in a good way Captian Unstoppable, I did not mean for my comment to sound rude.

This pleases me. Continue, noble collaborators!

:rainbowdetermined2::heart::eeyup: l like dis ship
but fluttermac is better

hooray. well done.

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