• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 2,624 Views, 23 Comments

Digimon Friendship is Magic - Klonoahedgehog

A crossover story Twilight and friends fall into the Digital world team up with Digimon partners.

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The story begins

Hi i'm Twilight, Twilight Sparkle, yeah i know weird name isn't it? I'm from Earth but i'm not sure that where i am right now, okay let me back up here. It all started when the Elements of the Planet went completly out of control, the Rainforests dried up and the deserts got flooded, at the time i didn't know any of this was going on because i was at camp, while all the other kids were having fun and goofing off i was caching up my favorite book series Daring Doo when suddenly, A soccer ball hits Twilight's leg, HEY! Yelled Twilight,

Oh sorry about that do you mind throwing that over here Twilight? Said a girl in a blue jacket.

Twilight picks up the ball and throws it at Rainbow,

hey wanna play? We still need one more player, Rainbow said with her cocky grin, No thanks says Twilight as she picks up her book and walks away, I guess she doesn't like Soccer said Rainbow As Twilight was walking away she felt something cold fall on her shoulder, huh? she questioned, she looked up and noticed it was starting to snow, snow in July? She though when suddenly a blizzard out of nowhere! Twilight and the other girls went to find shelter

later that day the 6 of them were in a cabin nearby, ...I think it stopped whispered Dash as she slides the door open, Wow look at all the snow whispered Fluttershy in a nervous voice, Brr i knew i shouldn't have come here says Rarity, I'm gonna go make a snowman! Pinkie yells hyperactivly, Wait girls we don't know what's out there! Yells Twilight, Oh relax it's just snow says the Applejack as she pats Twilight on the back making her fall head first on the snow, What was that for!? Yelled Twilight, Eh sorry i didn't mean too Ah guess A'm stronger than i though said Applejack.

Uh girls what's that? Said Rarity, as they were looking up they saw a strange aura in the sky, i, is that the aurora? Said Fluttershy But that's imposible were too south for it to be the aurora! Said Twilight with a nervous look on her face. Neer mind that look above the aurora!! Yelled Pinkie, they noticed there was something swirling above the aurora, is that somekind of portal? said Twilight Huh? W, whats that!? said Applejack looking in the swirling abiss they noticed 6 lights flash and start to fall onto the Earth, G, get out of the way!! Yelled Dash, they started to run as the 6 lights were getting closer to the ground and then, SLAM, they touchdowned. The lights got out of the craters and went towards them they then grabbed them, Are you sure we should be touching these? They look radioactive said Fluttershy with worry, oh relax will ya? Says Dash, hmm hey braniac what are these things, oh just because i read books you think i know everything? Also i have a name you know! Yelled Twilight. Well whatever they are i reckon they were ment for us said Applejack, they then felt the Earth shaking, What's that? An earthquake!? yelled Rarity.

Suddenly a Stunami popped out of nowhere! Uh Couwabunga? Said Dash,
If i had know this was going to happen i would have brought my surfboard! Yelled Pinkie as the wave went and goobled them up.

Twilight finds herself in a black space as a misterious voice pops out of nowhere, Twilight.....Twilight...Twilight get up! there's a bright light in front of Twilight she goes over to the light and wakes up to find a ball with long pointy ears,

Hi Twilight! Said the strange creature, Twilight looked at the creture and just did, AHHHHHH!!!! and she bumps her head on a tree stump, Wwhat are you? Questioned Twilight. I'm Koromon! Well Koromon just what are you anyway? said Twilight.
I'm a Digimon Said Koromon, what's a Digimon? Questioned Twilight, it's short for Digital Monster! And were partners Twilight! Said the creature with joy.

Wait, wait partners!? I didn't agree to that!...Wait how do you know my name? Wondered Twilight. Celestia told me said Koromon, Celestia? Who's Celestia? And what does she want with me? Yelled Twilight, But before Koromon could give a proper answer they heard some thing from behind the tree's, Twilight is that you whispered a familiar voice she could barely be heard but Twilight heard it just fine.

Fluttershy? Said Twilight, Yyeah it's me, i'm not interrupting anything am i? says Fluttershy, No go on. said Twilight, Okay look at this! This little cutie keeps following me around! Said Fluttershy, A green blob like thing jumps out from behind Fluttershy and yells "Hi i'm Gummymon!" "He is kind cute, cuter than Koromon over there anyway" said Twilight "Hey!" Yelled Koromon. "Just were are we anyway? This doesn't look like anywhere near our campsite." Wondered Twilight as she looked around. "That's because you're in The Digital World! That's where all of us Digimon live!" Said Gummymon. "What's the Digital World?" Asked Fluttershy "Look over there and youll see!" said Gummymon, Twilight and Fluttershy walked over to a cliffside that was beside some bushes only too look in awe "Oh my god" said Fluttershy when they saw fields of green, lakes, forests and towns as far as the eye can see, it didn't look like anything from Earth. "I don't think were in kansas anymore" said Twilight.

And that over there is where Celestia lives" Koromon pointed his ear over to a mountain in the distance with a casttle built on to it's side, "wait a second if Celestia lives all the way over there then why are you two here with us?" Twilight asked Koromon , "well you see" but before Koromon could answer the group heard a blood hurdling scream "AHHHHHHH!!!".

"What was that!?" yelled Twilight, "It sounded like Rarity!" yelled Fluttershy, "come on Fluttershy we got to see what's going on!" yelled Twilight, "okay! Come on Gummymon" "Right!" "Hey wait for me!" said Koromon bouncing like crazy.

They went to where the screaming was coming from as they drew closer they heard a familiar phrase, "Out of all the worst things that could happen this THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!" "Yup that's Rarity" Whispered Fluttershy, "get off me you dog, cat, thing!" "come on Rarity i'm trying to get you out of the mud!" the group of four saw a yellow ball like thing with a cat tail trying to pull Rarity out of the mud, "Nyaromon!" said Koromon as they were running towards the two "Uh Rarity you don't need help to get out of a mud puddle you know, you can just stand up." Said Fluttershy Rarity then with an ebbarased face stod up but then noticed one tiny detail, her clothes were all muddy, "Oh no! this was a new outfit too!" "Don't worry it's just clothing! you can just replace it!" said Nyaromon, Rarity quikly turned her head towards the little furball and yelled "You can't just replace clothes in the middle of the forest you little!" she was suddenly shut up by the fammiliar western accent "Oh suck it up Sugar!" "Why i never!" She yelled in a fancy tone of voice.

"Hi girls!" yelled another familliar voice as a pink haired girl with colorfull clothes and a reptile like creature appeared from the bushes "You girls got one too? I though it was just me and Applejack!", The Reptile and a furry cat like creature go and introduce themselves to the others.
"Hi i'm Tanemon!"
"And i'm Wanyamon!"
"These little guys have been following us since we got here" Said Applejack. "You see we were drawn to the to the Digivices in you're hands, that's how we found you so quickly!" said Wanyamon, the five of them took out the Digivices from there pockets, "So that's what these are called." Said Twilight holding the digvice up high, "I must be honest i almost forgot we had these." said Rarity, "That's proof that you six are the Digidestined!" said Nyaromon.

"A Digidestined? What's that?" Said Twilight looking at Koromon with a confused stare. "Well a Digidestined is a group of people who are chosen by the higher ups of the Digital world, in this case Princess Celestia, to protect the Digital World." Said Koromon. "Again with that Celestia person." thought Twilight.
"Protect the Digital World? From what?" Asked Rarity, "we don't know." said Nyaromon.

"What do you mean you don't know?" asked Applejack, "Well we don't know much but lot's of strange stuff has been going on in this world." Said Wanyamon, "There have been Digimon going missing, stuff being where it should'nt be and Natural disasters happening we don't know what's the cause but if the Digidestined were summoned here then that means some big disaster is gonna happen and you're the only ones with the power to stop it!" said Gummymon.
"I don't know, what if our families get worried abput us?" asked Fluttershy, "Ah don't think we have a choice here besides these little varmits don't look like they could take care of themselves, we might aswell try to help them." Replied Applejack

"Do we get a party in our honor if we do save the Digiworld?" Asked Pinkie with a big smile as she was looking over to Tanemon. "Maybe, i don't know." answered Tanemon.

Twilight started to walk to a clearing in the forest when Koromon asked "Where are you going?" and Twilight replied "These strange occurences are connected i know it and i get the feeling this Celestia you keep mentioning knows what's going on, so i think it's best to go see her first."

"Marvelous idea Twilight! " said Rarity
"I'm ready to go!" Yelled Pinkie

"Um girls." Whispered Fluttershy.

"What is it Fluttershy?" Asked Twilight.
"Well am i the only one who's noticed that were missing someone?" said Fluttershy.
"Hey that's right! Were missing a Mon too!" yelled Gummymon.

"Hmmm Who are we missing?" Wondered Twilight looking around "....!" She came to realize that there missing a certain Rainbow haired girl.


Meanwhile on the other side of the woods Rainbow Dash and another one of the Digimon were walking around "Why do you keep following me?" the Digimon was just a little round ball with a horn on it's head, he replied "What do you mean why do i keep following you? Were partners!", Rainbow just looked back with an angry face "Look if i'm gonna be stuck in this Digital World i might aswell have a partner that looks awesome, not a ball with a horn who is really useless, so why don't you just beat it you little runt?". She then procceded to walk away and left the Digimon behind with an Angry face as he just growled and yelled "I AM THE ELEMENT OF LOYALTY ONE OF PRINCESS CELESTIA'S 6 ROYAL GUARD AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME RAINBOW COME BACK HERE NOW!!!!"

He noticed that she was already a bit far away when he thought to himself "She's not listening to me is she?" with a sweat mark on his face, "I better follow her she doesn't know the dangers of this place!" he though so he went to follow her bouncing like all tiny Digimon do.

Later Rainbow found herself walking around the forest aimlessly thinking "I wonder where the others are? Maybe that Digimon knew where they were?" She brushed that feeling off and just said "Who needs that little runt i can find a partner who looks awesome and find the others!" She then looked over to some trees, she noticed a Turtle like Digimon sleeping behind them and she thought "Wow now that's what i call a partner!" with her cocky smile so she decided to sneak up to it, "Hmm how do you work this thing?" she thought to herself holding up her Digivice trying to befriend the creature.

"Go, go capture?...What am i doing. I don't know if this thing can even catch other Digimon! Well i do need something that fit's my style, maybe i should try talking to it?" She though, she went closer to his face and yelled "HEY YOU GET UP!" The Digimon opened hi's eyes and just stared at her as if he saw a ghost he then procceded to go back to sleep, Rainbow was not pleased at all so she kicked him in the nose and he started to look at her with the intent to kill as she said "I need a partner and you're what i decided on, come on lets go new partner!" he roared with rage as she said "Was it something i said?" with sweat coming down her face.

Meanwhile the girls and there Digimon were looking for Rainbow Dash when suddenly they heard the Roar "What the hay was that!?" yelled Applejack "It sounded like a Tortomon!" yelled Wanyamon "What if Rainbow was over there!?" Yelled Fluttershy with a squeaky voice "Weve got to go check it out! What if Tsunomon is there? He doesn't stand a chance against a Tortomon all by himself!" yelled Gummymon, "come on girls we've got to help them!

Back with Rainbow Dash she was backed into a corner by Tortomon as he was about to finish her off she said "Can't we just talk this out buddy? He,he" all Tortomon responded with was a growl as Rainbow replied "I didn't think so..." while sweating bullets, Tortomon lifted up it's claw to kill her and just before he could......

Bubble Blow! and aton of bubbles were shot at his eyes, he fell down as Rainbow turned her head over to where the bubbles were coming from when she saw Tsunomon as he yelled "Don't you dare mess with my partner!" Just then Twilight and the others were getting closer and closer as they saw Tortomon about to get up "Rainbow and that Digimon don't stand a chance against that turtle thing!" yelled Pinkie, "She's got to get out of there!" yelled Rarity "Twilight use you're Digivice!" yelled Koromon "How!? It's not like this thing has a lazer attatched to it!" yelled Twilight "That would be awesome!" said Pinkie "Just press the button and i'll show you!" "Uh like this" Twilight pressed the button as her Digivice started to glow! Koromon started to glow along with it as the other Digimon said "You four press the button aswell!" as the Digivices started to glow.

Koromon Digivolve to! he said as hi's appearence started to change he grew legs and arms and hi's skin changed color from pinkish to Purple and green scales grew on hi's back

Wanyamon Digivolve to!
Hi's appearence also changed from a ball of fluff top a dog, boxing gloves and a scarf appeared of hi's body

Tanemon Digivolve to!
Tanemon started to change from a four legged creature to a two legged creature and grew a giant plant on her head

Nyaromon Digivolve to!
Nyaromon changed hape into another Dog like creature, a collar materialized on her neck.

Gummymon Digivolve to!
Gummymon's appearence changed entirely he was now a Rabbit like creature with really long ears, he grew fur but still had some green spots and now had arms and legs.

"Kkoromon!?" Asked Twilight as she saw her partner changed into a Dinosaur, "Just call me SpikeAgumon now Twi! Alright Digimon let's save our friends!" yelled SpikeAgumon him and the other Digimon went straight to Tortomon.

Poison Ivy! Yelled Palmon as she grabbed Tortomon by the paws trapping him before he can attack.
"Don't worry Tsunomon and Rainbow! Were here to help! Yelled SpikeAgumon "Guys!" yelled Tsunomon and Rainbow replied "You know these guys?"
"Eyup" Replied Tsunomon.

Petty punch! Yelled Salamon as she started to rappidly punch Tortomon.
Bunny Blast! Yelled Terriermon as he rappidly shot Tortomon with blasts of air coming from hi's mouth.
Double Backhand! Yelled Gaomon as he jumped in the air and started spinning striking Tortomon in the process.

"Rainbow use you're Digivice!" Yelled Twilight, "My what!?" questioned Dash then her Digivice started to glow as Tsunomon started to glow aswell.

Tsunomon Digivolve to!
Tsunomon changed aswell turning from a ball with a horn to a mammal with red fur and blue highlights.

"Alright partner let's put an end to Tortomon!" Said SpikeAgumon "Okay!" said Elecmon.

Pepper breath! He said as he shot a green flame from hi's mouth shotting it at Tortomon Burning him.
Super Thunder Strike! Elecmon yelled as he shot out Electricity from hi's back also shooting it at Tortomon shoking him.

As both shots hit him an explosion happened causing a black aura to pop up, they all stared as as Black horse shapped creature popped out of the Black aura and Tortomon moaned, it dissapeared as soon as it appeared leaving an wicked laugh.
They all just looked over to Tortomon as he got up, he wondered what had happened with a confused face, everyone there was just in silence and stared at him as if they were gettng ready to run, all he did was get up and walk away.

"....What just happened?" asked Fluttershy "Ah don't know, but Ah i know one thing, Tortomon was being Controlled, but by what?" wondered Applejack.
The Digimon then returned to there owners and Twilight asked "So do we have to introduce ourselves again?" and Spike Agumon replied "Nah that's okay just call me SpikeAgumon from now on okay?"

"So are going to go see the Princess or what?" Asked Pinkie.

"We should problably camp out for the night, it's getting late." Said Palmon.

"Alright! First thing in the morning well head out to Canterlot!" yelled SpikeAgumon.

What was that strange Dark figure the Digidestined saw?
Does Celestia have the answers they seak find out of the next Chapter of Digimon Friendship is Magic!