• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,526 Views, 15 Comments

World's End. - Bysen

Loving Pinkie Pie and afraid to be with a mare Rainbow Dash. Let the drama ensue! Title inspired by the movie World's End in that it has nothing to do with the end of the world, and is actually just the name of a place.

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Flying thin

It was clearly insight now, much bigger than he had expected it to be. The stories always said World’s End was a tiny bunch of clouds right at the edge of the atmosphere. Then again, always seeming so far away, it had been visible for hours now and for so long it looked miniscule. Guess it just got that reputation for being so small off in the distance. But now it was clear that it was big enough to hold a large house or two on it, though apparently the only things that were up there were a few flags. And very small ones at that.

It didn’t help that it was not only getting cold but also that the sun was setting, making it dark and even colder still. The air this high was thin and it took nearly five flaps to cover their own height in distance, making the final stretch take so much longer than it should have. Butterscotch would’ve fallen out of the sky a few times already if it wasn’t for Rainbow Dash. She’d started flying behind him just for that reason: in case she needed to stop him again. He was a little embarrassed having to be saved by her so many times but it was better than the alternative.

He was this close now! Not ten minutes away, even at this slow pace. He was about to accomplish something he’d never thought he would be able to do. He’d wanted to stop so many times but each time Rainbow Dash had convinced him to continue. He couldn’t stop. All the ponies they had passed, or seen turning back, all that Rainbow Dash had done for him! They had to be the only ones left even making it this far. He had to make it! He had to... but he couldn’t.

Dash caught him for the um-teenth time now. “Butterscotch, we’re this close! You can do it!”

“I can’t Dash…" he gasped between every few words. "Just drop me… I can glide down… I just can’t make… it any further…” he’d pushed himself past his limits more times than he thought possible. He didn’t even think he could stay aloft anymore, even if the air had been normal here.

“No! I said I believe you can make it and I still do!”

“I can barely breathe… I can barely see… I…” he was cut off.

“If, if you can’t make it… then I guess…” Dash’s words were forced and hard. He knew she was going to drop him. Still, he’d come this far. He could boast all he wanted when he was done. “I guess I’ll have to carry you…”

Before he could even say 'what?' they suddenly shot upwards as Rainbow Dash flapped her wings much harder and faster than she had been, and in this thin air they had already been buzzing just to hold herself and him aloft. Now they were a blur, fading into the dark blue sky behind her. It was clear she was in pain, more than he had been. She was doing this for him but he couldn’t even help in this position on his back, in her front hooves.

He tried to move but she always stopped him. He’d heard from Fluttershy how stubborn this filly could be but never imagined she would, or even COULD, do something like this. They were flying faster than he had been before and what would’ve taken him ten minutes took her only three. They were just at the apex of the clouds edge and… he was here. Even if he had been carried the last stretch, he was still here. Never in his life did he expect this.

Dash’s hind legs touched down, balanced up on them with her wings still buzzing. She slowly released Butterscotch from her arms as he slid onto his hooves. Dash collapse onto the soft clouds. So comforting… her thoughts of sleep were cut short by a very loud, very happy “We did it Rainbow Dash! WE DID IT!!!”

It was amazing. He was at World’s End! It was all because of her. There was no way any of this would’ve been possible if it wasn’t for her. Nopony had ever done something like this for him. She’d encouraged him, she’d saved him so many times and she’d destroyed herself helping him get here. Where less than a hundred ponies had ever been! Dash was about to try and speak up, before they heard another voice. It was deep, with a slight Graustralian accent.

“Well congratulation! I didn’t expect to see any others getting here.” Dash looked up from her head being buried in the clouds and saw the hippogryph from before. The hippogryph spoke again “I ‘specially didn’t expect to see you two, the stallion bringing a saddlebag… and a slender little filly…” he was clearly just as exhausted as these two as he could barely stand.

Dash looked at him giving him a glare. Butterscotch didn’t react, still just amazed that he was even here.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to disparage you… in fact, one of you is the ninety-ninth, and the other is the one-hundredth being to ever set hoof here!”

Butterscotch took notice of this. Dash had to be the one, not him. “Rainbow Dash, that’s you! You’re in the record books!”

“Na… I…” she was still panting from carrying him. “I wasn’t… you touched down… after I did… looks like… you’re famous…”

He was beyond flabbergasted! Dash had declined such a monumental feat for him. He didn’t deserve it, she did! “No Rainbow Dash, you did… trust me… this award is yours…” he said, nearly at tears from her selflessness towards him.

“Thanks…” was the last thing she said before she lay her head back into the clouds and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

After making such a point out of describing the hippogryth, are you surprised he's here?