• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,986 Views, 30 Comments

Magic vs Apples - Durant

Twilight and Applejack both love Rainbow Dash, but only one of them can have her. Twilight and Applejack do everything they can to make Rainbow chose one of the other.

  • ...

Secrets Reveled

Twilight took another bite out of her sandwich and looked across the table at Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash smiled back at her. Rainbow had finish her sandwich quickly, she loved anything Twilight made.

"That was a pretty good sandwich, I don't know, but was the best one I've ever had." Rainbow said. Twilight giggled as she finished her sandwich.

"Maybe, you would like to repay me?" Twilight asked.

"How so?" Rainbow asked back, with a seductive look on her face.

"I think you know." Twilight said with the same look on her face, walking upstairs to her bedroom. Rainbows Dash wings shoot out and she flew upstairs to see Twilight laying down, on her back.

"Well, Rainbow. I'm ready for anything you are willing to give me." Twilight said licking her lips. Rainbow wasted no time getting on top of her and kissing her, first her lips, then her neck, then shoulders, slowly the lowered herself, kissing more.

"Rainbow, I love you!" Twilight shouted. Rainbow looked at her, opened her mouth, and a loud ringing sound came out of her mouth.

Twilights eyes shot open, and she quickly turned on her side and hit the alarm clock out annoyance and frustration. Twilight could still feel the heat of Rainbows warm body, and her soft lips sliding down the neck, Twilight shivered slightly out of excitement . Shr got up to comb her mane, and make sure she looked at least a little nice. As she was combing she could smell breakfast, from the smell she could tell she was going to enjoy it. She walked down stairs, and Spike was fishing some pancakes, there was toast, and oatmeal already on the table with orange juice, and her notes from yesterday.

"Good morning Twilight, you couldn't of had better timing just I just got done." Spike said.

"Sorry Spike, but I want to take a quick shower first, but you can good ahead and start eating with out me." Twilight told him

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Spike said happily stuffing a pancake into his mouth. Twilight giggled a little walking in to the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Her body was still a little hot from the dream, and she was a bit sweaty , so she turned on a cold shower, and stepped into it. The cold water felt good sliding down her body, the water soaked into the fur and skin.

"Was that dream trying to tell me something, like I should tell Rainbow Dash about me feelings, I've had dream with messages before. Maybe I should talk to someone about it, but who?" Twilight levitated a soap bar over to her and start to scrub herself making herself all soapy, the water washed the soap away, then she rubbed the soap in her mane then stopped when realized what she had done.She roiled her eyes and let the soap wash out of her mane, levitated a bottle of shampoo over and squeezed some of it out, on she head and rubbing it in. After the had finished up in the shower she got out and dried herself, and when in tot he kitchen to eat.

Spike was almost done, by the time Twilight made it to the table. Spike took his plates and glass to the sink, when Twilight decided Spike would be ok to ask as long as she didn't say what the dream was about.

"Hey, Spike can i talk to you about something?" Twilight asked.

"ya, sure." Spike sat down in his chair.

"Do you think dreams can tell, what you should do? Twilight asked.

"I don't know I had dream Rarity and I were to having a date in house made out of cake and ice cream,abd that didn't happen" Spike said little upset.

"I mean a realistic dream, Spike." Twilight said.

"Are saying i don't have chance with Rarity?" Spike asked getting a little angry

"I'm saying there's not a house made out of cake and ice cream." Twilight answer trying to clam him down a bit.

"oh...righ.t" spike said a little embarrassed, "What was it about?" Spike asked.

"I can't really say, but do you just think that dream tell the future?" Twilight asked.

"I guess they can" Spike answered. That was all Twilight need to hear, today was the day, that Rainbow would hers.

Applejack threw her last horse shoe, winning her the game. Rainbows mouth dropped open, she thought Applejack would never catch up to her, but she pulled out a win.

"Looks like I win, that's 35 to 33...not that I'm counting" Applejack laughed a bit. Rainbow rolled her eyes, she hated losing, and she really hated losing to Applejack. Applejack put her hoof around around Rainbows shoulder, and smiled at her.Rainbow smiled back tring to be a good sport.

"Sorry Applejack, I've cloud duty, but we'll play again and I'll win next time." Rainbow Dash said as she start to fly away. Apple almost told her to wait, but lost her nerve at the last second as Rainbow Dash left.

"Dang it Applejack, you can't be so nervous about telling her. You march right into town this instant and tell her how you feel, after you pick your horse shoes."

Twilight had just finished Breakfast, and decided to find Rainbow Dash, and just tell her everything. As she walked out of the library, she searched the skies, there were only a few clouds and some other pegasi, but no Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sure to find her if I just run around town a little bit, she always shows up." Twilight smiled as she start to run.

Apple walked out of her barn , and ran towards town, she ran as fast as she could though apple trees, and crossed over a bridge. Applejack was littler nervous, not sure what to say to her. She was praticeing what to say in her head when a voice from behind her broke consternation.

"Applejack, have you seen Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked walking up to her friend.

"Not since she left my barn, but i"m looking for her as well." Answered.

"House shoes?" Twilight asked, and Applejack just nodded.

"What do you need to see Rainbow Dash about?" asked Twilight.

"Its a little personal, what about you." Applejack asked.

"Same." Twilight said as they both stopped walking. They looked at each other almost as if they had read each others mind. They just froze in the middle of town and few ponies where giving them odd looks.

"You like her, don't you Twilight?' Applejack asked.

" I was about to ask you the same question." Twilight replied.

"and what if I do?" Applejack asked.

"I guess your going to be one sad pony after today." Twilight answered.

"whys that?" Applejack asked.

"Because shes picking me." Twilight answered. Applejack just started laughing.

"And what is just so funny?" Twilight asked.

'Sorry Twilight, but she doesn't seem to be into bookworms." Applejack answered.

"Oh, and shes going be with someone who is always competing against her. I now see you have always been trying to rope her into spending time with you, with different competitions" Twilight said.

" What about you, always dragging her into your tree house with Daring Do books" Applejack asked. They were both silent for a moment, until Applejack broke the silence.

"Well let's be leveled headed now."

"Yes are both full grown mares here, and friends' Twilight agreed.

"Let's just go ask Rainbow Dash together who she wants to be with...after we find her." Applejack said. They looked around and didn't see her anywhere. Twilight's ear perked up when she heard a cloud being kicked, looking up they saw Rainbow Dash right above them. Rainbow Dash landed in front of them with a shocked look on her face. Applejack and Twilight both realized she heard every word they just siad.

Author's Note:

I was going to have this chapter end differently, but I think better this way.